October 29, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 29, 1964 |
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29, ].0¢)4 g L 0N--MAg0N COI T J01$RNAL--Published in Cbr?, tma, town, U.S.A.'", ghelton, f a hington PAGE
(Political Advertising Paid for by B. F. Heuston and Dr. J. T. Morrissey, Shelton)
Little Climbers Win ,,. .. ,,
With 2nd Half Spurt _ _
........... - VIKings,'"". ,.. . i np , Ol, ,
OUverR. : :! ! UverIq io ilU
~ER:"0 I| Shelton's Little Climbers dotal-|____ A traditional oh.l rival tetra'n- CONVii:NI:TCNCE"
::: hated play throughout the game| Io the .i h:;limbor sehed.lo .....
~qpn,,u ~i,==--~ ~ .... over North Kitsap's l~ squad until • after several years absence will ~~ma }s ()::cn
I 5/AR NIGMPX IIIIT the last four minutas on Loop l II Iprovide the cob:petition for St:eL- Iz ~.':: :/the smg w
vmnmlmnv VV/ . " " ~ ': ' " . .... • FIIo,%t im ml't-
~. ............ Field Monday mght. tea's imalhome iootball game ot ) .I.
son-Thurston ] em tl §00 SFRiF. Skip Purvis ran 35 yards on a ] the yea," this Friday night, ant ~letum, on.
TimliiV i :,- ~ OU IL nl/kt in
• divo nlav un the middle for thcF , The Montesano Bulldogs, hmg- .~ .i~ ;"
I ' 1 ~ "~ ,~" ~" ~ el( CO1 a[lll~
County ' [::.i:: ::::::!: :::: 5,I:N S (.,IT, LEA(~UE games o'pening score in thc third time Climber rivals in thc Ccn- ' " '
pe rior C°urt ' ] l ~ "W L quarter and Gary Marshall used I |tral league, will pay their first yo;~.: ::oI}~:e
40 & 8 Voiture 13., ............. 1:1 7 the same nlav fortwo yards for/ ]visit to Loop Field in at)out five ' ":
• ,,, ,,..,. i ::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :: ~k,v' ":~'" "' -- , ...... " '
Bec. lth Jewelry .............. 14 7 the victory touchdown m the four- / . / ) cms, l~plaelng Chehahs oil Silel- .-- ~ .
Dan'y Queen ........................ 12 9 th period to wind up a 70-yard| maA I ton's schedule this year. ~~ u]e so:a is one
tSI~D BY MASON ~ Wilson Company .................. li 10 dr:w, ground out in six and seven I ~|| I The Bulldogs may wish they mR~:'~m u:e mrgcst~
, , pieces .~ou v. Ill
'Y LABOR COUNCIL |~ ~i Simpson Timb¢ [.. ........ 10 11 yard" blasts I ilv Jhadn t come back this year for on mL~,~!~~ "', , ,' '
Prepp's Rexali Store ..':::':"i0 11 ~ Oh:~e O,~:',,+,,,, U,~Uo~I both cou I -- " ]the form charts they are due for i::,~buy.
'SED BY GENERAL TEAMSTERS UNION ' " "'" "~ ........ : .................
E% ell IYlore
Frisken Oil 7 .... , .... I Forks Snartans Clobber Buildoo'~ [a hard evening at the hands of the
.318 ' ' ND FRAN I l's ................ ~ -~" ..... ~' It" ~ ~'-" 1 i h fl in • ' ,h " n • , • siguificant the sofa sets the
Shaub-El l, on ...................... 6 lo . n o~ • • . I g - y g H~g chl bels. ~II:]s . . - - -
!RBED BY STANBERY FOSTER A C S O. High game---Stan Ahlquist 245. ,nN°~:h k,',~,°,ttedh:,he ,COt~hto t :hnt 38-6; Leading Vashon Here Fmday /isn't one of the Pups better sea-style of your twins" roo,n. If
, -- .~.--'~ v ............................... ou :avor the )o ular Lrend
High serles---Stan Ahiquist 611 " ' he ' sons, whllc it is just that tor the Y .... I P ,
!".WALKER (Candidates for Judge in Primary Election , , - • quarter and ran ove~t . con- By Jeff Fortner touchdown completing the extra I ~limber, towards elegance you'll want a
0mbined vote of approximately 7800) ........... is" - "- version [ North Mason was rolled over I point. Then Forks intercepted a/ Coach Bob Sund's (1""- ~- ...... sofa whose prace of line and
~an ~juqu 4u, .igenel'aliy, conce- . • , ~ ' , , J .~ u,~ ~a~ ,~t,~r-, , , ~, , ,
=_= ;_ ~.^ ,., ..... :.. .... .. .... . Sheltond~deverythmgbutc]osslby Forks la'St Friday at Forks'lpass and took~t all the way for/~a 11"¢ noin~, ~,, ~, u,o+ ,~ ...... richness of fabric will set the
}0RSED BY CITIZENS IN EVERY WALK OF'LIFE tlt2tl tU UV c,,e t;UHHa~UX|ILyN ,DES1: ..... " • • :;, "~'~ "" i" ....... S ......... 'e~ " .....
