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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 29 ]959 SELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Ohrtstmastown Shelton Washin Pa e 17 I REAL ESTATE ][&apos;q CLASS Odd j,bM if you F()I{ SALE ur 1fade --- Two bedr.,ml KITTENS l,, give awa. .... Malteso MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my res- fixed call tIenry nmlh,rn ]t,ole on Soulhside llill, 3 anti Minx. Six wpeks .hi. Ph(aw IIA ideate the Lower Skukomisn 8-3098. 2/12 lfn lots, carlmrl. ( ty water and sewer 6-1621L (I 10/29 Sch.ol, Call Trojan 7-5428 f.r ap- sI¢.'k, pron]pt. --f-r pltH'e ill c¢O.lntl'y wilh or with- iminin|en[ S01urday. Suuday, and Ph,,ne us e.llect. .ul huihlings. Plume IIA 6-815.1 after WOULD TIlE WOMAN in the maro.n Wednesday. A. F. Oppelt. O4/18 tfn Harbor Rendering, 4:30 l,.rh. A I0/22-11/12 tw.-iow, .ae observed l)ickin/4" up ....................................................... lho sirdh,r with n Oll!y an(I gun 2/27 tfn M(II)I,HtN TWO RI,]DI'¢OOM Imuso. nt- last Pr( Iv plcaso r,qm'n thorn. Tie hest ca,qh paid for hwhl,d gara4e, new Sieglor oil llont- tlll wt,ultl be dangerous in wrong and iaods. Call er, electric l'an.ue. Spent q' Lake hauds: All,'ltl knoMing the 'ileFe- l,]nterprlses, HA near (libl,'r's Cm'o. Phone. afler 4 almuls ,,f tile ilelllS lii'e asked to 9/3 tf p.m. HA 6-3726. II 10/15-29__ c,'dl the Journal, Police Department l()/.-.) WATKINS locality FOR SALE -- Duplex, 84x28 with 1O (w HA 6-8164. j 9-,n SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Hood Canal. Earnings lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or SIX M)NTft eLI) PI:PS for fve,,..m' Expert work._ Bonded .employee. ])hi)lie llA 6-8150. N 7/23 tfn T,:d)vach,r mul mo Clh'sal)eake. Good Leave calls at Journal olnce, phone h(,m, wantpd. Ci,nlact or phone Pat HA. 6-4412. nger Sewing Machine FOR SALE ..... lmrgo, tiu'ee bedroom ('arnev, Unioo 289. C 10/29-11/5 Co., Olympia. ll/22tf10 home• lwo troths, lois (,f eal)inets urnal, Cood House. and sh',rage, d,*lltde gnrage, eleelric Lega " and other he.t.f.,'p].,'c 90100' l,,t o moks LOST AND FOUND 1 Publications details write Welkins frmn Mr. View selmol Roaslmsb Y ,, East llih St.. Brem- m'h,,.d. 2127 King at. W 8/20 tfn IAIST - Viv nity 1,if):l ltaifr.ed, Get. 8, NOTICE OE SALE (}F 'I'IMI,EIt or phone ESsex '3 P, EDROOM lmuse with a,,reage.:a- blu, parake,t, band no. 75132-80. Re- ON STATE LAND a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Notice is hereby given that on TUeS- 3/12 tfn l)raisod at $751X). Must he seas to be ward. Plmnp tlA 6-489.1. appreeieied. Phone HA 6-3663. ..... , B 10/15-29 day, the 3rd day of Novemher, 1959, e[muneneing at ten o'clock in the fore- Douglas Fir N 10/8 tfn I,OST - XIIEI')AI:EI black ad rut noon of said day, in Port Orchard Dis- Pest('. Phone IIA FOR SALE --- West 7 aer-s of the t. name of Riley. Lost since trict Headquarters, located "at Port 11}/29 tfn NI - NEW .- SE!I of Section 32, () 1l, Dayt.n vicinity. Child's Orchard, County of Kitsap, State of township 21. range 5. Price $750.00. i)*'t. Phnne ItA 6-8898. Reward. Washington, by the District Admin- good condition. Plmne 6-4064. K 8/20 tfn Mc 10/22-29 istrator of said District, the timber on the following described state land will B t./:l M1ST S,¢LL EQUITY in .., 4 I,ea,,,,,., CLASSIFIED SERVICE be sold at public auction to the high- 1 w,., bath house, full basement. On est.bidder, to-wit: "ience desired but not CoFneF h,t and one-half, ('h)od vieW, HA 6-3750, close to schools and stores. Reason- ACCORDION private lessons In your Application No. F-5578 home. Stancato National School of Not less than 5.000 Christmas trees G 10/22 tfn able, Phone HA 6-8566, any time. 10/29 tfn' Accordion. Mrs. Casada, phone HA located on all of Section 33, north 0f 8-8229. 1/1 tfn Haven Lake Road, Township 23 North, Range 2 West, W.M., containing 320 age limitation if cam- FOR SALE or RENT -- Plekering ROOFING, blown rock wool lnsula- acres, more or less. giving qualifications hnme at Potlatch IHood Canal). 2 tion. Guaranteed. Phone HA. 6-6417. e/o dcmrnal, B.x H. bedrooms, fireplace, electric beet. Christmas trees will be sold on a 8/20tfu tree count basis. S 10/29-11/12 $5,000 furnished, $4800 unfurnished. .RO2iFI..AL BR-mDING service 'br Minimum acceptable bid: 30¢ per $40. Also spray Phone TR 7-5341. 10/29-ii/12 Aria ¢ uair¥ and beef, $7,00 cash. V- tree, The pro,chaser must cut a mini- ,' roofs, etc, For esti- ergreen Northwest Breeders, Inc. HA 6-4322. Inquire 2 BEDROOM HOUSE for sale by ew- R 3/12 tfn er. Inquire 1427 Cots. across tho Call Willis. m Turner, Olympia, mum of 5,000 Christmas trees from bridge. L 10/29-11/19 lect. FL. 2-2113. the sale area to be paid for at the bid price at the time of sale. All conifer tree cutters. FOR SALE --- 2 bedroom house on Mt. tREES TOPPED, triremes, removed cut are to be paid gor at the bid rate. P. O. Box 111, Union, View, 1820 Adams. Phone HA 6-2320. Larry's Tree urgeon Service, HA 452 after 6 p.m. Prior to auction of this sale, each 10/22-29 K 10/29-11/12 8-4823. 2/18tin bidder must make a deposit of $150.00, plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or a total 1911 Washington. I) 10/8 tfn dress nlaking an¢ seamstress. A 9/24 tfn sitter to live in my 821d nights a week. A 10/15. or small tracts of available at Jones Tie & Lumber Olympia. 9/20 tfn or peeled fir poles Pole and Piling Box 3012, Taconm 4/16 tfn repairing, in- conversions. Shelton 821 So. Third. Dial HA 5/1 tfn of Shelton. Work for re- income. Products, 2109 East WashingtOn, or 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 8/12 tfn and Alterations, but- crochet order. Phone $4/2S tfn has already be- to earn $300.00 with day. Excellent ter- and some nearby information, write Arnold, Apt. 1, Aber- G 10/22-29 POSTS. hop poles, Will buy real estate FL 7-9876. S 10/8 tfn speedy: in grinding. Now at Hillerest. Phone 1/15 tfa PREFERRED PROPERTIES SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE .... You should investigate this one at once. 3 bed- rooms, large living room with fireplace, dining area, PLUS completely finished upstairs. Automatic forced air oil furnace, full basement and excellent fenced play area. All this for only $9,800. Will FHA for only $350 down. 3 "BEDROOMS, FIREPLACE, MT. VIEW . . . Only $11,750 is the full price on this immaculate 6 year old home. Located on corner lot, it has a 2 car attached garage, economic forced air oil furnace, na- tural wood kitchen, plus many more nice features. Only $400 down FHA. K.I.'S---00 DOWN ...1913 SUMMIT DRIVE ... On this 2 bedroom corner lot home. Nice size living room, dining room, large kitchen with break- fast nook, Attached garage, plus semi-finished up- stairs suitable for 2 more bedrooms. Full price $7,800. Wore the "tools of ignorance." 4 BEDROOM, BASEMENT, ANGLESIDE .... Just the place for a larger family. 2 bedrooms down, 2 up, roomy kitchen. Beautifully landscaped yard. The price is only $9,600• $350 down FHA. Call to see it today. 2 BEDROOMS, FIREPLACE, ANGLESIDE .... Located on corner lot in excellent residential area• Large living room, dining room, attached garage, plastered, insulated and has radiant hot water heat. Can be yours for only $650 down including closing costs. Full price is $9,400, FHA appraised. LARGE FAMILY? THEN SEE THIS .... 4 Bedroom home near downtown. Large living room with fireplace, dining room, large utility, 1V baths, over 300 sq. ft. of closet space, automatic forced air oil furnace, new roof and paint job. Now only $9,000. Better investigate this today. 3 BEDROOMS, 20 ACRES, NEAR MATLOCK . . . 6 of the 20 acres are cleared• Home is all re- modeled and redecorated. Excellent well with new pump. Small barn and chicken house. Price of $8,500 includes 2 heifers, calf and about 25 chickens. Terms to suit. Have excellent downtown lot and 2 extra large view lots overlooking bay and Olympics. SACRIFICE this bargain. Small home on 4 acres, 5 town. Complete furs- automatic washer range and re-  dinette set and Also included are tractor with Good water sup- ,i is only $5,750. $65 per month. Call Waterfront Realty, t HA 6-3228 evenings. FOR SALE! Mt. View new with carpeted floors thru- attached garage, on Kiffg m two lots, attached Laurel. Phone HA Week days. B 10/29 tfn SALE on Totten gravel beach waterfront on Tot- gravel beach foot. I lot, $4,000, or and moved * $ $ acres cleared, 5 bed- dining . room, 1/ double garage, miles from town Skokomish Valley, $ * * low bank, tidelands, orchard, house could be full- basement, fur- 00. , ) 60 x 385 feet, gravel low bank, cabin house, large shop, 2 wells and furnace, close to $ $ * close to town, full basement, trees and berries, $8,750, $1,200 down reasonable monthly $ $ • 2 lots, carport cleared, large get- house, fire- dining area, electric heat, space, 1 lot WATERFRONT REALTY Call HA 6-8535 Anytime or call KURT MANN HA 6-3228 Evenings 226 North 1st SOME EXCELLENT BUYS! NEARLY NEW, VERY ATTRACTIVE ANGLESIDE HOME . • It's a spacious and very well-built 3 bedroom and den home with so many plus features---living room has lovely view of Olympics, dining room overlooks patio, nice fireplace, full base- ment, dishwasher, built-ins galore, yard with sprinkling system. FHA terms and price. By appointment. THIS ISLAND LAKE HOME CAN NOW BE YOURS[ . . . Nearly new and has 3 bedrooms, lovely stone fireplace, built-in oven and range, birch cabinets, completely insulated and clean electric heat, and nice hobby room. $17,250. HOW ABOUT A I;INE 22-A. SKOKOMISH VALLEY FARM? The rich soil is wonderful for pasture or crops, all fenced, large barn, milk house, nice orchard, and livable 3 bedroom modern home. $10,500 with $1500 down $50/month. