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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i 0etobor 29, 1964 Juvenile Institution BE VOTED UPON NOVEMBER 3, 1964 OFFICE OF VICTOR A. MEYERS, SECRETARY OF STATE, STATE OF WASHINGTON° It May Concern: td'the State Constitution, and the Extraordinary the Thirty-eighth Legislature of the State of Wash- is hereby published for the consideration of the the State of Washington, the following Referendum Bill: REFERENDUM BILL NO. 13 27, Laws Extraordinary Session, 1963) EIAL BALLOT TITLE. FOR JUVENILE CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION for the issuance and sale of state obligation bonds up to $4,600,000 to finance of a state correctional institution in King eplacing Luther Burbank and Martha Wash- for care, confinement and rehabilita- and girls committed by juvenile courts of the department of institutions; and ment of the bonds from unpledged retail revenue or other means authorized by the LEGISLATIVE TITLE [Sr~A~ Bx~. No. 25] INSTITUTION FOR JUVENILES--- BUILDINGS---FINANCING. relating 'to the state operated charitable, educational "=e P hal institutions; authorizing the issuance and sale of e general obligation bonds to provide for needful build- ~for the juvenile correctional institution situated in County in the vicinity of Echo Lake; providing ways to pay said bonds; makLlg an appropriation; for submission of this act to a vote of the people. by the Legislature of the State ol .Washington: I. For the purpose of providing needful buildings institution for the confinement and rehabili- JUveniles situated in King county in the vicinity of which institution was established by the provisions 183, Laws of 1961 as amended by chapter [165], (Senate Bill No. 32), the state finance committee authorized to issue, at any time prior to January 1, obligation bonds of the state of Washington in the six hundred thousand dollars, or so much Shall be required to finance the program above set paid and discharged within twenty y~ears of the ate finance committee is auth9rized to prescribe the Such bonds, and the time of sale of all or any portion of such bondsp~wd~tl~ohditions of sale and issuance That none of the bonds herein authorized shall less than the par value thereof, nor shall they bear it a'rate in excess of four percent per annum. shall pledge the full faith and credit of the state and contain an unconditional promise to pay the and interest when due. The committee may provide or any of them, may be called prior to the due under such terms and conditions as it may deter- state finance committee may authorize the ur~ signatures in the issuance of the bonds. The proceeds from the sale of the bonds authorized ' with all grants, donations, transferred funds moneys which the state finance committee may state treasurer to deposit therein shall be deposited correctional institution building construction created in the state general fund. The sum of four million six hundred thousand dollars, thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from correctional institution building construction ae- state general fund to the state finance committee by the committee for the payment of expense the sale of [and] issuance of the bonds authorized through allotments made when requested by the institutions as approved by the budget director for of constructing such buildings at said correctional for the confinement and l.ehabilitation of juveniles. The juvenile correctional institution building bond 1 fund is hereby created in the state treasury, .which be exclusively devoted to the payment of interest on of the bonds authorized by this act. The state shall, on or before June 30th of each year, state treasurer the amount needed in the ensuing to meet bond retirement and interest require~ the state treasurer shall thereupon deposit such said juvenile correctional institution building bond fUnd from moneys transmitted to the state treasurer Commission and certified by the tax commission tO collections and such amount certified by the state to the state treasurer shall be a prior charge sales tax revenues of the State ef Washington, thereof heretofore pledged for the ,payment interest. and holder of each of said bonds or the trustee .the bonds may by mandamus 0r other• appropriate and compel the transfer and payment herein. The legislature may provide additional means for for the payment of the interest and principal authorized herein and riMS act shall not be deemed an exclusive method for such payment. bonds herein authorized shall be a legal invest- State\funds or for funds under state control aml corporations. This act' shall be submitted to the people for the~ ratification, or rejection, at the general election this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first 1964, in accordance with the provisions Article VIII of the state Constitution; and in the provisions of section 1, Article II of the as amended, and the laws adopted to facilitate thereof. the Senate April 6, 1963. the House April 6, 1963. by the Governor April 1T0 196t. CERTIFICATION k. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash- certify that the above is a full, true and correct Bill No. 25, passed by the Extraordinary Session c-eighth Legislature of the State of Washington, aa the original of said measure now on file in my Y Hand and the Seal of the State of Washtngiom 1964. A./MEYEI~ gWELTON'MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr stmnstolr, n, ,qhelton NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a General Election, together with a certain Special Election, will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 1964, in Mason County, Washington, at the Polling Places in all the Precincts (as set out in connection herewith) for the purpose of electing Federal, State, County, District and Precinct Officers (Partisan, Non-Partisan and Judicial), also for the purpose of approval or disapproval of a Proposed Initiative Measure, Proposed Refer- endum Measures, Proposed Amendment to the State Constitution and (County-wide) Public Hospital District No. 11 all as set out below: 1964 INITIATIVE COUNTY PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION, INITIATIVE MEASURE NO. 215, ENTITLED: MARINE RECREATION LAND ACT. AN ACT ........... T REFERENDUMS PROPOSED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE LEGISLATURE, REFERI~NDUM BILL NO. 11, CHAPTER 12, LAWS EXTRAORDI- NARY SESSION, 1963, ENTITLED: OUTDOOR RECREATION BOND ISSUE. AN ~CT .......... PROPOSED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE LEGISLATURE, REFERENDUM BILL NO. 12, CHAPTER 26, LAWS EXTRAORDI- NARY SESSION, 1963, ENTITLED: BONDS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES. ~N ACT .......... COUNTY COMMISSIONER (District No. 1) Vote for One Martin~E. Auseth, Route 2, Box 564, Shelton ............ Democratic COUNTY COMMISSIONER (District No. 2) Robert D. "Bob" Reed, Lake Cushman Resort, Hoodsport Republican Harry Elmlund, Star Route ~1, Box 310, Union ............ Democratic JUDICIAL BALLOT NON-PARTISAN SUPREME COURT JUDGES PROPOSED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE LEGISLATURE, REFERENDUM BILL NO. 13, CHAPTER 27, LAWS EXTRAORDI- NARY SESSION, 1963, ENTITLED: BONDS FOR JUVENILE CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION. AN AC'P .......... I I II I I ~ I I III III I I PROPOSED BY REFERENDUM PETITION, REFERENDUM MEASURE NO. 34, CHAPTER 37, LAWS 1963, ENTITLED: MECHANICAL DEVICES, SALESBOARDS, CARDROOMS, BINGO. AN ACT .......... I II I IIIII AMENDMENT TO STATE CONSTITUTION POSITION NO. 1: (Six Y, ear Term) Vote for One Richard B. Ott, Route 6, Box 193A, Olympia POSITION NO. 2: (Six Year Term) Vote for One Matthew W. Hill, 2303 Otis Street, Olympia iNi / i i • i ill i H H| - POSITION NO. 3: (Six Year Term) Vote for One Robert T. Hunter, 2939 South Boundary, Olympia J i i HH,I I Im a II IH"lN IH! POSITION NO. 4: (Unexpired Term - Four Years) Vote for One AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION, PROPOSED BY THE LEGISLATURE, SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. I, ENTITLED: CITY CHARTERS. AN ACT .......... PARTISAN BALLOT FEDERAL Frank Hale, 3221 North 29th St., Tacoma i I IIII SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES POSITION NO. 1: (Four Year Term) Vote for One Hewitt A. Henry, 1217 Eskridge Way, Olympia Oliver R. Ingersoll, '1705 North Lilly St., Olympia President PRESIDENT AND VICE ,PRESIDENT Vote for One Barry M. Goldwater, Phoenix, Al~zona ................................ Republican Lyndon B. Johnson, Johnson City, Texas ............................ Democratic Eric Hass, New York City, New York ........................ Socialist Lbr. Clifton DcBerry, New York City, New York ........ Freedom Socialist H Vice President Vote for One William E. Miller, Olcott, New York ................................ Republican Hubert H. Humphrey, Waverly, Minnesota ........................ Democratic Henning A. Blomen, Sommerville, Massachusetts ........ Socialist Lbr. Edward Shaw, New York City, New York ........ Freedom Socialifit IIII II UNITED STATES SENATOR Vote for One Lloyd J. Andrews, N. 10122 Huntington Road, Spokane . Republican Henry M. Jackson, 3602 Oakes Avenue, Everett ............ Democratic II I I I I I I REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Vote for One POSITION NO. 2: (Four Year Term) Vote for One Charles T. Wright, Union i .......... JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 2 Year Term Vote for One Glenn E. Correa, 1113 Northeliff Road, Shelton NON-PARTISAN BALIA)T SU,PERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (Non-Partisan) Vote for One Louis Bruno, 2922 South Boundary, Olympia P.U.D. NO. 3 COMMISSIONER: (Six Year Term) Vote for One Edwin W. Taylor, Route 1, Box 124, Shelton I I H II Ill Ill I I I II I I ........... COUNTY-WIDE DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION Harold L. Anderson, 2821 Forest Hill Drive, Olympia ...... Republican Julia Butler Htmsen, Cathlamet .......................................... Democratic FOR OR AGAINST FORMATION OF PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 1 STATE GOVERNOR Vote for One Daniel J. Evans, 4814 N. E. 44th, Seattle .................... Republican Albert D. Rosellini, 3838 Cascadia, Seattle ........................ Democratic Henry Killman, 1617 West 6th St., Aberdeen ................ Socialist Lbr. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Vote for One Wm. C. "Bill" Goodloe, 13190 Edgewater Lane, N. E., Seattle ............................ Republican John A. Cherberg, 505 Howe Street, Seattle ............ Democratic I i i i I SECRETARY OF STATE Vote for One A. L. "Lud" Kramer, 1010 36th East, Seattle Republican Victor A. Meyers, 137 No. Sherman St., Olympia ............ Democratic i fl I I I I STATE TREASURER vote for One Edwin J. Alexander, 621 South Plymouth, Olympia ........ Republican Robert S. O'Brien, 112 Mocliff Road, Ephrata ................ Democratic STATE AUDITOR Vote for One Victor B. Fleming, 2918 So. Brandon-St., Seattle ............ Republican !R. V. "Bob" Graham, 4600 Boulevard Road, Olympia ........ Democratic i ~,, i,ili iI ATTORNEY GENERAL Vote for One Paul R. Derr, 908 No. Woodward Road, Spokane ............ Republican John J. O'Connell, 614 No. "J" St., Tacoma ................ Democratic III IIIIII II I COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS Vote for One Samuel J. Clarke, Route 2, Box 2476, Bainbridge Island Republican Bert Cole, Forks ........................................................................ Democratic III INSURANCE cOMMISSIONER Vote for One Frank N. McCartney, 2427 Warren Ave. No., Seattle ........ Republican Lee I. Kueckelhan, 3135 Maringo Road, Olympia ............ Democratic i H iliH ] STATE SENATOR (24th District) Vote for One Robert L. Hansen, County Court House, Port Townsend .... Republican Gordon Sandison, 2501 So. Cherry St., Port Angeles ..,Democratic II STATE REPRESENTATIVE (24th District) Vote for Three W. Ivor Smith, 929 West 5th, Port Angeles ................ Republican Donald D. Corlett, Route 2, Box 1850, Port Angeles ........ Republican Randall O. Thompson, !'E" & Willow, Port Townsend ........ Republican Paul H. Conner, Route 1, Box 60, port Angeles .......... Democratic W. S. "Bill" Traylor, Route 2, Box 596, Port Angeles .... Democratic Charles R. Savage, 2011 King Street, Shelton ................... Democratic Of Mason County and ELECTION OF FIRST BOARD OF HOSPITAL COMMISSIONERS FOR Formation of Public Hospital Dist. No. 1 ................................ [] AGAINST Formation of Public Hospital Dist. No. 1 ........................ [] COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONER DIST. NO. 1: (Six Year Term) Vote for One John B. Stentz, 727 Roy Blvd., Shelton Glendon A. Ferguson, 723 So. 8th, Shelton William R. Batstone, 627 Railroad Ave., Shelton |11 i , i, i I I iiii IIII COMMISSIONER DIST. NO. 2: (Four Year Term) Vote for One Gordon R. Dickinson, P. O.. Box.66, Hoodsport COMMISSIONER DIST. NO. 3: (Two Year Term) Vote for One Helen A. McCann, Route 3, Box 432R, Shelton DiCk Angle, 151 Hawthorne Drive, Shelton Dr. Boy iN. ~ollier, Route 3, Shelton / lit [i i i DISTRICT P.U.D. NO. 1: (Hood Canal) COMMISSIONER DISTRICT NO. 3: (Six Year Term) Vote for One Stephen E. Hale, Hoodsport [ i i[ [ill Ili[ll[I Ill[ [[i nil [[ i PORT DISTRICTS: PORT OF ALLYN COMMISSIONER DISTRICT NO. 3: (Six Year Term) Vote for One E. F. Berberet, P. O. Box 445, Belfair PORT .OF DEWATTO ! COMMISSIONER DISTRICT NO. 3: (Six Year Term) Vote for O~e Henry Bruemmer, Star Route 1, Box 460, Bremerton PORT OF GRAPEVIEW COMMISSIONER DISTRICT N:O. 3: (Six Year Term) I II Vote for One Ted Rauschert, Star Route I, Box 100, Grapeview PORT OF HOODSPORT COMMISSIONER DISTRICT NO.