h~u,l,~,, flnnllv nnilod h{....... .:,.- the goal tree m the f~rsthalf be- Homecoming 38-6 another touchdown, g~vmg I~orks} ~'sm~s ~.nd .~hnnld mnno oln.~o tn elegant tone of the room While
AND .... ~.~ ~f +ho ~..~.,-- ~.~--.. : ..... ,uhind the running of Tom ~v.tarshall I In the first quarter Forks drove I a 25 to 0. lead | hnldinp" fhnt ,tvo, qo'e. n~r~in~t tho it is l~ossibie and often very
ERRED BY 16 SUCCESSFUL PRACTICING ....... su;.~'~ln~in-"':h-i'-"?~ay ".~S"~. eom.pletely dominating play b}lt to the first touchdown of the In the fourth quarter on a Forks B,"~ild,~s-i}"[h:,'t~wo~chi'/)s"ci;~'~:in::e effeetive'io mix different styles
~aBY~ ~,~ith 191 ~i]d ~75 51imeisddlee nussmg eveLy .scoring opportumtyI game after recovering a BulldogI fumble, quarterback Charlie Drake/to pia~ anywhere near the kind of or periods in the same room. it
tNEYS OF THIS JUDICIAL DISTRICT came u,) with a tasty 611 sand- mr one ~:e:tson o.r anotnm.. _ ] fumble. In the second period Forks I of North Mason grabbed the ball| bali they "have lately. The Bull- is good rule to choose the sofa
• as
the most experienced and qualified Candidate wich in the men's city league ..u~ne ~l~ue t~!~moers, wine up ] recovered another NM fumble and I and tool: off down the field for| dogs halve lost all 'three league in the room's dominant style,
~0t.e for OLIVER R. INGERSOLL is a vote for However h.is Shaub-Elli'son t~am ~nc~r se.ason..nex~ Mol}oa.y at uiym-ltook the ball for a 35-yard run la touchdown which covered 93| games and won but once so far whether it be modern, contem-
~errenee, rhature judgment and strict impartiality .was unable to canitalize, .... upon hisp~aagamS~woRm: l,arrtney~ear'jum°r vars~tY.we~r useo r~ome h i'°rThetheirthu'sec°ndd ualt°uchd°wn'te~ stm ted out ]yardsn Forks Lunged a'rotmd then| this season, porary or traditional
effort even his bi~ game and ~- ......... ' .... ' q " " . " ~ a dcame back with a 52-yard run| This will be the filml home Because of its size, the sofe is
ciropned a 2-1 verd~'ct to V¢ilson ~uc~aam, Jett ~m~.urtz.ana ~cl: iwith a bang for Forks, which took [ for a touchdown, completing the| game for 21 seniors on the Ciim- also a vital key to your color
V OTE for ComXanv ~Dan Wilson 555) ~_a~nai~ a~ enos; ~vtut ~cm.nnacn:}the ball oyez ,ight a~ay fin" a/ext,:a point for a 32.6 lead. Forks|ber Squad, many of them front- scheme. For instance, you can
d Election Nov. 3, 1964 - on-Partisan
tgersoll for Judge' Committee W. A. Stacy Chr.)
i i I i II i e
......... -- ' ' RI~TiNF ~AP~ ~ try at a perfect game ill the Mer-i! ..~. : ~. '. "" . - ," .[ .,tudent bod" of North Mason is| G, e time is the" Usllal 8:01} 0 L S E N
~OU WAN]: TO TRY nT? oyedat them,xed2bal]4sorne am
i~i~im~ ui~v u nn~l • , l ~ " *~ " J " '
ns o ' - ,. 1~,1o last ~un(lay !or nlen~Dols ot . o'cloc -•~'
=~. unm..~==nuui. .... cha t. b whng league Thm sday] ........ • _ . ...... /bacl:lng them up. This will be at| .,l: klckofi.
