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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 14 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in 'CChr stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, 0 VOTED FOR 0 "Gambling is too important a moral issue for Evans to duck. It is perfectly natural that civic leaders as well as church leaders are upset and concerned. For Evans to white- wash his position by declaring he voted in the legislature in favor of gambling to permit it to become a referendum is not acceptable to the hundreds of thousands of people in this state v~o demand morality and integrity from the man they choose to head the state." ---Mrs. Pat Schwald, Bothell housewife and Republican (Seattle PI, Oct. 21) "If Christcnsen had been willing to obligate himself to special interest groups like Wcyer- haeuser, he would have clobbered Evans in the primary, but he refused to try to "buy" the election. Christensen insisted that if he couldn't win it fairly and honestly, and with no strings attached, he didn't want it. Big operators like Weyerhaeuser have a lot to gain by having a man they can control in the gov- ernors office."--L. E. Victor, a key Christen- sen lieutenant (Seattle PI, Oct. 15) "Evans is one of the most blatant political op- pol~unists ever to run for high office in our state. Evans talks about ethics, morality and integrity in government. Yet he says he is for the adoption of a gambling tolerance bill and for turning government control of liquor over to private interest."--The Roy. J. B. De- Witty, Seattle Methodist minister (Seattle PI, Oct. 21) "I cannot vote for Mr. Evans for the follow- ing reasons: Evans' tactics during the primary campaign, especially his smear campaign against Christensen. The treatment given to Christenscn and his supporters following the primary. The fact that Christensen conducts himself by high principles whereas Evans op- erates on cxpediency."--W. B. Henry, a key Cbristensen campaign lieutenant (Seattle PI, Oct. 22) URGE YOU TO "Write-In for Christensen" Committee/ L. E. Victor, P. O. Box 2102, Seattle 98111 AMERICAN LEGION The regular business meeting was called to order immediately following the dinner se~-ced to Past Commanders and Past Prestdents and their guests Oct. 20. The din- ner brought out .some members who cannot attend regularly for various reasons. This resulted in a lively and interesting meeting with good participation by those present. Harold Lakeburg has complete- ly recovered from the injm-ies suf- fered some three weeks ago and was present to give a full account of how they were sustained. "Red" i Clothier, Ray ~Uoble, John Eliason, Cliff Wivell, Oscar Levin, Ray Drebis and Barney McClanahan were among those who exerted special efforts to attend this meet- ing. Cliff Wivell gave some of the histotT of the acqltisition and sub- sequent development of tim Vet- erans Cemetery. Cliff has been active in this matter since 1943 when Bill WiL~iers, now deceased, learned that the tract of land sur- rounding the small plot then held by Veterans of Foreign Wars through donation by Frank Willy for cemetery purposes was for sale. Cliff was one of the first Leg- ionaires to se~-ce on the cemetery committee and still is active in that respect. He did not have enough of the records with him to give complete answers to every question asked by members pres- ent and a decision to have a his- tory of the cemetery development compiled was arrived at after con- siderable discussion. Since no Post member seemed aw~ilable for this work, Oscar Levin suggested that probably journalism students in Shelton High School would re- search the facts and write the history as a school project. This suggestion was adopted and Com- mander Weston and Cliff Wivell agreed to try to meet with approp- riate Veterans of Foreign Wars representatives for the purpose of clarifying the questions as to the operation of the Veterans Ceme- tery that arise periodically and remain only partially answered. Adjutant Dobson reported 105 paid dues for 1965 and that five new members had been acquired since the meeting of Oct. 6. Com- mander Weston won the door prize --he won the big attendance prize last meeting--and, since none of the three members whose names were drawn for the attendance prize was present, that prize was carried forward to be drawn for at the next meeting Nov. 3. Journal Wan! Ads Pay Following is a schedule of the 5-MINUTE network TV programs scheduled by the Republican National (: DATE TIME NFTWORK FOLLOWING Oct. 29 (today 8:55-9:00 a.m. 3:55-4:00 p.m. Oct. 30 (Fri.) 12:25-12:30 p.m. 2:55-3:00 p.m. Oct. 31 (Sat.) 8:25-8:30 p.m. Nov. 1 (Sun.) 10:25-10:30 p.m. Nov. 2 (Men.) 8:55-9:00 a.m. 1:55-2:00 p.m. 3:55-4:00 p.m. NBC-TV "Today" CBS-TV "Edge of