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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16  LTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown " Shelton Washin .... FOR SALE BIGH POWER Llghtest Welghtt Fast- est cutting at, highest power! Rem- Ington Saws, Bar-Dln&apos;s Marina, Mounttln View. B 5/14 tfn 1/39 tin FOR SALE: Larg selection o! re- conditioned ranges, wamhers, dryers. ]ells FOR SALE or trade fo," dump truck--- .pltance Center. 1950 Dodge. pick-up. Custom eah, _ R & H, spoUtght, good ruhber, 38,000 ROOFING and all other buiidlng ms- miles, Phone tIA 6-6842. R 10/15-29 terials, nothiz,g down, 86 months to pay under FHA terms now available FOR SALE or trade -- GMC pickup at Iwton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St., for sniall sawnlill or cash or --. phone HA 6-4608. 615 ttn l'hone HA 6-4076. Y 10/15-9 BAR-DIN MANNA an4 Power Ma- FOB SALE -- 1955 Ford, $1095. Ford- ehtnery. Remington chain saws, Zeus o-lnatie transmission, radio, heater, generators, power. 19:L6 Inquire Leslie Green, 113 Kneeland. Olympia Highway o. R 6/14 tin 10/20-11/12 ......... for wails, windows, FOR SALE or trade for older car floors. Paint, wallpaper, drape, My equity in 1956 Ctlevy buslne rugs, tileyardgoodB. L. M. DwICOR - coupe, perfect condition, brand new ATING CENTER, 821 Railroad. tires. Phone HA 6-8395. 1/29 tin S 10/29-11/5 TOP SelL. gravel, fill dirL F. E. 1947 MERCURY 4-door $125. Good con- Ogden. HA 6-6166. 2/12 tfr dliion, o,otor just overhauled. Phone COLOR FILM proceuing, direct deal- ltA 6-6371. H 10129 tFn er, faster, more efflcle hour photo !tnfi 'J ler's Studio. 121 8/16 ttn USED TRUCKS ..S.A." '54 INTERNATIONAL RF - 172 107 So, 4th. Six wheler, 5 speed - 3 aled - 14 FT FIBERGLAS8 rulmbout 8:25 rubber, short logg. buks hand starUng ¥/nrude, All go. Complete price $1100.00 and cab guard. BD 282 Engihe. Shelton Marine Supply Ready to work. Hiilci'eet Hardware). FOR g00LE FOR SALE BOYSN PAINT--all types and kinds, BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn- choice of 1322 colors. L. M. DECOR- party sales and service. Local repre- ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. sentative Waily Anderson. Phone HA 6-6001. A4/30 tfn OATS, TRAILERS and outboard nlo- tors at Shelton Marine Supply, 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-8168. 2/20 tin NOTHING DOWN, 86 months to under F.H.K. terms on all supplies. Lmnp it all under one Lawton Lumber, 420  1St HA 6-4803. FOR SALE Classified Advertising 23 FOOT LAKEWOOD house trailer. Rates Pony equipped, like n<,w. Pl, one Harry Craig, Elma 29-R-12 or see nine miles fri)lll Shelton on Lost 15 words or le (minimum Lake Road at dairy farni. charge) $1.00 single 10/15-29 $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR in per- three insertionm. Additional in- feet condition, for sale. Complelely serUons 21 each.$ for reconditioned and refinished. $50.00. Phone HA 6-2445. W 10/15 tfn,, )NE YEAR GUARANTEED Reming- larger ads on request ton saw, 60 days guaranteed chain. FOR SALE --. Portable wood buzz saw Bar-Din Marina and Power Ma- chinery. See them!! B 6/14 tfn Card of thanks $1.50 Read- with loader, 1936 Plymoutlt motor, UG CLEANING Professionai equip- er notices 15 word minimum, mounled on '37 Plymouth chassis• Used For cutting stove and fireplace ment for rent. Makes rugs like new, $1.00 or $2.00 per column ascii, slab wood. Call HA 6-2118. IM. Decorating Center, 321 Railroad. "Not Regponsible" n 0 t I c • s c 10/15-29 B 7/9 tin $1.50 per insertion. #'OR SALE or trade -- 18 ft. spee boat. Phone Union 428. BOATS, MOTORS, All classified advertiBemerJ M 10/15- tFn ment at WaR's Marine beautiful Hood Canal. mtmt be paid in advance. Ads GOOD BALED HAY -- $26.00 per ton. port TR 7-5244• 1/19 tfn taken over the telephone mtmt delivered. Call HA 6-4092. TERMS now available on all be paid before the end of te K 10/15 tfn: building materials allowsou to month. An extra charge of 10€ CERAMIC TILE, very choice selection Mosaics make a perfect hobby, and lump construction costs under one Will be made when billing tm profitable too. Carlsvn's Tile and bill. For information inquire at De/mary. Fireplace Shop. Mt. View. 10/29 tfn Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St. Phone HA 6-430a. 6/6  USED REMINGTON Rollectric. razor. EVINRUDI OUTBOARD MOTOR sales Also used Thermador oil heater -- 5 room capacity. Both good condition. and service at Shelton Marine Supply. 116871yi11€ Highway, South, HA FOR SALE Fulk, Route 2, BOX 693 (Agate store). 2/20 tin 10129-1115 Xmas Tree Haulers 49 DODGE 2-Ton Cab & Chassis. 5 speed, 2 speed axle. 9:00 rub- ber, long wheelbase. '47 DODGE 1/ Ton Flatbed, 5- speed, 2-speed 'axle. 8:25 rub- her. Ready to work. KIMBEL MOTORS, Inc. 707 S, 1st HA 6-3433 IiiI I IIIII I I I I III IIIII ' I il IIII I II J . J ..... i, , , PAINTING Residential and Commercml Papering and Spraying Phone Olympia FL 7-3744 For Free Estimates 10/15-11/12.5t F()."'- 3"--y-'--dl'p---(Ix:-0:00: FOR SALE -- Davenport, accordion, CHEST OF DRAWERS -- Also suits, Phone HA 6.4t. K 9/6 tin 111 Bass, H-O gauge model train, slacks, coats, dresses -- excellent Phone HA 6-]31. C 8/6 n condition--size 14-16. Call HA 6-3582. AUO-LIT BATTERIES and accce- N 10/29-11/12 sori. holmle and retail. Shsltoa WEANER PIGS for sale. Phone HA Marine tlpp- (formerly Hillcrest 6-4511. Charles A. Phillips, Islana FOR SALE--Small chrome dinette set, HardwareL ca Hlllcrcet. 