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT, NO CLOSING COSTS • • . Only $295 down then $45/month for this small Angleside home in excellent location. Nice view. $4450. NEARLY NEW 3 BEDROOM MOUNTAIN VIEW HOME . . . With so many nice features including fireplace, all-plastered, hardwood floors, electric heat, birch cabinets, built-in oven and range, etc. Nice district. $15,500. IF YOU WANT A LARGE HOME FOR MODEST @RICE . . . And on reasonable terms, then this is it! Think of getting a good, solid, well-built home with 3 bedrooms, full basement, fireplace, ample storage--with modest 2 bedroom upstairs rent- al apartment. A buy at $7500 with $500 down $50/month! MODEST 3 BEDROOM ISABELLA LAKE HOME . . . On 100' frontage extending back to road, ample garden area, young fruit trees, fine drilled well, good beach. Only $5800 with $1000 down and $50/month. Nice for water skiers., FOR $500 DOWN $65/MONTH THIS HOME IS YOURS , • • And you'll enjoy this very comfortable 2 bedroom home. Has tile bath, large living-dining room, all-over carpeting, 2-car garage, etc. $6950 on FHA terms (includes ins. & taxes). HOME ON 12 ACRES IN SKOKOMISH VALLEY . . . With 2 bedrooms, basement, 2-car garage, chicken houm, large barn, fine water system. $7950 on reasonable terms. A NICE 3-BEDROOM DOWNTOWN HOME . . . A very comfortable older home that has many features-- separate • dining room, breakfast nook, fireplace, dishwasher, workshop, lots of storage, best heating plant. $14,000. YOU'LL ENJOY THE PATIO AND FIREPLACE . . . With roofed-over barbecue in nice fenced yard of this 2 bedroom home. Extra lot, 2-car garage, and workshop. All for $8000 with $250 down FHA. Excellent view of Olympics. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR Phone HA 6-6363 • Title Insurance Bldg GEORGE Estate First COMPLETE SERVICE -- Photostats and' reprodllcltons. Olynlpia Blue- print and Copy Co., 111 E. State: Ave., Olympia FL 6-6707. 0 9/10 tfn of $155.00 in the form of cash, money order, certified check or bank draft. Upon completion of this sale, the re-i spective deposits shall be returned tel the unsuceessfnl bidders. The purchas- er mtmt, on the day of sale, nmke an additional payment so that the total amount deposited will equal 100% of the full bid price based on the cruise estimate. This additional payment may be.. b: personal e he.ek. Purchaser. mira.t, within  aaya o qele ot sale, urnisn a surety bond of $1.500,00 to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale, All checks, money orders, etc. are to be made payable to the Com missioner of Public Lands. All sales shall bb conducted between the hours of ten o'clock in the fore- noon and four o'clock in the afternoon. If all sales cannot be o, ffered witldn the specified time on t advertised date, the sale shall continue on the following day between the hours of ten o'clook in the forenoon and faur o'clock in the afternoon. Any sale which has been offered and for which there are not bids received, shall not ba roffered tmtil it has been readver- Used. Cutting rights expire on December 20, 1959. Located approximately 8 miles west of Belfair. AcceIbllity: Via county road. Complete contract specifications may he examined at Port Orchard District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Port Orchard District on Tuesday, November at 10 o'clock a.m. timber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised value as appraised by the Conlmis- signer of Pfihlic Lands in the manner provided by law, a statement of which m now on file In the office of the Auditor of said county, and District Adlninist,ator of said dletrict. Terms of sale are: tree count baals, BERT L. COLE, Commissioner of Public Lands 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. 3054 I NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE [ STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ] (In Probate) , In the Matter of the Estate of OTTO [ W. NELSON, Deceased• l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that lary C. Nelson, Administratrtx, of tile estate of OTTO W. NELSON, de- (:eased, has filed with tle Clerk of the above entitled Court her final report and petition for distribution asking the Court to ettle and approve said final report and petition for distribu- tion, and to distribute the property to the. persons thereto entitled, and to discharge the said Adminlstratrix. ' NOTICI IS FURTHER GIVEN tlmt said final report and petition for dis- tribution will be hearcl on Friday the 13th day of Noveulber, 1959, at the hour of 10:00 A.M.. or as soon there- after as the same may be. heard, at the Courtroom in the Courthouse in Shelton, Mason County, Wasilington. Dated this 13th day o October, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of County, Mason County, Wash. BYRON E. McCLANAHAN Attorney for Estate P. O. Box $33 Shelton, Washington (SEAL) 10/15-22- 8t NO. a119 NOTICE TO CRglIITOR8 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Pebate) In the Matter of the Estate of VER- LIE S. BERTELSEN, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Oscar Berte.lsen.has bess appointed and has qualiftea ae Administrator of the estate of Verlie S. Berteln, deased; that all per- sons having claims against the aaid deceased or the sold eatete are hereby required to serve the santo, duly verl- fie with the necessary vouchers at- tacled upon the undersigned Adminis- trator or his attorney of record at the law office of B. Eranklin Heuston, Angle Bldg., Shelton, Washington, and file such claims together with proo of service with the Clerk of the above' entitled Court within six ({D, moP, ha after the date of the first publication qf this notice, to-wit: 22 October I959. or all claims not so presented and filed will be forever barred. OSCAR BERTELSEN, Administrator of the Estate of Yerlis S. Berteisen0 deceased Rt. 2, Box 292, Shelton, Washington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for said Estate Angle Bldg., Shelton, Wash. • 10/22-29-11/5-12 4t NO, 81 NOTICE OF PB!VATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF T STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of FRED MILLER, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV that the .said Admlnistratrix, wlU on or after the 3rd day of November, 19 offer for sale the following described real property situated In Mason Coun- ty, Washington: That part of the Northeast quarter of the outheas¢ quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 2, Township 21 North,, Range 4 ,West; W.M, lying Southerly and Wester- ly of'county road No. 252; EXCEPT- ING therefrom tract conveyed to Thomas Peterso and wife b deed dated April 8, 1925 and recorded ia Volue 41of Deeds. page 357 and excepting also tract conveyed to State of Washington by deed dated July 18, 1924 and recorded in Vol- ume 42 of Deeds, page 433. All bids muet be in writing and de- livered to the Admintstratrixo her at- torney, Robert L. Snyder, or the Clerk of said Court, before 12 o'clock noon, November 2, 1959. Said property will be offered for sale f0r cash, or cash a/or credit, and the sale shall be subject to the confirmation and approval of sam uourt, e The Adminlstr&trig reearv th right to reject and al all bide. DATED this 9th dsy of October, 1959. 10/15-22-29 3t Legal Publications NO. 271.1 NOTI('E ()F PRIVATE 4AI.E I11" ilEAL ETATE IN TItE SUPERIOR C()UT'IT OP TIlE STATE O1,' WASItINGT()N IN ANt) FOR MASON COtTNTY Ill tho Matter -f the (;uurdianship I,f JOHN RICHTER and EI.AEN RICt[- TEl{. husband cud wife. Inclllp'iqlts. NOTICE IS HEBI+.+IBY G1VEN that Boy N. Collier, in his capae ty as guardian of the above estate, will st,ll at privat,, sale and for ('ash t}ll2 /ol- lowing deserJbe(l real estete: L.Is thirty-mp 131) and lhirty- tw- (:¢2). Bh)ek 2, Plat of _tfoo(ls- p,,vt, a(.cordtng t,, lhe ,,fficial phtt thereof on fill' in the otficp of the Auditor of Mason (7tlnly, Wasll[llg- ton, EXCEPTIN(I lherefronl, how- ever. rights-.f-way fro' Stale Iiigh- way as conveyed to the Siato of Washington by deed dated April 21. 