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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 29, 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christnmstown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 9 I. Question: Answer: 3. Question: Answer: 4. Question: Answer: 5' Question: What is a District Hospital and how does it differ from a County Hospital? A Hospital District is a municipal corporation much the same as the Port District, Fire District or Public Utilities District. These Districts or Municipal Corporations are owned by the People of the geographical confines of the District. County Hospitals are established primarily to take care of Welfare people and indigent in- dividuals and are almost entirely tax supported on construction and operation. Wi y has it proven necessary to form a Hospital District rather than make some other approa ? ttt ough and complete study by a professional fund raising firm has clearly set forth the fact that the potential in Mason County is only of the amount needed. Any other approach, such as the sale of stocks or bonds or outright loans would necessitate an extremely high rate structure in order to pay off such forms of financing. We do not feel the people of this area want their hospital bills to be among the highest in the State. We now enjoy one of the lowest rates. What size Hospital will be built and wh at will it cost? The formula used for Hill-Burton purposes establishes 50 beds as the necessary facility, and a hospital of this size qualifies for Hill-Burton funds. Studies completed so far by qualified architects indicate the overall cost of the building and equipment should be approximately $1,2 50,000. Can Federal funds be secured for any amount of the total cost? Yes. The Mason County area has number onc priority in the State of Washington for re- ceiving these funds under the Hill-Burton program. We can receive up to 40% of the overall cost provided the Hospital is constructed in accordance with Hill-Burton requirements. This will be an outright grant that does not rcquire repayment. What demands or "strings" will be attached by the government in granting such a share of the costs ? 8. Question: Answer: 9. Question: Answer: 10. Question: Answer: 11. Question: Answer: 12. Question : Answer: and Shelton General Hospital showed the cost of acquiring the adjacent property, together with the expenses of relocating streets, sewers, water mains, etc., would exceed $200,000. The two Hospital boards also agreed on a site which is presently the Shelton Meat Packing Company, which is located on Mounts in View. This is the best available site. Is there agreement among the Doctors as to the Hospital District being the proper course of action ? All the doctors in. the community have agreed that a hospital district is the only logical solution to our hospital problems. How soon can a new hospital be built and operating? The earliest date on which completion can be expected would be the fall of 1967. THREE YEARS FROM NOW. If there are no undue delays. Will the new hospital be self-supporting or will it require tax money for future operations? Based on present day patient load in S helton a new hospital should bc self-supporting. Both hospitals are now operating in the black. What is the status of Shclton's Hospital regarding state licensurc? Shelton General Hospital has for several years been on the brink of condemnation by the State Health Department because of the inadequacy of the building. There is the very definite possibility that Shelton General will be closed if we do not show progrcss toward a new Hospital. Although the Clinic Hospital currently holds a State License for 20 beds, the Health De- partment has stated that it is not feasible to enlarge it to a 50 bed facility; and therefore Hill-Burton funds are not available for that purpose. Have the Hospital District boundaries been established? By whom ? The boundaries of the Hospital District have been made to coincide with boundary lines, by the County Commissioners on September 23, 1964. Mason County Answer: 6. Question: Answer: Only that construction meets government specifications. The operation of the hospital, once it is built, would be entirely in the hands o f the three (3) elected district commissioners. What is it going to cost me as a taxpay cr ? A bond issue of $750,00 can be retired in 15 to 20 years by an annual levy of not more than 3 mills, based upon the valuation of Mason County property. Translated into dollars and cents, this would be $6.00 per year on a $10,000 home or $9.00 on a $15,000 home, etc. 13. Question: Answer: Will the creation of a Hospital District have any adverse effect on Fire District revenue? No. While this is theoretically possible, the probability of it in the foreseeable future is al- most non-existant. 14. Question: When will the bond issue for about $750,000 be voted upon? Answer: The first opportunity for voting on this will probably bc April, 1965. It may evcn be later. 7. Question: Answer: a District Hospital be built on the p resent site ? To satisfy Hill-Burton and the State Health Department requirements, the downtown sitc would have to be enlarged to 5 acrcs. A study by the Boards of Directors of the Clinic Hospital 15. Question: Answer: What can I do ? Vote YES for the formation of a "Hospital District" within Mason County, Tuesday, Novem- ber 3. Vote in the precinct in which you are registered and take your friends with you. 66 ~'~:~laUSe of the rapid growth in Shelton and Mason fir~ly believe we County, I as ~lcl project our thoughts to the need of incrcmsing our hospital faciiities as soon ~iblc", --Jerry Samph)s . Mr. Vicw "I fi ~ro~,r~ly believe that the fm~mation of a Hospital District in Mason County; to vide a new modern hospital is the only answer to our current Hospital prob'lem'. ---M. V. Grunkcmeicr - Hillcrcst ~t~tl~l convinced that adequate hospital facilities i~](Sh~t°n and Mason County ~llb°nlY be provided by formation of a Hospital D ~t" ". ,, s can be accomplishcd Y if supported by all the people living in its scrvmc area . --Mcrvin Wingard - Mt. View "ftV~tele~edYI~Sa" re fortheou rMercifUlHospital'District".Let us too, bc a part of__Rcv.the llealingHoraccministrYMountsin. ShcltOn.Shclton i~r~teeded tlm hospital ycstcrday, wc so we can have it must vote YES today, t'OW , --Dean Palmer . Bayshore "The communities' great need is for a new hospital. Clallam County replaced an out-modcd hospital, why can't Mas0n?" --Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgc Cropper - Shclton 'Tin behind thc Hospital District100e'"z~ • --Mrs. Bill (Mary) Smith - Angleside "Thc Hospital District for Mason County, ha.~ number one priority for federal funds from the Hill-Burton program. This will amount to about $500,000, with no "strings" attached other than construction must meet government specifications. This oppor- tunity might not COme again. Vote for the ttospital Disrict". ..... Dr. H. Dccgan - Shelton "We are desperately in nccd of a new hospital and the Hospital District formation is the only way". --Mr. C. W. Strcckcnbach - Grapcvicw "Mason County needs a new hospital. I believe formation of a Hospital District is thc best way". *--Dr. l-lcrb Hergert - Shelton I "The' community of Mason County urgcntly needs a new hospitar'. ---Mr. Clive Troy - Bayshorc - Grapcvicw "Formation of a hospital district is the only sensiblc way to approach the problem of providing modern hospital facilities for Mason County. Vote YES Novembcr 3rd". ---Bob Holt - Union "Hospital District is favored as the only financially practical course in obtaining adequate and necessary mettical service for Citizens of Mason County. Vote YES for Hospital District formation. ..... Lcstcr W. Hein - Hoodsport "The form~ttion of a. Hospital District to provide a source for raising the funds ap- pear to bc tl~e only means by which the citizens of Mason County can provide modern hospital facilities for the community". --Max Schmidt - Arcadia Road "I have been convinced the proposed ttospital District is the best solution to the Mason County Hospital problem". ...... lloward Somers - Grapcvicw "Wc must have a new hospital and the Hospital District is the least expensive way". ---Bob Kcir - Unioll