9/,3 tn Lake. P 9/20 tin 4 chairs, $20. Swing set with glider, • $15. Medium large tricycle, $15. RI[ ]IC TOP SOIL. fill dlrL WE BUY YOUR EQUITY, or will sell Phone HA 6-3,172 after 6 ),m. road, and till zravel, washed sand on consignment, your boats, motors, p 0/'-11/12 and Krave|, drs[n gravel and pea trailers, etc. Sholton Marine Supply. FOR SALE -- Logging lmrscs and gravel for driveways. Norman A- 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA harness. J. Clark, 2 stiles went oF dersoa, phone HA 6-i. John's 6-8163. 2/20 tfn Elma. Happy Hollow Road. P. O. 'eek Sand and Gravel, Bayshors. Box 82, Ehna. C 10/29 tfn 7/a tfn FOR SALE: Dsed steel, ph  COLOR PRINT PRIC avve pulleys and shafts. All 1 Made fro yottr favorite color rage. Shelton Junk Co., delight if cleaned with Blue Lustre. or colored negative. Po cdtr ( y ter. Johnny's Mimic Easy to use. Lumbermen's Mercan- WaS 75€now 39#, 6x7 wan $ ..... 8/6 tfn Mill, phone HA 6-8626. 9/6 tin tile Company. 10/29 now 98€, includl deluxe f, 'hJ--Z:E'4"*rP--- T[---c. HOTPOINT DELUXE electric stove, FOR SALE--Wood, c)al heater, ex- One day service on Ektachrome go0d condition. One Carco arch, also good condition $60. Sunbeam electric cellent condition. Phons HA 6-3713. Anscochromo color @oBm rigging. Phone Drew Cole HA shaver, practically new $12. Phone S I0/22-29 day service on 1 or Mrs. Louis Durand HA HA 6-4328. W 9/17 tfn BOXER PUP, 6 months old for sale. Studio, 124 N ....... . . D 9/17 tin $I0.00. Phone HA 6-8925. YORKSHIRm WEANER lIAgS{ p FOR 8ALE -- Attention, duck hunters. LOCKER MEAT N 10/22-29 Fat news, $45,00. Phone , 11 ft. plywood boat, glass bottom. Cut, double wrapped and trimmings • $t cash. Call HA 6-2118. C 10/22-29 ground--5 cents per pound. Don Wll- RABBIT FRYERS for sale, also rab- A 10/2.11/12 NJW SU'LY o o/d fish for your Hams, 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6-3040. bit Fertilizer. Pbone orders between WARD'S PORTABLE zlg-g sewing fish bowl or ponds. Phone HA 6-4878 9/17 tin 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Phone HA 6-3626. machine, also a treadle-electric corn- or inquire 638 Axcadla. LOCKER BEEF for sale. Baby beef, Mc 8/20 tfn and older. Also weaner and feeder WANTED"- Chrishnas tree cutters. binatlon cabinet model sewing ms- V 10/22-1/12 coat,Chine'sizeTiPt4-16.dyedTwobrownlargeSkUnkrug, pads,,fur i i ....... .... pigs. Phnne HA 6-6842. R 10/15-29 Pete Fa.qslo, P. O, Box lll, Union, or phone Union 452 after 6 p.m. 10/29 cheap! Phone HA'6-3498 ahy day ex- '"ii' OFF - ALL GOODS at Bar-Dins to eept Friday or Saturday. BOO,H nlake ,'oonl for Christmas Shol). 520 B 10/22 tfn APPROXIMATELY $000 CONSTRUCTION CO. Singer Slant-Needle FridaysFranklin'only.°pP°site ArmorY.1(}/29Openifn school used brick for sale. FOR. SALE ..... Boys' 26 inch bicycle. ' ' .... J , HA 6-2010. E '" .................. FOR SALE -- Old growth Fireplace, stove or IIA 6-6844. H Delivery - LoWest Oaet per month for Nationally All:ate Silent Cushion Tire Advertised Tyrex Cord, FREE TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 Jli IIIII I1 I11 II C'--- Phone HA 6-4292 cocix  Rmm.NTI New and Remodeli..g Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No Job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tin BUDGET SHOP Across From Evergreen Square On Railroad Ave. USED FURNITURE Sofa and Chair .................... $15.00 Chrome Set ............................ $29.50 5-Pe. Dining Set ................... $25.00 Step End Tables, Bld ..... $2,50 ea, oor Lamp .......................... $6,50 Crib, 6-yr ............................... $9.50 Hi Clmir0 Like new ............ $9.50 Swing Rocker ...................... $10.00 Club Chair ............................ $7.50 Coil Spring, full size ......... $7.50 USED APPLIANCES Wood Heater ........................ $35.00 Wood Range, white ............ $35.00 Wringer Washer .................. $20,00 10" Range, Elee ................. $49.50 Apt, Size Range, A-1 ........ $45.00 Prig. Refrigerator .............. $59,50 H" TV Set ............................ $39.50 Kitchen Heater, wood ........ $39.50 Stealer Oil Heater, A-1 ...... $99.00 321 R.R. AVE. HA 8-4332 II!J !, t)l II ..................... .......... DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery PHONE HA 6-6364 Day or Night Service AGENT - LYON VAN LINES 5/14-tfn II FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Year old domestic Mal- tavd ducks, pets, will rid your gur- deu of slugs. $3 pair. Phone Union 404, or stop at Waterwheel, Union. D 10/29-11/12 (lIVE A COFFEE TABLE for Christ- Inns. Make your own Frets llur fine stock of materials: top, legs. tile, etc. Carslon's Tile and Fireplace Shop, Mt. View. 10/25 tfn FINEST SELECTION of firel)laee scriens, Franklin stoves, at',ccsstirieti and practical gifts. Come in and see thni. Carlson's Tile and Fireplace Shop. Mt. View. 10/29 tfn MATCtIING SOFA and chair for sale. Excellent condition, $35.00 or bet offer. Phone HA 6-8097. E 10/29-11/5 FOR SALE -- 15 ft. skiff. Treadle sewing machine, wringer type wash- er. last place right side, Mill Creek road. N 10/29 SEND PHOTO Greeting Cards They're the most personal -- the most meulorable oF all Holiday greetings. Bring in your favorite negative -- wide selection. Ziegler's Camera Shop. 10/29-12/17 FOR SALE -- Piano -- small jaright. Phone HA 6-4517. lil 10/29 LARGE WHITE-FACED heifer, first calf dtie in January. Roy Tanner, Star Rte. 1, Box 138. 