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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 30, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 30, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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pace Ten ,7 “SHEQTQN:MA_SQN COUNTY JQUENAD ? m Friday, October {midi —-—-—-— >—» ~ ~ ~v rs ~«~~~—r-~-~- “— r- H AW ~ eve-r \ . -._...—.-._ “WA r,.__l_., .4 “-4 _.,.,_,,....,,,. ".7 l ,7 -__«A, ,_,_-A , _, -V,_ ,_,_“_.V_,mfi,,u,,w_n i.“ .00 099 99 99~9»9‘ -i99 999999990999999 9, 99 9999" 99999 999 99 99 .99.99:99.99.9€99X99.9M9.9W€9W9.9 9.99%99.m9. 9.99.0 9.9 9.9 9.99.9 9.99.9 9.9 9.9 9.99.9 9.9 9.99.9 9 '99'99999 99999 9999 9 9 9999999’ERS‘: 9 99 99 99 99 99 99.9 9.99.9 9.9 9.99.9 9:99.99.9 99 99.99 99.9 9.99.6, 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.99.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9 .9 9.9 9, k {9 O O O O O O 9 9 , I 9:9 ‘3 ‘hundi- ' ' . ed. eign e O . ‘ llfe 1themfi : , , . have declared .9. ' ' , ‘ Submit to p 9.9 . . 5 l'-10na1 amt V , V - .1 the ‘lO-mii 9.9 I ‘ i e Washingtr 9:9 ' e gations to 1'. ' 92. 0f "the legi 9.9 , fflt‘miw thet : e , ' . ii i .g. ‘I i l “(Ere inclélider .9. will: ’ e l I, '\ M' to the 0:9 , I I 0n on the 9:9 V Candidates 6:9 ’ :;til;i<3r (liki‘ l i ‘3 92: the it ' 10 :i this :88? obtject l O S Slll‘VCV‘ 9:9 f0!“ the leg-is R. R0 9:9 . . . V t, o t, ‘. l This 1S war time when more than ever body; and make their vmce felt through $525.1? . . . v . . . ; egislature ’o' before those who are l‘lVlle ed to sta their chosen Re resentatives 1n the Halls their own .z. x , , ' V . , . ,. f the 40-m at home must erform truly and well the of Con ress_and 1n the Le -1slature; b We the . . , ' . . . ‘ liefelelldlll :3: only duty left in their charge, the w1n- , their voice and vote for safe and sound as; {235% . . ____._.__.._‘ 1 I ‘ v I ‘ Tom these ? ning of the war at home that those who feel? t9 ,5“)? the dprpdreet abuees end game: '3’ , streamline the course of administration. gnstitutim ’3' fight abroad may have the last full meas- Man of the ills of the resent da “3&3. I ' 0, v s. , ( ure of support; and that ineff1c1ency and _ , th t f b l, p y . .- :§: waste of time and money shall not be 211- SPlileg, ; mm 9 0“ '0 f "a an“: reprise? Ce Ml] lowed to hinder or delay the nation’s un- 1n Ceegress end 1“ the 9 aces e a ' SS Tr} 3: dertakmg to protect the ‘ lives of these ministration,- With its threat of dictator- it: .g, who must fight, ship on every hand; the heedless and €23,535: .o l ' '.-'v w; H' 0 " l fl :3: In this program t h e R e p u bl 1 c a n needless regimentation of human life and £233. ,l . 0.. , ,o,. 9‘ v- u y “asa54 Party has a real place, not in advancmg action at the whim of the few delegated :3: partisan politics, but to provide sane and With temporary authority; a larger Re- $3,333,, 0 ,4 .: ; 9 1 I 9 I 0 , ' - ‘ I‘ o constructive critic1sm of whatever may pubhcan minority could correct some of 31$ 31]; if v 0 « . v, V, — ,, r , l 1 ' L f1 . h .3: be conSidered wrong by a large body of . the abuses, failures and mlstakes which is}? 3313 5: the American People, even if a minority are now hampering- our great War effort. 2:35:35: .. , . . . . , , t ' ge to ever 0:9 " eur friend .z. *1 Dr. W. 0:9 y‘zigciifigd ' ‘a 9’9 a . . h I, (gut . g . 0 the evei e a 10 II. S e 1119 * 00 an y 0W5 9.9 .. , ‘ r cable di'ean 3 l i l , " 3 _r v , ’_ , " shall be 9.9 y ‘ A u ' ' $1,. for oui .3. ., l H Git}: Ehcnr "' real e 0 III “II DIG if - . ‘ h i v 3. . e , l ' hidtielrjc fro .‘. 4;» 4 .333 l ; ,1 .V 7 . , comprehc .3 t, A, W, r i ' an the 1le o . . , lild not SH 9:9 anVlr'Glfith 01. _ 1:. i . pie 0:? 9:9 I l l t V ‘ haygvflouliid 3. