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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAQ I i i i i Live Enterlainment Saturda, and Terrific Music by The Banjo King Trio Bennie plays many instruments md all requests, accompanied b:y MARTHA & GENE FLEMING Canal Club Rumm tge Sale This Saturday Tim anmla] fall rllnlma(~,e snle sponsored by the Hood Canal Wo- man's Club will be held this Sat- re'day in the PITI) }}tlil(li~ izl Shelt(m. The all-day sMe. ,,rill help supplement the treasm'y fm]d for chlbholl,qe illain[enall(~e glll(] COlTI-. munity projects of lhc m'ganiza- 1 ion. Mi.os Dorn Fredson is in cha.rge of collecting artich~s in Sheltm~ Io be included in Sa[llr(iay's Nale. WFgI,EY CII[(?LE PI,AN8 CFRAMI(~ SHOW ,~OON The Wesley Chelo of the Meth- odi,~t WSCP, will sponno|' a show of cev}IITIics lll,~lde I)y the g'ro/Ip ill the PUD mldilorium from 10 a,m. to 5 p,m. Nov, 14. i tea room will be open to serve coffee, cake, pies, etc. The public iN invited. ,gALVATION ARMI" 'rl~[lCl( IlERE NEXT 'rl;E,~I)A¥ The Salvation Army truck will be in tm~m next Tuesday. For gtlT]LTON--M A ON COIrNTY 30tff NAL--PuEi hod in t'ghr,l, trno,,tow L U.R.A.", ,qhdton, WashinNon .......... iliillll i.- ium t L i i LL .......... Gold Star Mothers PRE-SCHOO YOUNGSTERS PREPARE AND Honored By VFW 0tvmpia Friday The VFW A.ux. last Presidents (,qlll) ln(,t Ill ()lylnl)ia lit 111(, Oy- which included the Nhowing of a I)ullrm vCHeeti~,n by l)orlha Stone of Olympia. MrN. ~tone's colle(d.ion is made ,r) of t I 000 ,!iffq,:'ent buttons col- leel~:t fti('lln ;ill ¢IV(']' l be world over ~ neriod of" 25 ycars and weighing 25 pounds. She ha:~ them :~ewe(! into a (!0stuI')IO (.msistin/~' of ~ dress, shoes, hat, bag and stole and has now started an umbrella Also on the progrtnn was a t'e~d- ink by Lydia Lynch and a shot't 'skit by Alice Lasses and Igvelyn Seely. Door prizes were won by ,lo Sparks and Florence Ilamilton, bath of Shelton. Olympia Post and Auxiliary he rimed Gold Star Mothers at their pickups phone ,t26-6564 or leave meeting last Friday, Gold Star Members Only articles to be donated on the porch mothms reprcsenting Mason Coun- ,~', ......... ;-----w; .... ~~ at 325 North 5th St. tv were Grace Holt and Mrs. Rem- II ............ a al am l u I lllUll Ill' I I I r ,, psi. Also attending fr(an Shelton were Past DiNtrict Commander Larry Godwin and wife Betty and E L E C T Jo Spa,'ks. Corsages and gifts were present- Mrs. Helen A. ed to each Gold Star Mother fol- lowed by a program and luncheon. ~OCIAL CLUB MEETING POS/I'PONEI! ONE IVEEK Former Shelton Hospital Ad- Social Club of Welcome Chapter, ministration 5 years, 25 yearsOrder of Easte~ Star has pont- experience in hospital plam~ing poned its meeting one week due and purchasing. Fully qualified to election day. The group will meet Nov. 10 for a noon hmch- to serve an your son at the home of Frances Mag- ruder. Those needing transporta- tion will meet as nsual at the home of Mrs. Minnie Hack by noon. II I I lllllll tlI~OLL! |OIIRNNINT DOUBLY IMPORTANT, Election Day, 1964 (next Tuesday) is doubly important to Mason County voters. First, we share with all Americans the obligation to exercise our privilege and oppor- tunity to participate in ,our democratic process of government by voting for the candidates of our choice. If America is to remain free and strong, we must all do our part in electing those who govern us. In addition to important national, state and I,ocal candidates, the proposed formation of a local hospital district is especially im- portant to this oommunity. Simpson believes a new hospital is needed to contribute to continuing community growth and progress and that formation of a hospital district is the best way ~o accomplish this. RELY ON UNTS (This advertisement paid for by Mason County Labor Council) SIMPSON TIMBER OOMPAHY Shelton - McCleary - Olympia Founded in Ihelton in 1890 Douglas Fir and Western Hemlogk Lumber, Acoustical, Ihsulatlng and Hardboard prodacta, Plywood and Door~. :dTL¸¸.I/:: :;.: ;,,vii~?/~ ,~" ' ,L ~ 7~L~:~? i %): DURING BI.WEEKLY PLAY-SCHOOL SESSIONS 0'>%: i:: ¸' ': POSED IN FRONT OF ~A FALL arrangement of days and Thursdays. Pre-school PTA is inviting cornstalks and maple leaves in the above Journal parents of three and four year old children to photo is the Thursday afternoon class of Pre-school consider the opportunity for these little ones. 'Play-school. The youngsters have spent the past ~Play-school is a safe place to play with an in- weeks lining the shelves in the Capitol Hill build- teresting variety of play materials available and a ing where they meet with Halloween decoration. Anxiously awaiting the big day are FRONT ROW (I to r) Greg Llsockie, Jeff Coleman, Greg Thom- as (behind the mask) and Jay Swift. 