Night" NBC-TV ,"Say When" CBS-TV "House Party" CBS-TV "Jackie Gleason" CBS-TV "Candid Camera" NBC-TV "Today" CBS-TV "As The World NBC-TV "You Don't Say" This is the schedule of Senator Goldwater's 5-minute only. Consult your television guide for special Miller campaign programs between now and general day next Tuesday, Nov. 3. Political advertisement paid for by Mason County Republican Central Committee, S. W. VanderWegen, chairman. Bonds For e BE VOTED UPON AT THE NOVEMBER 3, 1964 STATE GENERAL ELECTION Or~J~ or YIOTOR A. MEYER& IlanzTaaw or STAT~ STATS or W,unn~oTow. ge w om Jt Mq • In dmdimm to flw State C~ons~t~tt~ trod file Bx~to~lhmry 8emdon Of the Thirty-etsMh Les~lature of the Stere ef Weahingten, there is hereby published Jot the oonsideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the following Refe~ mdum' Bilh REFERENDUM BILL NO. 12 (Chapter 26, Laws Extraordb~r:lr 8eeslon~ 1968) I I I I I I I OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE AN ACT authorizing the issuance and sale of state limited obligation bonds in an amount not exceeding $59,- 000,000; appropriating the proceeds for state matching funds for constructing public school plant facilities, and pledging for payment of principal and interest on the bonds a portion of existing motor vehicle excise tax revenues, subject to amounts previously pledged for payment of principal and interest on bonds here- tofore issued. I I II , ' , I / LEGISLATIVE ~: .;: ': (S~aTa Bn~' No. 9] ....... PUBLIC ~qPIOOL PLANT FACIL~FINANCING. ~.4~ ACT relating to education; providing funds for the construc- tion of public school plant facilities; authorizing the issuance .and sale of limited obligation bonds of i the state and providing ways a~d means to Pay said bonds; continuing the imposition of ta~es; prescribing the powers and duties of certain officers;,Abroviding ~for a Vote of the people under e,rtahl ¢ircurms~nces; and declaring an emergency. me M smtctsd by the LegL~taf~re of tha State o~ Washington: ' Sr~TIO~ 1. For. the purpose of furnishing funds for state assistance in providing public school plant facilities, there shall be issued and sold, at any time prior to April 1, 1967, limited obligation bonds of the state of Washington in the sum of fifty-nine million dollars to be paid argi discharged not more than twenty years after the date of issuance. The issuance, sale and retirement of said bonds shall be under the general supervision and control of the state finance committee. 2'he state finance committee is authorized to prescribe the ~orn~ of such bonds; the provisions of sale of all or any portion or portions of such bonds; the terms, provisions, and covenants said bonds,, and the sale, issuance, and redemption thereof• None of the bonds herein authorized shall be sold for less than ~e par value thereof. Such. bo~ds shall state ~istinctly thatI they' shall not be .a general obligation of the state of Wash- lngton, but shall be payable in the manner prescribed in this act from the proceeds of motor vehicle excise taxes as imposed by chapter 82.44 RCW. As part of the contract of sale of the aforesaid bonds, the state agrees to continue to levy the motor vehicle excise taxes referred to herein and to fix and maintain said taxes in such amounts as will provide sufficient proceeds thereof available to pay said bonds and interest ~thereon until all such obl'igations have been paid in full The committee may provide that the bonds, er any of them, may be called prior to the maturity date thereof under such terms, conditions, and provisions as it may determine and may authorize the use of facsimile signatures in the issuance of such bonds and upon any coupons attached thereto. Such bonds shall be payable at such places u t ha state finance committee may l~'ovide. Sr.c. ~1. The proe~ds from the sale of the bonds authorized herein shall be deposited in the public school building con- 8truction account of the general fund and .shallbe used exelusively for the purposes of earrying out the provisions of this act, and for payment~ of the expense incurred in the l~'inting, issuance and sale of such bonds. Szc. 3. The publio school building bond redemption fund of 1963 is hereby created in the'state treasury which fund shall be exclusively devoted to the retirement-of the bonds and interest authorized by this act. The state finance committee shell, on or before June thirtieth of each year, certify to the state treasurer the amount needed in the ensuing twelve monti~ to meet interest payments on and retirement of bonds authorized by this act. The state treasurer shall thereupon deposit such amount in the public school building bond re- demption fund of 1963 from that portion of the motor vehicle excise tax allocable to the state school equalization fund under ehepter 82.44 I¢CW. The amount s~ deposited in the aforesaid fund shall be devoted exclusively to payment of interest on and to retirement of the bonds authorized by this act. 