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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 30, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 30, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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o O I. October October 30, 19.11 0‘ '0 5‘ ,.~ 4 a? o co O 0.00 o '9 '0 ', alter. i’ : to use those tools for the PERM undred eighty-two of the; es for the \Nashington' re in the forthcoming el— ",Ve declared their willing- “ _» pit to popular vote a . nal- amendment cm— the 40-min tax limita- «' Washington Association= 'OI‘S announced, today in Icat‘ionsio M. c. Zinthec, 0f‘i'lthe. legislative candi- from the 24th District, I T. Wright and Dr. U. S. included in the state °f legislative candidates ‘ Ve expressed themselves l’ to the State Realtor ton on the 40-min sub— Candidates from the 24th either did not return the aire or expressed oppo—, ‘ ' the tax limitation prin— 8 Association said. The survey did not include Senators, who are not up film at this time. Dal object behind the As- 'S survey of the candi— °P the legislature. accord—= R. R. Rogers, Spokane, t. is to emphasize to the e need of sending men legislature who will not heir own constituents’ ap- °_f the 40-min tax limit. lte the fact that the 40- Referendum carried some ‘- by margins of and 5 the last election, legisla- out these districts fre- fought stubbornly against, hg the tax limit in the‘ 0nstituti0n," Rogers said.‘ " that voters and prop-l ers have a right to know, RISISHOULD * CHOOSE ‘ «CANDIDATES WHO FAVOR ' tioius. l I l l l l ENT TAX LIMIT in advance this time, how their representatives stand on this mat- ter." Rogers emphasized the non- partisan aspect of the Associa- tion’s survey by pointing out that tax limitation is saving millions of dollars annually for home, farm and other property owners re— gardloz-s of their political affilia- “Tliis is not a matter in which Democrats are aligned against Republicans,” the Realtor executive :nid, “but a case of Ithe home owner against. the tax-mon— ey spender. It is a fight to retain the advantages won by Washing- ton realty taxpayers every two years since 1932. It is part of the continuing struggle to equalize the . tax burden, to keep real estate from paying a disproportionate." part of tax levies because it can‘t hide from the assessor as can other forms of property.” The Association, Rogers point- ed out, is not asking the legisla- tors to approve the constitutional amendment by their own action, but only to refer the amendment to the voters at the general elec- tion in 1944. “We feel that Washington vot- ers. after reenacting the 40-min tax limit principle five times since 1932, will make it part of the state constitution if given an op- portunity. Our campaign. now is simply to make certain that the next Legislature will place the. amendment before the people for their approval and give the vot- ers the right to vote on a perma- nent Tax Limit Law, thus elim- inating once and for all the need for reenacting the measure every two years." V'cewMillard es Tribute TO . Dr. ivlnlBeach me Court Justice Wm. ‘ delivered the following at the funeral of Dr. M. Beach ‘whom he " as a sterling example Onry. i l l l a half century ago a Inan, who now has climbed 6 great altar stairs ‘ “ slope through dark- "' to God," the northeast corner or; "ah Lodge a just and up-lwill join in a little while, as It Son and was given strictly we to ever Walk and act °ur friend and Worshipful i Dr. W. M. Beach, who *lcated and consecrated to the quest for the Lost has gone to the place of . eturning ones ’ to the everlasting ‘lull, immortal, incommun- able dream," It shall be ours. The Word, 1 , for our brother is no lost. The reason for the 'of a material temple, 9f the ideal of divine jus- the New Jerusalem is no hidden from our brother. 