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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, October 29, 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Christmasto (m, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 11 !? Governor, we don't have your $500,000.00 advertising pot, or the 27 paid public relations men that handle your campaign of misstatements against Dan Evans. We are willing to spend our hard-earned money to see that our friends and neighbors have the truth. We are spending it so people will know how brazenly you distort Dan Evans' voting record. We refer to the pamphlet of falsehoods and distortions that you have published for you. The facts below are documented in the House Journals, official record of the House of Representatives, and in the State's Bill Books. No. I (SB 311, 1957) ROSELLINI SAYS DAN EVANS VOTED AGAINST MILLION FOR SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION. DAN EVANS VOTED "YES" ON THIS BILL. MORE ROSELLINI CHARGES rgaL~ens: Against: 100% support of kindergartens • 2, 1963 gainst: Supplying funds for teacher re- SSHB 252, 1963 Education: Against: Amendment to increase corn- COllege attendance allowances SSHB 252, ~'or: Ratable reductions for community $SHB 252, 1963 ]ainst: Reinstating funds for the U. of 252, 1963 THE TRUTH OF EVANS' VOTING RECORD How phony can Rosellini get? Here is the real story: SSHB 252, 1963, really was the House proposal under the leader- ship of Dan Evans for a 1963 budget. It included more money for schools than Rosellini recommended, more money for teachers retirement than Rosellini recommended, more money for com- munity colleges than Rosellini recommended, and more money for the University of Washington than Rosellini recommended. It was passed originally by the House over Rosellini's bitter ob- jections. Although the Rosellini-dominated Senate rejected it the eventual compromise included more money for each of these programs than Roselllni recommended - and it was a balanced budget without new taxes! \ ROSELLINI SAYS DAN EVANS VOTED AGAINST LAW MISSTATEMENT No. 3 TO PERMIT BURIAL DESPITE COLOR, CREED, RACE. (HB 15, 1961) DAN EVANS VOTED "YES" ON THIS BILL. THE TRUTH OF EVANS' VOTING RECORD MORE ROSELLINI CHARGES Voted Against: Consumer Protection HB 141, 1961 HB 141, 1961 - You bet! This wicked bill would have raised and fixed retail prices of groceries, gasoline and hundreds of other commodities. Evans i$) proud to have helped kill it. ROSELLINI SAYS DAN EVANS VOTED AGAINST !MENT No, 2 INCREASING ACCIDENT BENEFITS FOR INJURED WORKMEN. (lib 643, 1961) DAN EVANS VOTED "YES" ON THIS BILL. MORE ROSELLINI CHARGES ~0r: Amendment to cut permanent partial Payments HB 396, 1957 'gainst: Cost of living increase in injured pensation HB 11, 1961 {lair!st: Creating Division of Vocational and Vocational. Education. SB 37, THE TRUTH OF EVANS' VOTING RECORD HB 396, 1957 - A wrong; amendment increased permanent partial disability payments. HB 11, 1961 - A typical Rosellini error; bill related to foreign banking corporations, had nothing to do with workingmen's compensation. SB 37, 1957 - A ridiculous Roselllni error; no SB 37 ever reached= the H.ouse in 1957. ROSELLINI SAYS DANEVANS VOTED AGAINST MISSTATEMENT No. 4 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING FOR STATE EMPLOYEES. (HB 377, 1957) DAN EVANS VOTED "YES" ON THIS DILL. MORE ROSELLINI CHARGES THE TRUTH OF EVANS' VOTING RECORD EVANS ON COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: Collective bargaining for transit workers HB 602, 1959 EVANS ON RIGHT TO WORK: Voted Against: Mcmorial to rcpeal Section 14B of the Taft-Hartley Act which allows right to work initiative (HJM 5, 1959) HB 602, 1959 - A Typical Rosellini error; this bill related to in- dustrial insurance, had nothing to do with transit workers. Evans says: "1 am specifically ,opposed to a right-to-work law in the State of Washington. I will continue working in the future, as I have in the past to prevent right-to-work from ever passing a legislature or again getting on a general election ballot." Evans voted against the memorial which would have dictated labor policies in 49 other States. Q O O thvernor, why have you not answered ihe charges levied against you in every newspaper in our Slate on the illegal method of fund raising by your administration? Ihvernor, why have you double.talked about our State's progress, when we have 62,600 job.less people? And Governor, why have you continually raised taxes after repeated pledges that you would not raise laxes? Governor, why are you so insistent about