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Page A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020
.Mason County
' Joe Biden — President and
>> Derek Kilmer - U.S. Representative,
6th Congressional District
> Beth Doglio U.S. representative,
10th Congressional District
Kamaia Harris Vice President
> Jay lnslee Governor
> Denny Heck Lieutenant Governor
> Gael Tarleton — Secretary of State
> Bob Ferguson -— Attorney General
> Michael Pellicciotti
Hilary Franz State Auditor
> Darcy Huffman —-
State Representative, 35th District
> Colton Myers —-
State Representative, 35th District
> Raquel MOntoya-Lewis -
State Supreme Court, Position # 3
> G. Helen Whitener 4
State Treasurer
PUDs warn about
disconnection scams
By Kirk Boxleitner
If you get a call from someone
claiming to represent your public
utility district, don’t believe them if
they claim they’re about to discon-
nect your service, and especially don’t
follow any instructions you receive to
make payments to third parties.
The Twitter account for Mason
County PUD 1 posted a warning
Oct. 20 that scammers are at it again,
and asked the community to pass the
word onto elderly and other vulner-
able populations.
Kristin Masteller, general manag-
er of Mason County PUD 1, and Lynn
Eaton, communications and govern-
ment relations manager for Mason
PUD 3, agreed that such scams are
a serious and ongoing problem across
the state.
Both PUD representatives pointed
out that Washington’s moratorium
on utility disconnections for nonpay-
ment has been extended through the
end of the year.
On Oct. 14, Gov. Jay Inslee issued
an updated proclamation, extending
the moratorium on utility disconnec-
tions until Dec. 31.
Proclamation 20-23.11 prohibits
energy, water and landline telephone
companies from: w
I Disconnecting any residential
customers from energy, landline tele-
phone or_water service due to non-
payment on an active account, except
at the request of the customer.
I Refusing to reconnect any resi-
dential customer who has been dis-
connected due to nonpayment.
'I Charging fees for late payment
or reconnection of energy, landline
telephone or water service.
I Disconnecting service to any res-
idential customer who has contacted
the utility to request assistance from
the utility’s COVID-19 Customer
Support Program.
Masteller and Eaton said Mason
County PUD 1 and Mason PUD 3 had
halted their disconnections before In-
slee’s proclamation.
Even if such a moratorium were
not in place, Masteller and Eaton
agreed that no PUD would ask its
customers to make payments by pur-
chasing gift cards or prepaid credit
cards, as scammers have asked PUD
customers to do. ,
Some scammers make their calls
appear to be coming from the PUD,
and they’ve attempted less—than-
savvy moves such as attempting to
scam the PUD itself, Masteller said.
“They’ve even called us to threaten
to cut off our power,” Masteller said,
Neither Masteller nor Eaton have
discerned any patterns as to when
scammers will strike, although Ea-
ton added that Mason PUD 3 saw an
uptick in scam calls starting Oct. 8.
“We’ll get periods of scam calls.
maybe once a year, or a year and a
half,” Masteller said. “Fortunately,
I think our customers have gotten
more savvy, but I do worry about
our elderly and other customers who
might need assistance with their fi-
Diane Hennessy, customer service
manager for Mason PUD 3, said that
not all calls from folks claiming to be
the PUD are scams. Mason PUD 3 is
contacting customers whose accounts
are past due to try to connect them
with funding from the CARES (Coro-
navirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Se-
curity) Act.
But Eaton and Masteller agreed
that neither of their PUDs would
call customers to tell them that PUD
trucks are 10 minutes’ drive away
from their property, on their way to
disconnect them.
Both PUD representatives agreed
that customers should call their
PUD’s direct line to inform their? of
any scam calls. ‘
“And if you get a call from someone
claiming to be the PUD, it’s OK to ask
them to verify that they are who they
say they are by supplying you with
your account information, such as
your street address,” Masteller said.
Eaton pointed PUD customers
to an online list of anti-scam tips at
Deputy Matt Colbenson, public in—
formation officer for the Mason Coun—
ty Sheriff’s Office, requested that
,PUD customers also call the Sheriff’s
Office if they receive scams calls.
State Supreme Court, Position # 6
> Yes on Referendum 90 BRIEFS
‘9 (Approved Write-In Candidate) Tom Davis,
Mason Couny Commissioner, Position 2 Genealogy programs topic of meeting
The Mason County Genealogical Society hosts its monthly meeting via Zoom
from 7 to 9 pm. Nov. 5. “Comparing PC genealogy programs” is the topic
of the
meeting. If you are new to Zoom, call Sue Sheldon at 360-427-3119.
0 "Check your registration at .
- Vote early - Mail your ballot early, or
Help the Post Office by
using-a secure ballot box.
Paid for by the Mason County Democrats
PO Box 1272, Shelton WA 98584
I Compiled by reporter Gordon Weeks
Dakota Jacob Lee Krieger, a boy, born Oct. 13, 2020, to Alishea Kae Pelham
and Jared Steven Krieger at Capital Medical Center in Olympia. He was
9 pounds, 15 ounces.
Alexander Russell Rae Olson, J r., a boy, born Oct. 14, 2020, to McKenzie
Elizabeth Crawford and Alexander Russell ‘Rae Olson Sr. at Capital
Center in Olympia. He was 9 pounds, 9 ounces.
Liam Anthony Coy McGee, a boy, was born Oct. 15, 2020, to Trinity
rie Morlan and Nik Anthony Mcbee, at Capital Medical Center in Olympia. He
was 7 pounds, 9 ounces.
We cling to our own point of view, astliough evéiyhlng'dependedl
on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, 9
they gradually pass away. . — Zhuangzi