'comprehends why in his "m the Isle of Patmos St. 1AM not see a temple with- ‘new heaven and the new for God and His Son “are Flo of it." The inhabitants New Heaven and New hWe found the Lost Word; ‘ ~e conscious in their daily‘ the active presbnce of the ‘of’God which obviates nec— fQI‘ a temple in which to 1' this religious ideal, the ‘ divine justice, brotherly hich.will be a conscious 0rec in our everyday life 8 have completed our seek— the Lost Word. We will the temple of God and fit of God, justice, love, ell within us. brother was presented, 1tiated, with the working ' our profession and in-' as each of us was in- ind glorious purpose“ of . " in our heart a place of ‘flt for they indwelling of ' t of God, just as the Glory , rested in the innermost ' of the "tabernacle- or The idea presented to each ‘- of a spiritual man sym- 3’ a material temple. . be that our brother was , ~‘~many of us, a conven— , rchman, yet his neigh-l l' ds and brethren for the, , ,. or six decades will attest a 0l‘shipful Brother Beach *Working tools as he was to employ them, there- "the highest Masonic and 1 sense he became thel “f God and the Spirit of ell: in him. He possessedi ' , Word. ' f'tl‘uly immortal is our F 2‘ d brother who rests here ‘3 did not live a negative, “‘ life. While one of the. tualists I ever knew, Wor- I “Brother Beach did not ~ substance to form. ‘ 0bservant of our land- ' e5pectful of our customs, “3 in obeying and enforc—i ‘ l"Ules, and duly deferen—I Masonic laws, he was ,a[ l l 2’ 2 Mason; he was an exem- I ‘. the Masonic virtues of :11) and brotherly love. r61igion" real Masonroy' uv' him that he was under ,. Obligation to clothe the fled the hungry and minis— sick and distressed, and , ,Was not to confine his; .‘ 4.10115 to those only of the} ‘hOusehold. His parish was a11d circumscribed by the tthose with whom he came ‘ tget or of whom he learn-5 ,, .9 extent of his financial ., 81cal powers to relieve ii, misery. N Rful Brother Beach, six filer of Mt. Moriah Lodge, lzen in the truest sense 30rd. He never spoke an “if anyone. He recognized Ansibility and ' obligation W man, no matter what ; fl. 9 o l . ll 3 Q his creed, race or color. He was, as a a physician and surgeon, a? true disciple of the Great Physi- cian to whom our temple of wor- ship the temple of our body are dedicated. He considered his pro- fession not solely from the stand- point of personal-'material advan- tage, but as an asset in the ser- vice of humanity. He gave full measure, pressed dowrl and run- ning over, of himself in his serv— ice to those from whom he could not anticipate any compensation other than the consciousness of duty well done; and this is the best service than can be rendered to one’s country, to one’s God. He loves God best who serves man most. My friend, my brother, Whom I think of you and the rich life you lived; your service to Masonw ry, your timely and generous as- sitance to the poor without thought of consideration personai‘ to yourself, the prodigal contri- bution of yourself to .your com- munity and to our State, I more clearly appreciate the response to the query, “Why are we here on earth?” We are here for the same rea- son the gardener is in his garden. The gardener is in his ‘garden to cultivate it, to beautify it, to take care of it. The world was daily made better because of your pres- ence here. ,Those in the circle ar- ound you, those whose lives you touched, were strengthened and made happier by your direct effort in your con- scious living. In a word, you were true to your purposes and possi- bilities; truly a Mason. .AS, when a kingly cedar, green with boughs, goes down with .a great shOut from the hills, and leaves a lonesome place against the sky, so in your family, our Masonic Fraternity, in this com- munity, in our hearts, your de- parture. my brother, for that bourne from which no traveler has yet returned has left a “lone- some place.” Thou are only sleeping; thou art not dead. Thou hast