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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 29 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 17 Ghosts, goblins (and perhaps even will warm up "haunt" by at-. at the Grapeview evening. Want L? You aren't afraid, arse, it will be dif- real ghosts and the grade school ce a highlight of the as always, an ex- parade with prizes costumes. A program, recitations, is pro- as refreshments-- what other sur- store!! Come and Oct. 30, 7:30 p.m. '[ PAMPER }UR WIFE ]er Winterproof e Poroh with 'SLASS Thus Y.r lady can enclose ~fleSzeway with Warp I {;LASS. It's so easy) With shears and tack ~ne. M___akes a warm, ,%~, Ilooded with tt Ultraviolet rays, eL children can play all ~g'~or Use as an extra Genuine, crystal- ~'0-GLASS lasts for ~ fraction the cost of ~_90¢ a sq. yd. at your ~. or lmbr. dealer. Everyone is invited. Grapeview can look back once ~again on her harvest season. It was a lovely one with clear, crisp mmny afternoons and, although the grapes were not as plentiful nor quite as sweet as in some years, the picking was pleasant and hun- dreds of visitors from nearby :owns and cities drove out to take advantage of the "U-Pick" opportunities offered by local growers. Driving out from Seattle Sun-. day with friends was Mrs. Charles Somers who visited her sons Bill and Howard and their families. Ac- companying her and enjoying the lovely autumn afternoon, as well as a tour of the winery and boat collection, were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Snead, Fred Aust, Mr. and Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Jeincke. A de- licious dinner at Pearl's in Purdy sustained the travelers for the H albween Paty , r " .) . ' ~ " F i a 5 good shots of OlU nlollntlln~ lnan for the "S" Club concession and island views. Harley Somers t~pent ~t part ot Saturday and Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Somers of Stretch Island. As a newcomer to Weycrhaeuser Timber Company's sales staff Harley is going through a training and fam- iliarization period which keeps him travelling most or the time. BRUCE AND SUE Fuhner are currently living at the "old home- stead", the former Earl Fulmer home, having moved from the lit- tle cottage on Stretch Island early this month. The G. I. Duppman family who had been occupying the home for the past few months have moved to the Coulter Creek area near Allyn. Two Grapeview youngsters took an active part in the annual Jim- ior High-Kiwanis Club sponsored Football game held last Thurs- journey while the exceptional wen- ~ day evening at Shelton's Loop ther delighted "camera bug" Mr. i Field. Don Pogreba, Jr. did an Newman as he was able to get l admirable job as a popconl sales- KEEPS OUT COLD, SHATTER PROOf' while Les Okonek tended to his duties as manager for the team. Seen cheering the "Blazers" on to victory over Centralia were Walt Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. Eke Eae- ret.L, Mrs. Walt Clayton, Jr., Geor- gia Clayton, Marcella Westberg and Don Somera, and of course, do- ink well as assistant coach for the Blazers was Walt Clayton. Our Grapeview Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary held its monthly meeting Oct. 21, at the Fire Hall and, with President Mrs. Don Pog- reba presiding, voted to postpone the proposed reception for our new fire truck until some time next summer when we~ should have our fire hall at least partially com- pleted• .Chairman of the D~T Cleaning project, Mrs. Walt Clayton, re- minded members of the date to take cleaning to the Coin-operated Cleaners and we, in turn, remind our readers-, the date: Thursday, Nov. 5, all day. Your cleaning will help the Auixiliary's treasury which will, in turn, aid your fire department. And, speaking"~of the Fire De- partment, the Tffesday evening Fire Service Training Classes will wind up with one make-up session, I the date to be announced soon. On attending these highly informative lecLm'e periods every Tuesday ev- ening since early in May (with the exception of Jmm ,and July) IL is an official State Board for Vocational Education course. Our Grapcview Grade School library is richer by one lovely new World Atlas donated recently by Mr. a_nd Mrs. Les Ric, e in memory of Mrs. Faye Mitchell• A~ most thoughtful and useful gift. Approximately 25 of our Grape- view residents drove to Tacoma's exotic Tiki Restaurant last Sat- urday evening, joining 300 mem- bers and guests of the "Fiftieth StaLe" Club for a Hawaiian hmu which included dancing, unique en- tertainment and delectable dining. Mrs. Florence Palms, who had fashioned many of the lovely or- chid corsages presented to each lady guest, enjoyed the pleasant evening along with her daughters, Marie and Pat and sons Ira and George. Also son-in-law Jim Vick- ers. Losing themselves in the make- believe tropical island atmosphere were temporary "malahinis", Mr. and Mrs. Julie Stock, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Engen, Mr. and Mrs. Don Pog- reba, Mr..and Mrs. Ed Okoneh., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Staudt, Mr. HOLDS IN HEAT, Saves up to, -- 40son fuel 7 [ f mlml = --lust Cut and Tack On----- • -WE HAVE GENUINE FLEX-O.GLASS-- Plus Such Other Winter Protectors as: Aluminum Windows • Storm Doors Storm Window Kits Insulation • Weather-Stripping EAOrRETT LUMBER iGOMPANY ON HILLCREST PHONE 426-4522 October 20, Fran Betzing lectured land l~rs. Russ Wells, Mr. and on "Pre-Fire phmning" and Oct.. Mrs. Art Nicldaus, Mr. and Mrs. TWO ~k0k0m]$h 27 Paul Parkhm'st instrucled[l~'rcd Lutz, Mr. and Mrs. Walt members ill Fire Fighting Tactics. Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. "Clem ]-loll Our vohmtecr firen]en been and Mr• and Mrs. ].Iovcard Somers.