10/29-11/6 FOR RENT 2 OR 3 ROOM modern cabins by day, week or month. Junction Auto Court, 10 miles north of Shelton. E 10/1 tfn FOR RENT -- 1 hedroom furnished apartment, close in, ground floor• 706 Cots. P 10/1 tfn ONE BEDROOM furnished house for rent. Suburban location. HA 6-6976. D 10/1 tfn GARAGE FOR RENT i For car or boat. Inquire 629 Cota or phone HA 6-6663. C 10/8-29 FOR RENT -- CLETRAC with blade, drum. We deliver. Power saws, large or sumll. Evergreen Texaco, 1st and Franklin, phone HA 6-3031, evenings HA 6-3503 or 6-6343. 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- Large, 3 bedroom un- furnished house on nice beach, four miles out. Phone HA 6-4000. B 10/8 tfn FOR RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un - f.rnisi,od yard large  -4 36_ age 6Waiter George. HA 6-664 or 10/2-11/13 tfn FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. 718 No. 6th, phone MA 6-4348 after __ .L"_ ................ _P_10Ln__.tfn FOR RENT -- 1 bedroom house, un- furnished, downtown, easy walking distance to mills, ett:. Phone HA, 6-6532 days. After 4:30 HA 6-4612 I D 9124 linl F(.)R RENT: 3 bedroom ilome. Large! living roonl with fireplaue. Auloinat- ic heat. Basenient. Lease $60.00 per nionth, WaterFront Realty. I-1A 6-8535. 10122 tfn FOR RENT or ;sale -- 2 bedroom house, unfurnished, close in. Call ! Centralia PErMlng 6-9425 after 5 IS 10/15-11/5 S-A-V-E ON FUEL BILLS FOR SALE Black cocker puppy to good honie. $5.00; tlA 6-4648. M I0/22 .... I I Jl' I) , BATTERIES - TINES Enlarged Stock for Imlrate KRESKY WOOD HEATER MANUFACTURED IN THE WEST i Two Way Thermostat Action for Positive Control of Tem- perature. * Automatic Forced Air Blower for All-Over Home Comfort. Save up to 35% on Your Wood Bills. 2 Sons in College * Holds 24" Wood. Models from $79.95 to $149.95 No Freight Charge. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 8/27t I_ U li , , ,, r I , u [ I J ..... ii II , , USED FURNITURE We Repossessed. Take over pay- ments of $6.00 per month or pay off balance of $56.60. equipped to zig-zag, overcast, blind hem, do decorative stitch- es, etc. For further informa- tion call Olympia FL 2-2014. ii $13. Phone HA 6-2448. Mc 10/29 TWO GIRLS' bicycles, like new, $22.50 each• Oil floor furnace $22.50. Bar- Dins, 520 Franklin, opposite the Aroiory. Opeu Fridays only. 10/27 tfn FOR SALE --- Used doors, windows, bathtub and wash bowl. Also used kitchen cabinets. Garden Shop. Phone ltA 6-3710. G 10/29-11/12 FOR RENT LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., heat and hot water furnished. Phone HA 6-3084. $3/19 tln FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom unfurnished apartments. Ranges and refrigerators supplied. Laundry fa- cilities. Hot water heat. Holly Hill Apartments, phone HA 6-6593 or Roy Dunn Agency, HA 6-6363. B 7/9 tfn FOR RENT -- 2 bedroonl furnished house available Sept. 28. Phone HA _.=719' ................. B__gi24...tf2 FOR RENT: light housekeeping rooms. 100 W. Pine, phone HA 6-4679. R 4/18 tin FOR RENT -- une beuroom duplex apartment, partly Furnished. Inquire 1619 Adams, Mt. View. S 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- With lease: Attractive downtown home, 3 bedrooms, plus den. Full basement $75.00 per month. References, Waterfront Realty, HA 6-8535. 10/15 tfn FOR RENT  2 bedroom house on Angleside, unfurnished. Phone HA 6-2349. M 10/1 tin FOR RENT---x'Vurniahed cottages and trailer spaces. The Pines. L 10/9 tin week, Cameron Hotel. 2/3 tin THREE ROOM furnished apartment Ior rent. Downtown near stores. Phone HA 6-6365. M 9/17 tin FOR RENT -- One bedroom home, unfurnished except for stoves, nice yard, garage. Phone HA 6-6270. D 9/17 tfn FOR RENT -- Comfortable sleeping rooms with kitchen privileges iF de- sired. Phone HA 6-3487. Inquire 720 No. 4th. R 9/3 tfn ROOM AND BOARD, attractive rooms, excellent meals, downtown. Douhle rooms also available. Phone HA 6-2208. IS 6/11 tf ONE LARGE 3-ROOM apartment at reduced rent. Will take one small child, 1208 Railroad. Phone HA 6-2228. L12/4 tin GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At highway bridge. S 4/4 tfn FOR RENT: Use our rental plan and have a t)iano or organ in your honle. Johnny's Music Box. 10/22 tfn FOR RENT -- One rooln Furnished at)artment, suitable for working lady or bachelor. Downtown. Phone HA 6-6632. B 10/1 tfn FOR RENT--One-bedroom heated fur- nighed apartment. Adults only. 311 No. 1at. Phone 14A 6-3025. P 3/12 tin FOR RENT -- Modern, two bedroom house, altacIwd garugl!, new Siegler oil beater, ch!clric range. Spencer Llike ileal" (liblers Cove, Phlllle fter, HA 6-;]726. tt 1t)/15-]1/5 TttREE BEDROOM Imu,u f.r rent. Unfurnishld, exc(!l)t for kite]ion glJl rt n.l!, ful'llUC(,. Pitsitl]'e for cow. P}mne HA 6-8353. C 10/29 tfn FOR RENT .... Three bcdrooni unfm'- nished house on Wyand(,th', car- l)li'l. P}l(>lie ttA 6-4505 belweon 8 lilltl 7 p.ili. T 10/29 tfli to Lawton Apt.