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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 29, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 29, 2020
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Page A-38 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020 Trail: Remedies involve some interaction with nature continued from page A-37 Many of the “nature remedies” do, indeed, in- volve some “interaction with nature. But plenty v more ask you to do things like let small children . play the drums with spoons or forks against your kitchen bowls next time you bake a cake or make cookies. Think of the PEP Calendar as nature remedies with a rural, small-town twist. Or “forest bathing" without the forest, in some cases. For example, here are two suggestiOns for Febru- ary: Next time you are shopping with a child, pauSe before you enter any store with big windows. If you see your reflection in the glass, wave to yourself. Ask your Child_'t0 wave to him- or herself, too. Draw a big red heart on a white piece of paper. Fold it up and ,can'y'it with you. If you take the bus, take out your" heart, open it up, and hold it to your window. Anyway,for April the calendar features a photo, taken by Karen Pursey, of the giant bandsaw wheel that sits atop Overlook Park. The text on that page asks the reader to guess (or count) the number of spokes on the wheel. Not far from that entry, an- other bit of text asks whether you know the oldest d , re resented by the l, “rings on the logging , $3115.” ibuélow Ové'rlOok" r12." In other words, how old was the tree? , OK, maybe you get it now. Part of the calendar’s mission, it seems, is to awaken readers to the many facetsfof life around them, whether they be the sound of Canada geese honking overhead, raindrops rattling on a tin roof, or the tiny canal perfect for toy boat races — Shelton Creek -— as it magically winds through, around, and under city buildings on its final courseto Oakland Bay. , , t The calendar both captures and inspires mind- fulness. (For example: Tomorrow brush your teeth with your-opposite hand.) Trust me, mindfulness is its own reward. Mindful compassion is nature’s most powerful remedy, the cure that leads to all other cures. It is the sound of one heart clapping —_—- yours — with the clap being a thunderclap of self-love as mindfulness helps you “see through” conflicts and drama, while opening yourself to grati- Janie Pursey looks for the geocache treasure hidden at the historic bandsaw wheel in Shelton’s Overlook Park. Journal photo by Karen Pursey tude, acceptance and forgiveness. Conveniently, nature provides plenty of open ca- thedrals for such services to take plaCe. CROSSING THE BRIDGE While filming a short video to support the cal— endar, I stood with a good friend, his-daughter and granddaughter, Nora, down at the tiny arched bridge on First Street that crosses Goldsborough Creek not far from Kneeland Park and across from the railroad yard at the Sierra Pacific lumber mill. a A cold February morning still holding onto its freeze from the night~ before, the bridge bears a brass plaque set flat into its west stone railing, an historic plaque with embossed words describing the date of the bridge dedication. 1» ALLYN lCaselnlet .; [WE mar m Low (fill) SHELTON [Oakland Bay DAlE HIGH (FEET) [OW (FEET) l’M Ah UNION | Hood Canal [WE HlGll (FEET) LOW (FEED c.) {a L Trdehbles have been transcribed and” may sirloin errors. Nor ‘imerrdod for ~rnrrlnglorrul use. lidal Information (dunesy US Harborme For the whack of OCTOBER through NOVEMBER 4, . AM PM RM PM . 29 mmmmmm-Im 3° mmmmnmmmm 1 mmmmmmmmm 2 mmmmmmmmmm 3 mmmmmmm ‘MTWW— wwmmmmmmmmmmm mammmmmnmmmmm Sal lair: 6:34 13.6 1:30 0.6 4.5 7:51 Sun 13.5, m 13.3 1:56 0.0 5.3 653 . mmmmmmmmmm 4 mmmmmmmm mfimwmflw 29 mmmmmmm 30 mmmmmmmmm 3* mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mam-Immm mmmmmmm Weekly Tide Tables Sponsored by _.‘ V 11mm.wmmmsmsmarm VERLE’gi -. SUN MOON SUN MOON SUN MOON i: ll N [- S's; -/4-\ - (360) 426-0933 Rainwater had filled and frozen inside the plaque. Instinctively, 9-year-old Nora worked her tiny fingers around it, lifting the icy piece out whole, a clear stencil sign as big as an LP cover holding nothing but air for each formed letter. She smiled right through the clear wafer, and, like a delicate crystal snowflake, it broke apart in her hands. The whole moment came and went, a one-in-a- million, odd occurrence going “poof” before my.fas- cination had time to finish. For about three seconds I watched a white van, then a red pickup driving ' ' right through the clear, open letters, as if the words from the past and the machines of the present: were merging cinematically, giving me a taste of time travel. ‘ So, anyway, next time you motor along state Route 3 through the heart of Shelton, remember that a brass plaque plays magic tricks whenever rainy days turn to freezing. And only little children’s fingers can bring it to life. ' When driving past Overlook Park, pull over, get out and stand there, asking yourself, “Where is the overlook at Overlook Park?”~ ' Hmmmm . . . is someone suggesting we let the trees grow up and not look at the mill anymore? Or is someone simply behind on a hedge clipping assignment? By the way, Nature Remedy Calendars are free and readily available at the Mason County Public Health Building, all three county branches of the Timberland Regional Library, and at United Way of . Mason County, a funding contributor. Family Education Support Services, the Squaxin Island Tribe and the Washington State Health Care Authority also contributed toward the calendar printing. , ' I Mark Woytowich‘isawriter, photographer, .video producer and author of “Where Waterfalls and Wild Things Are.”, He lives in Potlatch‘w‘ h his “0n the Trail” column appearing every other wee ' the Shelton-Mason County Journal. Reach him at his "ya , website;www.wherewaterfallsarecom, or by email a: NO EVIDENCE. THAT THE POSlTlVE CASES ORlGlNATED lN OYMS