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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE6 TO THE QUESTIONS ANSWERED ABOUT HOSPITAL MISU NE)Ei~STANI)IN(; S ideal" Editor: it woilld seem that someone should try again to answer some of the questions and charges com- ing out of the Belfair area re- garding the pl~)posed hospital dis- triet, so here goes . . . I'll take the three main issues in the order in which they seem to create the most confusion. (1) "The hospital District is go. ing to eapture some of the tax revenue being enjoyed by the fire districts" . . . " This has all been said before, but I'll say it again. Everyone in the County Court- house, including all three County Commissioners, agree that under the existing circumstances, and any likely future circumstances, it is impossible for a hospital dis- trict to encroach upan (,he fire districts, UNLESS some senior taxing district (the City or schools) within Shelton proper, w(~z'e to vohmtarily relinquish some of their tax revenue. I re, bruit that this is not about to happen. It would seem to me that Fire District Commissioner Bill Somers ~a~cst tmderstand this• He has "been around", so to speak, and is certainly no dummy. This line of reasoning is even more mysti- fying when the anti-hospital group has another leader, Roy Mitchell, who is an ex-cmmty Commissioner. He surely KNOWS better. If not, one must conclude that as a Coun- ty Commissioner he learned sup- risingly little .about hmv the Coun- ty tax structure functions. I dont know whether Mr. Mit- chell actively helped create this Fire District "smoke screen", or if he merely allowed others to do so. At any rate, it appears to many of us to be just that, a "smoke screen". Belfair fire chief Bill DeMiero told me just last week that his primary con'cern was the fire dis- triet tax revenue. He didn't seem to be too concerned about the taxes he might have to pay, or the fact that he goes to Kitsap County for his medical care. (2) "Most of us go to Bremerton for our medical care". This point has never been arg- ned regarding most of the people from Belfair proper and the North Shore area. We can, however, count a goodly number of people from lhe Belfair precinct No. 1, especially i,hose livin[4 down around 'Pwanoh State t~al'k, who do come to Shelton. I can'L say about the people from Allyn. I'm sure many of them go to Bremerton, hut I know thai Inany uf them also come to Shcl- ton. I am ill a position to say, however, that it would appear from looking at the rec.ords, that the m~ jority of the Grapeview peo- ple come to Shelton for their medi- cal care, including some of those who are most vocal in their op- position to a ho~)ital district. (3) "Someone is trying to put something over on us, the original petition was not circulated in B el- fair..., etc., etc." It is true that the petiLion was ~mt circulated in the Belfair area. 11 i.~ also true that it was not circula.ted in Kamilche, Cloqual- him, Matloek, or points north of Hoodsport. A good many of the people in these areas, (most of ute,,~ in Kamilehe and Cloqua!l- urn), can state that they go to s(nne other area out of the Coun- ty for their medical care. We ]lave had no protest from these areas about being included in the proposed district. When we learned that the for- marion of a district had to be in ~0 General election, the g6neral election was staring us in the face, and we only had about two weeks to get the proposition before the County Commissioners. Time be- ing of the essence, we made no, concerted effort outside of ShelLon, and we still got. almost 1800 sig- natures within a week: we needed 686. I'm sure we could have got- ten many signatures in Belfair. (The fire chiefs lmdn't gotten in- to the act yet/. Even tllough the original peti- tion did stipulate thaL the propos- ed district be county-wide, some of us were of the honest opinion that the boundaries could still be less than countywide if the coun- ty Comnlissloners were to arrive at the conclusion (majority vote) that they should be.. This was the way I explained it at a "town hall" meeting in Belfair on the evening of Sept. 11. Roy Mitchell was all for it that night, but two days later he was "agin" it. Even if it hadn't been for the legal l~ding, I think the straw that would have broken the cam- el's back was when Grapeview wanted out. The County Commis- sioners could forsee a storm of protesl and a "sour grapes" ~no pun intende(1) reaction if Grape- view were exch,dcd. Why not a.lso let the area out that I mentioned before, Some of them are farther away from Shelton than Grapeview is, and closer to other hospitals than Grapeview is to Bkemerton. At any rate, the legal opinion finally came down that since the original petition stipulated "coun- ty-wide" it had to be county wide, This is the proposal that the re- quired number of signers asked the County Commissioners to put on the ballot. So . . . the majority (of the entire county) will rule. Some people are calling "foul" and stating that we are trying to "steal" $5,000,000.00 of evalua- tion from the north