October 29, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 29, 1964 |
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I-IELTON-- Ag0N COUNTY JOURNAU--Published in eChr stmastown, U.,g.A.", Shdton, Washington
Thursday, Oct,
0 g " CARE Annual Fund I
II ars|lilq .... .
JOUR AsL TO ,on A ,,. urn, ,s upeneu
....... f i: IIIInBPTON CARE, ti;e ,',,l,mtar .gency
• p "..P p - r tha,. he,p fee.people[
.' | ::::~: eers -- , . around the world in the nalnes ofl
ii i: :i :~::!i:i~ i i):::iiiiiiiii:~iii!i The Journal has been asked by i of SeatlLle, an¢l ~l(~se.rs ~ld Me~- Americans who donate a dollar-per
i i i{:: :;i} : ii:: :::l ! i:iiii!~i{i!iiii the Pioneer Association of Wash. ] )e aames ~e,!rg(:. ~.. wa~,e 2r., J~eK package this week ]a,mcqles its ]
:~i~lJll | ~lJ~ I I~{:i~ ::: { {{:{{ { i !ii::{i{{! i{{ ington to gather a list of all piou- , t.e [ ,v, eeKs. ,~,.jg ]~,ug~mnts, (.ene ~e- 1964-65 Food Crusade with a goal[
• - ' ' ~ 6,, 0 ),( 00 | "lckages.
: ' :: .... :|~1:::i! i~!#:i;iiii':!ii:ii. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: eers and their descendants in Wa- q wa,'o J Gle m xates an(, rlamn of '5 f ) ) "
family affair S'tturd.ty at tho Lalunlers an(t tile host and hostess ........ ; ...... /
mlU Ln u
• ' ('• •( ~ 'l~ile peopm-to-peo 3IO (lrlVe lS ?
i::}ii: ii iiiii:ii]: !!ii!i :ili::iii~i!~ii! s~mgton 't'errltory Nov 11 1889 ~.
:i: ~:i::i who now live in the area covered On November 11 next the 7,)th Yates'. vineyard Mrs. H. V. Glasc'r [ . Also o:t. Satu,:day sevm:al , o{; packed dining tile fall and holiday I
~ "by the Shelto~n-Mason County birthday of the SLate of Washing- an(~ cm[oren, He en mimons, (~ar- r~a 'mine tsm]m's (eenn,e,'evs noste(~ season to assm e intensive delivm:-' :
~l~~ i Journal. ton will marlCl:he Diamond Mem- mm~YaLes and Stan all worked, la picnic at the state park. Timse ies during lhe hard winter months[ I |
u.n ~unday Stan's son Halley and I attendi!;gwe['(,.l)ar)..an(I.I3i!l BinK- when the hungry are in greatest[ ] ~,
I~m]lllilqi ~ i If these ilioneers and/or their bership Roundup of old pione.ers wne .lqttn and little Stan and lham -f Seal.tl}L .~n(~)]yl .lonnsorl n(~e(|, aec(,rdinK (o CARE's region-[
llil~[~'~,~.~~ ~ descendants will either write, wno were in washington during grandchildren Counie and Harley of Shelton and L:m(13, Dave and" 'd office in S(mltle CARE's Am-] ;
~~~~ i phone or bring in their names toterritorial days. The observance and their friends, Mr. and Mrs. [Bill \Vaite, Larry lhignone, Dan eric', 's't'tffs i)'~,e~'s~,'~s' ~vill~ "suoer-] "
~l~i~~~ i the ,Iom-nal the list will be for- wdl be held in tile old Pioneer Carl Watkins and daughter, all JMcAuliffe and Che]'yt Meeks, all vice delivei'ies to 3,.300,000 personsl :
~~i~ /i warded to Albert Balch, president Hail on Lake Washington,at 1642 of Auburn came over on the 8 [of H':u'siine. chosen on a basis of need. ] <
~illi~ii~ ~ of the Pioneer Association, so 43rd Ave. mast, Seattle, at noon. a.m. ferry an'd by dark the Yates' On Sunday lhe Jack :Meeks had Among Northwest groups to[ ~ ~!:~ ; '!
they may be included in a new "It is a rare honor to have been grape had-test was complete. Aunt[as their guests Jack's net)hew and stage special drives is the China[ I ~ I~ ;~ i
(Anderson for Congress Committee, Ken Stevens, Chrm,) 1965 directory of pioneers. All a pioneer since those rugged days Lena Coffman of Snltan took over family Mr. and Mrs. Di(k Maulc, y Ciub o~f Seattle concentratin its ' ~:ii ~ ....
