October 29, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 29, 1964 |
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October 29, 1964
TO GO%r.
Jollrnal o n
e to the (Mason C u -
fl) political ad in the
untiring work and
ne Mason County resi-
sin the placing "of the
Mason County should
ace over the political
of any so-called
: Republican.
' than four-year delay
to completion of the
~1 that happened t
finish to just before
doubt the thinking
third termer.
Adams fish hatch-
to years ago when
Light built a dam
and was activ-
resentment of
Tacoma building dams
Parks comment is
by the proposal to
Referendum Bill No.
Governor to bond the
million dollars to be
as the state bonds
Fair (which, by the
be paid) thus being
no tax gimmick will
the wayside by being
millions of other
with and without
voters makes "One
the greatest.
Journal :
to information oh-
the County supervis-
es, the Mason County
'e will appear on the
'don ballot, on Nov-
$4, a proposition whe-
[ywide hospital dist-
like to say a few
ling the formation of
district, the manner
petition to form the
handled, and the rea-
)le in the north end
Y are opposed to be-
in the district.
WOuld like to propose-
Plan ~,hich we believe
e most sensible move
)ecially in view of the
vhich "this matter ha.+
from start to finish.
Would like to tell you
to form the dist-
circulated in the
of the County to see
area wanted to be in-
On November 3rd we will all
vote on the hospital district, which
will require only a majority vote
to pass, and while there are ser-
ious doubts in our mind about
its passage, it could vel'y well hap-
pen and then what will we have ?
We will have a hospital distl'ict
and a Board of Hospital Commis-
sio~mrs and no money to even
start the project. " ,
We would like to predict ~hat
the result will be. As soon as is
possible the Board of Hospital
Commissioners will, at a special
or general election, ask the tax-i
)ayers of the County to vote in
:a.vor of a bond issue to finance
:he construction of a hospital.
~ow this election will be an en-
tirely different matter from the
one on November 3rd next.
In the first place there must
be at least 40 percent of the num-
ber of votes cast as were cast
at the last general election, and
at least 60 percent of those must
be in favor of the proposition or
the bond issue has been lost and
we are right back where we start-
ed, with a hospital district, a
Board of Hospital Commissioners
and no money to build a hospital.
It is our belief that if the hos-
pital district is formed, including
a large share of the taxpayersi
against their will,then when'thel
bond issue is before the people
for election, it will be defeated.
Here, we believe, is an alternate
plan which should be given care-
ful consideration. In view of the
fact that a good share of the peo-
ple are opposed to being included
in the proposed hospital district,
and in view of the fact that the
matter has been handled badly
from the beginning, we propose
that everybody vote against the
present proposal and defeat it so
that a new proposal can be pre-
sented at the 1906 general elec-
tion which will include only those
areas that want to be iiacluded
and will be satisfactory to every-
one. Remember, if the hospitai
district is formed on Nov. 3rd, we
will never be able to get out from
under it.
We, in the north end of the
County are not opposed to a hos-
pital district in the County but
we are opposed to being included
because we, for the most part,
will not use. However, we believe
that a new hospital would be de-
sirable for the Shelton area and
we believe tlmt the above pro-
posed alternate plan is the proper
way to get it.
Again let us say that we in the
north end of Mason County are
not opposed to a hospital district,
but please, we are not in favor
petition according of paying for a facility which we
z who drew it up, will not use and we want to be
Up quote, "intentional- excluded from the proposed dist-
Cell the County", un- rict.
ag dnst the will' of the Mason County Citizen's
;he north end of the Group
Roy Mitchell, Chairman
Vast majority of the ..............
the north end of thelREFEllENI)UM 34 FINE
110[ use the medical and PRINT IS THE'CATCH
',lilies in Shelton and Dear Mr. Dickie:
being forced to pay I have been studying the "fors"
Y which we will not and "againsts" in the Official Vot-
ers Pamphlet which came recent-.
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Ph. 426-2292 Mt. View Ph. 426-3172
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
1 27
• : ......... I|
ly. One issue really had nle puz- and other areas of law enforce-
zled. I discovered that I can help menl, p(werty wouM increase, the st) hastily and without mffficitmt
k;ep professional gamblers out of
I y state by voting either "for"
m: "against;' H+eferendum 34! So
I said to myself, how can this be ?
I can mark nay ballot only one
way. Shall I naark it "'yes" or
shall I mink it "no" on number
34 ?
I 'un opposed to opening the
door of our state to legalized pro-
fessional gamblers for many rea-
sons• Here are a few: the crime
rate would go up tremendously,
more tax money would have to go
into increasing the police force
welfare rolls would swell, moral study by onr legislature "tnd which
:llld ethical standards \vould he has no\\' beeu referred to VOU
lowered, racketeering elements and me for decision. I
would be attracted too and new found it to he a carcfnlly worded,
industry and business would be subtle, tricky and deceptive invi-
discouraged from a city where tation froln' our state to wide
professional gambling is legal and open, legalized, professional gain-
'wide open. The so-calle(I benefits biers.
of increa.sed jobs and taxes would
be completely out-weighted by the Then I suddeP, ly arrived at a
cost to our state in handling the simple solution to my puzzle: If
results of professional gambling. I pull the Against lever on Ref-
Statistics in oliverstatesbear erendum 34, the laws controlling
gambling in Washington will re-
th~ °atde("" "SoI ~ded t n)ain the sanlc as they are today•
:" .o study the fine And today there is very little
print in this law wiuch wag passed chtmee for a Heno or Las Vegas
I.o grow Ul) in Washington.
So, those in farm" of 1his la\('
are not telling ihe voter the whole
truth on the big billboards and in
the votms pamphlet. Only by vot-
ing AGAINST Referedum 34 can
I help keep professional gamblers
()tit of our state!
, Esther l{ooser
Most lnountltin anin3alN arc lnore
vulnerable to approach froFa above.
Goats, elk. sheep, deer and bears
seem to concentrate their vigi-
lance on wl'i'at lies below,
6% On Reducing Balances--No Commission
Mason County Savings & Loan Association