-1: (Six Year Term) Vote for One Jim H. Shumate, Hoodsport ,P, ORT OF SHELTON COMMISSIONER DISTRICT'NO, 1: (Unexpired $ Ytar Term) Vot 0a , Herbert Vonhof, 909 South 7th, Shelton COMMISSIONER DISTRICT NO. 3: (Six Year Term) Vote for One Oliver J. Aslfford, Route 3, Box 327, Shelton PAGE ]5 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS FPD NO. 1 (Hoodsport) (Six Year Term) Vole for One Jim H. Shumate, Hoodspo~. FPD NO. 2 (Betfair) Six Year Term) Vote for One Paul E. Sharp, Star Route 2, Box 704, Bremerton FPD NO. 3 (Grapeview) (Unexpired Four Year Term) Vote for One George S. Lewis, Star Route 1, Box 72, Allyn (Six Year Term) Votc flu" One H. J. Engen, Star Route 1, Box 85, Grapeview W. N. Etherton, Grapeview FPD NO. 4 (Arcadia) (SLx Year Term) Vote for One Carl L. Emsley, Route 3, Box 31OA, Shelton William R. Marcy, Route 3, Box 460, Shelton FPD NO. 5 (Allyn) (Six Year Term) Vote for One Leone I. McCrady, Allyn FPD NO. 6 (Union) (Six Year Term) Vole fol' O1](~ Theodore Q. Bailey, P. O. Box 23, Union PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN I]lil PRECINCT NAME PARTY Airport ................................ Geraldine Kirk ............................ I)emoc.ratic Allyn .................................... Fred E. Loclcwood ......................... Democratic Arcadia ................................. Melvin J. Swayze ........................ Democratic Royal W. Brumbaugh ............... Republican Belfalr No. 1 ...................... Evalyn E. Stirling ................... Republican Harry Ehnlund ............................ Democratic Belfair No. 2 ...................... E. F. Berberet ................................ Republican Marion W. Newlcirk ................... Democratic Frank M. Schantz .................... Democratic Belfair No. 3 ...................... Sylvia F. Lane ............................ Republican Minnie Irvin ................................ Dclnocra[ic Harold W. Parker ........... : ........ Democratic Capitol Hill ........................ Bernard T. Winiecki ..................... Republican Harry Bergeson ........................ Democratic Cloquallum .......................... Helen M. Morrow ........................... Democratic Dayton ................................ Lawrence James Bleecker . ....... Dcmocralic Fells ...................................... Carmen H. Sarkowitz ................ Democratic Harstine .... : ......................... Elizabeth Allison ........................ Republican C. W. Streckenbach .................... Democratic Hoodsport ............................ Mathias Van Imutnen ................ Democratic Isabella ................................ Willard Wivell .............................. Rcpublicau David D. Dick ............................ Dem¢)cratic Kamilche ................ ~- ........... Elda L. Otto ................................ Democratic Ag]~es E. Kelly ............................ l)cmocratic Kamilche 2 ........................ Annette S. McGee ....................... Democratic Marguerite L. Bishop ................... Repnblican Lilliwaup ............................ James W. Murphy ..................... Dens)oral it Matlock ................................ Lottie M. Ford ................................ Rel)ublicau Lndwig Rossmaier ..................... Democratic Mill Creek .......................... John Keith Bennett ..................... Republican Ken Wolden ................................. Democratic North.~ide ............................ Donald Ray Gates ...................... Democratic John Drebick-~ ............................... Democratic Pickering ............................ Virginia B. Snider . ....................... Republican Potlatch .............................. Fred Williams .............................. Democratic Satsop .................................. Robert Trenckmam~ .................. Democratic Skokomish .......................... Georgia ]V[iller ............................ Democratic Tahuya ................................ Miles E. Staley ............................ Repub]:icm~ Union .................................... Floyd C. Ludwig ..: ..................... Republican Harry F. Coles .............................. Democratic Shelton No. 1 ...................... Thomas G. Gray ........................ Democratie Shelton No. 2 ...................... W. F. McCann ............................. Democratic Earl E. Jagnow ............................ Democratic Tenna I. Stockweli .................... Democratic Shelton No. 3 .................... S. W. VanderWegen ................ Republican Phyllis Ritner ............................ Democratie Sh~lton No. 4 .................... Paul Gillie .................................... Democratic Shelton No. 5 .................... Mary K. Smith ............................ Democratic Shelton No. 6 .................... Jesse R. Baxter ............................ Democratic Shelton No. 7 .................... Lorene A. Karvanek ...................... Democratic Shelton No. 8 .................... Vehna MclneIIy ............................ Relmblicm~ Gwen H. Suthcrland .................... Dcmocn~tic Shelton No. 9 .................... Ceeelia Clifton Cornell ................. Demo~:ratic Beth R, Johnson .......................... Republican Wayne Buruett ............................. I)emocratic Shelton No. 10 .................. Elroy Nelson ................................ Republican Odell Richey ................................ Democrati0 Shelton No. 11 .................... Robert E. Stoy ............ : ............... Democratic Shelton No. 12 .................... Dr. Harry W. Deegan ................ Democratic L. O. Seljestad ............................ Republican Shelton No. 13 .................... Sadie We(idle .............................. Democratic Shelton No. 14 .................. Helen P. Savage ........................ Democratic I PRECINCT AND POLLING PLACES PRECINCT ADDRESS OR LOCATION POLLING .PLACE Airport ............................ Old Navy Barracks ........................ Moose Hall Allyu .......................................................................... Allyn Grade School Arcadia Southside School Belfair ~o. 1 ................ Navy Yard Highway ................ Grade School ]~lf~P No. 2 ' Belfair }Yire Hall Belfai~" No. 3 .................... Near State Park ........ Real Estate Office (Win. R. Dennis) CapitOl Hill ........................ 128 East Alder . ............... City Center ~otel ~loquallum ............ Buck Prairie ............ Cloquallum Grange :Hall Dayton ................................................................ Dayton Community Hall Eells .................................................................. Middle Skokomish School Grapeview ...: ............................................................ Grapeview Fire Hall I-iat~stine .......................................................... Harstine Community Hall Hood~port .......................................................................... Hoodsport Scl/0ol Isabella .................... Beverly Heights ................ Dave Dick Residence .... Kamilche .............................................................. Progress Grange Hall Kamilche 2 ...................................... Little Skookum Community Hall IAlliWaup ........................................................ Lilliwaup Community Hall Mattock ...................................................................... Matlock Grange Hall Mill Creek .................... Arcadia Road ................. Southside Grange Hall Miller ............................................................................. Agate Grange Hail Mt. Yiew ................ £~35 Olympic Hwy. North .... Carlson Tile Sbop Northside Pioneer School ~ickeL#l~g ........ Hairline l~r~y Road .......... Pickering Community Hall Potlatch ............................................ Hood Canal Woman's Club House Satsop .................................................. Robert Trenckmann Residence Skok~mish ...................................................... New Junior High School 'Pahuya ................................................................ Tahuya Community Hall U~lort ... ............................. : ..................................... Union Community Hall. Westside .................................................. Shelton Valley Grange .Hall Shelton No. 1 2nd & Franklin ................................................ City Hall Shelton No. 2 4th & Alder ................................................ Courthouse Shelton :No. 3 8th & Pine ............................................ Ever~n'een School ~helton No. 4 Hillcrest ............................ Mr. Olive Lutheran Cburch Rheiton ,No. 5 10th & Turner ............ Zopo|is Residence (Basement) Shelton NO. 6 6th & Railroad .................................. Welfare Building Shelton No. 7 ~12 Wyandotte ............................ .Henderson Residence Sheltort No. 8 707 South First Street ........ Kimbel Motors Showroom Bhelton No. 9 Hillcrest (Olympic Hwy.) .. Hillcrest Decorating Shop Sheltol~ No. 10 ........................................ Capitol Hill Comnmnity Hall Shelton No. 11 17£3 Olympic Hwy. North .................... Rex Building Shelton No, 12 3rd & Cota ................................ P.U.D..No. 3 Building Sh~lton No. 13 Five Corners (Hillcrest) ............ Bordeaux School Shelton No. 14 East "K" Street ........................ Mountain View Schooi Said Elections will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 1964, at the above named Polling Places in the said Precincts. The POIIB will be open fro~rn 8:00 o'clock A.M. until 8:0(} o'clock P,M,, on ~id Election Day, ai~d all qualified electors, who shall be inBltl~ of t~lt~ P0111tt~ places at 8:00 o'clock P.M., shall be allowed to cut their ballots. DATED this 22rid day of October, 1964. C. Nolan Mason Mason County Auditor, and Supervisor of Elections