simply gone before after having done your part to make this world more worth- while for others. No, you are not wholly gone, for a noble life like yours enriches all the world. You have finished your course. You kept the Masonic faith and we have learned from you the mean- ing of sincere, unselfish service. May we so live that, when our lips are touched by the Angel of Death and sleep comes, the sur- vivors may shed over us tears of hope as well as of sorrow and that the poor and the unfortunate may utter blessings on our names. May we merit the praise that is your portion, my brother, who has .be.— queathed to his children and to his community a rich heritage, the lesson of a life well spent In Claims will be forever barred. MARY A. SMITH. Administratrix of the Estate of John T. Smith CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for the said Estate. Ssrllilltt‘ 1. Ember-(linen? delggétOH e on. son oun , as m . 10-3%-11-6-13~20—4t. brightened! POLITICAL AN lw. “Bill.” tourism Non-Partisan Candidate For 'COunty » SCHOOL SUPT; l ’2 Mason Countys Progressive REP Clallam, Jefferson ‘and Mason NOUNCEMENTS Paid Advertising CHARLES T. Wright" Republican Nominee REP 'ESENTATIVE 24th District Mason, Jefferson, Callam County FIE-ELECT it ,, a R. Savage Representative]. . Democratic Candidate ,‘ for} I RESE‘NTATIVE . 2% .Distrist . counties , . For Commissioner P.U.D. NO. 3 District 3 Paid Advertising . . 1 N0. 4167 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Fern Wilkinson, Plaintiff, vs. Geor e Wilkinson. Defendant STA E OF WASHINGTON to the sand George Wilkinson, Defendant: 1 You are. hereby Summoned to ap- pear Within 60 days after the date of the first publication of this Sum- mons, to—wit: Within 60 days after \ I i defend the above named action in the Complaint of Plaintiff and serve a copy of your Answer upon the under- SIgned Attorney for Plaintiff at his office below stated, and in case of your failure so _to do, Judgment will be rendered against you in accordance to the demand of the Complaint. which has been filed with the Clerk of the said Court. Plaintiff seeks a Divorce from you upon the grounds of desertion, aban— donment, non-support, and failure to live together for more than 14 years last past. CHAS. R. LEWIS. Plaintiff's Attorney Office and Pos‘t’dffice address Suite 1. Lumbermen’s Bldg., Shelton. VVashi'ngto‘n." ’ 9-18—25—10-2u9~16—23¥30-7t l N0. 4115 SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON Wythel C. Atwell. Plaintiff, ’ —vs.—— ‘ . ' . David L. Atwell. Defendant. , , THE. STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said David L. Atwell.‘. Defendant: 'YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMQNED, to appear within sixty "days garter, the, date of the first publicatiou’fi‘ot. this, summons, to-wit: withi' ,sixty’ days after the 9th day of 0cto er, 1,942, and defend the above entitled action in .the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of plaintiff,“ Wythel C.’ Atwell. and serve ,8, copy io‘f your answer .upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, Charles T. Wright. at 1115 office below stated‘; and in case of. your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you accord- lng' to the demand of the complaint. which has been filed with the clerk of sald Court. The object of this action is to obtain a divorce. " ‘ CHARLES T. WRIGHT, , Plaintiff's Attorney Office and Post office address: Angle Building, Shelton, Mason County. State of 'Washington. 10—9-16-23-30—°11-6-13-20-—7t. V N0. 1529 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, MA— ,son COUNTY 7,, - . .. . In the Matter of ‘the" Estate of Georgie Thomas Castle, Deceased. NO ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN‘that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as administratrix of the estate of George Thomas Castle. deceased, that all persons. .havins claims against said deceased are here'- byretéulred to serve the s‘ame.’ Verlfle . on said administratrix or her attorney of record at the address be low stated. and file the same with the Dated this 24th dav of October 1942 ESTHER ROLES. , A Acting Clerk‘of Mason CHAS. R. LEVgpéintY. washington Attorney for thesaid Estate Suite 1, Lumberm B Shelton. Washingtggs mg" 10-30—11v6-13- th }. I; LEGAL PUBLICATIONS the 18th day of September, 1942. and: above entitled court, and Answer the- l l duly I s Republican Candidate for M A so N C 0 U N TY TREASURER 22 Years in banking business, 14 years member Shelton City Council finance committee qualifies me for the office I seek. it?! N0. 4176 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION‘, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY AlIie‘ ~Ahl, Plaintiff, —~vs.— I Abbott, whose true, Christian name Is ‘ to Plaintiff unknown, Deceased, l lof Twyman 0. Abbott, Deceased, unknown heirs of Jane Doe Abbott, Deceased, and all other persons, un- known, having or claiming to have Aany right, title. estate, lien, in or equity in and to the hereinafter described Real Estate. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: The said Twyman 0. Abbott and Jane Doe Abbott, whose true Christian name is to Plaintiff um known. Deceased, Husband and Wife, the unknown'lleirs of Twyman 0. Ab- bott, Deceased, the unknown heirs of Jane Doe "Abbott, and all oth_er_ persons, unknow“ , having claiming to have day might, title, estate. lien, interest, jbrequity‘ififiland to the hereinafter dc ' d Real ES tate; you and each 0 lsummoned to appear within] 60 daysi after lhe date of this firstpublication of fins" Summons. tovwituf‘, , Riga. 6.0 da‘yssaf'ter , e date Qt‘lhél 23r .‘day of October. ‘1 42, ,and'defend the above entitled action in, thé :a bye“ entitled Court. , andanswer-r,»v he}, '0 platnt of the.Plalntlff‘ and gservé ia’cop of your Answer upon the \‘und‘ersign'ed' attor: ncy for Plaintiff at his office below stated. and.m case of our failure so to do, Judgment will. je. rendered against you, agcordi‘ng to the demand 0 . the Complaint which has been filed With the Clerk of the said Count. The object of {11ng action is torquiet Plain- -tiff’s.title in and to. ‘ W of, Lot 1,. Section, :‘3’lesh ’ North, ,of range ... e' .» BWDRV and i l l l 2,4,. Mason ‘ County, , per etually bar 1 and‘reu o "‘ eac) of you from assertlllg any right. title; claim; r-equ‘lty, ,llcn interest therein, or >thereto, or adverse to Plamtlff sf, title thereto. and for 'a' Decree adJud‘ging her to be the owner of the sand lands. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Plaintiff's Attorney, Office and Postoffice'addres‘El’l Suite 1, Lumbcrmen’s Bldg., Shelton, Mason, County,- Washington. 10-23-30-~11-6-13e20-27u12—4—7t. l , no: 4177" SUMMONS . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ' STATE OF WASHINGTON I MASON COUNTY FOR Helen Kennedy, Plaintiff, " . --.—vs.44 1 Milton Kennedy, Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON I ll . .i , t i - ton Kennedy, Defendant: 0 M1“ You are hereby summoned» to appe w1thin Sixty (60) ,days after the firs |_p}lbllcation of 5, mmpns to—wit within sixty days aft th- ‘7 2er adj.“ of October, 1942, “and 11056“. . the above entitled action In ,the court aforesaid“ and answer the complaint of the plaith tiff Helen Kennedy, and serve a cop' of your answer upon the undersigne attorney for laintiff at his Offic‘ addrest herein “km:- stated. "zl'd 3 case of your tailors‘smtddo. in me will be rendered figalpst ‘ ing to the'deman -'of_‘fhe complaint which has been filed w1th the Clerk of the Trtcasuger _l?f said County, that in ores-W1 02845123011311 , , c f the ubllcation of thing-not fed-fig i" choo'l Districtde 20%arrant‘ Nos. 1114 to 1121 Inclusive: ’ ‘ Dated at -_Shelton. Washington, 0c- tober 30. 