-Motel. Apartments LM Budget Shop 321 R.R. AVE HA 6-4332 RITE00rAY a.tomatic wood burning heaters and fur.aces See FRIGIDAIRE First @ REFRIGERATORS • RANGES I WASHFA I DRYERS IIle for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 M IIRCANTILI Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R.R. Ave 6-4332 5/7-tfn " .... IIIII I1 INll H I] U N U S UAL FIREPLACES... We can screen them/ NVhatever Its size or shape, we can supply custom built screenI for your flreplaoe. Wide selecUcm of styles BrITAL  ftrilIheF01i0Ur • flreserltn probllm  ti Is... I DECORATING CENTER 321 Railroad Ave, HA 6-8241 BILL'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Phone HA 6-2442 5/7-tfn ,1111,111, WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 ..... , .... , , ,, I I II FOR SALE OR LEASE FOUNTAIN, LUNCH, GROCERY AND LIGHT LUNCH BUSINESS THE TIN HAT HILLCREST 10/15-11/5 ELEUIOLUX Sales, Service, Supplies JOHN RICE /'hone HA 8-6108 10/15 t.fn WOOD FOR SALE Dale Jones Ph. HA 6,4660 10/15 tfn SEPTIc TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, F, xeavatlng Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Mart Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 ,I Mountain-View CABINET SHOP East K Street Tel. HA 6-2042 JOHN BUNKO 225 South llth Street Res. TeL HA 6-3279 Shelton, Washington TERMS 7/9 tfn i, , FALL is the best planting time for ever- greens, roses, many perenniMs and other rockelT plants, as well as shade trees and flowering shrubs. We have old-fashioned roses now ready. Our prices are low! BELFAIR GARDENS Star Rte. 1, Box 55, Belfair, Wn. Across from Bclfair P.U.D. I i II I ,I ,, I Business Opportunity FOR LEASE SIGNAL SERVICE STATION, First and Cota, Shelton. Small investment required for stock, Phone Collect Olympia FL 6-8245 8/20 tfn Xmas Trees Wanted YOU CUT or WE CUT A/pine Evergreen Co. PHONE HA 6-2452 If No Answcr Call Collect OS '1-4011 (Brcmerton) 10/15-tfn you haven't room for? Send them FOR RENT -- 3 roem apartment-w-lth now available by day, week or bath, downtown. Unfurnished except month. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177 for range. ReFrigerator if desired, 7/16 tfn Phone HA 6-3283, Mrs. Beckwith. • ...................................................... 6/26 tfn FURNISHED APARTMENT available at Goldshorough Apts. S 414 t/n I FOR SALE Bayshore Fuel Co. and Equipment Phone HA 6-2271 or 6-6553 Hu Table and Floor LAMPS Special $10 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 1960 models KELVINATOR WASHER and DRYER $299 with trade-in Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 1---chrome set (7 pcs) .... $49.50 1--chrome set {7 pcs) .... $29.50 1---vanity, mirror, bench $29.50 1--sofa bcd daveno (like new) .................... $75.00 1---mahogany Mcngle din- ing table, 6 chairs 1 host likc new) $399,50 value ............ $199.50 2--wood circulators, ca, $25.00 2--oil heaters, ea ........ $25.00 Bendix washer and dryer (good condition) .... $150.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-,i702 FOR RENT i One bedroom furnished house. Phone HA 6-8150. N 9/17 tin heat, utiliiy roonl and garage. Phone HA 6-815(t. N 9/10 tin APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Floor Sandere Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sanders Regina Electric Floor Polishers House Jacks LAWTON LTIBER 420 S. 1st Phone HA. 6-4303 2-10tfn II i .... l Custom Tractor Work Rotovating or regular plowing, discing and harrowing, excavating, blade leveling, road grading, road gravel. Well-aged sawdust. Work by hour singie-handed. Jerome Burke, HA 6-3678. !. NO SPARKSl NO SMOKIt N0 IqL001 IIAIrrSl 101t/tll FUEL MILS! @nlfenn. keat'ktm #lNr te €*lltnl. |lml wIod, belml llld klmily Wfe¢I I IJPLI IIRTI Dd iIIIHT. III|WI 0d II /RII WE INSTALL Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Gota St. Phone HA. 6-4702 BAR.DIN'S MARINA & POWER MAGHINERY PRAMS Unfinished Finishcd S-fL ............ $40 $55 I04/. $6o $75 FISHING BOATS 12-11. to 16-ft. $115 to $305 Duck llunters Special All Prams 10% Off thrlr Nov. 20th. Populsr plans arid full sizc pattel'n avail- able. All priccs sltbjcct to changc without notice. 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY N( REMINGTON SAWS Bantam 3',-h,p., 17 lbs. $159.50 Sb-5 Direct Drive 5 h.p. $199.50 GL-7 Dircct I)r, 7 h.p. $249.50 SL-5R Gear Dr. 5 h.p. $259.50 GL-7R Gear Dr. 7 h,p. $320.00 ZEUS GENERATORS GB-125 Weight 79 Ibs. $254,50 (i;('-125 Weight 89 Ib,. $269,50 Develops 1250 watts, 115 V., 60 cycle A,C. ctlr'relit COtllillnOtl:dlY fin O11(' ptrlt reglllar gas p('l" holn'. Brushes, slip rings, COlll- niutator climinatcd• No maln- tcnance required, Dcmonstrator available. Call any time. )RTtt • PHONE HA 6-6837 t£n kmttP • kmmk. Itch • Fu hl el lltli i ellmdk Keily's Furnilure 625 So. 1st HA 6-2411 FOR FOR RENT 1 house Irigidaire. nished. No pets. South 3rd, $40 nished. Pllone HA 6708. FOR RENT -- 2 View. $40 per Realty. HA house, 10 miles out. ciectrmty. Plionc HA FOR RENT--ParUy large bedrooms. furnisimd. H., FURNISHED 2 home, tireplace, nmtic laundry. Olympia FL 2-3760. FOR RENT--Modern electric range and Reasonable. 3 ROOM apt. and furnishes except ator if desn'ed. Mrs. Beckwith. roonl unfurnislled and refr|gerator, sashed two apartment, lots ol children, $30. Phone FOR RENT -- suitable for one 722 Pine. FOR RENT, lease or Large building 201 East Pine, home for rent, 220 information, please 205 E. Pine. LAWTON units ideal for an. Also bedroom furnished except Phone HA 6-2121 FOR RENT -- apartment $45, Adults only. Call WE BUY scrap ir to,'s, copper, Shelto JUnk Co., Streets. Phone WANTED: 1000 Rubber Welders, Mr, 7/16" X 4' X 7' CD fit' 5-ply board 7/]6" x 3' x 7' CD fir 5-ply board Industrial & 1st at Pine Barldc fir and piling or J. H. P.O. Box 362, For price, Olympia FL $1LENCl TH Wt Sure -- Ill "NOR WOOD Working to season'l BELOW Ma,,y tire HA 6' SHELTON MARINE HILIAJREST SALE STARTS SUNDAY, NOV. 1ST- 1 P.M. $').O,000 w()rlh ,f inerchndise h) be nloved. each SImday until entii'e leftover hardware of marine stock ilwhiding ',59 boats ,llld nlotors is sold. /IERCIIANiriSE MAY liE INbt'GtYrED t]l'O AND ADVANCE BII)S MADE : AUCrlON SALE INVENTORY CLEARANCI 1ST & MILL KEL FU mnlclmmd eipeclally to type woodl. /i A vsry popular thousands in il of them being Ir FIVE ROOMS models anly $1 : (plul freight). GET YOURS TODAY atocke am nvollable, Fo lale 16  LTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown " Shelton Washin .... FOR SALE BIGH POWER Llghtest Welghtt Fast- est cutting at, highest power! Rem- Ington Saws, Bar-Dln's Marina, Mounttln View. B 5/14 tfn 1/39 tin FOR SALE: Larg selection o! re- conditioned ranges, wamhers, dryers. ]ells FOR SALE or trade fo," dump truck--- .pltance Center. 