'Such amount certified by the state finance committee to the state treasurer shah be a first and prior charge, subject only to amounts previously pledged for the payment of interest on and the retirement of bonds heretofore issued, against all motor vehicle excise tax revenues of the state allo~able to the state school equalization fund, which amounts so allocable shah never ba less than seventy percent of said excise tax revenues. Said bond redemption fund shall be kept segregated from all moneys in the state treasury and shall, while any of such bonds or interest thereon remains unpaid, be available solely for the Imyment thereof• Sac. 4. The legislature may provide additional means for raising funds for the payment of the interest and principal of the bonds authorized by this act and this act shall not he deemed to provide an exclusive method for such payment. The power given to the legislature by this section is permissive and shall not be construed to constitute a pledge of the general credit of the state of Washington. • zc. 5. The bonds herein authorized sliall be fully negotiable instruments and shall be legal Investment for all state funds or tar funds under state control and all funds of municipal ~:zrporations. and shah be legal security" for all sts~, .eotlat~i Szc. 8. For the purpose of tqn'ry~g out the provisions o~ this act funds appropriated to the state board of education from the public school building construction account of the general fund shall be allotted by the state board of ed~.cation in accordance with the provisions of sections 7 through 15, chapter 3, Laws of 1961, extraordinary session: Prey{dad, That no allotment shall be made to a school district for the purpose aforesaid until such district has provided funds for school building construction purposes through the issuance of bonds or through the authorization of excess tax levies or both in an amount equivalentto ten percent of its taxable valuation plus such further amount as may be required by the state board of education. The state board of education shah prescribe and make effective such rules and regulations as are necessary to equate insofar as possible the efforts made by school districts to provide capital funds by the means aforesaid, .Szc. 7. The total amount of bonds authorized for Issue trader the provisions of this act shall be reduced by the amount, of federal funds made available during each biennium for school construction purposes under any applicable federal law. In the event the entire bond issue authorized shah have been sold by the state finance committee, the proceeds in the public school building construction account available for allotm~mt by the state board of education shah be reduced by the amount of such federal funds made available. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the total amount of bonds authorized for issue under this aet and/or the total proceeds from the sale thereof shall not be reduced by reason of any grants ~ any school district of federal moneys paid under Public Law 815 or any other federal act authorizing school building construction assistance to federally affected areas. • S~c.. 8. In order to provide an alternative method~ for furnishing funds for state assistance in providing public school plant facilities, in the event the issuance of bonds by the state finance committee pursuant to the authority given it by sections 1 through 7 of this act is held by the supreme court of the state of Washington to be invalid for the sole reason that the proposition to issue such bonds must have.been referred to the people under the provisions of section 3 of Article VIII of the state Constitution or in the event ~one of the bonds heretofore authorized .~or issue by sectionl 1 through ~ of this act are sold by the state finance committee on or before July 1, 1964, then a proposition as to whether or not fifty-nine million dollars in bonds shall be issued and sold under the terms and conditions as set forth in sections I through 7 of this act shay be submitted to the people for their adoption and ratification, or rejection, at the next general election. Sac. 9. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phra~ or word of this act should be held to be invalid or unconstitu- tional, such act shall not affect nor impair the validity or constitutionality of any other-section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this act. It is hereby declared that had any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word as to which this act is declared invalid been eliminated from the" act at the time the same was considered, the act would have nevertheless been enacted with such portions eliminated. Szc. 10. This act fs necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety) and for the support state government and its existing .public institutions, and shall take effect immediately. Passed the Senate March 27, 1963. Passed the House April 5, .1963. Approved by the Governor April 11~ 1968. CERTIFICATION I, Victor A~ Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash- ngton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of Senate Bill No. 9, passed by the Extraordinary Session of the Thirty-eighth Legislature of the State of Washington, as appears from the original of said measure now on file in my office. this 3rd day of August, 1964. Witness My hand and the Seal of the State of Washlng~on VICTOR JL M.EYERS :reation Issue I TO BE VOTED UPON AT THE NOVEMBER 3, 1964 STATE GENERAL ELECTION Ozrxc~ or VICTOR A. MEYEIt$, ~u:a~z~aY or STa~, Sza~s or Whom It C z em# In obedience to the State Constltu on, and the Extraordinary ~k,~don of the Thirty-eighth Legislature of the state Washington, there i~ hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the following ~dum Bill; REFERENDUM BILL NO. 11 (Olmpter 1|, Laws Eztraordina~y Session, 198|) OFFICIAL BALLOT AN ACT providing for the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds in an amount not $10,000,000 to acquire land and appurtenances for outdoor public recreational use, and providing that half of the proceeds from existing corporation fees collected by the state be deposited in a fund for of principal and interest on the bonds, subject to existing charges on such proceeds. LEGISLATIVE TITI [Housa Bx~a No. el OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES---BONDS--- CORPORATION FEES. A~ ACT providing 'funds for the development of outdoor recre- ational facilities in the state; authorizing the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds; providing ways and means to pay said bonds; amending section 13, chapter 174, Laws of 1957 and RCW 43.31.620; amending section 14, chapter 152, Laws of 1961 and RCW 43.31.740; providing for the submission of this act to a vote of the people; and declaring an emergency. He it ~ndcted by the Legislature of the State of Washtngtont S~czxo~ 1. For' the purpose of providing funds for the development of outdoor recreational facilities in the state, the stets finance committee is hereby authorized to issue, at any time prior to January 1, 1970, general obligation bonds of the state of Washington in the sum of ten million dollars, or so much 'thereof as shall be required to finance the program for which these bonds are being authorized: Provided, That funds realized from the sale of such bonds shah be used solely for the acquisition of land and attached appurtenances and such property shall be for outdoor reereational use. The state finance committee is authorized to prescribe the form of ~uch .bonds and the time of sale of aH or any portion or portions of such bonds, and the conditions of sale and issuance thereof. T~e bonds shah pledge the fun faith and credit of the state of Washington and eontain an uneonditional promise to pay the principal, and ~lnterest when due. The committee may provide that the bonds, or any of them, may be called prior to the due date thereof under sueh terms and conditions as it may determine. Szc. 2. The proceeds from. the sale of the bonds authorized herein shall be deposited in the parl~ and parl~ways account of the general fund or such other account or fund as shall be established for this purpose. Any agency or commission charged with the administration of the account or fund D authorized to use or permit the use of any funds derived from the sale of bonds authorized under this act as matching funds in any case where federal or other funds are made available on a matching basis for projects within the purposes of this act. • Szc. 3. The bonds issued under the provisions of this act shall be payable from the proceeds of one-half of the corporation fees collected under all the provisions of chapter 70, Laws of 1937, as now or hereafter amended. The bonds and interest shall, so. long as. any portion thereof remains unpaid, constitute a prior and exclusive claim, subject only to amounts previously ~lcdged for the'payment of interest on and retirement of bonds eretofore issued, upon that portion oz me corporation fees so eallected. S~c. 4. The outdoor recreational bond redemption fund is hereby created in the state treasury, which fund shall be exclusively devoted to the payment of interest on and retirement of the bonds authorized by this act. SEC. 5. The owner and holder of each of said bonds or the trustee for any of the bonds may by mandamus or other