2ND ROW: (I to r) Robbie Wer, mllnger, Betsy VanderWal, Terri Marshall, Cheryl VanderWal and Melante Dale. BACK ROW: Doug Coleman, Robble Green- lee, Darren BtJnnell and Darcia MacWilliams. Mrs. Win. Henderson is teacher for the groups which meet in morning and afternoon sessions on Tues- chance to learn to get along with other children under wise and friendly guidance. Cost of enroll- ment of $6.50 per month plus PTA membership fee. Car pools are available. The suggestion to extend the play-school to three days a week will be voted on at the next PTA meeting to be held November 16 at 8 p.m. in the Evergreen school library. For further information ~ontact Mrs. Tom Coleman at 426-8688. e ~t a~ I Re©eplion Honors The T, V, Dunnings Before Departure Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Dunning were guests of honor at a reception last Sunday evening in the Shelton First Baptist church. Residents of the area the past 43 years, the couple is now moving to Salem, Orcgon. The Dunnings came to Shclton in 1921. They lived on a dairy ranch in the Isabella Valley and he worked as a Postal Clerk. La- ter they moved to the Agate area and for the past seven years have lived in the Walker Park district. Dm'ing their stay in Mason County the Dtmnings have bee~ . active in community affairs and th~ local Baptist church. Mrs. Dt~nning has served as choir di- rector, Sunday school teacher and youth advisor for many years. He has been church treasmer for many years and treasurer and charter member of the Fishermen's Club. The Dunnings' son, George, lives in Portland where he serves an a )ostal inspector. A daughter, Mrs. Howard Yule, is a teacher at Southside school. Their son-in-law, Howard Yule, is current assistant Postmaster of the local post office, baying taken over the position when Mr. Dunning' retired. Many of the Dmming~ friends signed a guest book at the SmM'~y evening affair and a gift wan pre- sented to them by the pastor of the chm'ch as a. token of past years' appreciation. TOM LOWE, a Shelton Highcllmber three-sport man is equally fo~d of ~ootball, wrestling and track. Holder of the school record in the 100-yard dash track event, he was the first Shelton athlete ever to run it in less than ten seoonds. Football, wrestling or track are and becoming a coach. Washing- interest to many fellows in tim State University is the school: high school. Tom Lows, Shelton of his choice for furthering his High school senior ghis year, en- education. joys all three and does very well for himself in each sport. Tom is a three-year letterman in football and has been a starter in each game this year. He plays Highclimber halfback position. After football season he will again turn out for wrestling, hav- ing lettered the past two years in this sport. Last spring Tom broke the school record for the 100 yard: d~sh. The first SH8 athlete to run: this event in less than l0 seconds, he did it in 9,9. He also turns' out for the 220 and a relay team. He has earned his letter twice in: track az~d will be turning out again in the spring. Tom would like to continue liv- ing "close to sports" by majoring in physical education in college His subjects in school this year include Teachers' orientation, sen- ior literature ~nd composition, Choir, civics and assistant teach- ing in gym. Extracurricular school activities include "S" Club and Swing Choir. Outside of school Tom is active in the Methodist church where he IS president of the Youth Fellowst, ip and a member of the church choir. He is the present Master Counsel- or of DeMolay. Skiing in particular and sports in general are favorite activities of this 5'9", 158 Oound Highclimb- er. He is the son of Mr. and. Mrs. Rolland Lowe and has one brother, Brad, age seven. Tom has brown eyes and dark hair. He was born Feb. 3, 1947 right here in Shelton. I M Ia 1960 JOHN F. KENNEDY won the presidency over Richard Nixon by only 112,000 votes, LESS THAN ONE VOTE PER PRECINCT NATION-WIDE I Hospital Gift Shops Planned For Veterans The American I~egion Ladies' Auxiliary is one(, again setting up its annila] Christmas gift slmp ill all Velel'ans' hospitals for i);t- tienls llll(t their families. A]lyc)ne wislfim~- h) donate c:tsll towa)'d this proje('t is ask,'d to mail il Io Hor(,ntin(, C(mnolly, a28 Laurel St., by this Sunday. Gifts of honl(.lllade articles of clo- thing such as aprollS, or l~liscel- hmeous items like wriling paper, strains, lotions, candy, or razor I)lades will be acceptcd. Donors are "tsked to call Mrs. Connolly at 42(i-3307 or leave them at her honle, Gold Star Mothers Attend Board Meeting M,'s. Grace Holt and Mrs. "vV. S. Reml)el were among the 47 moth- ors from all paris of the state • ~tlendinK tile Washington-Idaho Department of Gold Star Mothers board meeting last Saturday in the Roosevelt Hotel in Seattle. The bllsiness sessions were pre- si(h'd over I)y Mrs. Pearl McKee, A llOOll llln(~hel.ql preceded i_b(, af- I e;'nt)on ses:ti:)n \vhieh ch)sed at 2 p.m. giving mothers from cast of the mountains daylight travel- ink time. 'Phur day, LANNY and THE are back with MARY and your hostess 9:30 to Open Adm. $1.25 On Olyml Don't Allow Poor Illumination Handicap Your Children's under your public utility district you can't affo,l d.t.o jeopardize the and the educ. tl:: n ot' your"loved by improperly lit study roomS. If you have problems let us help LIVE BETTER ELE( , L i a MASON COUNTY JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, vice ED TAYLOR, secretary; .JERRY SAMPLE,% i Following the September 15 Primary Election, the complete membership of the Thurston-Mason County : Bar Association was again asked to vote their preference for Superior Court Judge, Position No. 1, And again, Hewitt Henry won the secret-ballot bar poll by a substantial margin (28 out of 44 votes)' Thurston-Mason County attorneys have voted their preference. We ask you to check the qualificationS, too, then vote for the candidate who has the bade ground and experience where it counts - Vote for Hewitt Henry. Non-Partisan/Henry for Judge Comm., J. M. "Mac" Partlow, Chrm.,