- .l;0uples IM,rn Everyone agreed the party was a Lugc success and only ended too soon. MRS. WIIA,IAM Spooner, lib- rarian for North Mason :High School, recently attended two meetings which she tom~d very interesting. On Oct. 16 at Ocean Shores she went to a workshop of the Washington State School Lib- rary Association. Her report: "Good program, good weather, in- teresting place." Size attended a regional meeting of the Washing- ton State Libra.ry Association at Lakes High School, out of Tacoma on the 24th. Among other items, a talk was given by a charming young French woman who is a li- brarian at the Historical Museum. Three Grapeview residents at- tended the meeting held by the citizens commiitee for the :Mason County Hospital District this past Monday evening in Lhc PUD buil- ding. A',tending in favor of the for- mation of a Hospital District were Walt Clayton, Jr., and HoWard So- mers. A citizens' committee rep- resenting the North Mason area residents who oppose the Hospital District included Bill Somers, The main point of interest to the residents of the Grapevtew Fire District was the assurance by Mason County Assessor Willis Burnett that the formation of a Hospital District wiU not affect the local fire department's revenue m any way, due to the fact the Hospital District, if formed, will ask for a bond issue to finance the project. The possibility of losing any of our present tire department mill- age was answered by Mr. Burgett when he said this was practically impossible under present state laws and with conditions as they are in Mason County. We will not lose our fire figllt- ink capabilities. Now, the ques. lion boils down to this: Do we or do we not want a new Hospital for Mason County? Be sure to vote Tuesday, Nov. 31 Notices: Grapeview Grocery. will be clos- ed on Sundays for the winter. Orthopedic Guild Game Night and County Store - Friday, Nov. 13 at the Grapeview school. Grapeview Mothers' Club meets Wednesday, Nov. 4, Grapeview School - 1:30 p.m. By Mary VMley SKOKOMISH--- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hunter of Seattle to Williams Lake in Canada, where they spent five days. Mr. and Mrs. Don Patterson, Kathy and Rian of Seattle, Mr. and Fred Patterson of Medford, Ore., spent the weekend at the beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter near Union. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kortnfk of Bellevue Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley joined them for a birthday dinner in hon- or of Mr. Barkley. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm and Mrs. 0smun of Shclton drove to Tacoma Sunday afternoon to visit Parry Jones at the Franlve Toby Jones home. Chet Rosenberg and son Vern left Friday on a hunting trip to Montana. MR. AND MRS. BERT Sjoholm of Sheltou were dinner guests of Mr. and M:rs. EHc Sjoholm Satur- day. JOURNAL Mr. and Mrs• Arthur Johnson spent the weekend in Seattle with their ~on and family, Mr. and .Mrs. Arian Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. 13. J. Mignerey and Mr. and Mrs. William Painter :of Portland, Ore., were weekend gtlests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gee. Mrs. Elmer McCoy rocently spent severM days in Medford, Ore., visiting her sigter and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pat- terson and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Brown. ALIeltEI) RIBBON of Shelton was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Max Latzel Sunday. Miss Sue Valley of Island Lake spent the weekend with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley. Other visitors at the Val- ley home Sunday were Earl John- son and Stanley Howe and son of Westport: who were hunting in this area. Steve Valley and sister Lin- da of Seattle. Miss Jaydee Stroud and Mike Hulbert of Shelton. All members of tile 3rd and 4th Degree drill team are to be at the Community Hall far practice Thursday at 8 p.m• Friday even- ing, the Degree work will be at Agate Grange Hall at 8:30 p.m. All Granges are invited to bring their candidates. The hmch after the meeting will be potluck. It Pays To Use Journal Wanb Ads , .I ,llll i, i l A New Radio Television Repair and Parts Service TV-RADIO SERVICE located at 1919 King Street (Mt. View) Phone 426-4347, for Service ii,l,,i,=,,= OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT FROM 7:00 to 11:00 I I IEN'S DEPARTMENT DRESS SLAGKS 'Lancer' Wash-n-Wear Permanent Crease Spot Resistant $10.00 now only a/4 Length Wash-n-Wear $16.95 - $19.95 Now Jacket - Waist Pant & Bib Guarantee Waterproof Reg. $9.95 Now ItOSIERY DEPT. I ark Avenue Seamless ¢ Now pr. BEDDING DEPARTMENI COMFORTER DOWNEE-FOAM BRIGHT FLORALS Reg. $11.95 Now 100% C,otton 6 Colors To Choose From Reg. $8.98 Now IIEART 'O' FOAM PILLOWS lh g. $3.98 Now YARN DEPABTMENT BEAR BRAND Many Colors To Choose From Reg. $5.9J :Now 4A ak CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT One Group BABY DOLL & GAPRI PAJAMAS Values to $4.00 Now One Group GIRL'S GOBDU|OY I S Sizes 3-6x & 7-14 \ , ¢ Values to $2.00 Now Reg. $3.00 Now doz. One Group Boys & Girls Sizes 3-6x & 7-14 GIFT DEPARTMENT ENGLISH BONE CHINA GUPS & SAUGERS "ROYAL VALE" 12 Patterns To Choose From Ktg. $1.30 SPLIT BAMBOO TRAYS Assorted Sizes . ' V,tlues to $4.50 ¢ LADIES SPORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT SKIRTS Color Matched in the Newest Fall Colors and Styles Skirts sizes 8-18 Reg. $6.98 & Up Now :;WEA' 'l Sizes 38 & 40 Reg. $6.98 & Up ' NEW Turtle Neck, Long Sleeve Helenca All New Fall C,olors Sizes Sm.- Med.- Lg. $ Reg. $6.98 Now Top Quality Brown and Black only Reg. $5.00 Now Reg. $4.00 Now A Subsidiary of P.; N. Hirsch & Co. 3rd & Raih'oad 6heltou @