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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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on all OK Tires S 2226 Olympic Hwy. No, l',y Betty De,m L*SN--MAgON OOI 'I'Y 30tT/ NAL-- l ;on Wedding UNION ..... Holiday Beach Club- holIse v~Tas |lie scene of the wedd- ing of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Bran.~0n. Oct. 24 al 8 p.m. The bride. Monica (Nikkil Colts is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Har- ry Coles of Ulfion. The grooln is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Branson of ShelteR. The double ring c(.rernony was 1)erfornled bv, Judge Charles Wright. After th'eI ceremony, gue~i~ts remained for a [ buffet supper and dance. The buf- ] fet was arranged and caiered by[ Le Rene Y(nmg and Fred Domp- ier. The liquid refreshments were se~'ved by Ethel I)o]npier. The Clubhouse was dec, waLed with Beautiful II x 14 white g'ladiolie and pink carna- ]tions. The newlyweds are making [their home in lJnion. Doug Coles. son of Mr and Mrs. Harry Coles has recently joined itlc al'nly and is now stationed at 1,'oft Or(I, Calif. Friday at noon is the time for the pin,mhle and bridgc party giv- en by the Union Ladies Civic Club. It will bc held in Mrs. Otto Wo- john'shome wilh Mrs. Karl O'Ber- ly as c0-hostess. Members may bring guests. ' ' The Hood Canal Women s Chfl) will have a rummage sale Satur- day at 9 a.m. in the PUD build- rag. MR. AND MRS. TIIOMAS B~/II were happy to have their son Thomas. Jr.. and his family with them Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Walter at. tended the showing of the new 1965 McCulloch outboard motors at the Seattle Yacht Club last Tuesday. They stayed that even- ing and had dinner at tile Y'lcht Club, A large crowd attended the game night Friday evening put Halloween Party, Planned For Dayton Youngsters By Malml Kidd DAYTON .... A Halloween party is phmned for the eonnn,~nity chil- dren to be held at t.he Dayton Hall Saturday, Children up to sixth grade inclusive will enjoY their party from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. ~at'- ¢.nts are asked to leave contribu- tions of money, candy, cupcakes and such with either Mrs. Bruce McQuilkins or Mrs. John Anderson. Young people flora Junior High grades and up will hold their fun- tiom from 7:30 to 10 p.m. There will be a treasm'e hm:Lt, games and ,ancing for entertainment, Attendin°" the fall meet.lag of the Mason Cum~ty Homemakers' Council Oct, 20 in the Wynwood Room at A.hterbrook Inn were, Mrs, John Anderson, Mrs, Dick Leonard, Mrs. George Schnabel. Mrs, T. A. Tibbils and Mrs. Brace McQuilkin. The William Rietdorf family hcmored Steve Needham with 11 family dinner Satnrday on his 17th birthday. Mrs. A. E. LemRe returned home Friday by jet from a three week trip to Ohio and Iowa. She vis- ited With relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Greutman in Defiance. Mrs. on by the Hood Canal Improve- C. N, Reltig in Napoleon Mr. and meat Club. The Club wishes to Mrs. Owen Hobbs of Findlay, Mr. thank everyone who helped makeand Mrs. Melvin Awe and Mr. the evening a success..The next and Mrs. M. Bm~erth of Wauseon game night will be Nov. 20 at 8 and the Misses Della and Alvena p.m. aI~ the Community hall. Lemke in Iowa City. O The younger generation seems Mr. and Mrs. Don Cress and to be beating their fathers to the family were Monday evening visi-~ N draw. Casey Dean, another 13- lors inthe home of Mr. and Mrs. year-01d got a nice spike Satur- ,]ames Hickson. day morning. Others reported get- Mrs. Alvie Chapman accompan-: L ting deer me Bruce Cowan Dick led by ~V[rs. Chester Chapman of Allen, Ed Dalby, Gerald Pierce, .Graham, . Olympia where they "visited Mrs.: Y Jack and Dave Kimball.Agate motored Monday evening to; Helenr,, Timm picked up 'her sis- Larry Chapman and new daughter,I ter Mrs. Betty Olson in Bremerton Jean Michelle at St. Peters Hos~; last Tkux, uday and motored to Sno- pital. Jean ~eighed in at a lmsk} i homish t0 spend the day with their eight pounds and six ounces. :, mother, Mrs. C~'l Chaffer. TUESDAY overnight guests of~ M~'S. l~orothy Metzler was hap-Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stoner were: py .