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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 29 1964 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAU--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 19 I .................................................................. Albert D. Rosellini T GOVERNOR ...................................... John A. Cherberg RY OF STATE ............................................ Victor A. Meyers STATES SENATE ...................................... Henry M. Jackson CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT .............. Julia Butler Hansen ',Y GENERAL .............................................. John J. O'Connell INDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ........ Louis Bruno I I Southslde PTO OF PUBLIC LANDS ................................... Bert Cole CE COMMISSIONER ................................ Lee I. Kueckelhan LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT .............................. Charles R. Savage Paul Conner W. S. "Bill" Traylor STATE SENATOR .................................... Gordon Sandison COURT JUDGE NO. 1 .................. : ............. Oliver Ingersoll (THIS AD PAID FOR BY THE MASON COUNTY LABOR COUNCIL) l~y Mrs. Ray Krateha Richards are new members of the SOIITHSIDE .....Southside PTO Thunderbirds. Refreshments were meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m, served. Nov. 2. The public is invited to Sherilyn Byrd Guild held a Tri- come and hear Cal Hopper hdk chem party at the home of Dale on the Hospital situation. Let's Dawson Oct. 14. Merle VanderWal have a good attendance, was the Trichem demonstrator at Carniwd coming up at the the party. Guests attending were Southside School date Nov. 7. Helen Kunklc, Ann Wheeler, Pol- The time is 3 p.m. until 9 p.m. ly Swayze, Ruth Neff, Joyce Byrd, Theme, "Harvest Time". If you Judy Smith. Vi Height. Ruth Shy- want to vohmteer your sel'vices der, Toni Matson, "Willa Jo Daw- for a couple of hours please con- son, Lynn Wilson, Augusta Me- :tact Vcta Holtorf phone 426-3873. Kissick, Mrs. Augusta McKissick, Mill Creek ~Vhat N~is 4-H club Dee Crank, Virginia Merifield, met at. the home of their leader, Merle VanderWal and hostess, Mrs. Ben Drake last Wednesday Dale Dawson. evening for the first meeting of Skookum community chill meets the new year and held election of Nov. 2 at Little Skookmn. SOUTItSII)E EAGI, ES 4-H clnb officers. Last year's president, Pete Olson, presid(~d over the meeting members met at the home of their :and Renee Simpson led the flag leader, Catherine Bracy Oct. 22. i salute and 4-H pledge. Club members talked about pro- New officers elected for the new jects and talked about a project year are: President, Jim Stone; for a money raising project. 4-H vice president, Lomfie Simpson; members- are having a skating secretary, Curtis Snyder treamu'- party for their Halloween party ;or, Dave Coffey; ~ews reporter Saturday morning from 10 a,m. [Dorothy Gunter; recreation, Re- i nee Simpson and program com- mittee Janette Gunter. Refresh- ments were served and the meet- ing adjourned. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Dorothy Gunter Oct. 28. TllUNDEIIBIRDS 4-H clnb met at Jackson's last Wednesday and elected officers. New officers for the comifig year are Tom Trotzer, president; Gerry Armstrong, vice president; Cliff'Richards, treasur- / r or, and Robby Jackson, news re- porter. The Thunderbirds will meet ev- ery fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. The next meet- ing will be held at Tom Trotzer's. ~lub members have been asked to help at the Southside school carnival. Members have ~ skating party planned for Nov. 27 at 6:30 p.m. Gerry Armstrong and Cilff it} noon. Friendship Club will meet Nov. 4 at the home of Dean Parker. Each member is asked to bring an idea for the display at the Christ- By Joaml TuPlmr LAKE NAHWATZEL -- Hunt- ing will be open around the Lake this weekend, Saturday and Sun- day, for either sex deer. Steve Crapo, Lake Nahwatzel, got a nice two-point last Saturday morning. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McClanahan of Shelton. Spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hansen were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mitchell of Fruitland, Ida. They enjoyed visiting with Mr. Mitchell's sisters. Mrs. Edith Proffitt and Mrs. Ade- laide Durban, who live at the Han- sen home. Sunday. the Hansens visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- vin Papworth of Issaquah. SUNDAY DINNER guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Barbour were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Peterman of Westport, :Monday, the Barbours had din- net at the lake home of Mrs. Ev- erett Sellers. Mrs. Archie Kelley attended the bridal