1910, and recorded in V.lumo 22 of Deeds, i)age 194, and deed dated July 7, 1925 and recorded in Valuing 45 of Deeds, page 462, re('(r(ls (,f Mason County, Washington. Together witll vacated Westorly one-half (I/z) of alley adjoining said Lots 31 and 32 .n their easterly ends, subject to conditi,)ns, restric- tlous, exceptions aud rcservations eontainod in the m'iglnal instrunlcnt from which private tille stems and sul)ject t,) righls reserwd in the dedication of the plat as follows: Rserving and excepting to the said Mason County Mining and Develop- ment Co. or its assigns tin, right and power to grant to any railr<)ads the right of way over and across Rail- road Avenue or Cushn|an Avenue Or any other streets or alleys in said plat. And also reserving to the said Mason County Mining and Develop- ment Co. or its assigns the exclusive right to lay down and maintain wa- ter pipes in said plat or the power to grant right of way therefor. to te highest and best bidder. Bids must be submitted in writing and may be left with the guardmn at Clin- ic Hospital, 5th and Birch, Shelton, Washington. Bids will bc received un- til the date of the sale. The sale will be made ,m or after November 14, 1959. The guardian re- serves the right to reject any and all bids. ROY N, COLLIER Guardian PEBBLES AND SFANSON 202-206 Security Bldg, Olympia. Washington Attorneys for Guardian 10/29-11/5 2t NO: 030 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL" REPORT AND ]ETITION FOH DISTR/BUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of FLO- RENCE FRISEEN, deaased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Gilbert W. Frisken, Executor of the estate of Florence Frisken, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of said Court him final report and petition for distri- bution, asking the Court to setttle and apprpve the sanle, to distribute the property to the persons thereto enti- tled and to discharge said Executor. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for diM- trlbution will be heard on Friday. the 13 day of Novenlber, 1959, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Courtroonl of said Court in SImlton, Washington. DATED this 9th day of October, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Mason County Clerk ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Building . Shelton, Washington Attorney for Executor (SEAL) 10/15-22-29-11/5 4t INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be receh, ed by tle Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Mason Cot|n- tY. Washington until 8:(Y0 P.M.. Mou- day, Nowmber 16. 1959. at their of- rice in Potlatch, Washington: to ur- ntsh structure and equipnlent for two package type substations. Struetur to be eitber aluminum or steel and equipment to include power transfer met's, voltage regulators, switchgear, and other Incidental material. All'bids to be oponed at the atlove tinle and place, Plans and specifications may be se- cured at the qfflce of the District's consultant englneers, Howard Zenler and Associates. 212 West 13th Street Vancouver. Washlngton. Dated this 12th day of October. 1959. Public .Utility District No. 1 of Mason County }IAROLD HUNTER. Secretary ID/15-22-29-11/5-12 5t NO. 3147 NOTICE TO REDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In obate) In the Matter of the Estate of ETH- EL M. CARLSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned' has been appointed and has qualified as the Adm,nistra- tot of the Estate of Ethel M. Carlson, deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are here- by required to serve the same, duly verified, on the undersigned Admin- istrator or his attorney of record a t the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of the said court, together wlth paof of such service within six months after the date of first publication of this notice or the sae will be barred. 19Date,,,,. of first publication: October $, | /S/ LAWlTENCE A. CARLSON | GLENN E, CORREA | Attorney for Estate I Eell Building | Shelton, Washington 10/8-15-22-29 4t L NO" 1 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL iKEPORT AND PETITION ]POR DIST BIHIdTION IN THE SUPERiOR COURT OF THE STATE 0 WASIIIGTON IN AND FOR TI COUNTY OF THURSTON (la Pbate ), In the Mtter of the Estate of JAMES H, BJLLARD, Deceased. Notice is hereby Wen that Anita Bullard, Execatrlx of the (.*state of Jnes H. +tard; deMed, has filed with the Clerk of the SUperior CoUrt of said County and State her final re- port md petti0t for dl/$tributlon of said estate; and that Friday the 27th daM of Noember, :[,959, at 10:00 o'clock A,M., of said Superior Court, at Shel- ton; in said County, has been duly fixed by our Superior Court for the settlement of the eald Final Report, at which time the Court is asked to settle stmh report, distribute the prop- erty to the persons entitled thereto, and discharge said Executrix. Dated this 28rd day of October, 1959. /s/ HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk o$ said Superior Court Attorneys for atate: PARR AND BAKER l I Security Building ympia, Washington 10/29-11/5-12 3t NO. 81 . NO|CE OF ME&glNG F|NAL REIT AND P]ETPTION FOR DI4TR|BUTION THE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF STAT OF WASHINGTON IR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter f the Estate of RIC.ARD ADAMS; JR., Deceased. NOTIC IS BEREBY GIVEN that RICHARD C, ADAMS, SR.. a admin- istrator of the Estate of Richard Adams, Jr., has filed in the office of, the Clerk of said Court his Final Re- port and Petition for Distribution, asking the Court to settle said Report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said administrator' and 'that said Report and Petition ,ill be heard on the 0th day of November, 1959. at 10:00 A.M. at the Court Room• of the Probate De- artmeot of said Court, at which time place any person interested in eaid Estate may appear and file oo- jectlons thereto and contest the sae. DATID this 18 aY of Qglder, 1989. • HARRY DT Clerk+ of said Court GLF.V . A Attorney for Administrator Bell Building 1| h F@Urth Street Shelton, Washington (SEAL) 10/22-29-I1/5-1 4t Lutheran Pastor Due Installation This coming Sunday, Nov. I, Pastor Carl ,1. Carlsen will be fat'- really installed into tie pastoral ministry of l,aith Lutheran Con- gregaLion, Shelton. The service will be held at 11 a.m., with Pas- tor Christian G. Olson officiating. Pastor Olson is the president of the West Coast District of the Lu- theran Free Church and pastor of Lakeridge Lutheran church, Se- attle. Following the installation service there will be a fellowship hour, with the ladies-aid of the church serving a luncheon. The .Boy Scout troop sponsored by the congregation will meet Monday at 7 p.m. Wednesday both the Men's Brothel:hood and Ladies Aid will nteet at 7:30 p.m,, with choir practice following. The reg- ular meeting of the adnlt clas will be held on Thursday, 7:30 p,m. Legal Publications NO. 3144 Ch ti S FIRST CIIiI!";TIAN {'111711(" ris an cience ,.,.,,i. ,:. w,i.,., s,l.i.ler Service Slated .hone .A ' E:lc, h Lord's Day, NItlttl:iy sch()(d Prayer's effectiveness in healing n.nd adtdt Bibh, clas;es m,,ci :l: sit and sickness will be enlpha- 9:45 foltowed by he m+>rninK sized at Christian Science services worship at tl a.m qih a mu'se,3 Sunday. for those with tiny t,)ls, in lhe Seriptural readiitgs in the LeS- I()OI¢ ha.ll. This Sunday ,l:tmes son-Sermon entitled "Everlasting Earl Ladd II, presideni• o[ tilt, Pu- Punishment" will inchule Lhis se- get Sound College of the Bibh, lection from James 15:14, 151: "Is will be guest speaker at the morn- any sick among you ? let him call ing and evening st!rvi!ts, in lho, for the elders of the church; and absence of Mr: Whitney. The let them pray over him, anoint- morning sermon will tl, '"['he Sin ing him with oil in the name of of Prayerlessness" :rod ihe 7 p.m. the Lord: And the l)rayer of faith sermon will be "Spiritunl Service", shall save the sick, and the bard Ttws(iav eveninK beginning at shall raise him up; and if he have 7:30, the' Scholl of Missions witl committed sins, they shall be for- furnish a g uesl speaker for the given him." CORRELATIVE passages from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy will include 1391:131: "It is error to suffer for aught but your own sins. Christ, or Truth, will destroy all other supposed suffer- ing, and real suffering for your own sins will cease in proportion as the sin ceases." The Golden Text is from Prov- erbs 115:291: "The Lord is far weekly program. Midweek BiMo study is hehl each Wednesday at 7::;0 p,m., in the Mills' home, The members of the senior choir practice :It 8 I)'elock Thnrsday and the junior ('•hail' at 3:30 p.m., Fri- day in the Whitney imme. Saturday, Nov. 7 a preachinK rally will be hold from ]0 a.rtl. Illl- til 4 p.m., in the Normandy Chris- tian church. '['he folhlwing Sire- day, Stephen.Jackson, minister of NOTICE TO CREDITOR, TO from the wicked: but he heareth PREENT AND FILE CLA1M,q the prayer of the righteous." IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE ,OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter Of the Guardianship of the Person and Estate of VIVIA A. JACOBSEN, A Mentally Inconlpet- eat Person. NOTICE IS tIEREBY GIVEN that Letters of Guardianship in the above entitled nmtter were g.ranted to the undersigned on the 2nd day of Octo- ber, 1959 by said Superior Court, . NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN tha all persons having claims against the said erson or her estate are required to serve them with necessary vouch- ers attached upon the Guardian for said estate or upon his attorney of record for said Guardian. B. Frank- lin Heuston, Angle Buildlng, Shelton, Washington being the place designed for the transaction of the business O f said guardianship, and file the samo with the Clerk of said Court together with proof of service within 6 months afi+,r the first publication of this no- tice, to-wit: 8 October 1959, or said claims will be forever barred, H. C, ROTTER Guardian of tha Estate of Vivia A, Jacobsen B. FRANKLIN ItEUSTON Attorney for Guardian Angle Bldg., Stlelton, Wash. 