1950 Dodge. pick-up. Custom eah, _ R & H, spoUtght, good ruhber, 38,000 ROOFING and all other buiidlng ms- miles, Phone tIA 6-6842. R 10/15-29 terials, nothiz,g down, 86 months to pay under FHA terms now available FOR SALE or trade -- GMC pickup at Iwton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St., for sniall sawnlill or cash or --. phone HA 6-4608. 615 ttn l'hone HA 6-4076. Y 10/15-9 BAR-DIN MANNA an4 Power Ma- FOB SALE -- 1955 Ford, $1095. Ford- ehtnery. Remington chain saws, Zeus o-lnatie transmission, radio, heater, generators, power. 19:L6 Inquire Leslie Green, 113 Kneeland. Olympia Highway o. R 6/14 tin 10/20-11/12 ......... for wails, windows, FOR SALE or trade for older car floors. Paint, wallpaper, drape, My equity in 1956 Ctlevy buslne rugs, tileyardgoodB. L. M. DwICOR - coupe, perfect condition, brand new ATING CENTER, 821 Railroad. tires. Phone HA 6-8395. 1/29 tin S 10/29-11/5 TOP SelL. gravel, fill dirL F. E. 1947 MERCURY 4-door $125. Good con- Ogden. HA 6-6166. 2/12 tfr dliion, o,otor just overhauled. Phone COLOR FILM proceuing, direct deal- ltA 6-6371. H 10129 tFn er, faster, more efflcle hour photo !tnfi 'J ler's Studio. 121 8/16 ttn USED TRUCKS ..S.A." '54 INTERNATIONAL RF - 172 107 So, 4th. Six wheler, 5 speed - 3 aled - 14 FT FIBERGLAS8 rulmbout 8:25 rubber, short logg. buks hand starUng ¥/nrude, All go. Complete price $1100.00 and cab guard. BD 282 Engihe. Shelton Marine Supply Ready to work. Hiilci'eet Hardware). FOR g00LE FOR SALE BOYSN PAINT--all types and kinds, BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn- choice of 1322 colors. L. M. DECOR- party sales and service. Local repre- ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. sentative Waily Anderson. Phone HA 6-6001. A4/30 tfn OATS, TRAILERS and outboard nlo- tors at Shelton Marine Supply, 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-8168. 2/20 tin NOTHING DOWN, 86 months to under F.H.K. terms on all supplies. Lmnp it all under one Lawton Lumber, 420  1St HA 6-4803. FOR SALE Classified Advertising 23 FOOT LAKEWOOD house trailer. Rates Pony equipped, like n<,w. Pl, one Harry Craig, Elma 29-R-12 or see nine miles fri)lll Shelton on Lost 15 words or le (minimum Lake Road at dairy farni. charge) $1.00 single 10/15-29 $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR in per- three insertionm. Additional in- feet condition, for sale. Complelely serUons 21 each.$ for reconditioned and refinished. $50.00. Phone HA 6-2445. W 10/15 tfn,, )NE YEAR GUARANTEED Reming- larger ads on request ton saw, 60 days guaranteed chain. FOR SALE --. Portable wood buzz saw Bar-Din Marina and Power Ma- chinery. See them!! B 6/14 tfn Card of thanks $1.50 Read- with loader, 1936 Plymoutlt motor, UG CLEANING Professionai equip- er notices 15 word minimum, mounled on '37 Plymouth chassis• Used For cutting stove and fireplace ment for rent. Makes rugs like new, $1.00 or $2.00 per column ascii, slab wood. Call HA 6-2118. IM. Decorating Center, 321 Railroad. "Not Regponsible" n 0 t I c • s c 10/15-29 B 7/9 tin $1.50 per insertion. #'OR SALE or trade -- 18 ft. spee boat. Phone Union 428. BOATS, MOTORS, All classified advertiBemerJ M 10/15- tFn ment at WaR's Marine beautiful Hood Canal. mtmt be paid in advance. Ads GOOD BALED HAY -- $26.00 per ton. port TR 7-5244• 1/19 tfn taken over the telephone mtmt delivered. Call HA 6-4092. TERMS now available on all be paid before the end of te K 10/15 tfn: building materials allowsou to month. An extra charge of 10€ CERAMIC TILE, very choice selection Mosaics make a perfect hobby, and lump construction costs under one Will be made when billing tm profitable too. Carlsvn's Tile and bill. For information inquire at De/mary. Fireplace Shop. Mt. View. 10/29 tfn Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St. Phone HA 6-430a. 6/6  USED REMINGTON Rollectric. razor. EVINRUDI OUTBOARD MOTOR sales Also used Thermador oil heater -- 5 room capacity. Both good condition. and service at Shelton Marine Supply. 116871yi11€ Highway, South, HA FOR SALE Fulk, Route 2, BOX 693 (Agate store). 2/20 tin 10129-1115 Xmas Tree Haulers 49 DODGE 2-Ton Cab & Chassis. 5 speed, 2 speed axle. 9:00 rub- ber, long wheelbase. '47 DODGE 1/ Ton Flatbed, 5- speed, 2-speed 'axle. 8:25 rub- her. Ready to work. KIMBEL MOTORS, Inc. 707 S, 1st HA 6-3433 IiiI I IIIII I I I I III IIIII ' I il IIII I II J . J ..... i, , , PAINTING Residential and Commercml Papering and Spraying Phone Olympia FL 7-3744 For Free Estimates 10/15-11/12.5t F()."'- 3"--y-'--dl'p---(Ix:-0:00: FOR SALE -- Davenport, accordion, CHEST OF DRAWERS -- Also suits, Phone HA 6.4t. K 9/6 tin 111 Bass, H-O gauge model train, slacks, coats, dresses -- excellent Phone HA 6-]31. C 8/6 n condition--size 14-16. Call HA 6-3582. AUO-LIT BATTERIES and accce- N 10/29-11/12 sori. holmle and retail. Shsltoa WEANER PIGS for sale. Phone HA Marine tlpp- (formerly Hillcrest 6-4511. Charles A. Phillips, Islana FOR SALE--Small chrome dinette set, HardwareL ca Hlllcrcet. 