running for a third consecutive term? Especially when Democratic Attorney-General John J. o'gonnell said: "Rosellini will be doing a disservice to himself, his parly and the state if he runs." If you would like to help slmre the cost of a Dan-Evans-for-Governor cam- paign in M tson County please send your check, cash or money order to: Dan Evans for Governor Committee, Shelton, W tshington. ~11 im Immm | IIIm|m mm|l m|mmm|lm|m| |m mlm|umm mlmm m m| Nm|mul|m ml ||| | |||||11||| m| || II|ll |m I | | II II II1~| II ||mIII1| me= j= w m m ACT TODAY ! ! ! THERE ARE ' Name .............................................................. i ONLY 5 ! ' DAYS LEFT Address .......................................................... 'TIL THE GENERAL City ................................................................ ELECTION Zip Code ........................................................ | ! This ad paid for gladly by the Mason County for Dan Evans for Governor Committee, Mrs. Thelma Puhn, Chrm. li:~3wer ~e" A. Ahlskog rb Vonhof Jim Hartley )b Puhn ank Heuston Angle Angle awrence Scheel url Jemison W. Norvold Lrvin Anstey rdeng Thomas Tierney Mr. and Mrs. Tony Fonzo Mr. and Mrs. Sel Vande,'Wegen Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ross Jack Stewart R. G. Rickey Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Van Blaricorr Mr. and' Mrs. Paul Hinton Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson Joan Soper Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Soper, St. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mclnelly Floyd Ludwig John Elison Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Allison Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hembroff Mr. and Mrs. Max Schmidt, Sr. Mrs. Fay C. Bennett Mrs. Sidney Anderson Mrs. Jim Lane Cdr. (ret.) and Mrs. H. C. Stirling Oscar Levin Mr, and Mrs, iBernhard Winiecki Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Horton Herb Rotter John Keith Bennett Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Grunert Dave Thacher Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fletcher Clarence Anderson Ed Lycan Mr. and Mrs. F. O. McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snelgrove Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hillier Paul Everett • I U Mr. and Mrs. Max Schmidt, Jr. Mr. P.nd Mrs. Ron Ring Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larson Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gruver Marcel AIInoch Jerry Johnson Mr. and Mrs, Norm Eveleth Guy P, owell Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stentz phil Morrison Mr. and Mrs. William Dickie A. O. Petzold Wanda Schirmer Bob Turner Ellen Stuck Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Nelson Mr. and Mrs, O. J. Ashford Dr. and. Mrs. William Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. Nell Bell Harold E. Brower Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Cunningham Max W. Folsom Jack Jeffery Dr. Romeo J. Conca Dr. H. L. Hergert George R. Quimby Dr. F. W. Herrick Robert C. Sparks Mr. and Mrs. David B. Harris Dr. Frank Maranville Dr. Jud H. Holloway Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Stein Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Myers Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunn Marie MoKay Dr. and Mrs. Ben Briggs Dr. and Mrs. Allison Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Dick Miller Mr. and Mrs. Mcrvin Wingard Mr. and Mrs. AI Wooldridge Mr. and Mrs. Cal Hopper Mr. and Mrs. C. Nolan Mason Alex Smith, Jr. Ken Chapman Clint Willour Oel Cole Ken Good R. E. Miller Ernie Runnion Herb Vonhof Beth Johnson II Mr. and Mrs. Bob Slettedahl Walt Elliott Mr. and Mrs, L. O. Seljestad Mrs. Arlene Boc Mr. Elmer Manke Mr. and Mrs. Virgil'Manke Jerry Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Roy McConkey Ray Prouty Eugene Nichols Miss Mary McBratney Dr. Berwyn B. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Victor Minklin Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wivell Mr. and Mrs. Dick Saeger Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hurst Ernest T. Grant R, W. Halbert O. W. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Eacrett Emily Babcock Nell McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Archie Adams Mervin Settle Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Oltman Mr. and Mrs. Nat Waldrip Mr. and Mrs. Les Si~elver Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simpson Clara Eastwood Ruth Ann Rotter Mr. and Mrs. Dave Turner Mr. and Mrs, Ken Frank Paul Leege Clark Hoyt Dexter Edge (plus 36 anonymous Democrats)