tne NnelEon l:~a3 snole ~Oli ~,JlUD n
night but missed when his effotl 3 at So f(1
, , , 7 0 K~tsap ~ d Oct o0
iN Mu'flUllAH/ LUUF f~ll sho,~ at"274 in his 2" ne ":I The pleasure " ;; as so pr, dolni:l :" ' • "-" • | ............................................... I:llnNnTlinl: nn
, ' , pe ~r. ' .... I VSUUiV'UlL. VVs
MERCHANTS LF, AGUE It gave Stewart s T oodhner a / . .. I - • ].lnm.n l Ad , D.,,
~ -, ~ • nant that the group voted to take The starting lineup' :
I to the National convention in 1936 W. ,~2-2 draw with Ol,,m,,ic~ ~. Pb,wood~ | a cnance. ~ ~nat the. weathermane will | North Mason lVorksi ~m|mqii| ~ ~|~| M~ |aW~, I 328 CoLa ,,~t., ,~¢hon+^-~,.~,,
. , • contn uc to smile on th m once. McKay C Dawkins i
[in Cleveland, Ohio. Fuller Constmmtlon Too..22 10 (Jim Baxter 498). I "- ....... ~ " 2. " I ~-
• " 1^ ~ Tw oth -eels:on w t 1 , nmre so anotIler lmxeo z-Dau ~S/Davis G bwanson~ ~ .................................................
i Savage served for several years State Farm J.ns.................... . b 14 O er a S ere s a e- ! .scheduiea" ~ov- 1=o, w~" th st-a~t', u:g ' Kowalczyk" G ' McElravy'* " - ............................. -------
i beginning in the thirties as mere- Stewart's Foodhner . ......... 18 14 mates to(): State Farm Insurance n. .... • .... " ] ' , i| ~
• ' • • , Llnle set aneaa to 1'~0 Leathern:an T Meztz
~~ ]ber of the Hospital Board of Di- Ralph's Serve-U .................. 18 14 (Don Brown 549) :wltllMillers[ ' ' ] '" || n , . ]
~~ rectors and more than 20 year,~ Prepp's Rc.xall Store .......... 16 16 (John Hulet 488), and Ralph~ Prize winners Sunday were: ]Cokelet T Tieme.yel.||] .
r ~ll(~ n It~ l~tchell
ago he helped to get througil the Kimbel & Whitey's .............. 16 16 Serve-U (Dick Johnson 548) with| 1st low net--Homer ~Voodard | -"; ~ ~- ~ |i J i~ ~ .a . ~ J
Legislature the Hospital District Miller's ................................. 10 22 Kimbel & Whitey's (Jerry Dres-[and Frances Catto, 34 '/~,; 2nd luw }Blac~well ^E ~yowcr|l -- / I
r D1 aKC I,~l~ .J onnsoll
Law under which the people of Olympic Plywood .............. 10 22 eher 560/. /net---JackKembel and Martha|. ' -~ • . || ~~ |
l/, , lrluson P B WooGI llff
the county now hope to establishi-Iigh games--Bud Ristine 274',League-leading Fuller Construc-ICole, 36,4; 3rd low net---Bob O1-| ".: ' ' || | .m-_,~- ~.~ _ ~ |
lanked Wtmman L HB Goo~
|~~ a new hospital. Don Lund 224. tion (Don Lund 576) b . n son and Alice Morrissey., 30 3/4', ] . .... . ~.. || [ U~]~L~.Id[-~~[~~P'.dL~ |
Dmow HB I e~ y
i~~ ] Charles Savage and Clarence High series--Bud Ristine ,)89 Prepp's Rexall Store (Dave Harris/ltigh gros.~--Ada Oltman and Hat'-] ,' .... • || I iiIVJ Blllll$1 Jib-II(lillH ' I
i~ Latham represented the Simpson * * * 535) to fortify its position atop[ ry ,Cole; low gros,~--tie between~ ......... /I I ........... -- - I
~~ / ~mployees of Camp 3 in 1937 at Bud Ristme gave the old college the standings, / Gary Nicloy and Betty Oison wfth [ Other sports at North Mason areFI I ~ I
~~ I a founding convention to organize ............. -------7"- "-~ Buc'k Price'and Billy i~ronghton a,t i fast and conling. The organizer |1 I _ _ I
la new International union. They .... " r li46; 2nd low gros~Bud Pauley]of these sports is Mr. Hawkins,|| |~~~~~~P.-~~ I
..:: ]spent 11 days in helping to write .... :;'~'" ...... '" ............. ' ..... " .... ' ':" ..... ............... lland Anita Kimbcl 47. " Iteacher at N°rth Mas°n' Mr" Ha'w-il ' I ....... I
i fenn n )aIt killS :s veiy achve m stllhng t I
~~ 4the constitution and select the Playing witholt :l ':i e I" '- '"' " " "" ' " : ""
name of International Woodwork- N~PII~nA~ ~P~, I}ners, 'Val Sienko had a low gloss[chang( of pace for the North M~,-|I I ,,,,, ]
• - - , .. . son student by conductin ~ wet ht *-,:
• R 42 .auJ, I~:ank T~avm ao 10~.net. . * ' ' g g
era of, America, The I.W.A. is !!IR|iU ~&lr-K~ 1/3o,,.. ............. Jtraining and jude .after school, o~r~-~~m~ ~~ I
l~retty important, in the lives of.