9/,3 tn Lake. P 9/20 tin 4 chairs, $20. Swing set with glider, • $15. Medium large tricycle, $15. RI[ ]IC TOP SOIL. fill dlrL WE BUY YOUR EQUITY, or will sell Phone HA 6-3,172 after 6 ),m. road, and till zravel, washed sand on consignment, your boats, motors, p 0/'-11/12 and Krave|, drs[n gravel and pea trailers, etc. Sholton Marine Supply. FOR SALE -- Logging lmrscs and gravel for driveways. Norman A- 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA harness. J. Clark, 2 stiles went oF dersoa, phone HA 6-i. John's 6-8163. 2/20 tfn Elma. Happy Hollow Road. P. O. 'eek Sand and Gravel, Bayshors. Box 82, Ehna. C 10/29 tfn 7/a tfn FOR SALE: Dsed steel, ph  COLOR PRINT PRIC avve pulleys and shafts. All 1 Made fro yottr favorite color rage. Shelton Junk Co., delight if cleaned with Blue Lustre. or colored negative. Po cdtr ( y ter. Johnny's Mimic Easy to use. Lumbermen's Mercan- WaS 75€now 39#, 6x7 wan $ ..... 8/6 tfn Mill, phone HA 6-8626. 9/6 tin tile Company. 10/29 now 98€, includl deluxe f, 'hJ--Z:E'4"*rP--- T[---c. HOTPOINT DELUXE electric stove, FOR SALE--Wood, c)al heater, ex- One day service on Ektachrome go0d condition. One Carco arch, also good condition $60. Sunbeam electric cellent condition. Phons HA 6-3713. Anscochromo color @oBm rigging. Phone Drew Cole HA shaver, practically new $12. Phone S I0/22-29 day service on 1 or Mrs. Louis Durand HA HA 6-4328. W 9/17 tfn BOXER PUP, 6 months old for sale. Studio, 124 N ....... . . D 9/17 tin $I0.00. Phone HA 6-8925. YORKSHIRm WEANER lIAgS{ p FOR 8ALE -- Attention, duck hunters. LOCKER MEAT N 10/22-29 Fat news, $45,00. Phone , 11 ft. plywood boat, glass bottom. Cut, double wrapped and trimmings • $t cash. Call HA 6-2118. C 10/22-29 ground--5 cents per pound. Don Wll- RABBIT FRYERS for sale, also rab- A 10/2.11/12 NJW SU'LY o o/d fish for your Hams, 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6-3040. bit Fertilizer. Pbone orders between WARD'S PORTABLE zlg-g sewing fish bowl or ponds. Phone HA 6-4878 9/17 tin 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Phone HA 6-3626. machine, also a treadle-electric corn- or inquire 638 Axcadla. LOCKER BEEF for sale. Baby beef, Mc 8/20 tfn and older. Also weaner and feeder WANTED"- Chrishnas tree cutters. binatlon cabinet model sewing ms- V 10/22-1/12 coat,Chine'sizeTiPt4-16.dyedTwobrownlargeSkUnkrug, pads,,fur i i ....... .... pigs. Phnne HA 6-6842. R 10/15-29 Pete Fa.qslo, P. O, Box lll, Union, or phone Union 452 after 6 p.m. 10/29 cheap! Phone HA'6-3498 ahy day ex- '"ii' OFF - ALL GOODS at Bar-Dins to eept Friday or Saturday. BOO,H nlake ,'oonl for Christmas Shol). 520 B 10/22 tfn APPROXIMATELY $000 CONSTRUCTION CO. Singer Slant-Needle FridaysFranklin'only.°pP°site ArmorY.1(}/29Openifn school used brick for sale. FOR. SALE ..... Boys' 26 inch bicycle. ' ' .... J , HA 6-2010. E '" .................. FOR SALE -- Old growth Fireplace, stove or IIA 6-6844. H Delivery - LoWest Oaet per month for Nationally All:ate Silent Cushion Tire Advertised Tyrex Cord, FREE TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 Jli IIIII I1 I11 II C'--- Phone HA 6-4292 cocix  Rmm.NTI New and Remodeli..g Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No Job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tin BUDGET SHOP Across From Evergreen Square On Railroad Ave. USED FURNITURE Sofa and Chair .................... $15.00 Chrome Set ............................ $29.50 5-Pe. Dining Set ................... $25.00 Step End Tables, Bld ..... $2,50 ea, oor Lamp .......................... $6,50 Crib, 6-yr ............................... $9.50 Hi Clmir0 Like new ............ $9.50 Swing Rocker ...................... $10.00 Club Chair ............................ $7.50 Coil Spring, full size ......... $7.50 USED APPLIANCES Wood Heater ........................ $35.00 Wood Range, white ............ $35.00 Wringer Washer .................. $20,00 10" Range, Elee ................. $49.50 Apt, Size Range, A-1 ........ $45.00 Prig. Refrigerator .............. $59,50 H" TV Set ............................ $39.50 Kitchen Heater, wood ........ $39.50 Stealer Oil Heater, A-1 ...... $99.00 321 R.R. AVE. HA 8-4332 II!J !, t)l II ..................... .......... DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery PHONE HA 6-6364 Day or Night Service AGENT - LYON VAN LINES 5/14-tfn II FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Year old domestic Mal- tavd ducks, pets, will rid your gur- deu of slugs. $3 pair. Phone Union 404, or stop at Waterwheel, Union. D 10/29-11/12 (lIVE A COFFEE TABLE for Christ- Inns. Make your own Frets llur fine stock of materials: top, legs. tile, etc. Carslon's Tile and Fireplace Shop, Mt. View. 10/25 tfn FINEST SELECTION of firel)laee scriens, Franklin stoves, at',ccsstirieti and practical gifts. Come in and see thni. Carlson's Tile and Fireplace Shop. Mt. View. 10/29 tfn MATCtIING SOFA and chair for sale. Excellent condition, $35.00 or bet offer. Phone HA 6-8097. E 10/29-11/5 FOR SALE -- 15 ft. skiff. Treadle sewing machine, wringer type wash- er. last place right side, Mill Creek road. N 10/29 SEND PHOTO Greeting Cards They're the most personal -- the most meulorable oF all Holiday greetings. Bring in your favorite negative -- wide selection. Ziegler's Camera Shop. 10/29-12/17 FOR SALE -- Piano -- small jaright. Phone HA 6-4517. lil 10/29 LARGE WHITE-FACED heifer, first calf dtie in January. Roy Tanner, Star Rte. 1, Box 138. 