• before Nov. 11, 1889, which is the in the Yates' kitchen and had land D(mnie now of Seattle. It ha'it efforts to aid' neediest Chg]ese ] i i k:~ i
---------------------- ~~ ~-- dividinG line for those and their mhe~vlS r~ady for the p]c.kel~s ~henlbeen nine years since lhey have refugees in Hong Kong, where a] I] I ~ |
~ descendants who can claim mem-
~~ " ~ ~'~ ~l~J]~TIrlll~ • bership in the Pioneer Assoeia- ~'-~'--~; ..... ro.m ~ne .z~ems. ~rs. [seen eael~ otner, re.cent typhoon added to the hard-[ I ~ i~ |
Z~Lt2S IS SLIII 111 ;aeattle leeonp
~.:'~ m li I a. gllmllJl'li I ti~ll I tion of the State of Washington," er ..... '~ _ " _ "[ Wednesday Clair Wingert spent ships of many of the destitute es-[ ......
B ~ ~1 ~ Balch stated, w~mg zrom surgery sne unaer-,the afternoon visiting with Mrs. eapees. " [, r ,,, ,
]11:..~ _wee.K ago. ]Owens and Pbyllis at their borne Every dollar parcel contains[ I [ BN '
v~;: :::::::::::::::::::::::: son Dick aria ~amiiy, uaughter and former islan(ler Raymond Bee-ing flour coin meal, wheat pro-/.m ., m
m . m~ ~ ~ m m I G0nler Emp~0yees To Margaret and family, i{]:r, and Mrs. [kwith of' Aberdeen s'pent over- ducts milk powdm:, cooking oilsi~0sp||a] |]
~'~'% ~ii!!!!!~i!!:~i;i~!i:i m la 3 ~ N D I$ U N I Ge!stF[rdSlel~!sde S Pete Wander Wal and Peter Van-lnight with Clair and Art. Also allocated from Food for Peace do-[
~ ~i~i der Wal, and Donette and the[Clair reports her brother Warren,~ations of farm abundance after[
Glassee children all worldng in tile vine-[known to most as Pete, has a new domestic relief needs are met, [ Iii11" 'l ~
!.~ ~~i 1 ,111 Bm" II ~ ~V n !1 l " - " a. s will be on- yard on Sundav and by dark the I cast on his leg to just below the plus items CARE buys or are do-/ ~l~--
~ii~ii ~i ' i ducted for personnel of the new Word has been received here lging accident early tiffs summer, country needs [ ~ I
ili ., to a 3rd term as a I Washington Corrections Center at narvest was ,most complete. [knee. Pete was injured in a log- hated by private fim'ns, to match/ I~.~ ,|
ILl'' FAITHFUL SERVANT FOR I weekShelt°n'bythelt SafetyWaS announcedDivision of thisthe that Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bingels-1 Saturday Mrs. Otis Dwyer and Full" details may be obtained [ ......
~i ~~ ...... • State Department of Labor and do~'f of Tacoma are the proud par-[children of Tacoma spent'the if- from, and donatior~s made to the]" .irustee,. ~nei~on
~ ~ |} MASON COUNTY AND THE | Indtl~etrieo" ~am will eL under wa em:s o~ a baby boy, John Darrell,/ternoon on Harstine. Carmen Yates Northwest CARE office, Frederick/ Hospka!