shower for Mrs. Graham Dundas (Gloria Avery) at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Avery of Matlock last Wednes- day. ,Spending the weekend at the Kelley home was Jerry Stone of Federal Way. MRS. PETE HA'WLEY of Shel- ton spent a day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawson. mas open house Nov. 10 at the PUD building. The last meeting l of the club was held at Kay Est- volds. FOUR I,EAVE~ 4-H chlb mem- bers met at lhe Baldce home Oct, 24. Last year's vice president Bev- erly Trotzer led the flag salute. Election of officers was held and the new officers are president, Leahe Swayze; vii e president, Rob- bin Bakke; secretary, IAnda. Aus- eth; treasurer, Gall Bailey; scrap- book, Beverly Trotzer; conlnlnn- ity service, Diana Whitmarsh and Joan Auseih ; reporter, Nancy Schuffendauer; telephone, Linda Trotzer; recreation, Christine Sehuffendhauer and Sandy Mell and refreshments Sheila Holtorf. • The next meeting will be held Nov. e Anderson for Congress Committee, Ken Stevens, Chrm.) 14. DR. D. D. REPUBLICAN We believe Dr. Donald D. Corlett is one of the most outstanding candidates for State Legisla- ture that this district has ever had. Dedicated To'Sensible Government By The People MEDICINE AS A PHYSICIAN and one of the leading specialists in his field, he talks to many peoph, every day, in all walks of life, He knows their needs and how the State medical and welfare fnnds can be bctte,' nsed to the advantage of needy citizens. SCHOOLS AS CHAIRMAN OF THE SEQUIM SCHOOL BOARD the past two years he has a first. hand knowledge of school ad,ninistration and their financial problems. He will work fo," a more equitable distribution of school funds and needed improvement in our educational programs, which are urgently needed. FARMER AS A RESIDENT OF THE DUNGENESS FARMING COMMUNITY and Secretary of the Clallam Development Corporation he is familiar with our farmer's needs and can intelligently present their problems to the Legislature for effective action. The problems of our farmers have noL received adequate or effective consideration. WORLD AFFAIRS AS A TRAVELER TO THE IRON CURTAIN COUNTRIES in 1963 on a People to People tour with Washington farmers he has personally observed the dreadful effect of a Com- munistic Totalitarian government on the lives of the citizens of those connlries. The loss of freedom, pride and initiative which torments their very souls is indeed pitiful to see. This has prompted him to become a candidate for the State Legislature in order to help preserve our declining freedom and abolish corruption and inefficiency in State government. TAXES DR. CORLETT sincerely believes that adequate funds may be available frmn present La.x revenue if the funds were properly and intelligently distributed to tn'ovJ(te the citizens of the state with the necessary educational facilities, govermnent a(hninisLrat.ion, i:nprovemcnt of our highway system and care of our nee.dy citizens. The expansion of our economy would be the first step in the solution of state financial problems. l)r. Corlett would like to represent you in Oiymlfia,!! The Legislature meets only for ,60 da ys every other year -- LET'S MAKE IT COUNT!!! This ad sponsored by CITIZENS FOR CORLETT, Chairman - Dr. Harry Lydiard Co-Chairman- Mrs. Joan Estes, Publicity - Mrs. Elisabcth Johnson. I I I ..... =:- • :[ -: Low-Priced winter tire with 190 tractor-type cleats that are built deep to bite deep • ..dig in and puff you through snow like a tractor A emarkable combination extra-mileage Tufsyn rubber _toughest ever used in Goodyear tires) and triple-tempered,3-T ylon cord for strength and resilience. Put on a pmr oi mese great-going Sure-Grip tires and you'll be set for snow storms with traction to spare., Other sizes also at IAL PRI GO " IT" GUARANTEE . ODYE~,R NATION-WIDE NO LIM , , punctures. IF' A GOODYEAR TIRE FALLS. UNDER THIS 0 000 Goodyear dealers in ~o limit on months. No limit on miles. No limit as to spee.a- GUARANTEE any of more than 8 ..... " ='or the e NEW GOODYEAR AU i"(9 ._ ntire life of the tread. ALL .... the United States and Canada will make a[mwance on a fIRES ARE I efects m worKmansmp - GUARANTEED aga'nst d ' " new tire based on original tread depth l'(~mall1111g §fl{~ Gur- aa~l materials and normal road hazards, except repairable rent "Goodyear Price." '--- BATTERIES BAI,ANCING -- ALI(;NMEN1 -- I ECAI)PIN(I FRONT & GROVE SHELTON 19th & PACIFIC AVE - TACOMA 5th & E MAIN PUYALLUP THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR TIRE SAFETY 220 Cota St. -- Phone 426-4529 COFFEE, BALLOONS, SPECIALS 9:30- 5:30 Reg. $1.00 for Q Playdoh • Sparkle Paints • Beauty Kits Q Paint Sets • Doctor Sets • Nurse Kits • Paint By Number • Machine Guns • $1 Bradley Games • $1 Parker Games and any $1 Model Kit and SPOOKERAMA 7-11 p.m.