10/29-11/6 FOR RENT 2 OR 3 ROOM modern cabins by day, week or month. Junction Auto Court, 10 miles north of Shelton. E 10/1 tfn FOR RENT -- 1 hedroom furnished apartment, close in, ground floor• 706 Cots. P 10/1 tfn ONE BEDROOM furnished house for rent. Suburban location. HA 6-6976. D 10/1 tfn GARAGE FOR RENT i For car or boat. Inquire 629 Cota or phone HA 6-6663. C 10/8-29 FOR RENT -- CLETRAC with blade, drum. We deliver. Power saws, large or sumll. Evergreen Texaco, 1st and Franklin, phone HA 6-3031, evenings HA 6-3503 or 6-6343. 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- Large, 3 bedroom un- furnished house on nice beach, four miles out. Phone HA 6-4000. B 10/8 tfn FOR RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un - f.rnisi,od yard large  -4 36_ age 6Waiter George. HA 6-664 or 10/2-11/13 tfn FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. 718 No. 6th, phone MA 6-4348 after __ .L"_ ................ _P_10Ln__.tfn FOR RENT -- 1 bedroom house, un- furnished, downtown, easy walking distance to mills, ett:. Phone HA, 6-6532 days. After 4:30 HA 6-4612 I D 9124 linl F(.)R RENT: 3 bedroom ilome. Large! living roonl with fireplaue. Auloinat- ic heat. Basenient. Lease $60.00 per nionth, WaterFront Realty. I-1A 6-8535. 10122 tfn FOR RENT or ;sale -- 2 bedroom house, unfurnished, close in. Call ! Centralia PErMlng 6-9425 after 5 IS 10/15-11/5 S-A-V-E ON FUEL BILLS FOR SALE Black cocker puppy to good honie. $5.00; tlA 6-4648. M I0/22 .... I I Jl' I) , BATTERIES - TINES Enlarged Stock for Imlrate KRESKY WOOD HEATER MANUFACTURED IN THE WEST i Two Way Thermostat Action for Positive Control of Tem- perature. * Automatic Forced Air Blower for All-Over Home Comfort. Save up to 35% on Your Wood Bills. 2 Sons in College * Holds 24" Wood. Models from $79.95 to $149.95 No Freight Charge. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 8/27t I_ U li , , ,, r I , u [ I J ..... ii II , , USED FURNITURE We Repossessed. Take over pay- ments of $6.00 per month or pay off balance of $56.60. equipped to zig-zag, overcast, blind hem, do decorative stitch- es, etc. For further informa- tion call Olympia FL 2-2014. ii $13. Phone HA 6-2448. Mc 10/29 TWO GIRLS' bicycles, like new, $22.50 each• Oil floor furnace $22.50. Bar- Dins, 520 Franklin, opposite the Aroiory. Opeu Fridays only. 10/27 tfn FOR SALE --- Used doors, windows, bathtub and wash bowl. Also used kitchen cabinets. Garden Shop. Phone ltA 6-3710. G 10/29-11/12 FOR RENT LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., heat and hot water furnished. Phone HA 6-3084. $3/19 tln FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom unfurnished apartments. Ranges and refrigerators supplied. Laundry fa- cilities. Hot water heat. Holly Hill Apartments, phone HA 6-6593 or Roy Dunn Agency, HA 6-6363. B 7/9 tfn FOR RENT -- 2 bedroonl furnished house available Sept. 28. Phone HA _.=719' ................. B__gi24...tf2 FOR RENT: light housekeeping rooms. 100 W. Pine, phone HA 6-4679. R 4/18 tin FOR RENT -- une beuroom duplex apartment, partly Furnished. Inquire 1619 Adams, Mt. View. S 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- With lease: Attractive downtown home, 3 bedrooms, plus den. Full basement $75.00 per month. References, Waterfront Realty, HA 6-8535. 10/15 tfn FOR RENT  2 bedroom house on Angleside, unfurnished. Phone HA 6-2349. M 10/1 tin FOR RENT---x'Vurniahed cottages and trailer spaces. The Pines. L 10/9 tin week, Cameron Hotel. 2/3 tin THREE ROOM furnished apartment Ior rent. Downtown near stores. Phone HA 6-6365. M 9/17 tin FOR RENT -- One bedroom home, unfurnished except for stoves, nice yard, garage. Phone HA 6-6270. D 9/17 tfn FOR RENT -- Comfortable sleeping rooms with kitchen privileges iF de- sired. Phone HA 6-3487. Inquire 720 No. 4th. R 9/3 tfn ROOM AND BOARD, attractive rooms, excellent meals, downtown. Douhle rooms also available. Phone HA 6-2208. IS 6/11 tf ONE LARGE 3-ROOM apartment at reduced rent. Will take one small child, 1208 Railroad. Phone HA 6-2228. L12/4 tin GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At highway bridge. S 4/4 tfn FOR RENT: Use our rental plan and have a t)iano or organ in your honle. Johnny's Music Box. 10/22 tfn FOR RENT -- One rooln Furnished at)artment, suitable for working lady or bachelor. Downtown. Phone HA 6-6632. B 10/1 tfn FOR RENT--One-bedroom heated fur- nighed apartment. Adults only. 311 No. 1at. Phone 14A 6-3025. P 3/12 tin FOR RENT -- Modern, two bedroom house, altacIwd garugl!, new Siegler oil beater, ch!clric range. Spencer Llike ileal" (liblers Cove, Phlllle fter, HA 6-;]726. tt 1t)/15-]1/5 TttREE BEDROOM Imu,u f.r rent. Unfurnishld, exc(!l)t for kite]ion glJl rt n.l!, ful'llUC(,. Pitsitl]'e for cow. P}mne HA 6-8353. C 10/29 tfn FOR RENT .... Three bcdrooni unfm'- nished house on Wyand(,th', car- l)li'l. P}l(>lie ttA 6-4505 belweon 8 lilltl 7 p.ili. T 10/29 tfli to Lawton Apt.-Motel. Apartments LM Budget Shop 321 R.R. AVE HA 6-4332 RITE00rAY a.tomatic wood burning heaters and fur.aces See FRIGIDAIRE First @ REFRIGERATORS • RANGES I WASHFA I DRYERS IIle for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 M IIRCANTILI Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R.R. Ave 6-4332 5/7-tfn " .... IIIII I1 INll H I] U N U S UAL FIREPLACES... We can screen them/ NVhatever Its size or shape, we can supply custom built screenI for your flreplaoe. Wide selecUcm of styles BrITAL  ftrilIheF01i0Ur • flreserltn probllm  ti Is... I DECORATING CENTER 321 Railroad Ave, HA 6-8241 BILL'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Phone HA 6-2442 5/7-tfn ,1111,111, WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 ..... , .... , , ,, I I II FOR SALE OR LEASE FOUNTAIN, LUNCH, GROCERY AND LIGHT LUNCH BUSINESS