many people in .~ason County and ~ '" , , , I These sports are progressing fast]~ | . I. ~_..~ |
it looks like it may be around for [|19th HOLE CLUB TAI,KS |and will be in full swing by Feb-||i ..... ,, , "---- ~ - t
a long time to colne. Come ill and get acquainted iiLEAGUE RULES CliANGES |ruary with wrcstling. The'Noi'th|| ' @ll~l~',l~i~lt NBI~q~I~,I~ OilAD~ |
M'tson Bulldogs hope to h'~ve a u'n '
It was nearly 25 years ago ,1/ Discussion of possible changes[, ":. ........... "..._:..;._: '.k*l.~ ..... Jl un anur I
tl c • :. ;,. when Savage took the lead in or- / " " ' e ' O .,h'~.~*-q4 ~etun tt~gC[,l~e~" ~¢.~/ ~ eO-
' • • " " 1 t} rllary to cnI, er lnLO c0rfll)t.LILIOI1 |
.lif;°%mun:.~y,acttiv'~xe ganizing the Simpson Employees IL'~.H i~l'~ i~e==qi.la ~ .P..a.~ ||m point scoring for th, mens g lf/ , • " • '~ .... [[ ON HILLCREST |
~,~i_~_~ ~|~,~L~ ~lP__rj,~i~ i| league predominated a.t t le mon :- ~ "..." ,.. . . | |
WILl1Ol;llel SCII001S~
eatativev just take a Fede~:al .Credit Union..He was ' [~ ly meeting of the 19tl~ Hole Club/ "" ' ~ ]
at J~e-resentative ~oara t~nairman :or the nrs~ I| last week, attended by 23 mere-| ......................................... ~ ~'
~a ..... "P - - two Years and is still a member
• *~tge s oacKgrouna.- "- ~" " nu ~ 1 This Open This Friday Evening 7 'til 10 i] bers for dinner preceding the. bus-] -- ........ ,- " - .-m
ted 31 ~vears.: ,o= .~. ooo,,moo~ I/ / u0met 1~ -.'v
L-- credit union hasloaned millions . The 0bject was to devise a stron-completes m,,
N~in~.~s .~ession.
, ~e:~Ur~:el2~t2°~v"of dollars and provides steady era- ZUU-miif durabill
~d i,: 1935 under his ployment for several people. :t • , R., n p. .. ~. I/ger inducement for participal.ion/ '
uunton's rake e( rlxn ~non ]]in the competition, wlfich has been~ ~1~ ||1~1~ ~'1~ '~~|n~ ~|~ |~A ~mm AO J~.uu.
Lecturer the Skoko owns a nice office and will prob- '- I/highly popula," and drawing o0 I~ liUlll LU [OINUOUN 9/41¢1 RCI ill Udy
or~ a nro~ram of en-" ably be important in the commun- || to 65 members out each weet: the .. "
ed,,- t. ° ~ .. ity for many years to come
u~auon an(/ parn- . .... " ' 223 Cota She ton, Wash ngton|] past threc or fern" years A fall .................... ,~ ......... ~ ~ ...~ ......
i/schedule was added to the sprn g ...................... ............. .... , . .