worn uct: 21, and weig.h!ng eiGht[babysat while Mrs. Dwyer went and NelsOn, Seattle, or to local['. Chairman, Simpson
~ I~ ~ P g' g Y pounas .tl ounces. He lores a sis-lhunting" No hick though. Mrs. CARE outlets. ] Health and Welfa¢'
i -, ~4,h ] I~4~_T~T l rl~l~iFll~ lr~Ti~ll~T~l~ I Nov. 9 and will include general
[] ~ ILl /~ v ~u~L~z'~.ai ,l~ ~L~IO~-X~t_~JL I classes for employees as well asandter ~uzie.Marve wong,'al:mationSfrom all your Island[Car°l[ N[rsDWyerGeorgeiS the Carlson.daughter of Mr. and _ ~].[ .PastL 8 wAdminlstrat°riHeatth and
~ I~1 l~'~a~r,r~-~r~ At nn • special instructions for the devel- friends. " [ H'ARSTINE ISLAND Women's ~flJ [ Trust :
I[] ~~ lI I .-. ............. ll~l~l¥1U~J~:I~t~kl ••opmentThe classes°f first-aidwill beinStruct°rS'under tile di- Word was also received here this/ club will meet next Nov. 5 as the ~1 ~~A~j / . Committee Member
(l.~ala l~Olll;lCal Aavernsement)
I ~ , onucal A~verusement) I reetion of Carl Hoffer, state in- week that Bob and Elaine Fried-/,mests of the Pickering Women's ~(-~l'%%~Ml~lm~:~t'~'.~ / ..............
rich have named their little girl ]cah,l~ "Islanders will cross on the ~'~ /.
....... =,,,,, ,----'-- structor from Olympia. Sheila Elaine. The little doll/ 12'30 p.m. ferry, and will be met ~ff^~ ~')~ ~27~ ~ll [ Timber Gomnanv
• weighed into this world at six/by'~he members of Pickering Cluh. ~)L'~gPd-2~i [ , _ . _ _ ~. ".
..... " pounds three ounces Grandma 12 the Harstine omen s , ~esiaent o~ ~ne~o,,
• • , On Nov. W
and has lots of brown hair. [ Mrs. Mary Baunsgard for their ! ~\~ ~.~ ~'7",~---~~g" [ Olympia - 1950
the recouperating list here :Mrs./ .. nd Mrs ""o---~ ~ .... ,.,~ I ~\~ \ ~'J~ / ..... ~a
• Mr. a •. W,~#i~ L,~uw***~ I ~\
John Budd has returned home] .......... ~x~V:;l_Y I. IDlStrlC~ i~
from the Hospital in Port Angeles, | °Les~:to~'~v[spen~t ~y~les ~e.~'~]~(lunasS ............ " • '!:
James Lohrer underwent surgery[g - ~ " ... sy ~ "1 ,lUlIHIIII NON-PARTI!
in Seattle lao* • e~t, ana ~o n,,w[gara. ',~my were 3olneo on ~un-i v ~vv.u~nm~
'm|day by the Baunsgard's daughter l -
aT-q~.o.:. ..... ~,--..~o :o ~in|and family, Mr. and Mrs. Berry]' -"
.~: tLe home _o~ ner oaugnter. -[Burkhaltet" and children Mary ....... • .,- I
~eatue Mrs Ivli Iv, ore spent lasl: .
week in O1 m ia a' "h " m of[Fran and Rmk of Lakewood The' ~||~'A g'~'~'A A~ ~i~AA~' Ilinw~ll
....y p , t t e no ~e |Brownings are landowners'here HULU rtllt~ Ul rlllt:~L uU~ll
her laughter, recouperadng irom/ ....... .-~
a bad chest cold and sore throat./ana-are Dusy .Cteoa~c~g is,no anu
M:onday Mi's daughter underwent]w°r~mg on tnelr r . ' • on.NNliumm~NAJmam,. ~ mlWA,•~nAi. AJ
' ma'or~ surgery sq now Mi is stay- ..................... | Ferry count this week was 545 [or roll nMi'KIiIIIN ............... & I'UKtI N
~wngil:% te~kei:a~o%pOfal~h:d, family, caT~l~:3Hti;~oCkS Ca:Lani~ag aC:mpa~,y . .
We hope each and eve~