THE TIN HAT HILLCREST 10/15-11/5 ELEUIOLUX Sales, Service, Supplies JOHN RICE /'hone HA 8-6108 10/15 t.fn WOOD FOR SALE Dale Jones Ph. HA 6,4660 10/15 tfn SEPTIc TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, F, xeavatlng Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Mart Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 ,I Mountain-View CABINET SHOP East K Street Tel. HA 6-2042 JOHN BUNKO 225 South llth Street Res. TeL HA 6-3279 Shelton, Washington TERMS 7/9 tfn i, , FALL is the best planting time for ever- greens, roses, many perenniMs and other rockelT plants, as well as shade trees and flowering shrubs. We have old-fashioned roses now ready. Our prices are low! BELFAIR GARDENS Star Rte. 1, Box 55, Belfair, Wn. Across from Bclfair P.U.D. I i II I ,I ,, I Business Opportunity FOR LEASE SIGNAL SERVICE STATION, First and Cota, Shelton. Small investment required for stock, Phone Collect Olympia FL 6-8245 8/20 tfn Xmas Trees Wanted YOU CUT or WE CUT A/pine Evergreen Co. PHONE HA 6-2452 If No Answcr Call Collect OS '1-4011 (Brcmerton) 10/15-tfn you haven't room for? Send them FOR RENT -- 3 roem apartment-w-lth now available by day, week or bath, downtown. Unfurnished except month. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177 for range. ReFrigerator if desired, 7/16 tfn Phone HA 6-3283, Mrs. Beckwith. • ...................................................... 6/26 tfn FURNISHED APARTMENT available at Goldshorough Apts. S 414 t/n I FOR SALE Bayshore Fuel Co. and Equipment Phone HA 6-2271 or 6-6553 Hu Table and Floor LAMPS Special $10 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 1960 models KELVINATOR WASHER and DRYER $299 with trade-in Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 1---chrome set (7 pcs) .... $49.50 1--chrome set {7 pcs) .... $29.50 1---vanity, mirror, bench $29.50 1--sofa bcd daveno (like new) .................... $75.00 1---mahogany Mcngle din- ing table, 6 chairs 1 host likc new) $399,50 value ............ $199.50 2--wood circulators, ca, $25.00 2--oil heaters, ea ........ $25.00 Bendix washer and dryer (good condition) .... $150.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-,i702 FOR RENT i One bedroom furnished house. Phone HA 6-8150. N 9/17 tin heat, utiliiy roonl and garage. Phone HA 6-815(t. N 9/10 tin APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Floor Sandere Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sanders Regina Electric Floor Polishers House Jacks LAWTON LTIBER 420 S. 1st Phone HA. 6-4303 2-10tfn II i .... l Custom Tractor Work Rotovating or regular plowing, discing and harrowing, excavating, blade leveling, road grading, road gravel. Well-aged sawdust. Work by hour singie-handed. Jerome Burke, HA 6-3678. !. NO SPARKSl NO SMOKIt N0 IqL001 IIAIrrSl 101t/tll FUEL MILS! @nlfenn. keat'ktm #lNr te €*lltnl. |lml wIod, belml llld klmily Wfe¢I I IJPLI IIRTI Dd iIIIHT. III|WI 0d II /RII WE INSTALL Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Gota St. Phone HA. 6-4702 BAR.DIN'S MARINA & POWER MAGHINERY PRAMS Unfinished Finishcd S-fL ............ $40 $55 I04/. $6o $75 FISHING BOATS 12-11. to 16-ft. $115 to $305 Duck llunters Special All Prams 10% Off thrlr Nov. 20th. Populsr plans arid full sizc pattel'n avail- able. All priccs sltbjcct to changc without notice. 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY N( REMINGTON SAWS Bantam 3',-h,p., 17 lbs. $159.50 Sb-5 Direct Drive 5 h.p. $199.50 GL-7 Dircct I)r, 7 h.p. $249.50 SL-5R Gear Dr. 5 h.p. $259.50 GL-7R Gear Dr. 7 h,p. $320.00 ZEUS GENERATORS GB-125 Weight 79 Ibs. $254,50 (i;('-125 Weight 89 Ib,. $269,50 Develops 1250 watts, 115 V., 60 cycle A,C. ctlr'relit COtllillnOtl:dlY fin O11(' ptrlt reglllar gas p('l" holn'. Brushes, slip rings, COlll- niutator climinatcd• No maln- tcnance required, Dcmonstrator available. Call any time. )RTtt • PHONE HA 6-6837 t£n kmttP • kmmk. Itch • Fu hl el lltli i ellmdk Keily's Furnilure 625 So. 1st HA 6-2411 FOR FOR RENT 1 house Irigidaire. nished. No pets. South 3rd, $40 nished. Pllone HA 6708. FOR RENT -- 2 View. $40 per Realty. HA house, 10 miles out. ciectrmty. Plionc HA FOR RENT--ParUy large bedrooms. furnisimd. H., FURNISHED 2 home, tireplace, nmtic laundry. Olympia FL 2-3760. FOR RENT--Modern electric range and Reasonable. 3 ROOM apt. and furnishes except ator if desn'ed. Mrs. Beckwith. roonl unfurnislled and refr|gerator, sashed two apartment, lots ol children, $30. Phone FOR RENT -- suitable for one 722 Pine. FOR RENT, lease or Large building 201 East Pine, home for rent, 220 information, please 205 E. Pine. LAWTON units ideal for an. Also bedroom furnished except Phone HA 6-2121 FOR RENT -- apartment $45, Adults only. Call WE BUY scrap ir to,'s, copper, Shelto JUnk Co., Streets. Phone WANTED: 1000 Rubber Welders, Mr, 7/16" X 4' X 7' CD fit' 5-ply board 7/]6" x 3' x 7' CD fir 5-ply board Industrial & 1st at Pine Barldc fir and piling or J. H. P.O. Box 362, For price, Olympia FL $1LENCl TH Wt Sure -- Ill "NOR WOOD Working to season'l BELOW Ma,,y tire HA 6' SHELTON MARINE HILIAJREST SALE STARTS SUNDAY, NOV. 1ST- 1 P.M. $').O,000 w()rlh ,f inerchndise h) be nloved. each SImday until entii'e leftover hardware of marine stock ilwhiding ',59 boats ,llld nlotors is sold. /IERCIIANiriSE MAY liE INbt'GtYrED t]l'O AND ADVANCE BII)S MADE : AUCrlON SALE INVENTORY CLEARANCI 1ST & MILL KEL FU mnlclmmd eipeclally to type woodl. /i A vsry popular thousands in il of them being Ir FIVE ROOMS models anly $1 : (plul freight). GET YOURS TODAY atocke am nvollable, Fo lale