19 - ' . . OM 4R L. DION,- '. (SEAL) Treasurer of Mason County .'s “V COUNTY. JOURNAD V" W. nal. B—10-23--11-6—3t. starting here CF— Piece Work FOR SALE: 9 room house on by Day or Hour large lot, one block from bus; J L Guaiétgdgfgegin ness center. Easily convert ' . - into apartments. $2500, terms. INQUIggofignggglAL OR Mrs. C. E. Runacres. 20-23—tfn HARDWARE - ' 2 FOR SALE: 4 rodm house, bath. WVMV v . WCANTED: hman fozlodd$g%%s. 0:3 “ara e, 5 ring water. Near ay eac mon l. . a gotlsich; I$12600, $500 down. LOSt and F011“ lunch for 7-hour day. No boys‘ FOR SALE: 4 rOom house andl bAAAAA'AAAAAA“- AAA A .W'AA ~ IN THE SUPERIOR C URT OF THE Maud Burton. Twyman 0. Abbott, and Jane Doe. undersi Husband and Wife. The unknown heirs and that all 318' against the said deceased or against terest same upon the undersigned or his -‘ business of said estate and the office or; 5 'And you are further notified that V #lany claim'not filed within the time u are hereby I aforesaid .636; 100 feet; ., of Octo er, 1942, Actor e.v Willi :accor, ,r‘ l ,10-30—1t. l; ,. ,3” 2., . r. ......._._._.-....- _.._...__..'.._--__ . . Pa 1m Eleven Classified m" , Real Estate !'V'""V’. Wanted Service FOR SALE: 19 acre f‘arm‘ in x 0 M E N Effii’ki'i‘éi? 211333;? 393%“??? FLOQR SANDER W A N T E D ' tem, barn, fenced. Inquire Jour— To work with new company l l 1 wanted. J. W. Graham, 1427 22. 10-30tfn Phone Hoodsport 24J12. S—lO»23——11-6~'3t. FOR RENT: 4 room houSe,‘ 5 miles from airport, Dayton dis- trict. Electricity. Inquire 600 Fairmont. 8—10—23-30-41-6—3“ LOSTi red and black plaidwool shirt on Agate road. Reward t‘o finder. Return to Roy Bow- 10-30-—11-642t. Summit Drive. Phone 1 WANTED: 1 or 2 spools of barbed wire. R. W. Mitchell, at Bus station. 10—30--1113——3t. WANTED: trailer house, with or without tires. Jack Renskers, man, Rt. 2. WILL FINDER or person taking 30-30 carbine rifle from over- turned car Tuesday, October 13 bath, ismall water front lot at Hoodsport, 100 feet -tidelands. on Dayton road return it to Reasonable. W. N. Daniels, 915 Journal office. No questions Rome 1’ Box 220’ She§t{3)_%0__1t Fairmont. 10-16-23e30—-3t. asked. Rewardb 23 30 1 3t ~' . -, :m D—l- ——-1-6—-. . . FOR- SALE: six room house 21/2 WANTED. safe fox small stoic Inquire Journal 100. WANTED: 40,}acre ranch, must. have fair buildings, water and electricity. Will rent for long time period; Chris. Siefert, R. 2, Prosser, Wn. 10—23-30~-11-6~—3t. WANT TO BUY FARM: at leastl 10 acres cleared with water and’ office, phone FOUND: pair glasses in case. 10_3OH11_6._2t OWner may claim them by pay- ing for this adv at Journal of- , fice, phone, 100.. For Rent wwuw‘mw acres. Lots of rasphberries, small barn, chicken house, Wood- shed,‘ % mile .from»Bremerton- Hood Canal Junction. 'Mrs. Dell Beat-tie. 10-.16-—11-16-—1M 'vvvvv *3 2 lots “with foundation Of house, water and‘ sewer cOnnected, garage and Woodshed. Alsofruit FOR RENT2 new furnished 3_ I trees. $550.90.*Te§ms. room apartmen_t_ Mrs, Wallace electricity. Give location, price, ‘ Kneeland, 3 miles out 01 m ic conditions o'f' buildings, etc. HERBERT G. ANGLE- y p chris E. Olson, 1341 North Hiway. Phone 466—J. . Ford, Bremerton. 10-23-30--11—6——3t. WANTED: men for defense work. Good wages and overtime pay. Shelton Concrete Products. 10-23tf. WANTED: male or female help Xmas tree cutters wanted. Eith- 10-30tfn. FOR RENT: 3-room house, furn- ished. On Hillcrest. Inquire at WILL TRADE: double I'bed coil Journal- P—10-30—1t-l springs for single size coillFURNISHED HOUSE for rent: Springs- ‘FOX‘V 3318i davenporti Two bedrooms. Phone 217R4. chair, washing machine. Reas- ' D_10_23tfn onable. Phone SLR.~ ' " "vvvv Mvv‘vvvmvvyyvv Trade or Sivan S—l‘O-30-1t. FOR RENT: furnished modern ’5 er your land or ours. Tiers, bal- roOm house. Outbuildings, eight ers, Sorters, loaders. Season N0- 1531 acres cleared, at Dayton, 31/2 starting Soon. Can use part NOTICE TO' CR DITOBS miles from airport. R. J.'La-mb. 10-23—11—6—3t. WANT TO RENT: 4 or 5 room furnished house in Shelton. Wl‘ite William Graham, Union, v . Wash. . 