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. 3148 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRENENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN TIIE SUPERIOR Ct)URT OF TE[ STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY , (In Probate) In tile Matter of the Estate of B]]b. THA V. MUNSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN that fhe undersigned, William S. Valley h 1)een appointed and has qualified Executor of the Last Will and Tes- meet and of the estate of Bertha ¥. Munson, deceased; aud that all pe= sons having claims .against the sa estate or the said deceased are hereby required to serv,; the HaIIH duly ver- ified in dul)licate with the nocessary voucllers attached, upon the under- tin Heuston, Angle Building, Shelton, Washington, and file such claims to- gether with proof of eerviee with the Clerk of the above entitled Court with- in six (6) months after tbe date of the first )uMication of this notice, to- wit: 15 October 1959, or al I claims not so presented and filed will be Iorev* barred, WILLIAM S, VALLEY EXE(UTOR of ESTATE OF Bertha V. Munson. deceasl Addr,.ss: Shclton, WaMlington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for said Es|ale AnKle Bldg., Shelt,)n, Wash. 10/15-22-29-11/5 4t No. so" No'rwE OF HE&RING FINAI', ItEPORT AND PETITION ]POll I)ISTRIB[JTION IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE ()IV WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (ht Probate) In the Matter of tle Estate of I.,EONARD L. HAWK. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN that BERTHA VISSER. as administratrix nf the Estate of Leonard L. IIawk has filod in the office of tile Clerk of said Court her Final Report and Petition for Dislributioa, asking the Court to ettle said Report, distribule tle prop- erty to the persons thereto entltled and to discharge said adminlstratrix; and tlmt said Report and Petition will be heard on the 13th day of Novem- ber, I959, at 10:00 A.M, at the Court Room of tile Probate Department of said Court, at which time and place any person interested in aald Estate may appeal, and file objections• there- to and contest the same. DATED this 2d day of Get., 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk oJ said Court GLENN E, CORREA Atorney for Estate Bell Building 151 South Fourth. Street Sheli.on, washington (SEAL) 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. $146 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMR IN THE suPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY , (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of RENA MALAVEY Deceased. h t NOTICI'IS HEREBY GIVEN t a the undersigned, Ellen M. Stuck has been appointed and has qualified a Admintstratrix With Will Annexed o the estate of Rna Malavey, deceased;. and that all persons having claims against the saidestate or the said de- ceased are hereby required to serve, the same duly verified in duplia.t with the, necessary vouchers attachea, upon the nnderslgned Admliflstratri With Will Annexed or her attorney ql: record at the law office of B, Frk  lin Heuston, Angle Building, Shelte!, Washington, and file such-latms t6- aether with proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled Court witll- in slx (8) mont1 after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: 15 October 1959. or all claims not so presented and filed will be foreveP barred. ELLEN M. STUCK, Administratrix With Will Annexe of Estate of Rer Malavey, Deceased Address: Shelton, Washington B, FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for Said Estate Angle Bldg, Shelton, Washington 10/15-22-23-11/5 4t NO. SIS0 NOTICE 'ro CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ..... AL In the Matter of the stae o w - TER FRANKLIN McCORD, Deceased. LORNA V, McCORD is the appoint  ed ann qualified Admlnistratrtx of said estate, All persons' having claims against said deceased are required to serve the sanle in duplicate, duly verg, fled, on sat4 Administratrix or her a- torney. Robert L. Snyder at the ad- dress below stated', and file tile same with the Clerk of said (')urt, togeth- er with proof of such serv|ce, within ix months after the date of first puo- ltcatlon of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: October 22. 1959. LORNA V. McCORD 222 South Fifth Shelton. Washington Administratrix ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorney at Law Govey Building Shelton, Washington 10/f2.29.11/5.12 4t the Normandy Christian ehurctx will speak at the local services. I b(dieve the first test of a tFllly Try a Journal Want Ad great man is his humility ..... ,l(ihrl Ruskin Saini David's Olmreh (Episcopal) 4th & Cdar Streets SUNDAY, NOV. lST-- 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion 9:45 a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion & Sermon by BiShop Rhea, Re- tired Bishop of Idaho. First Chrislian Church "New Testament Chrlstlanity Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET Bible Sehool 9:45 a.m. Church Servicea 11:00 a.n. and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. RIEV. R. L. ISBELL, SPEAKER REVIVAL - Matloek Community Church NOV. 1 THROUGH NO. 10 Servioe To Begin at 7:45 Each Evening Sunday School at 10 a.m. and Morning W'orship 1+1 a.m. The Congregation and Pastor Extend a Cordial invitation to Everyone SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD WELCOMES YOU 130 E. Pine Street • Mason A. Younglund, Pastor Sunday School (classes for all) .......................................... 9:45 a.m, Morning Worship .................................................................. 11:00 a.m. "Christ's Ambassadors" . .......................................................... 6:00 p rn. Revival Service ....................................... : ................................ 7;00 p,m, Listen to REVIVALTIME Sunday, 10:30 p.m. KIRO FISIIEBMEFS CLUB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3rd and Cola SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 9:30 a,m Guest SNml[erDo Whitman Radio "Hear and Now" 10:00 a.m.Bible Study Two Opportunities FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th and Franklin Street Worship Services ................................................... 8:15 and 11 a.m. Suntlay School and Bible Class ...................................... 9:30 Mid-week Bible Study ..................................... Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. ..... CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor THE METHOOIST CHURCH North 4th and Pins Streets ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister Morning Worship S:30 and 11:00 a.m. Churoh Shool 9:.45 a.m. FIRST OHRISTIAN CHURCH Guest Speaker - James Earl Ladd II President of Puget Sound College of the Bible A.M. Service-.-"The Sin of Prayerlessness" P.M, Service---"Spiritual Service" Odd Fellows Hall - 2nd Street Bible School 9:45 - Church Services 11 a,m,, 7 p.m., 8 p.m. MT. ViEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Wanhlngton & J Sts. Eugene Breid, Pastor Sunday School ................................................................... 9:45 a,rn. ozniag War, hip ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ................................................................................. S:30 p,m. Eng Sce .................. 7:30 p.m Mid-week gervlce Wednesday .......................................... 7:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th & Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 1.1:00 a.m. Morning Worship "Christ Our Life" Listen Eve Sunday 11:05 - 11:30 a.m. 920 7:00. p.m. Evening Servioe -- Color Film "Joseph, Ruler of Egypt" Meesage "Here's What You Need" DIAL / October 29 ]959 SELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Ohrtstmastown Shelton Washin Pa e 17 I REAL ESTATE ]['q CLASS Odd j,bM if you F()I{ SALE ur 1fade --- Two bedr.,ml KITTENS l,, give awa. .... Malteso MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my res- fixed call tIenry nmlh,rn ]t,ole on Soulhside llill, 3 anti Minx. Six wpeks .hi. Ph(aw IIA ideate the Lower Skukomisn 8-3098. 2/12 lfn lots, carlmrl. ( ty water and sewer 6-1621L (I 10/29 Sch.ol, Call Trojan 7-5428 f.r ap- sI¢.'k, pron]pt. --f-r pltH'e ill c¢O.lntl'y wilh or with- iminin|en[ S01urday. Suuday, and Ph,,ne us e.llect. .ul huihlings. Plume IIA 6-815.1 after WOULD TIlE WOMAN in the maro.n Wednesday. A. F. Oppelt. O4/18 tfn Harbor Rendering, 4:30 l,.rh. A I0/22-11/12 tw.-iow, .ae observed l)ickin/4" up ....................................................... lho sirdh,r with n Oll!y an(I gun 2/27 tfn M(II)I,HtN TWO RI,]DI'¢OOM Imuso. nt- last Pr( Iv plcaso r,qm'n thorn. Tie hest ca,qh paid for hwhl,d gara4e, new Sieglor oil llont- tlll wt,ultl be dangerous in wrong and iaods. Call er, electric l'an.ue. Spent q' Lake hauds: All,'ltl knoMing the 'ileFe- l,]nterprlses, HA near (libl,'r's Cm'o. Phone. afler 4 almuls ,,f tile ilelllS lii'e asked to 9/3 tf p.m. HA 6-3726. II 10/15-29__ c,'dl the Journal, Police Department l()/.-.) WATKINS locality FOR SALE -- Duplex, 84x28 with 1O (w HA 6-8164. j 9-,n SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Hood Canal. Earnings lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or SIX M)NTft eLI) PI:PS for fve,,..m' Expert work._ Bonded .employee. ])hi)lie llA 6-8150. N 7/23 tfn T,:d)vach,r mul mo Clh'sal)eake. Good Leave calls at Journal olnce, phone h(,m, wantpd. Ci,nlact or phone Pat HA. 6-4412. nger Sewing Machine FOR SALE ..... lmrgo, tiu'ee bedroom ('arnev, Unioo 289. C 10/29-11/5 Co., Olympia. ll/22tf10 home• lwo troths, lois (,f eal)inets urnal, Cood House. and sh',rage, d,*lltde gnrage, eleelric Lega " and other he.t.f.,'p].,'c 90100' l,,t o moks LOST AND FOUND 1 Publications details write Welkins frmn Mr. View selmol Roaslmsb Y ,, East llih St.. Brem- m'h,,.d. 2127 King at. W 8/20 tfn IAIST - Viv nity 1,if):l ltaifr.ed, Get. 8, NOTICE OE SALE (}F 'I'IMI,EIt or phone ESsex '3 P, EDROOM lmuse with a,,reage.:a- blu, parake,t, band no. 75132-80. Re- ON STATE LAND a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Notice is hereby given that on TUeS- 3/12 tfn l)raisod at $751X). Must he seas to be ward. Plmnp tlA 6-489.1. appreeieied. Phone HA 6-3663. ..... , B 10/15-29 day, the 3rd day of Novemher, 1959, e[muneneing at ten o'clock in the fore- Douglas Fir N 10/8 tfn I,OST - XIIEI')AI:EI black ad rut noon of said day, in Port Orchard Dis- Pest('. Phone IIA FOR SALE --- West 7 aer-s of the t. name of Riley. Lost since trict Headquarters, located "at Port 11}/29 tfn NI - NEW .- SE!I of Section 32, () 1l, Dayt.n vicinity. Child's Orchard, County of Kitsap, State of township 21. range 5. Price $750.00. i)*'t. Phnne ItA 6-8898. Reward. Washington, by the District Admin- good condition. Plmne 6-4064. K 8/20 tfn Mc 10/22-29 istrator of said District, the timber on the following described state land will B t./:l M1ST S,¢LL EQUITY in .., 4 I,ea,,,,,., CLASSIFIED SERVICE be sold at public auction to the high- 1 w,., bath house, full basement. On est.bidder, to-wit: "ience desired but not CoFneF h,t and one-half, ('h)od vieW, HA 6-3750, close to schools and stores. Reason- ACCORDION private lessons In your Application No. F-5578 home. Stancato National School of Not less than 5.000 Christmas trees G 10/22 tfn able, Phone HA 6-8566, any time. 10/29 tfn' Accordion. Mrs. Casada, phone HA located on all of Section 33, north 0f 8-8229. 1/1 tfn Haven Lake Road, Township 23 North, Range 2 West, W.M., containing 320 age limitation if cam- FOR SALE or RENT -- Plekering ROOFING, blown rock wool lnsula- acres, more or less. giving qualifications hnme at Potlatch IHood Canal). 2 tion. Guaranteed. Phone HA. 6-6417. e/o dcmrnal, B.x H. bedrooms, fireplace, electric beet. Christmas trees will be sold on a 8/20tfu tree count basis. S 10/29-11/12 $5,000 furnished, $4800 unfurnished. .RO2iFI..AL BR-mDING service 'br Minimum acceptable bid: 30¢ per $40. Also spray Phone TR 7-5341. 10/29-ii/12 Aria ¢ uair¥ and beef, $7,00 cash. V- tree, The pro,chaser must cut a mini- ,' roofs, etc, For esti- ergreen Northwest Breeders, Inc. HA 6-4322. Inquire 2 BEDROOM HOUSE for sale by ew- R 3/12 tfn er. Inquire 1427 Cots. across tho Call Willis. m Turner, Olympia, mum of 5,000 Christmas trees from bridge. L 10/29-11/19 lect. FL. 2-2113. the sale area to be paid for at the bid price at the time of sale. All conifer tree cutters. FOR SALE --- 2 bedroom house on Mt. tREES TOPPED, triremes, removed cut are to be paid gor at the bid rate. P. O. Box 111, Union, View, 1820 Adams. Phone HA 6-2320. Larry's Tree urgeon Service, HA 452 after 6 p.m. Prior to auction of this sale, each 10/22-29 K 10/29-11/12 8-4823. 2/18tin bidder must make a deposit of $150.00, plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or a total 1911 Washington. I) 10/8 tfn dress nlaking an¢ seamstress. A 9/24 tfn sitter to live in my 821d nights a week. A 10/15. or small tracts of available at Jones Tie & Lumber Olympia. 9/20 tfn or peeled fir poles Pole and Piling Box 3012, Taconm 4/16 tfn repairing, in- conversions. Shelton 821 So. Third. Dial HA 5/1 tfn of Shelton. Work for re- income. Products, 2109 East WashingtOn, or 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 8/12 tfn and Alterations, but- crochet order. Phone $4/2S tfn has already be- to earn $300.00 with day. Excellent ter- and some nearby information, write Arnold, Apt. 1, Aber- G 10/22-29 POSTS. hop poles, Will buy real estate FL 7-9876. S 10/8 tfn speedy: in grinding. Now at Hillerest. Phone 1/15 tfa PREFERRED PROPERTIES SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE .... You should investigate this one at once. 3 bed- rooms, large living room with fireplace, dining area, PLUS completely finished upstairs. Automatic forced air oil furnace, full basement and excellent fenced play area. All this for only $9,800. Will FHA for only $350 down. 3 "BEDROOMS, FIREPLACE, MT. VIEW . . . Only $11,750 is the full price on this immaculate 6 year old home. Located on corner lot, it has a 2 car attached garage, economic forced air oil furnace, na- tural wood kitchen, plus many more nice features. Only $400 down FHA. K.I.'S---00 DOWN ...1913 SUMMIT DRIVE ... On this 2 bedroom corner lot home. Nice size living room, dining room, large kitchen with break- fast nook, Attached garage, plus semi-finished up- stairs suitable for 2 more bedrooms. Full price $7,800. Wore the "tools of ignorance." 4 BEDROOM, BASEMENT, ANGLESIDE .... Just the place for a larger family. 2 bedrooms down, 2 up, roomy kitchen. Beautifully landscaped yard. The price is only $9,600• $350 down FHA. Call to see it today. 2 BEDROOMS, FIREPLACE, ANGLESIDE .... Located on corner lot in excellent residential area• Large living room, dining room, attached garage, plastered, insulated and has radiant hot water heat. Can be yours for only $650 down including closing costs. Full price is $9,400, FHA appraised. LARGE FAMILY? THEN SEE THIS .... 4 Bedroom home near downtown. Large living room with fireplace, dining room, large utility, 1V baths, over 300 sq. ft. of closet space, automatic forced air oil furnace, new roof and paint job. Now only $9,000. Better investigate this today. 3 BEDROOMS, 20 ACRES, NEAR MATLOCK . . . 6 of the 20 acres are cleared• Home is all re- modeled and redecorated. Excellent well with new pump. Small barn and chicken house. Price of $8,500 includes 2 heifers, calf and about 25 chickens. Terms to suit. Have excellent downtown lot and 2 extra large view lots overlooking bay and Olympics. SACRIFICE this bargain. Small home on 4 acres, 5 town. Complete furs- automatic washer range and re-  dinette set and Also included are tractor with Good water sup- ,i is only $5,750. $65 per month. Call Waterfront Realty, t HA 6-3228 evenings. FOR SALE! Mt. View new with carpeted floors thru- attached garage, on Kiffg m two lots, attached Laurel. Phone HA Week days. B 10/29 tfn SALE on Totten gravel beach waterfront on Tot- gravel beach foot. I lot, $4,000, or and moved * $ $ acres cleared, 5 bed- dining . room, 1/ double garage, miles from town Skokomish Valley, $ * * low bank, tidelands, orchard, house could be full- basement, fur- 00. , ) 60 x 385 feet, gravel low bank, cabin house, large shop, 2 wells and furnace, close to $ $ * close to town, full basement, trees and berries, $8,750, $1,200 down reasonable monthly $ $ • 2 lots, carport cleared, large get- house, fire- dining area, electric heat, space, 1 lot WATERFRONT REALTY Call HA 6-8535 Anytime or call KURT MANN HA 6-3228 Evenings 226 North 1st SOME EXCELLENT BUYS! NEARLY NEW, VERY ATTRACTIVE ANGLESIDE HOME . • It's a spacious and very well-built 3 bedroom and den home with so many plus features---living room has lovely view of Olympics, dining room overlooks patio, nice fireplace, full base- ment, dishwasher, built-ins galore, yard with sprinkling system. FHA terms and price. By appointment. THIS ISLAND LAKE HOME CAN NOW BE YOURS[ . . . Nearly new and has 3 bedrooms, lovely stone fireplace, built-in oven and range, birch cabinets, completely insulated and clean electric heat, and nice hobby room. $17,250. HOW ABOUT A I;INE 22-A. SKOKOMISH VALLEY FARM? The rich soil is wonderful for pasture or crops, all fenced, large barn, milk house, nice orchard, and livable 3 bedroom modern home. $10,500 with $1500 down $50/month. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT, NO CLOSING COSTS • • . Only $295 down then $45/month for this small Angleside home in excellent location. Nice view. $4450. NEARLY NEW 3 BEDROOM MOUNTAIN VIEW HOME . . . With so many nice features including fireplace, all-plastered, hardwood floors, electric heat, birch cabinets, built-in oven and range, etc. Nice district. $15,500. IF YOU WANT A LARGE HOME FOR MODEST @RICE . . . And on reasonable terms, then this is it! Think of getting a good, solid, well-built home with 3 bedrooms, full basement, fireplace, ample storage--with modest 2 bedroom upstairs rent- al apartment. A buy at $7500 with $500 down $50/month! MODEST 3 BEDROOM ISABELLA LAKE HOME . . . On 100' frontage extending back to road, ample garden area, young fruit trees, fine drilled well, good beach. Only $5800 with $1000 down and $50/month. Nice for water skiers., FOR $500 DOWN $65/MONTH THIS HOME IS YOURS , • • And you'll enjoy this very comfortable 2 bedroom home. Has tile bath, large living-dining room, all-over carpeting, 2-car garage, etc. $6950 on FHA terms (includes ins. & taxes). HOME ON 12 ACRES IN SKOKOMISH VALLEY . . . With 2 bedrooms, basement, 2-car garage, chicken houm, large barn, fine water system. $7950 on reasonable terms. A NICE 3-BEDROOM DOWNTOWN HOME . . . A very comfortable older home that has many features-- separate • dining room, breakfast nook, fireplace, dishwasher, workshop, lots of storage, best heating plant. $14,000. YOU'LL ENJOY THE PATIO AND FIREPLACE . . . With roofed-over barbecue in nice fenced yard of this 2 bedroom home. Extra lot, 2-car garage, and workshop. All for $8000 with $250 down FHA. Excellent view of Olympics. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR Phone HA 6-6363 • Title Insurance Bldg GEORGE Estate First COMPLETE SERVICE -- Photostats and' reprodllcltons. Olynlpia Blue- print and Copy Co., 111 E. State: Ave., Olympia FL 6-6707. 0 9/10 tfn of $155.00 in the form of cash, money order, certified check or bank draft. Upon completion of this sale, the re-i spective deposits shall be returned tel the unsuceessfnl bidders. The purchas- er mtmt, on the day of sale, nmke an additional payment so that the total amount deposited will equal 100% of the full bid price based on the cruise estimate. This additional payment may be.. b: personal e he.ek. Purchaser. mira.t, within  aaya o qele ot sale, urnisn a surety bond of $1.500,00 to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale, All checks, money orders, etc. are to be made payable to the Com missioner of Public Lands. All sales shall bb conducted between the hours of ten o'clock in the fore- noon and four o'clock in the afternoon. If all sales cannot be o, ffered witldn the specified time on t advertised date, the sale shall continue on the following day between the hours of ten o'clook in the forenoon and faur o'clock in the afternoon. Any sale which has been offered and for which there are not bids received, shall not ba roffered tmtil it has been readver- Used. Cutting rights expire on December 20, 1959. Located approximately 8 miles west of Belfair. AcceIbllity: Via county road. Complete contract specifications may he examined at Port Orchard District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Port Orchard District on Tuesday, November at 10 o'clock a.m. timber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised value as appraised by the Conlmis- signer of Pfihlic Lands in the manner provided by law, a statement of which m now on file In the office of the Auditor of said county, and District Adlninist,ator of said dletrict. Terms of sale are: tree count baals, BERT L. COLE, Commissioner of Public Lands 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. 3054 I NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE [ STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ] (In Probate) , In the Matter of the Estate of OTTO [ W. NELSON, Deceased• l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that lary C. Nelson, Administratrtx, of tile estate of OTTO W. NELSON, de- (:eased, has filed with tle Clerk of the above entitled Court her final report and petition for distribution asking the Court to ettle and approve said final report and petition for distribu- tion, and to distribute the property to the. persons thereto entitled, and to discharge the said Adminlstratrix. ' NOTICI IS FURTHER GIVEN tlmt said final report and petition for dis- tribution will be hearcl on Friday the 13th day of Noveulber, 1959, at the hour of 10:00 A.M.. or as soon there- after as the same may be. heard, at the Courtroom in the Courthouse in Shelton, Mason County, Wasilington. Dated this 13th day o October, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of County, Mason County, Wash. BYRON E. McCLANAHAN Attorney for Estate P. O. Box $33 Shelton, Washington (SEAL) 10/15-22- 8t NO. a119 NOTICE TO CRglIITOR8 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Pebate) In the Matter of the Estate of VER- LIE S. BERTELSEN, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Oscar Berte.lsen.has bess appointed and has qualiftea ae Administrator of the estate of Verlie S. Berteln, deased; that all per- sons having claims against the aaid deceased or the sold eatete are hereby required to serve the santo, duly verl- fie with the necessary vouchers at- tacled upon the undersigned Adminis- trator or his attorney of record at the law office of B. Eranklin Heuston, Angle Bldg., Shelton, Washington, and file such claims together with proo of service with the Clerk of the above' entitled Court within six ({D, moP, ha after the date of the first publication qf this notice, to-wit: 22 October I959. or all claims not so presented and filed will be forever barred. OSCAR BERTELSEN, Administrator of the Estate of Yerlis S. Berteisen0 deceased Rt. 2, Box 292, Shelton, Washington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for said Estate Angle Bldg., Shelton, Wash. • 10/22-29-11/5-12 4t NO, 81 NOTICE OF PB!VATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF T STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of FRED MILLER, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV that the .said Admlnistratrix, wlU on or after the 3rd day of November, 19 offer for sale the following described real property situated In Mason Coun- ty, Washington: That part of the Northeast quarter of the outheas¢ quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 2, Township 21 North,, Range 4 ,West; W.M, lying Southerly and Wester- ly of'county road No. 252; EXCEPT- ING therefrom tract conveyed to Thomas Peterso and wife b deed dated April 8, 1925 and recorded ia Volue 41of Deeds. page 357 and excepting also tract conveyed to State of Washington by deed dated July 18, 1924 and recorded in Vol- ume 42 of Deeds, page 433. All bids muet be in writing and de- livered to the Admintstratrixo her at- torney, Robert L. Snyder, or the Clerk of said Court, before 12 o'clock noon, November 2, 1959. Said property will be offered for sale f0r cash, or cash a/or credit, and the sale shall be subject to the confirmation and approval of sam uourt, e The Adminlstr&trig reearv th right to reject and al all bide. DATED this 9th dsy of October, 1959. 10/15-22-29 3t Legal Publications NO. 271.1 NOTI('E ()F PRIVATE 4AI.E I11" ilEAL ETATE IN TItE SUPERIOR C()UT'IT OP TIlE STATE O1,' WASItINGT()N IN ANt) FOR MASON COtTNTY Ill tho Matter -f the (;uurdianship I,f JOHN RICHTER and EI.AEN RICt[- TEl{. husband cud wife. Inclllp'iqlts. NOTICE IS HEBI+.+IBY G1VEN that Boy N. Collier, in his capae ty as guardian of the above estate, will st,ll at privat,, sale and for ('ash t}ll2 /ol- lowing deserJbe(l real estete: L.Is thirty-mp 131) and lhirty- tw- (:¢2). Bh)ek 2, Plat of _tfoo(ls- p,,vt, a(.cordtng t,, lhe ,,fficial phtt thereof on fill' in the otficp of the Auditor of Mason (7tlnly, Wasll[llg- ton, EXCEPTIN(I lherefronl, how- ever. rights-.f-way fro' Stale Iiigh- way as conveyed to the Siato of Washington by deed dated April 21. 