appropriate proceeding require and compel the transfer and payment of funds as directed herein. Szc. 8. The legislature may provide additional means for raising moneys for the payment of the interest and principal of, the bonds authorized herein and this act shall not be deemed to provide an exclusive method for such payment. Szc• 'L The bonds herein authorized shall be'a legal in- vestment for all state funds or for funds under state control and all funds of municipal eorpm-ations. S~.c. 8. Section 13, chapter 174, Laws of 1957 and RCW 43.31.620 are each amended to read as follows: As a part of the sale of the bonds herein authorized, the state undertakes to continue to impose the license and other fees ©~t domestic and foreign corporations prescribed by and at th( rates authorized iu chapter 70, Laws of 1937 as last amended by the 1957 legislature and to use and prorate in the order set forth below, one-half of the proceeds of such fees, as follows: (1) To pay into the world fair bond redemption fund hereby created as a special fund within the state treasury, such sums as shall be needed to pay the interest on hll outstanding bonds authorized by chapter 174, Laws of 1957 as amended by chapter 152, Laws of 1961. (2) To pay into the outdoor recreational bond redemption fund such sums as shall be needed to pay the interest on all koack antho~ized b~' this act and out~tandin~ (3) All of said one-half of the, proceeds of such feel maining after making the payments required under the ceding paragraphs (1) and (2), shall be deposited in the fair bond redemption fund until all of the outstanding authorized by chapter 174, Laws of 1957 as amended by 152, Laws of 1961, have been paid. After payment and merit of the aforesaid world fair bonds aH of the said of the proceeds of such fees shall be deposited in the recreational bond redemption fund for payment of the of and interest on aH of the bonds authorized by this act. SEC. 9. Section 14, chapter 152, Laws of 1961 and 43.31.740 are each amended to read as follows: As a part of the sale of the bonds herein authorized, state undertakes to continue to impos¢.,~e !lcepse fees on domestic and foreign corporations pr~flbed the rates authorized in chapter 70, Laws of 1937 as last by the 1957 legislature and to use and prorate in the forth below, one-half of the proceeds of such fees, as (1) To pay into the world fair bond redemption fund created as a special fund within the state treasury, such as shall be needed to pay the interest on all outstanding authorized by chapter 174, Laws of 1957 as amended by 152, Laws of 1961. (2) To pay' into the outdoor recreational bond fund such sums as shah be needed to pay the interest ibonds authorized by this act and outstanding. (3) All of said one-half of the proceeds of such maining after making the payments required under the ceding paragraphs (1) and (2), shall be deposited in the fair bond redemption fund until all of the outstanding authorized by chapter 174, Laws of 1957 as amended by 152, Laws of 1961, have been paid. After payment and ment of the aforesaid world fair bonds all of the said of the proceeds of such fees shall be deposited in the recreational bond redemption fund for payment of the of and interest on all of the bonds authorized by this SEC. 16. No bonds authorized by this act shall be until there shall first be obtained and filed in the office state finance committee the written consent of the all outstanding bonds issued under authority of Laws of 1957, as amended by chapter 152, Laws of 196L changes affected by this act in the order of priority of PS of said world fair bonds out of the proceeds of the fees collected under chapter 70, Laws of 1937 as Szc. 11. This act shall be submitted to the people adoption and ratification, or rejection, at the general ele be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding Monday in Novetnber, 1964, in accordance with the of section 3, Article VIII of the state Constitution; accordance with the provisions of section I, Article state Constitution, as amended, and the laws adol~ the" operation thereof. SEC. 12. This act is necessary for the immediate of the public peace, health 'and safety, the support of government and its existing public institutions, and sl effect immediately. Passed the House April 4, 1963. Passed the Senate April 3, 1963. Approved by the Governor April 17, 1963, CERTIFICATION . I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of ington, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and copy of ttouse Bill No. 6, passed by the Extraordinary of the Thirty-eighth Legislature of the State of appears from the original of said measure now on file office. Witness My hand and the Seal of the State of this 3rd clay of August, 1964. VICTOR A. Secretary f!