[ohav.e her niece Diane Olson Mr. and Mrs. Earl King of Paulsbo; and daughter, Darlene Londen of] spend two weeks with her. She is Los Angeles. ] from Shelton. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. / Ron Moore were Mr. and Mrs. ONE, TWO, THREE OR ENTIRE FAMILY! No Age Limit GENEROUS SELECTION OF POSES Minors Must Be Accompanied With Parent (Limit One Per Family) Foursquare To Have Roundup Sunday "Round-up" Sunday is being fea- tured in the Foursquare Church for the Sunday School hour this Sunday at 9:45 a.m A special pro- gram is planned to honor all who come to make this a great "Home- coming Day". An .invitation is being extended to any and all who have ever been connected with the Sunday School to attend for this day. ONE DAY ONLY on Hillcrest --:Shelton 10 a.m. 5 p.m. I Ralph Jenkins and sons of Tacoma. Donna I-Iulbert was home from Federal Way to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Halbert. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers and family and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Evers and children attended the open house held on Sunday at Matlock Grange Hall honoring Mr. and Mrs. William Evers of Shel- ton on their 50th wedding anni- versary, FRIDAY DINNER guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield were Mr, and Mrs, Claude Mchwin, and Al, Sue HaIwey and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bloomfield and children. Mrs. Joe Brov~L with other 4-H .l~atders attended the afternoon meeting at Alderbrook on Tuesday of last week, to hear the speak- ers. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Adams and- children of Shelton were Friday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd. il / The follow are official supporters, and we urge you to vote for ALBERT D, ROSELLINI Gene Lambert Connie Franklin Fred Lockwood Robert Stoy Harry Elmlund Marion Newkirk Minnie Irvln Helen Morrow Phyllis Ritner Carmen Sarl~owitz Orville Kager Donette Glaser Bearden Dave Dick Elda Otto John Sells James W, Murphy Lud Rossmaier Kenneth Wolden Jalmer Auseth Roy Ritner John Kne¢land AI Barnes Mary Trexl~r Fred Williams Robert TrenoRmann Georgia Miller Frank Vollmer Harry F. Coles Thomas Gray Tenna Stockwell Roy Getty Alvin Mikelthun Mary Sm,ith,, Jesse ~axter Gwen Sutherland Cecelia Cornell Dr. Harry Deegan Robert Wolden Heirn Savage Glen Yates Jack Meeks • Kitty Johnson Bud J,ohnson Martin Auseth William C. Gortz Dean Palmer Helen Palmer Sam Clark Earl Jagnow Jim Santamaria Chester Streckenbach Bernie Bailey Andy Tuson Wayne Burnett Helen Barnes Alice Rickards Lt. Col. Ret. Irving Rosefield Paul Gillie (Paid for by Democratic Central Committee, Roy Ritner, Chrm.) in u( rL troa..tmv¢ , U.,q..A.", ghdt'on, Wa, lling n Thur, dny, S At Belf ,ir lly l)('tly Criss BELFAIR -- Over 30 h)cnl cit- izens gathered at the High Seth)el cafeteria Oct. 21 to discuss Ath- letic Fiehl hnprovcment at North Mason The meeting was promt)tcd by evidences of interest and ea- thusi~lsln demonstrated by vat'ious citizens in the conmmnily. In addition to community lcad- ers ill attendance was s(:hool ad- nlinistrators, teachers and coaches and the members nf the school board. Also attending was the president of the ASB ahmg with other inte~esled students. Areas discusse(1 m the meeting were: tennis courts, track, and lights and bleachers at the football field. At the last school board meet- ing, Supt. Norman Sanders was asked to draw up specifications for surfacing of the courts in pre- paration for calling of bids on this project. Student and Kiwanis con- tribuLions toward this project will amount to well over $1,000, Since tennis will be a part of the P.E. program for both boys and girls this is within the pro- vince of the district to finance. The fencing of the courts could be accomplished partly through vol- untary community