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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020 MARY’S MEMOIBS Mary visits her mother in Seattle during storm e come and out electricity a couple times. to those to fresh on for the If a is on in the a was a too. put out heat. a a and and is in the Oct. 29, 1942 Went to the Red Cross Room. Took Mrs. there then home Also took the to her place she can my Ruth and I saw Clark Gable in ' ByACLYDENE HOSTETLER “Somewhere I’ll You.” Very Home very late. Oct. 30, 1942 To the store early. Sam and Charlie left on their trip east of the We had a “fare- well” at Raus for Billy and What a lot of fun. Mary Ruth, Emmett, Johnson, Dorothy E., Wilkes, I. We spent most of the time Home, fair- ly early. Lights went out. Saturday, Oct. 31, 1942 To the store early. We were busy day. Al Clatchy came out so it was not too rushed. Mary Ruth and I went to Seattle and stayed at mother’s all I hope it where the men are hunting. The last day of October and it has been a busy month. Sunday, Nov. 1, 1942 Slept until late. The sun is out bright. We saw all the gardens and were some garden shrubs. Then we went to town after dinner and saw with Sonja Henie and it was very good. Had a Visit with moth- er and came home on 8:00 boat. We ate in Bremerton before going home. Monday, Nov. 2, 1942 A busy day. Up to the store at 8:30 and not come home until 8 pm. we ate there. A big wind came up and we had lamps going until closing time..Sold out of candles, lamps etc. Home read for a while. Then to bed early. Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1942 Election Day. Was going in high day. So many people We had time to work on shelves for it took all our time to wait on people. Home at ‘8. To bed late. Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1942 A day. We got some stock on the shelveshEmmett had'to go to Port Orchard to call in the order. Mary Ruth went to the show. To bed early. Tired. I is a me- dia and of in She has She can at night. It rained hard most of the day. Housing: Developer hopes for plat. approval by March 15 page A-27 “This county is still exporting jobs,” said Shutty, who estimated that roughly half of Mason County residents commute to jobs outside the county. “We need to be community where people can live and work. People need to see that we’re great place to invest in,” he said. ‘ Harbor’s homes wouldn’t have any income re— strictions for buyers and are likely to include work- from-home spaces to accommodate COVID-19 caused telecommuting that’s expected to persist past the of the pandemic. Shutty identified Mason County’s existing in- dustries as fairly stable, between its Navy presence and its natural resources, including timber ag- riculture. With King, Kitsap and Pierce counties experi- encing what Shutty called a “crunch” in their devel- opable lands, he says County is “in a prime spot to accommodate” those unable to obtain entry- level housing in those counties, especially with its access to rail, multiple state highways and Hood Canal. ' “As long-as we proceed with smart, thoughtful planning, we can enjoy a thriving economy ro- bust public services and infrastructure, without in- terrupting the rural character of the quality of life we’ve all come to enjoy here,” Shutty Part of that planning included a public hear- ing before the County hearing examiner on Wednesday the Mason County Commissioners’ Chambers in'Building 1 at 411 N. 5th St. in Shel- ton. For more information, call 360-427-9670, ext. 365. ‘ “Mason County hasn’t had a new subdivision in about decade, since the expansion of LakeLand struct a 145-lot subdivision named Olympic Ridge. Herald photo by Village Allyn,” Rowen said. take place upon preliminary plat approval or be- Harbor expects the closing on Olympic Ridge to fore March 15. NORTHWE ROCK, INC. . 0 Clean 0 Secure 0 Professional 0 All Size Heated Units 0 Easy Drive-Up Access 23270 NE State Rt. 3 o Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-2257 NWBOBK£0M OPEN MONBAY-FBIDAY, 7AM-4PM “ Sime Conn; Reg. No. NORTHRIO‘SfiNO A gated road, shown Sunday, marks the area in Belfair where Harbor Developments hopes to con-~