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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MM LUBRICANTS O l L DIST. CO COMPANY WedenverHEATlNG OIL COMPARE OUR lOW PRICES! We carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson Industrial Park can 427-8084 Make 2020 th Your Full Service Roofer ' The One Doctor That-Still, 7 since Makes House Calls! Estimates “F ROF D H sown Also Serving: Olympia ' Lacey - Tumwater - Tenino ' Yelm - Tacoma Montesano Aberdeen - McKenna - Gig Harbor - Centralia ' Chehulis Longview Vancouver Roy Shelton resident Ivory 'Alexander achieves air Tuesday at the Shelton Skate .. _ Park, located between Walmart and Oakland Bay Junior High School. The Trick-or—Treat Wlth Shelton School District owns the property and is now talking to the city and Mason county about extending afive~y¢ar joint , M Fl [1 9 J ry February 2015 for the city and county to be responsible for the park’s up- ...and Ruby, the 6ft. Dragon! ' keep. Journal photo by Gordon Weeks SCHOOL BRIEFS Activities outside, in Mariano Plaza (Weather permitting, with social distancing) Drive-thru Open for Trick-Or-Treat 2-7pm Search IS on to Sheltonschools thank you to Paulie’s Place, Miracle Ear, and Sister’s Restaurant for V candy donations and help organizing this event! See you on Halloween! superintendent forum tonight The Shelton School District will The Shelton School District is host- _1 _ fl "1 _‘, ,1 hire a search firm to help find candi- ing an open community forum from 6 I" I N 11, J [L dates to replace Superintendent Alex to 8 tonight via Zoom. Apostle. Everyone is invited to join the At the Shelton SchoolBoard meet- meeting by computer or telephone — ing Tuesday evening, President Sandy the forums, and the regular school 116 W. Railroad Ave, Suite 108 0 Shelton, WA 98584 360-426-5811 ' Open M-F mam-5:30 Tarzwell said the district has three board meetings, will no longer be 2'14 a: 4‘11 Saturday loam. 3:00 options: hire a superintendent in- streamed via YouTube, the district house, conduct the search itself, or reported on its website. The Zoom link hire a firm to recommend candidates. is available on the district’s website, “We haven’t necessarily groomed with meeting ID 842 4907 1068 and someone as an internal hire,” she said. passcode 877212. YEAR ROUND ROTATING ———————————————————————————— w If the district hires a current em- The forum will be conducted in , ployee, it will save money, but that English from 6 to 7 pm, and in Span- at BBlfalr Storage! person “might not necessarily have a ish from 7 to 8 p.m. ' , ,, , ‘ fresh perspective,” Tarzwell said. In the forum, the district states it 7 I n Hiring a search firm is more expen- “will not allow complaints against any ‘ sive, but the pool of candidates would individual. Those speaking inappro- Acrylic and Collage be broader, Tarzwell said. priately will be warned. If they persist The coronavirus pandemic would they will be removed from the forum.” by Barbara new" complicate the district conducting its Questions can be submitted by: NOV_ 1 NOV' 26, 2020 own search, said board member Sally I Emailing CommunityForum@ ‘ Kart. She agreed that a professional Sheltonschoolscrg. ‘ , l Mon'sat- 9'4 company would produce a wider pool I Zoom Chat, with questions being ‘ ' of candidates. read aloud by a host. Barbara 'Ireick contact information: Apostle announced Sept. 22 he will I Speaking during the Zoom Ses- web Site; wwwbarbaratreickcom retire at the end of the school year. sion. Raise your hand by pressing : www.facebodkcom/BarbaraneickAmst/ Apostle made the announcement “Alt+y.” Wait for the host to call on near the end of a 3 1/2-hour Shelton you prior to speaking. you are interested in School Board regular. meeting. He has I By phone by calling into the ', . led the school district for thepast five Zoom session and pressing *9 to raise (ll'tlUOI'k, please contact Belfalr Storage years. June 30 is his last day. your hand. Keep your phone muted - . _ ' Apostle said he made the decision until you are called. *6 toggles audio Office' 2257 manager@bEIfalrselfStorage' com almost two years ago, and told school status to mute/unmute. board members of his plan at that 1 time. I Compiled by reporter Gordon Weeks § 23270 NE State Route 3 0 Belfair, WA 98528