Ure won a ennto~! /vtore ~nan ~nree years ago " , ' " '1 ~ .... LIVelier uomet proYee once
................. tt -o
again why :t s tna world's uura
Granges sev~raI Charms ~avage neLpea ~e y ~ o- . i/ calendar thk'~ year for the first -
~m ~; ',~,^.~'2..n per and others to organize the ] time and worried satisfactorily bllity Chempion. Uses show-
~)ecam~ Ma'~'s~.~,~f Mason County Chapter of City of = room models In day-nnd-night
Jin-i- 37...... Hope .to help raise funds for re-
...., ~"~" ~.^ search for cures of catastrophic -- grind from the bottom to the
" " diseases such as T.B., heart, ca - t0p of the world. ,
held office in the
Grange. He
Degree member in
n~ber of the Nation-
e 7th and highest
He was chairman
the beginning of
Protect the PUD's.
ty, He now holds
, tire Grange office
Master of the Po-
middle thir-
4~H 'Club lead-
hthe help of
others he or-
a~on County 4-H
,and served
the Council for
Years, The council
[ is still doing a fine
~-H kids of the
and his wife
the Skokomish
Team and wrote
display work 30
the team is still
y and esteem
ons and has
featured ss the
to put on the
display drills at
a member of the
ahortly after he
and Was active in
ram to establish
When the Town-
tized to push'
Savage was
of the Sokomisb
Tozier as Pres-
was elected
Le.uled a car load
Mason County
cer etc. Savage is Chairman and
has been since the Chapter was
Bavage was for years on the
Red Cross Board and was Chair-
man of the Mason County Chapter
during the early years of the war.
Savage has been for 24 years
active in the Anti-Tuberculosis
League, is still on the Mason Coun-
ty Board and is Mason County's
Repre~ntative Director on the
State Board, but he says, "Lois,
Davidson gets full credit for be-
ing the spark plug of the organ-
,' :~i~vage took a 10.ading part along
with Ina Kimbel and Martin Au~
seth in organizing the Grange
Bowling League, He has also ser-
ved as the President of the Fra-
te~-nal Bowling League and of the
Mixed 4-Some League.
Savage was Secretary and later
President of the Young Men's Ac-
tive Club of Shelton, tte was also
:Governor of the Moose Lodge and
served a term as Deputy Supreme
Govez~0r qf the Moose Lodge.
Savage has been Precinct Com-
mitteeman (Democrat that is) for
many years. He has been Chair-
man of the M~son County Demo-
' erotic Central Committee for eight
years out of the last 30 years and
:State Committeeman for six yeaTs.
: Savage organized the Mac, on__.
:County Democratic Club aur'~n~ I
the 1940 s and personally signed
up the first 80 charter members. I
It will take a great many years
i to say the lea~t for anyone to
;beat or even equal Savage s rec-
ord of community service. Is it
:any wonder he W~S elected to the
Legislahlre the first time he ran
in 1938 and to Congress in 19447
You couldn't do better than • . •
Democrat for,
• (Paid Political Advertisement)
1. Appropria£ion for the new Olympia Post Office
2. Appropriation for feasibility study on Olympia-Grays
Harbor canal
3. Appropriation for the Shelton Post Office
4. Funds for the Olympia forestry research program
5. Sponsored Congressional legislation making Shelt0n
Correctional Institution possible.
/ Julia's work on the House Appropriations
Committee is vital to your economy
Pd. Pol, Adv. by Hansen for Congress Committee, Robert Bailey, Clmm.,
Sounth Bend, Wash.
Shades of Daytonal Comet is famous for dura-
bility, Last year, specially equipped Comets
ran 100 000 miles at Daytona in 40 days.
Regular production-model Comets u|ed, just
like showroom Conlets. Want to see the car
that made it from Cape Horn to Fairbanks? Visit
your N~ercury dealer's. Check'a 1965 Comet
Caliente, with smooth Mu}ti-Drive Merc.O.
Matic. The only difference: the run cars had
an extra gas tank, because service stations
ere frequently so far apart in South America
Comets are ready for immediate delivery. No waiting, if you order yours now,
world's durability champion
FAIRBANKS, Oct. 22 -- Three
Mercury Comets today finished
a run no car has ever attempted
in so sho~ a time--the rugged
16,200-mile grind from Cape
Horn to FMrbanks.
En route, day and night, the
cars had no major repairs, just
routine maintenance. That's
ample proof that 1965 Comets
are powerful and tough, not just
lively and beautiful.
Bottom to top, 16,200 miles.
In South America, Spring was
near. 7haws flooded the roads•
Passing abandoned gold refinery
at Antofagasta, northern Chile.
Good city roads wine ~e[ief for
drivc~s atter rugged stretches.
5th and Railroad • Sheiton, Washington
See the "Bing Crosby Show" ~.
Monday Night, 9:30 pro, A PRODUCT OF
W~XRX-TV, Channel "100, ~ MOTOR COMPANY