effort. The track program is also part of the P. E. program, but at pres- ent anything done on this project will have to be initiated by the community. Lighting the football field woufcl have a three-fold ben- efit: Eliminate early student dis- missal, make scheduling of games easier, and enable more people to view the games. The last would increase gate receipts but also brings up the problem of adequate seating for those in attendance. Plans to finance track and light- ing and seating' were discussed. A newer type of lighting, Iodized Quartz, was explained and dem- onstrated by Mr. Gross of the Verde-Ray Co. This lighting, if adequate, would take fewer poles and is less expensive than hman- descent light. Interest in all of these projects was expressed and another meeting will be called in the near future. WINNERS IN THE VFW Hal- loween Poster Contest. sponsored by Nuel Curtis Auxiliary to Post No. 5372 and held in conjunction with their annual Halloween Car- nival were announced last week. Mrs. Curtis Maeomber handed out cash awards to the following win- hers: Teena Kay Williams, Mary Pat Lane, Peggy McKay, Kathy Polhanus, Roy L. McElvy, Chert Peterson, Sheila Shelby, Lou Ann Lane. Betty Pruitt, Mike Ama- cher, Connie Baselt. Bmmie John- son, Vanes~x Hoppe and Gaylc Cook, with Shirley Smith winning ............................ Work < [tin ]l(in()l'ttb]e nlentioll, Mrs. Ci~lis- line Ahl, Mrs. Stan 1,'reelin and Mrs. l~.ex Crosscn served as judges. The Carniwd will be heht Sat- urday nighl in the Elem:,~lary gym with 1:1 comlnunity boolhs ip. ll(hliti()n lo l]le Posl Iilld AtlNilial'y booths. The Boy Scouts will nnm the Spook Itouse, wifile Girl Scout Tr()()p No. 271, assisted by lhc Cadets will offer a free game for the lillle youngsters. First, second and thir(1 prizes will be awarded costllmes ill vltr- ious categ'(wics and m follr ago groups. An electric clock, now be- q~a' di,.playcd at the Clothes Line, willbe a prize. The door 1)~ize willbe nn American Fling with poleand other necessary acces- sories. This is an anmml event sponsored by the Nuel Curtis Post Auxiliary nn-~. looked forward to eagerly by the small fry, and some not so small. Many volunteer '~vorl¢e l,S all(~ c~)ntribntors, pills a fine eollllnlln-- ity response marked the Spaghetti dinner sponsored last Saturday by the Elementary PTA in their an- nual fund-raising effort. It was estimated that "troun(t 300 dinners ,were served (iver tile three how )cried. C~fid,',eltt "[talh~r f~:l [~qp/e~cnta[[~ COll]rlllt~e~ ~ ~,} Ch;li/~?lc[I; Jc[ry []aflIc~) Johll lde~5;it ilhrJ Jim 1. Mason County P.U.D. No. 3 belongs to all the people of our County. Its purpose is to furnish dependable electric service at the lowest rates possible in keeping with efficient and businesslike operation. 2. All Commission meetings are open to the public. Any citizen is welcome to attend and consult with the Board on policies, performance or condition of your District. Meet- ings are held each Monday at 1:00 p.m. in the P.U.D. office. 3. An analysis and survey ,of your District by a national- ly recognized firm of Public Utility Analysts is now going forward. This is to assure us of the sound engineering plan- ning as well as the financial solvency of your utility District. This will also include a review of the local electric rates looking toward any possible rate reduction in keeping with ,our policy of making the P.U.D. debt free at a reasonable date. 4. Your District will continue to cooperate with the other PUDs to provide new power resources for our County and the Pacific Northwest in order tc) promote new bust- nesses and industry. them in furtherance of good dependable electric service by a solvent and efficient Utility District with the lowest possible rates under sound business practices, i • W Taylor • RE-ELECTION f GOtINTY P.U.D' No, (Paid Political Advertisement) :! ( '65 Belvedere / '65 Valiant '65 Barracuda AUTHORIZED PLYMOUTH DEALERS There's something for everyone at Piymouthland 707 South First St. Shelton, Washington OTORS, INC.