1910, and recorded in V.lumo 22 of Deeds, i)age 194, and deed dated July 7, 1925 and recorded in Valuing 45 of Deeds, page 462, re('(r(ls (,f Mason County, Washington. Together witll vacated Westorly one-half (I/z) of alley adjoining said Lots 31 and 32 .n their easterly ends, subject to conditi,)ns, restric- tlous, exceptions aud rcservations eontainod in the m'iglnal instrunlcnt from which private tille stems and sul)ject t,) righls reserwd in the dedication of the plat as follows: Rserving and excepting to the said Mason County Mining and Develop- ment Co. or its assigns tin, right and power to grant to any railr<)ads the right of way over and across Rail- road Avenue or Cushn|an Avenue Or any other streets or alleys in said plat. And also reserving to the said Mason County Mining and Develop- ment Co. or its assigns the exclusive right to lay down and maintain wa- ter pipes in said plat or the power to grant right of way therefor. to te highest and best bidder. Bids must be submitted in writing and may be left with the guardmn at Clin- ic Hospital, 5th and Birch, Shelton, Washington. Bids will bc received un- til the date of the sale. The sale will be made ,m or after November 14, 1959. The guardian re- serves the right to reject any and all bids. ROY N, COLLIER Guardian PEBBLES AND SFANSON 202-206 Security Bldg, Olympia. Washington Attorneys for Guardian 10/29-11/5 2t NO: 030 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL" REPORT AND ]ETITION FOH DISTR/BUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of FLO- RENCE FRISEEN, deaased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Gilbert W. Frisken, Executor of the estate of Florence Frisken, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of said Court him final report and petition for distri- bution, asking the Court to setttle and apprpve the sanle, to distribute the property to the persons thereto enti- tled and to discharge said Executor. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for diM- trlbution will be heard on Friday. the 13 day of Novenlber, 1959, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Courtroonl of said Court in SImlton, Washington. DATED this 9th day of October, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Mason County Clerk ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Building . Shelton, Washington Attorney for Executor (SEAL) 10/15-22-29-11/5 4t INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be receh, ed by tle Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Mason Cot|n- tY. Washington until 8:(Y0 P.M.. Mou- day, Nowmber 16. 1959. at their of- rice in Potlatch, Washington: to ur- ntsh structure and equipnlent for two package type substations. Struetur to be eitber aluminum or steel and equipment to include power transfer met's, voltage regulators, switchgear, and other Incidental material. All'bids to be oponed at the atlove tinle and place, Plans and specifications may be se- cured at the qfflce of the District's consultant englneers, Howard Zenler and Associates. 212 West 13th Street Vancouver. Washlngton. Dated this 12th day of October. 1959. Public .Utility District No. 1 of Mason County }IAROLD HUNTER. Secretary ID/15-22-29-11/5-12 5t NO. 3147 NOTICE TO REDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In obate) In the Matter of the Estate of ETH- EL M. CARLSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned' has been appointed and has qualified as the Adm,nistra- tot of the Estate of Ethel M. Carlson, deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are here- by required to serve the same, duly verified, on the undersigned Admin- istrator or his attorney of record a t the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of the said court, together wlth paof of such service within six months after the date of first publication of this notice or the sae will be barred. 19Date,,,,. of first publication: October $, | /S/ LAWlTENCE A. CARLSON | GLENN E, CORREA | Attorney for Estate I Eell Building | Shelton, Washington 10/8-15-22-29 4t L NO" 1 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL iKEPORT AND PETITION ]POR DIST BIHIdTION IN THE SUPERiOR COURT OF THE STATE 0 WASIIIGTON IN AND FOR TI COUNTY OF THURSTON (la Pbate ), In the Mtter of the Estate of JAMES H, BJLLARD, Deceased. Notice is hereby Wen that Anita Bullard, Execatrlx of the (.*state of Jnes H. +tard; deMed, has filed with the Clerk of the SUperior CoUrt of said County and State her final re- port md petti0t for dl/$tributlon of said estate; and that Friday the 27th daM of Noember, :[,959, at 10:00 o'clock A,M., of said Superior Court, at Shel- ton; in said County, has been duly fixed by our Superior Court for the settlement of the eald Final Report, at which time the Court is asked to settle stmh report, distribute the prop- erty to the persons entitled thereto, and discharge said Executrix. Dated this 28rd day of October, 1959. /s/ HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk o$ said Superior Court Attorneys for atate: PARR AND BAKER l I Security Building ympia, Washington 10/29-11/5-12 3t NO. 81 . NO|CE OF ME&glNG F|NAL REIT AND P]ETPTION FOR DI4TR|BUTION THE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF STAT OF WASHINGTON IR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter f the Estate of RIC.ARD ADAMS; JR., Deceased. NOTIC IS BEREBY GIVEN that RICHARD C, ADAMS, SR.. a admin- istrator of the Estate of Richard Adams, Jr., has filed in the office of, the Clerk of said Court his Final Re- port and Petition for Distribution, asking the Court to settle said Report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said administrator' and 'that said Report and Petition ,ill be heard on the 0th day of November, 1959. at 10:00 A.M. at the Court Room• of the Probate De- artmeot of said Court, at which time place any person interested in eaid Estate may appear and file oo- jectlons thereto and contest the sae. DATID this 18 aY of Qglder, 1989. • HARRY DT Clerk+ of said Court GLF.V . A Attorney for Administrator Bell Building 1| h F@Urth Street Shelton, Washington (SEAL) 10/22-29-I1/5-1 4t Lutheran Pastor Due Installation This coming Sunday, Nov. I, Pastor Carl ,1. Carlsen will be fat'- really installed into tie pastoral ministry of l,aith Lutheran Con- gregaLion, Shelton. The service will be held at 11 a.m., with Pas- tor Christian G. Olson officiating. Pastor Olson is the president of the West Coast District of the Lu- theran Free Church and pastor of Lakeridge Lutheran church, Se- attle. Following the installation service there will be a fellowship hour, with the ladies-aid of the church serving a luncheon. The .Boy Scout troop sponsored by the congregation will meet Monday at 7 p.m. Wednesday both the Men's Brothel:hood and Ladies Aid will nteet at 7:30 p.m,, with choir practice following. The reg- ular meeting of the adnlt clas will be held on Thursday, 7:30 p,m. Legal Publications NO. 3144 Ch ti S FIRST CIIiI!";TIAN {'111711(" ris an cience ,.,.,,i. ,:. w,i.,., s,l.i.ler Service Slated .hone .A ' E:lc, h Lord's Day, NItlttl:iy sch()(d Prayer's effectiveness in healing n.nd adtdt Bibh, clas;es m,,ci :l: sit and sickness will be enlpha- 9:45 foltowed by he m+>rninK sized at Christian Science services worship at tl a.m qih a mu'se,3 Sunday. for those with tiny t,)ls, in lhe Seriptural readiitgs in the LeS- I()OI¢ ha.ll. This Sunday ,l:tmes son-Sermon entitled "Everlasting Earl Ladd II, presideni• o[ tilt, Pu- Punishment" will inchule Lhis se- get Sound College of the Bibh, lection from James 15:14, 151: "Is will be guest speaker at the morn- any sick among you ? let him call ing and evening st!rvi!ts, in lho, for the elders of the church; and absence of Mr: Whitney. The let them pray over him, anoint- morning sermon will tl, '"['he Sin ing him with oil in the name of of Prayerlessness" :rod ihe 7 p.m. the Lord: And the l)rayer of faith sermon will be "Spiritunl Service", shall save the sick, and the bard Ttws(iav eveninK beginning at shall raise him up; and if he have 7:30, the' Scholl of Missions witl committed sins, they shall be for- furnish a g uesl speaker for the given him." CORRELATIVE passages from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy will include 1391:131: "It is error to suffer for aught but your own sins. Christ, or Truth, will destroy all other supposed suffer- ing, and real suffering for your own sins will cease in proportion as the sin ceases." The Golden Text is from Prov- erbs 115:291: "The Lord is far weekly program. Midweek BiMo study is hehl each Wednesday at 7::;0 p,m., in the Mills' home, The members of the senior choir practice :It 8 I)'elock Thnrsday and the junior ('•hail' at 3:30 p.m., Fri- day in the Whitney imme. Saturday, Nov. 7 a preachinK rally will be hold from ]0 a.rtl. Illl- til 4 p.m., in the Normandy Chris- tian church. '['he folhlwing Sire- day, Stephen.Jackson, minister of NOTICE TO CREDITOR, TO from the wicked: but he heareth PREENT AND FILE CLA1M,q the prayer of the righteous." IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE ,OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter Of the Guardianship of the Person and Estate of VIVIA A. JACOBSEN, A Mentally Inconlpet- eat Person. NOTICE IS tIEREBY GIVEN that Letters of Guardianship in the above entitled nmtter were g.ranted to the undersigned on the 2nd day of Octo- ber, 1959 by said Superior Court, . NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN tha all persons having claims against the said erson or her estate are required to serve them with necessary vouch- ers attached upon the Guardian for said estate or upon his attorney of record for said Guardian. B. Frank- lin Heuston, Angle Buildlng, Shelton, Washington being the place designed for the transaction of the business O f said guardianship, and file the samo with the Clerk of said Court together with proof of service within 6 months afi+,r the first publication of this no- tice, to-wit: 8 October 1959, or said claims will be forever barred, H. C, ROTTER Guardian of tha Estate of Vivia A, Jacobsen B. FRANKLIN ItEUSTON Attorney for Guardian Angle Bldg., Stlelton, Wash. 