10—23-30---11-6—,3t. FOR RENT: sleeping room, fur- nace heat. Lady preferred. 825 Franklin. B_—10-16—23-30~3t time wOrkers. Telephone 01‘ call in person.‘J. Hofert, 121 South 4th St., Shelton, Wash. 10-23-30—2t. WANTED: single or double bot- tom tractor plow. Inquire Mc- Aferty Shoe Repair, Shelton. . 10-23;~.11—6~3t. CHRISTMAS TREEIT-CUTTERS wanted: Inquire 709 North 6th street. S—.—10-23—30_--1-6—3t. WANTED: carpenters for 'work at airport.‘ See C. L.. Collins, Business Agent. 1612 Division St., Hillcrest. STATE 'OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Deceased. TO 'WHOM IT MAY_ CONCERN: Notice is hereby,glven that the gned has been appointed and qualified, as Admlnlstrator of the of Maud Burton, deceased. persons having claims has Estate the estate of said deceased are hereby required to prepare the same in the form required by law alid‘to serve the I HAVE A 4-ROOM furnished house. Will give free rent to couple willing to board me. In- quire Journal office. M—10-16-30—3t. FOR RENT: 30 acre ranch, seven miles from Shelton on .water, to responsible married couple. Barn, chicken house, orchard, plenty of wood. Phone. 172 or 471-J. A—~10-2~—tfn M VCAED 0F THANKS ‘May we extend in this way attorney of record and file them with the Clerk of said court with proof of service within six «months after date of the first publication of this notice, to wit: within Slx months after October 16th, 1942. The place for transaction of the p.10-16-23-3o—e3t. CHRISTMAS TREES—I wish to buy for November delivery at Olympia. Can pay top .price. Anyone "wishing to ‘ contract trees get in touch with C. P. Roundtree, 1700 Yew Ave., Olympia. Telephone 3759. -. , 10-2—11-13—7t. ‘of the attorney for the undersigned where claims against the said estate may be served is Suite 5 Govey Bldg” Shelton. Wash. ! will be‘forever barred. LOUIS P. KEITH, . “Administrator of Estate of " ' . MaudfiB'urton, Deceased. J. W. GRAHAM. l l \ gat‘orneiéléor Adlhinisti‘aior,,:_. , , our sincere, appreciation for-cards fey 1 .. , l ’ _ __. g , and beautiful-floral pieces offered m'mvmnwvvr Sl'lhltxz‘lu,~ Wash”, 30 1.3 us .during our bereavement over C Nqfici‘ulod , $331.) moi“ v- the death of William Blair. , a S INsiHssgi’isrssisaoigat Blair FamIIY- www.mva I v ‘A v- ‘< ~ . ' .- FOR SALE: ’41 Ford Pick-up '1‘ F 0 , .. ,n0.1483 r - __ - 0' IRRSPIRDBATE ' NOTICE OF HEARING. ON FINAL Phone M Latzel 215512. ‘In the. Mattel»f.'of the 'Estate‘ of ACCOUNT, REPORT AND PETITIQN 10-23-30--11-6--3t “19‘3" f‘é‘ii‘i’iiii’i’ofi‘smdidi‘ mic “Eiff‘iiiii‘ifl‘i‘fi’i‘v EA)§DSII)1IECEIA{I'{£:" ' AB VE,¥NTITI§ED ' STATE. ,andTO IN THE‘SUPERIOR COURT or THE FOR SALE? 1939 Ford Standard , , W - ON! T M’A . C, NCER‘N: STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND Sedan. Good rubber and good BPufrsuaxlp ordier entgied, inwthe FOR THE 13051?ng 85‘ MASON. condition. Waiter s. Allen, Rt. QVE e l e ma. 61', 110 CO re- I I b‘y 'sive'rlx 1'iba‘t‘dthé undersigxigd has In the. alter of the Estate of 3' BOX 250' Phone 11F32' been appointed and has qualified as J. Lee Pauley, Deceased. . 10-23-30—-2t. NOTICE IS‘HEREBY GIVEN. that Susie E. I Pauley, Executrix of .the above entitled estate, has filed herein her final account. report and petition for settlement and distribution of the estate of~ the deceased. wherein the Court is asked to a prove said ac- (é‘ount 1ang‘r‘épqrt, an mtzialke!distribifi-I mu 0 9. es ate, and isc large cl Executrix. . FOR SA ‘NOTICéE IS FURAI‘HER GIVEh}, the; ‘ in accor ance wi an order 0 sai court made and entered on the 27m 3001‘, $300 caSh' 0' 0' COIe‘ day of October. 