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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i, i, PA E 10 Rooter Busses Are Successful; Saghalie Staff To Attend UW Workshop By JANET NEI,SGN Congratulations kids, thanks to your cooperation the looter bllses which were taken to the last two gaines Vcere,~i grc~lt Sllccess. COll- tinued good conduct and support O11 yotlr pax; nlay make it possible for the school to send more busses to future games. Saturday some of the member~ of the Saghalie staff will leave tile school about 7 a.m. for the Uni- versity of Washington in Seattle. They will spend the (lay atlending versus meelings at a school year- book workshop. On the same (lay the members of the Girls' Athh~tic As,'~ot-iation will bc attending a play day here now being sqld by stu(k~nts. "The Diary of Arm Frank" will be pre- sented Nov. 12 and 13 in the Reed building anditorium. Tomorrow night (Friday) will be our last home ga~ne of the sea- son. Let's have a big turn-out so W(? c!ln cheer onr te}lnl on to an- other victory. Teachers To Hear Of HeaSh Science Work Science teachers from ason County will attend an all-day ses- sion with a team of research sci- entists from the University of Washington Nov. 14 in Tacoma. in Shellon. Other schools partici- The conference emphasizing the pating in the playday are Forks, health sciences wilt be presented Hoquiam, Sequim, North Thtu;ston, by the Puget So;rod Science Tea- North Kitsat), Central Kitsap, South Kitsap, West Bremerton, chers' Association and the Wash- ington State andPierce County East Bremcrton and Pm't Town- Heart Associations at the Univer- send. sity of Puget Sound. Next year Shelton will be send- The Heart Association is assist- ing a ue'nior abroad for the school ing as part of iLs program to up- term nnder the American Field grade the level of science teach- Servlce~ program. This year's ap- ink in secondary schools so that plies;ions have already been filed students interested in careers in by interested juniors, medicine and research can go oh Tickets for the all-class play are to higher edncation better pt~, ................................................ pared. The November 14 program will inclnde demonstrations and discus, sions in electronics and instrumen- tation used in medical research; biophysical studies of the circu- latory system, development of the ! The man entrusted with safeguarding important p~- titions lost 83,000 of them from his own office. The legal costs to unscramble his mess have been staggering/ Elect Lud Secretary of State and be p.roud again REPUIlUCAN I$1 Ktamer Committee. k.E. Landon, Chmn, heart and circulation and toxicol- ogy, Speakers include Dr, Richard J. Blandau and Dr. Allen M. Scher, heart ,research investigators of the Washington state HeaI¢ Assoc- iation and Dr Ted Loomis, U of W professor of medicine. Dr, Loomis will present a special sessit)n to acquaint teachers With the physt* cal effects arid hazards of chemi- cals normally found in junior high school ).a?or_atofies--___.___ Christian science Services A Bible Lesson on "Everlasting Pttmshment" will be read at all Christian Science church set'Vices this Sunday. Golden Text: "Whom the Lord loveth He correeteth; even as a father the son in whom he delight. eth" (Prey. 3:12). From the denominational text- book, these lines will be 'read: "He : that touches the hem of Christ's robe and masters his mortal be- liefs, animality, anti hate, rejoi- ces in the proof of healing---in a sweet and certain sense that God is Love" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 569). SA'VINGS BONDS Sales of U.S. Savings Bonds in Mason County during September were $3,787, acording to County Bond Chairman L. A. Carlson. Sales in the state during Septem- ber were $4,490,409. City Charters .rot the ution to be voted on NOVEMBER 3, 1964 -OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE , Senate Joint Resolution No. 1 CITY CHARTERS Shall Article XI, section I0, of the State Constitution, which provides for the incorporation, organization and classification of cities, and allows certain cities to frame charters for their own government consistent with general state laws be amended in the following respects: (1) Changing from 20,000 to 10,000 the minimum population of cities which may frame such charters; (2) Changing newspaper publication requirements for proposed charters; (3) Providing that notices of elections be given as required by law? '" tOTE CAST BY EXTRAORDINARY SESSION, 1963 STATE LEGISLATURE ON FINAL PASSAGEI $|NATEI 49 Members.--43 Yaal; 0 Ncys; 6 Absent er not voting. HOUSEI 99 Members--93 Yeas; 0 Nays; 6 AbsenI or not voting. 7 EXPLANATORY COMMENT Issued By The Attorney General As Required By Law LAW AS IT NOW EXISTS: The State Constitution now permits any city with |0,000 Or more inhabitants to frame a charter for its own g0vcrnmen:t' A charter outlines the government and powers of a city, The charter must be consistent with and subject to the eov~titation and laws of the state. The constitution now provides that the proposed charter be published in two daily newspapers published in the city cone tlnuously for at least thirty days prior to the date it is submitted t~ the voters, The constitution now provides that notice of election on a proposed charter shall be given for at least tea days before the day of election, in aR election districts of the city. EFFECT OF SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 1 1F AP- PROVED INTO LAW: The proposed amendment would permit any city with 10,000 inhabitants to frame a charter for its own government, the same as a city with 20,000 inhabitants may now do. The proposed amendment would provide that the proposed charter be published in the daily newspaper of largest general circulation published in the area to be incorporated or if sac daily newspaper is published there, in the newspaper having tt{e largest general circulation in the area) at least Jnce a week for four weeks next preceding the election on the ~.harter. The proposed amendment would require notice )f election to be given in the manner provided by the legislature, A Legal Publication VICTOR A, MEYERS From the Office of ~ ~ Secretary of State , HELTON--MA 0N COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in