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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 29 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 3 Author Here For WCC Hews Feature Ileal, future the Wqsh- here will of a feature article Newhouse tmb- ;hout the nation Ed Mowry, 1953 Fulitzer Prize jomnalist. Newhollse flew here fl'onl New York last week to gathm' material for lhe featm'e. The Newhouse publications comprise the largest newspaper chain in the U.S. now, I with papers from coast-to-coast I exceeding in number the Hearst [ and Scripps chains. Mowry won his 1953 Pulitzer Prize for a series of articles deal- ing with a man being tried for tim fourth time for a murder in viola-i tion of his constitutional rights, J. "BUZZ" STANBERY ENDORSE OLIVER R. INGERSOLL :ii:!i}:i:i:!21:;!:: i:i:~ ::: i3.: "We urge the voters who supported us in the Primary Election on September 15th to cast their ballots for ,OLIVER R. INGERSOLL for Judge of the 'Superior Court, Thurston - Mason Counties, in the General Election on November 3, 1964. "OLIVER R. INGERSOLL is competent and qualified and will make on excellent Judge of the Superior Court." "Buzz" ENDORSE Thurston, Mason Counties Superior Court, Position. NO 1--Non-Partisan Auctiofl The Exceptional Foresters our- Lion at tim Mason County Fair Grounds last weekend grossed about $2,500 before expenses, pres- ident Robert Kimbel said. Kimbel said that the auction at- tracked good crowds and that all of the items except a few appli- ances which were inoperative were sold. No bids were received on the hay loader, he said. "Pickets are slill being sold on ALVIN Tn)YMAN RECU PERA.TING A~lvin Tidyman who recently suffered a str.l~e while visiting a daughter, Arlene XViggin, in Cody, Wyoming, is reported re- cuperating. He extends his thanks to his many Shelton friends for the cards and letters he has re- ceived. Before he was stricken Tidyman visited relatives in Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas, and a son in Texas. He plans to return to his stays home and to Shelton after the tile 1964 Falcon. The winner of the ear will be selected Dec. 19. I Kimbel said the funds raised I)y]w the auction will give the program a, financial boost. Too Late To ItELP WANTED .....Experienced cook. NIl*~ttoII Manor Ntlrs[ngl-loll}l!. Call 426-4552. S 1/I/°9 tfn 7ww' ', ::;; ' 'a ' "" """" ( . ~ '." . 10/29 tfn LABORATORY TECHNICIAN -- Male, will lrain. Starling wage $2.12 per h,)ur. High re:heel graduate. Rayon- ier, Inc.. 409 E. Harvard.R 10/29 WANTED TO RENT--:-;S~{iall fur- nJsh(,d 1)111! 0|' two bl!dl'OOlll Ill)lil(}, Give parth:ulars. ]:~ox 100, c/o Jour- nal. 1"I 10/29 tfn LOST ~- Silver gl;ay ai'M-white Persian l'(!nuilq~ cat. vicillity of Arcadht Ave. and Lost Lake Blvd. Reward. Pholle '126-6390. C 10/29 11/5 Legal Publications NOTICI': OF SllERIFF'N SALE (IF AI|ANI,ONFI) VEIli(tl,ES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that O11 M,)lldlly lh(} 211d day of NoV(~lllbor, 1964 I}.| lilt: ho/Ir of 10:00 a,m, at SII(!ILoll AaIo Parts, RI. 1 Shelton. Washington, I will sell the following described vehicles, to-wit: 1953 Ford Tudor ID A3BG101709. l~i- ten,he No. DAS 116, Washingl(m. 1950 Cll(:;')'oh!t D(!livery Panel, Mlr. Nn. HAC192995. License No. P 31751, Washington, D. S. CLARK. Sheriff MltSOII Colllll y, Washingh)n l~y Thor& L:assett Dej)tlty 10/29 it first Of the year. Menus for Shelton Elementary Schools and Shelton Senior High School Week of Nov. 2-6 Monday -- Pups in a blanket, tossed green salad, extra bis- cuits and butter, rosy apple- sauce and milk. Tuesday ~ Turkey and gravy on whipped potatoes, whole ker- nel corn, sandwich, jello cubes and mille. Wednesday .... High School ehili-wiehes, Elementary chili con earne, peanut butter sand- wich, vegetable wedges, choc- olate cake and milk. Thursday .... Fried chicken, snap green beans, potato salad, bread and butter, orange and milk. Friday .... Cream tuna fish on cheese biscuits, cabbage and carrot salad, apple crisp and milk. Supplement your child's diet with Plenamins from Prepp's Rexall 132 RR. Phone 426.4642 REPUBLIGAN Vote for Ivor Snfith, for your next Repre- sentative. The 24th District needs his ex- l)erience and judgment in the 1965 Legis- lature. Ivor Smith has always worked for efficient government and opposed the increases in water and lights rates in Port Angeles. Ivor Smith has always worked for the interest of the people of Port Angeles and the Olympic Peninsula. We need Ivor Smitl for our representative in Olympia. Vote November 3rd for lvor Smith as your next Rel)resentative Mason, Jefferson, Clallam Counties (Tills ad paid for by friends of Ivor Smith ...... A. W. Shelleberger, chrm.) FIRST QUALITY SPECIAL Thursday, Friday, Scrturday! FUR-TRIMMED MELTON & PLAID COATS A grown-up look for girls who wear sizes 3 to 6x! Red, blue, ,or brown plaids collared with dyed lamb¢! With warm acrylic pile lining, too. A Penney exclusive ... priced for value! :'.=origin U.S.A. i, k . , '' I e / only ,. $' Plush all-wool melton coats collared with dyed rabbit':' for a grown-up look! Red, blue, or camel with acrylic pile or Milium lining. An exclusive Penney style and value! 7 to 14. ='.=origin France only 1 WE HAVE A LARGE AMOUNT OF ODDS & ENDS OF FIRST QUALITY PIECE GOODS TRIM LINE SMART WINTER SHORTY BOOTS ! FOOTNOTE! inch boot Smart low-slung style has Ten inch boot with leather PPers, ribbed ribbed cushion crepe rubberuppers has ribbed cushion rubber sole sole and heel. Glove and crepe rubber sole and heel. ik~red, brass,smooth leather uppers. Black, Black, burgundy, brass wax. otter, brass. 5-10 AA, 4-10 B. 6-9 B. ~D~] 8 reg. $6.ggNow '5 reg. $8.99 Some Special Buys, Some Drasti. rally Reduced. All One Price 3 YDS. LITHE LAMINATES WITH RABBIT TRIMI i Cotton Flannel, Percale, Broad- cloth, Corduroy, Denim, Polished Cotton and Many More. All Clmose our textured acrylic diagonal (3-9 petite junior) or our smooth acrylic crepe (8-18). Both Reduced To One Low Price. REDUCED ! SCATTER RUGS IN ASSORTEi) STYLES AND PATTERNS 100% Viscose Rayon Pile. Assorted Colors Wash in Lukewarm Water. Size 36 x 60