1942. a hearing Will phone 87. be had before the Court on said final -———-—-—————«-————"‘-—~ Administratrix, ‘o'f thegestate of Albert W. . Andersen. . i i . And, that all: emonsghelvmgclaims against the said deceased or against the estate of. the? said ‘neceaSed’.iare hereby ’required to prepare in the form required .by, statute ’a,nd..t’o serve the s‘ame'oh the undersigned or her attpr,ney._of record, and file th‘em w1th the‘Clcrk of the above‘ entitled Court with proof of ‘such service With- ufl six months'after the date «of the first publication of this notice. t‘o-wlt: Within six months from the 9th day FOR SALE: 1935vGraham con~ vertible coupe. good mechanical condition $100 cash. Max Lat- Zel, phone 21532. 10-16-23-30—3t. LE: 1937 Reid y-s pass: enger car. Well below Blue ceased. i 1g'rhe Dacfe fora’thet‘fgensabtigpé ogfitllg acléount,ull~epozlgthanél petitiorllq on Ear FOR SALE: ’32 Chev. 2-door se- ,u,smess. o sai, ges'a e.‘aud_ .' , 1‘: ur ay, e ay of ovem er. - of the attorney for the» undersigned, 1942, at .10 o'clock, A. M., on Sald\ dan’ five good tlres' gOOd con dition. Ernest Anderson, Rt. 2, .Box 141. ‘ 10130-111—6-13—3t. i‘oR SALE: 1941—“61” Harley; Davidson motorcycle, excellent I wliere‘ claims against, said estate, may be servedgis, office of J. ’W. Graham”, Govey Bl ., Shelton, Mason County, State ‘of, ashuigton. _,; . _ And you, are further notified: that If ’any ‘claim isno't ‘fll'ed within the day in the Court Room of said Court ln'theCourt House at Shelton. Wash- ington. Dated this 28th day of October, 1942. CLARE ENGELSEN. Clerk of the Superior Court time aforcgggciig figgfisggred. t for Mason County. Washing—l tire, good mechanical condition, Administering‘t’he estate of “1;, ESTHER ROLES, | Mrs. Pearl Willey, Matlock cting Clerk ,Road. AlberLW. Anderson, deceasr ed. . .. , .I. W. B'H . ' q ‘l%r ‘AALdministratrlx , , Gove Bldg., Shelton. Wash. ' ' '1049-16—‘23:80-4t. 10-30—1t. ides of the .Week tComputed for Oakland Bay (Hood Canal tides are one hour 3: 55 minutes earlier) ALDEN. .C- Attorney for 'Execu rlx, Title Insurance Building, . Shelton, Washingtgarb 30 to the 11-6-13-20—4t. .93 e l f01><i§€d the service of humanity, God. May clerk of said Court‘, together with said court. r. I,» .. .1 1.. 4. pm .z .. ._. I ,V Lo “ am toga m , _ proof of such services, with’n six (6) The obJect of this action is t . . ' 3.1 . s‘" 9: 1 .9.“ ~ 5‘ ‘ W . , ‘ ' We ever Fecal} YOU! acts 0f 561"" months after the first publication of‘ a divorce in favor of thefilainltipfecdgg Fri; High 12:38 pm. 13'8 ft ice to mankind and be theneby this home, or the same will (3' barred:..~against the plasteridan‘t. , ' . . v. ~ -. . . .. . , . Oct 30 Law 5:33 11m. 6.8 ft. inspired to renew our vows of 30Dalt§420f tbfifirst publication, October! in" _-eGI}AHi§11W: . l ' ' . ‘- ’-‘ 'i ‘ High 10:45 pm. 11.1 ft. dedicam‘“ a”? c°n5e9mti°“‘ so ' éECILIA CLARA" CASTLE, , edge" gddggss slid“; : TO BE VOTED 0N NOVEMBER 3, 1942 ‘ -—-—— that we may in our lives reflect Administramx .Of eétatc of. Gpvgy,.mg§” Sham“, Wash. . . it, , ,, , now 5:56 am. 1.2 ft. the Masonic faith of Georgie Thomas Castle, dc- 10'23-30-41—6—13-20- —-12-4—.7t, . , w; lsat. High 1,37 13.3 ft. were one of its noblest exemplarS. CHARLECWSQ‘: ‘ i” 0 t 31 'Low 1:54 pro. 6.5 ft. . s T. WRIGHT. . . , Sum 2w 14115190“ 2 c‘ , MtPrney for Admlnlstratrix N0. 152‘“ " w 5‘0!“ "s r ’ High 11:48 p-m- 10-7 ft- : Wool should be washed in soft gflfgg gull pst agree address: F 3191101310 CBhPlIORs ‘ « -: : OFFICE or mm SECRETARY or STATE. , _———— ' water. but not that softenedbwth Mason clé'un’tryg'wgfiiiEEmn ' IngffESUP§R$§S§9§§§0gF 'giflf To Whom..1t« May Cerium.- .. . ... ,. , Low 6:54 a.m. 1.8 ft. . rax ”, _’____ . i ,‘- ' ‘ . ,. ~ -' too much alkali. A little othe; 10 30~-11 13 20 4t. SON CO NTY In obedimceito the State Conshtuum’imdflhe Jomt Resolutmn:gf. Sunday High 2.31 pm. 13.9 ft. or housohold ammonia are In the Matter of the Estate of Ole the St it L ‘3} t ~~ -' “ th' f ‘- ' ' . ' v Nov. 1 Low 9:07 p.m. 5.9 ft. saf st ft s N0 1411 (11412 . t . I. Hilnlen Deceased. ‘~ “9 , .eg‘. .a In"? 1.19mi???