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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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re . idate u p in— l e nged ck e- ed, g tal- that m fell the l ds. loded ounty iurnal lefore om- "ctor ising mm. the itor, B I y last column before the election is a plea for your help to get us through the next week smoothly. We have seen tremendous results in our effort to get people to vote early. Voter turnout in the first week of voting has been nearly double what we experienced in 2016. Thank you to all of you that took heed and got your ballots in. As an election official, I face the pros- pect of long lines on Election Day. Elec- tion officials hate lines. Wehate making people wait. But we don’t control human behavior and have a legal obligation to take care of people when they show up for help. I am asking for your help to ensure we don’t see long lines and frustrated customers on Election Day. We are doing what we can to make it easy for you to get the help you need prior to Election Day. Our Vote Center is open every weekday from 9 a.m. to 4 pm. We will also be open this Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to pm. wait in line. By PADDY McGUIRE need to be. More than anything, I need your help by letting Veterans Day ' breakfast canceled Editor, the Journal, Due to COVID-19 and county and ' state guidelines, American Legion Fred B. Wivell Post 31 of Shelton, as this year’s host for the yearly Veterans Day breakfast, is sorry to inform the community that we have decided to cancel this year’s breakfast. We look forward to hosting this event next year Nov. 11, 2021. Again, we are sorry and we wish everyone a happy, safe'Veterans Day 2020. Pete Ldserinko Post adjutant, Shelton The green Editor, the Journal, ' So long ago and yet so alive in ’my memory, the childhood of living poor, Chicago South Side Irish poor. In cold- water flats, oil-burning stoves with black tentacle pipes Stretching through the walls, the icebox, the ugly big water tank in the V kitchen, My mother’s pride and joy, a porta- ble washing machine with a wringer. And always “the green.” Mud green, drab green, lifeless green. The green of depression and little hope. The green with all the greenness gone. I Born during the middle of .the De- pression, I thought this lifestyle was r the way things always were and al- ways will be. The movies, however, de- picted other ways beyond my wildest dreams. Why, I thought, do we have so very little and others so very much? BITOI‘. voting?” Jail If you need to register to vote, update your address, get a replacement ballot or need accessible equipment to be able to cast your ballot with privacy and indepen- dence, we are here to help. But please, get that help now. Get it over the weekend. Get the help you need when there is not a Please do not wait until Election Day. We are closing our motor vehicle and ma— rine vessel licensing windows Monday and Tuesday so we can focus on serving voters and keeping the lines down. Without an election, Monday would be a crazy day at our office because property taxes are due, so the Treasurer’s Office will be very busy. We expect traffic and parking around the County Administration Building to be a mess Monday and Tuesday so we’re bringing in students from the Naval Junior ROTC program at Shelton High School to help with getting people where they In the Question of the Week on page A-16 of the Oct. edition of the Shelton-Mason County Jour- nal, Margie McNeil, left, was incorrectly identified as Keelin Titzer, right. The Journal regrets the . The question was “What is your first memory of McNeil said her first memory of voting was, “When I turned 18. Why? Because it’s what you do.” Titzer’s response was, “I voted for (Barack) Obama in It was the first time I was allowed to vote.” ihér‘iiéi‘té‘i-éiiui Thursday, Oct. 29, Shelton-Mason County Journal Page A—5 than later. A plea for calm as Election Day approaChes us solve any issues that we have sooner rather I also ask for your patience. Because so many have taken heed and voted early, we will have good preliminary results Tuesday night. In some cases, it will be clear who the winners and losers are immediately, but remember that we will be receiving and counting ballots for several weeks. election. as Witt ’ icy The Journal encodrages original letters to the editor otlocal interest. Diverse and varied opinions are welcomed. We will not publish letters that are deemed , libelous or scurrilous in nature. All letters must be signed and include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number, whichWill be used for verification purposes only; Alikietters are subtéétto editing for length, grammar and clarity. To submit a letter, email, drop it off at W. Cota~St., or mail it to PD. Box Shelton, WA 98584. But when I asked this question, I was told, “We do with what we have, and make the best of it.” I was taken care of, I was fed, clothed and had a place to live, and was loved by my parents. But his answer did not satisfy my feel- ing, no not just that, but my conviction that there was so much more, that all deserved as well as the rich people. As I have grown older, much older, green has become the symbol of hope and happiness. Each new day is the “fresh green” of possibilities, and hope for good things, not just for myself, but for the possibility of a lasting peace, and anticipation for everyone to be able to have all that is needed, for the secure feeling in what will make a life of happiness. I will never forget that “green” of my childhood, and hope I never see it again. Patricia Vandehey Shelton Good going, voters Editor, the Journal, Congratulations to the Ma- son County voters who voted as of Fri- day, Oct. 24. That accounts for 46.5% of registered voters. The remaining. registered voters can race to deposit their ballots in a ballot drop box now. If you choose to mail your ballot, it must be postmarked by Tues- day, Nov. But please use the mail before Tuesday, to be sure it is on time. Citizens can still register in person at the Mason County Vote Center, 411 N. 5th St. until 8 pm. Nov. Enter at the back of the building and follow the signs. 'A few days after you deposit or mail your ballot, you can check whether it has been received and accepted. G0 to, enter your name and birthdate to check the status of your ballot. You may also request a replace- ment ballot or even print a replace- ment at that same website. , When ballots are received at the Mason County Vote Center, the signa- tures are verified by comparison with your registration or driver’s license. If your ballot was not accepted, per- haps the signature does not match or the ballot envelope was not signed. The elections staff will send you a let- ter which you will sign and return as quickly as possible. Your ballot will then be processed and counted. We voters in the state of Washing- ton are very fortunate to be part of an election system that is designed to make voting safe, efficient and con- venient. Hats off to the hard-working Mason County elections staff, ‘Fina Ormond, Susan Blankenship, Lorie Bickford and Auditor Paddy McGuire. They have created the new Vote Cen- Postmarks count, so if a service member from Ma- son County puts a ballot in the mail to us in South Korea or Kuwait on Election Day, we will count that ballot when it gets to us and our system al- lows time for that to happen. We won’t know the final, official results until the Mason County Canvassing Board, Commis- sioner Sharon Trask, Prosecuting Attorney Mike .Dorcy and I meet on Nov. 23 and to certify the The good news is that this will all be over soon. We can go back to being friends and neighbors and hopefully put aside our political differences. I Paddy McGuire is the Mason County auditor ter and adapted to the challenges of elections in the midst of a pandemic. Most'of all, cheers to all of us vot- ers of Mason County. 'Our vote is our voice, and together we have lified our voices to a roar! Cynthia Shotts Past president League of Women Voters of Mason County. i Shelton Motorcycle . infection Editor, the Journal, . Earl Burt says that the Sturgis rally was a superspreader event, and everyone who allowed it to happen was a “nitwit.” Business Insider (Aug. 26) says that about half a million people attended, and 100 have become positive with the virus. That’s USA Today (Sept. 17) says the in-- fection rate is 0.09%. That is 9/100ths of 1%, an incredibly low infection rate. The Wall Street Journal and many other outlets pointed out that a study that concluded to the contrary Was so poorly done that its conclusions are completely useless, describing the claim of a superspreader event as “gar- bage.” As to the people who live in St- urgis, their infection rate is the same as the rest of the state. I submitthat Mr. Burt will not be- lieve any of these reports, because they don’t fit his political Views and are not condoned by leftist political leaders. Politics have taken over for facts, sci- ence and morality. Propaganda rules the country. Bruce Finlay Shelton