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. 3148 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRENENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN TIIE SUPERIOR Ct)URT OF TE[ STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY , (In Probate) In tile Matter of the Estate of B]]b. THA V. MUNSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN that fhe undersigned, William S. Valley h 1)een appointed and has qualified Executor of the Last Will and Tes- meet and of the estate of Bertha ¥. Munson, deceased; aud that all pe= sons having claims .against the sa estate or the said deceased are hereby required to serv,; the HaIIH duly ver- ified in dul)licate with the nocessary voucllers attached, upon the under- tin Heuston, Angle Building, Shelton, Washington, and file such claims to- gether with proof of eerviee with the Clerk of the above entitled Court with- in six (6) months after tbe date of the first )uMication of this notice, to- wit: 15 October 1959, or al I claims not so presented and filed will be Iorev* barred, WILLIAM S, VALLEY EXE(UTOR of ESTATE OF Bertha V. Munson. deceasl Addr,.ss: Shclton, WaMlington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for said Es|ale AnKle Bldg., Shelt,)n, Wash. 10/15-22-29-11/5 4t No. so" No'rwE OF HE&RING FINAI', ItEPORT AND PETITION ]POll I)ISTRIB[JTION IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE ()IV WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (ht Probate) In the Matter of tle Estate of I.,EONARD L. HAWK. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN that BERTHA VISSER. as administratrix nf the Estate of Leonard L. IIawk has filod in the office of tile Clerk of said Court her Final Report and Petition for Dislributioa, asking the Court to ettle said Report, distribule tle prop- erty to the persons thereto entltled and to discharge said adminlstratrix; and tlmt said Report and Petition will be heard on the 13th day of Novem- ber, I959, at 10:00 A.M, at the Court Room of tile Probate Department of said Court, at which time and place any person interested in aald Estate may appeal, and file objections• there- to and contest the same. DATED this 2d day of Get., 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk oJ said Court GLENN E, CORREA Atorney for Estate Bell Building 151 South Fourth. Street Sheli.on, washington (SEAL) 10/8-15-22-29 4t NO. $146 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMR IN THE suPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY , (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of RENA MALAVEY Deceased. h t NOTICI'IS HEREBY GIVEN t a the undersigned, Ellen M. Stuck has been appointed and has qualified a Admintstratrix With Will Annexed o the estate of Rna Malavey, deceased;. and that all persons having claims against the saidestate or the said de- ceased are hereby required to serve, the same duly verified in duplia.t with the, necessary vouchers attachea, upon the nnderslgned Admliflstratri With Will Annexed or her attorney ql: record at the law office of B, Frk  lin Heuston, Angle Building, Shelte!, Washington, and file such-latms t6- aether with proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled Court witll- in slx (8) mont1 after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: 15 October 1959. or all claims not so presented and filed will be foreveP barred. ELLEN M. STUCK, Administratrix With Will Annexe of Estate of Rer Malavey, Deceased Address: Shelton, Washington B, FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for Said Estate Angle Bldg, Shelton, Washington 10/15-22-23-11/5 4t NO. SIS0 NOTICE 'ro CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ..... AL In the Matter of the stae o w - TER FRANKLIN McCORD, Deceased. LORNA V, McCORD is the appoint  ed ann qualified Admlnistratrtx of said estate, All persons' having claims against said deceased are required to serve the sanle in duplicate, duly verg, fled, on sat4 Administratrix or her a- torney. Robert L. Snyder at the ad- dress below stated', and file tile same with the Clerk of said (')urt, togeth- er with proof of such serv|ce, within ix months after the date of first puo- ltcatlon of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: October 22. 1959. LORNA V. McCORD 222 South Fifth Shelton. Washington Administratrix ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorney at Law Govey Building Shelton, Washington 10/f2.29.11/5.12 4t the Normandy Christian ehurctx will speak at the local services. I b(dieve the first test of a tFllly Try a Journal Want Ad great man is his humility ..... ,l(ihrl Ruskin Saini David's Olmreh (Episcopal) 4th & Cdar Streets SUNDAY, NOV. lST-- 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion 9:45 a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion & Sermon by BiShop Rhea, Re- tired Bishop of Idaho. First Chrislian Church "New Testament Chrlstlanity Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET Bible Sehool 9:45 a.m. Church Servicea 11:00 a.n. and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. RIEV. R. L. ISBELL, SPEAKER REVIVAL - Matloek Community Church NOV. 1 THROUGH NO. 10 Servioe To Begin at 7:45 Each Evening Sunday School at 10 a.m. and Morning W'orship 1+1 a.m. The Congregation and Pastor Extend a Cordial invitation to Everyone SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD WELCOMES YOU 130 E. Pine Street • Mason A. Younglund, Pastor Sunday School (classes for all) .......................................... 9:45 a.m, Morning Worship .................................................................. 11:00 a.m. "Christ's Ambassadors" . .......................................................... 6:00 p rn. Revival Service ....................................... : ................................ 7;00 p,m, Listen to REVIVALTIME Sunday, 10:30 p.m. KIRO FISIIEBMEFS CLUB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3rd and Cola SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 9:30 a,m Guest SNml[erDo Whitman Radio "Hear and Now" 10:00 a.m.Bible Study Two Opportunities FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th and Franklin Street Worship Services ................................................... 8:15 and 11 a.m. Suntlay School and Bible Class ...................................... 9:30 Mid-week Bible Study ..................................... Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. ..... CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor THE METHOOIST CHURCH North 4th and Pins Streets ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister Morning Worship S:30 and 11:00 a.m. Churoh Shool 9:.45 a.m. FIRST OHRISTIAN CHURCH Guest Speaker - James Earl Ladd II President of Puget Sound College of the Bible A.M. Service-.-"The Sin of Prayerlessness" P.M, Service---"Spiritual Service" Odd Fellows Hall - 2nd Street Bible School 9:45 - Church Services 11 a,m,, 7 p.m., 8 p.m. MT. ViEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Wanhlngton & J Sts. Eugene Breid, Pastor Sunday School ................................................................... 9:45 a,rn. ozniag War, hip ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ................................................................................. S:30 p,m. Eng Sce .................. 7:30 p.m Mid-week gervlce Wednesday .......................................... 7:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th & Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 1.1:00 a.m. Morning Worship "Christ Our Life" Listen Eve Sunday 11:05 - 11:30 a.m. 920 7:00. p.m. Evening Servioe -- Color Film "Joseph, Ruler of Egypt" Meesage "Here's What You Need" DIAL /