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET e 939 l ‘ filth}: gm} I , , ' is 11 '3' man I! NORMAN " . ~v r CHARLES ‘VBIGHIIl , hich,_w‘ill 929 Repiiblican' Candidate for RepreSentative in Congress has been . : ltglfievflincg: .9. an active member of organized labor .for .many years, and Republican Candidate for Representative in the State Legis- th‘e Losi (luring that‘tfifle has {181d high Offices 1“ hls label" Ol’ganlza: lature is a native of Mason County. His legal and practical the mm a. no” In aadmon. he 15. a member Of .the Grange’ an.d hab rexperience well qualify him to serve this district in the Legis- 11“it of G0 .0. made a success in busmess. During his term of serVice at 1 t H h b b 1 f th G f0 .11 within eleven sessions of the State Pegislature, hls record was out- a die. e as 6811 a mem e1 0 e range 1' seven years, VI brother 9.0 standing on liberal labor legislation, and as an advocate. of havmg served one year as Master of Skokomish Grange. He initiated w 9 progressive measures. He standsvery well in his own PaCific has an open mind, and a fair and liberal attitude toward the ' , f O I. ’3“ 99 . U l : Coumy' His record ‘5 prOOE Of.hls abmty to. give this dIStUCt problems of the people. He will support legislation to further as each 9.9 an Honest, Clean, Able, Experienced, and Liberal representa- progress and justice in this state to use t} .9. tion in Congress. , ' end glorh , i s in our 9.9 v .fit for tr 9:9 ‘ , I t of God, . , t . rested ii :3: nanny nun-1"“: , 101m wan-1m: 93,}, 9’9 , . has had previous experience as deputy Assessor, and . 38 Of a SP 9:9 has Sermd ten years as county Audltor and ls thllls . if elected as County Assessor his ability to make fair yyb: {2:3 .3. ‘ w‘dely known all over the County’ so m-uCh SO thet and equitable assessment of the county is unques- .many ( he is without opposition, tioned, “hurchman 9:9 \ , I _ lads and1 9:9 — Working . , [Mt . , . r “0 t :21 Guns nucnnsrm FRANKLIN anus-row 9:9 ‘ also has had téi’i' yeé?s‘of”'experience as CountyClcrk, while ‘a more recent resident of Mason County, has "2ft God he 9:9 is well qualified, and while just now enlisted in war served well the office ‘of. Prosecuting Attorney Since ‘: W311 service, leaves her duties to Mrs; Esther Roles until his appomtment, and his work has been recognized by truly 'ir .9. she returns. his being accorded that office Without oppOSition. £13 (bgothe ‘ ‘ as *3”? I l , ' ' “ginger ., t M '0 er 1- CH'I‘TO ' ‘ 11mm [Mrs Alvin] BUTLER ~ dz. ' ' fir; i 1‘ t 3 t , l p y “robservai {z Candidate-for Treasurer, has had nearly 20 years of p Q I especqu $3 banking experience in Shelton, and while now a busi- ltheconly candldeteef the Repebhcans for the Office “full; 0‘: ’3‘ ness man, his experience and ability are recognized of ounty Commissmner (Dlstrlct 2) has Shown ksen Mam/“he 9.9 as well as his competency and reliability for the office interestf in Public affairs and Will doubtless receive Mason; .z. of County Treasurer' Share 0 the vote at €1,60th11. ‘ ‘iptheanlgg .. 5 ‘Y' 1i ,- n :39 I ' ' t“ e thigntl . _ A, , feoligat If: The foregoing makes up the ticket of the Republican Party, and IS commended to the voters of tit-1312‘] I V . . , .. , ‘ Was nr V I I c o o I '- 0 . . p ‘ a ' 3: Mason County for careful cons1deration, With confidence that those who are elected Will reflect gi‘iilie‘ii’o : ,. . i ‘ I , ' v and circ :3: credit on Mason County. a ‘ $232833 9 L . ' , 3' l I I if “$115013 ty B bl c It 10 It Mason Conn epu I 11 ;a, 0mm; ee g .0. 3 l / .' 7,; “f anyO (Paid PeliticalAdVertisihgl ‘92:“:99:99:9 :99}9:99:99;99:99:99:99:99z99:99;99;99;99;99.99:99:99:99}9:99:99z99z99;99:99:99:99:99}9:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99z99z99z99? 9:99:00:3¢;09:33:93:e§99:99;99;99;9§9€99;99:39:99:99;J&:96:6§g99$g$9:3$f93:$$$z99}9399:.9:9.z..:..:«:..;“:,.:”:”;,.:..;..;.4.4m *’ r