part of the county. It is no secret that we would like to include this assessed tax base in the district, because without it, mid some of the other areas that could conceivably be excluded, the tax base of the re- maining area starts to get to a point where it would be pretty steep to handle a bond issue of about $750,000. There are many people in the county who would just as soon be excluded from any taxing sit- uation that they don't feel woalct be of any benefit to them. But they still pay their taxes without so much hue and cry. Whether the Belfair people like it or not they are still in Mason County. No matter what county they were in, there would still be taxes to pay which they may or may not benefit from. The North Mason school district has certainly received more than its share of the "Forest Lands" rev- enue and are currently asking for another sizeable share of the next appropriation. You could never find a taxing proposal that would not meet with oposition from some quarter, geo- graphical or otherwise, and it would be pretty hard to make any such proposal stick if you we:'e to let everyone out who opposed it. The average tax payer in the county will undoubtedly pay con- siderably less thnn $9 per year in taxes IF the Hospital District is formed and IF a bond issue is passed at some later date. I can't help but feel that it in the tax bite that is behind the Slnokc scz'ecn, and I (:all well im- agine that the hire is going Lo be pretty big in some cases. I suppose it is too much to ask that these individuals display the can- (]OI', or courage, to come Ollt and say--:'I am opposed to this tiling because it will cost nm X number of dollars pet. year in taxes•" This just doemft seem to be the way to get supporL in opposing this kind of an issue. R. Cal Hopper Administrator, Shelton General Hospital LEFT OUT ~ Senator Henry Jackson was mistakenly omitted from the page 13 advertisement sponsored by the Democratic Central Committee through an error by the Journal advertising manager, who used a picture of Senator Warren G. Magnuson instead, l~enator Jackson is running for re-election, not Sen- ator Magnuson. We respectfully refer you to Senator Jackson's advertisement on page 5 for de- tails of his J,ong and illustrious career in public life, and apolo- gize for the mental block which caused the mix-up. Let's the incentive of the lazy to remain on our welfare rolls. Lel's DEFEAT the politicians who want to keep them there. ELECT RANDALL O. Republican REPRESENTATIVE from Mason, Jefferson & Clallam Counties (Paid by Thompson for Representative Committee, Vince Lux, Chrm,) ! I SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAE--Published in ¢CChrlsimastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington / Thursday, BLUE-WHITE AMOND Newest styles, large brilliant bTue. white diamonds. Each ring ca~rr;es our written guarantee. This is the buy of a lifetime for a lifetime. 0NIY '10 per m0nth ERPRq 1( ARMY C O M BA'r WA'rC H Exciting features: • 24-hour military dial • Waterproof* '" Luminous markers, hands " Shock-resistant " Anti-magnetic • Unbreakable mainspring • Sweep second-hand = Rugged 100% nylon strap LOOK! ONLY F---- r'!!°" -"--3 | I Illuslraled military I instructionI manuol with cvory ? JEWE (Tile Store That ( 10 A.M. TOMORROW to Shdton yrs. " " diamonds & watches • " pl " always p -- us jr LeRoy's Door Prize 14KT Gold Mothers Ring set with the birthstones of each child Drawing Sat., Oct. 31 4:30 p.m. LeRoy's Door Prize Samsonite Luggage Beauty Case Your choice of most any color Drawing Sat., Oct. 31 4:30 p.m. LeRoy's Door Prize International Silver Hollow.are Tray Beautifully Engraved Drawing Sat., Oct. 31 4:30 p.m. LeRoy's Door Mall'S Eye Ring in gold, Sizes to ner's finger, Drawing Sat., 4:30 p.m, FREE GET ACQUAINTED GIFTS NO PURCHASE NECESSARY--WHILE THEY I Colorful Leaf Dish / 100 only { 200 only } For the Ladies / / For the Men RCA Phono 300 only For Those.9 CHECK OUR SALE FOLDER RECENTLY RECEIVED - FOR TOP VALUES!! Butane Gas LIGHTER PERFECT DIAMOND Values $39.50 & up on Reg. $4.95 NOW STANDARD BRAND WATCHES $6.95 & up SAMSONITE World Famous LUGGAGE $14.95 & up JEWELRY Galore '55¢ & up LADIES 17 J HAMILTON DIA. SET WATCHES SAVE 30% TIMEX FRATERNAL WATCHES RINGS your SAVE 25(7v g only Gent's Demxe choice FOR THOSE FEW ) I , 9 ( INTERESTED IN AN ~1 I Sunbeam ONLY' EXTRA LARGE ( D,AMOND- TOP 51 Shavemasters OPENING SPECIALS NOW $1¢188 ~' L __ "_._..____E~-- We Engrave any purchase Free of Charge - "Red Carpet" SIX TRANSISTOR • FAMOUS Wm ROGER SILVERPLATE : BOWL. diameter 12Vza NOW Monogrammed Free TRAVEL ALARM CLOCK Fully guaranteed move- ment with loud and clear alarm bell. G • n u i n • leather case. ROUND TRAY, diameter' SANDWICH TRAY, diameter 12Vz" CANDY COMPOTE, diameter 7zA',. height 5~A,I BREAD TRAy, lengtl~ : i:! BUy NOW. USE OUR EASY TERMS OR LAY-A-WAY PLAN /r ) / .... i~TNE INTERNATIONAL ,SILVER COMPA 125 Railroad Ave 119 Fifth Ave. E Shelton Olympia 10 a.m. -6 p.m. 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 125 Railroad Ave 119 Fifth Ave. E Shelton 10 Olympi,a 9