- ‘r’r re errata If") flew“ hereby Babb-shed ' r ' ’,ff 5?... egef,‘ .. - NOTICE 015 HEARING, ON FINAL NOTICE' ,IS HEREBY GIVEN that for’theiwnsiderruon'wlthe WWW“ me?matéi’bf’washmgton» '3 In“ A . .3 1013 ft ' N0. 1541 REPORT AND PETITION FOR 2”” “WerS‘gn‘é‘l “as been .appoint'd 90396 amendments the 09nstitull°n iii-the said state-amulet“: ._.. " " , High 1:10?”- : ‘ NOTICE To CREDITORS To mSTRmUuON an has qualified as adl’l’llnlstratrg: : ~ ., ,‘ ‘ [Mon Low T155 aim. 2-3 ft- rensmm AND Fm; CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF mm of Ithe_ estate of Ole i. Hillmen. de- HOUSE. JGINT RESOLUTmNm-A 551'.V€dv--M&5 amends exemptions... Nov.2 High 3:20 pm. 14.0 ft. IN THE SUPERIOR counrogr ggthgéSHINGTON FOR gigaafiggti 2133 aégcgggzgnsagavfiggeg’alI}?I Be It Resolved 'By the Senate and mi -fi"g‘° .figznsfiww #3, “pi Lew 958 pm 5.1 ft. STATE OF WASHINGT . . , . .a .~' ouse of Be fese’neaz‘v' of the State r- . h A *r‘ ' 7 T ' i . IN PROBATE lured to some the. same, duly verl-_ . m 1 Seer S ,shall,causs., fore; " ~—+——-—~i MASON prgggmm A t In the Matter orthe Combined Es— led. on said admlmstrahix or lie,r,§sse‘,',3,512§lgt°i‘- Mfimwigfiss‘” Sigh? 5W? aims .. isms”. . > ‘2144‘3311‘. 10.4 ft. . In the Matter or the Estate handmade?” Briggs" ans eraser Eris it: use” will Wraith: mi gentlemen Wi‘w‘é‘ei‘fidfii e... in... aim... we - v . lngon. us an an i , e w1_ ',, ‘ a , , ' T ' J“133TgéES’igthfiEliféige‘EIVENY that ngi_cBot_h Deccased.‘ " . the clerk of fiald Court. to ethei: with gfié‘g‘ig‘ g? : ‘6'” in ev may Wher a news— iNov. 3 High 8253 p.m. 14.1 ft. the undersigned A- Stir-Jr suum‘i finiteness. “3:; “Asia: mists: tires. raising} for mom cm A. suits~iihiiitid~tr9hh°rz fl" Low 10:37 P-m- 4-1 ft- be ‘ ‘td aiie as ~ '- .~ . . . a. m .’r.' ti “A '1 ' . . ' ’__.__. Azrginfiggg‘gi: Ogngheh’ilsstgse of John Elatrma Buffln ton, and Exe- thbs notuéeicrt thebslamit: Will be barred. e71 #:fghgngaxgtittgén Passed the Housglgfiréh 1.3, 10!}. , . T. Smith, Deceased. and that a” per- ington Hungstate of eremlah Buff— mama 0D Its pu lca .1021. October 23. hngtoin’fgy ,thefétd a. new H .._;.E,;wnnil'mmy_ High 3.58 a.m. 10.9 ft. sons having claims against the 531d ceascd‘ has 113d and W‘fe"‘é°th'de' ' I’DA MARIEiREEV . “5°” 7‘0" be“ ' ed'Sectloxi 2 ‘01. w.» 'spéh'lm‘ot the’chse. IWed. Low 9:54 am. 3:1 ft. Estate or the said Deceased are hereby the above Lea “nth the .lerk 0f Adminigtmtriix 6f ES' " " Artie VII Wm?“- 39'3'93‘1'95 9’1 W53 Passed the senate March ’11 1941 ' Nov 4 High 3'31 p m 14 2 ft required to serve the same duly Vel‘l- Report and (gnaw Court his. Final 01 I, ‘H.1 wn D, Esmte 9f. Sflcfion 3. For the,.purpqse. of; -ax- ~ ’ ' l 7 j ' ' ' ' ficd with the necessary voucher! at- asking the c etltlon for Distribution. CHA. LES 5i, .Wfilréfii‘ cceased. . anon income shall not bgjgonstnugd a; , My? ‘_ ,, eron A. Mavens, _, Low 11.21 p.m. 3.0 ft. tachcd upon the undersigned Admln' the same dimtrt- to some and apmom A“ R *f 'Admi istr't , {goperty .alfld W'lefilfiliturel 53131? 55"" w v‘ “Pg—dent °f “39 Sem' istramx or hm, Attorney of Emma. the perm.“ Stfi'lbute the. propeity. to Offtl)l‘near'(-101£3 t ffin g a rix, ., V , epqwer today and collect graduated flied lathe aim: of the Secretary of . Hi 1, 5-00 am 11 7 ft at Suite 1 Lumbermen,s Building. dischar _ creto entitled and to mean, _.95 0 .99: M41958: .11: . net-Income taxes from whateVer source Skull/larch 17,'1,l. , ! ' . ’ ' ' Shelton, Mavson County Washington Exécutge him as Adnlllllstl‘ator and Angle Bulldltng,v§helllton. I H ~ . .. . . . I ‘ gThura Low 10:“; mm. 3.4 ft. the same being designated as the NOTICE IS FURTHER CIVEN m t Mason Own 3”, afogggégfl'n 6 t ' ‘ , KNOV. 5 High 5:01 pm. 14.3 ft. Place fgruthe triansaction of gheiobllg; said .Final Report and 156mm,, ,3, w h 3 ,5 ' 43““ v STATE-0F WASHINGTON, l Low 11:44 p.m. 1.8 ft. (gm tsaidhlgrstavtve;maritime prom; gggibgtionhwiu be heard in the Court ' OFFICE or we SECRETARY or STATE. I , or service with bthe Clerk of the above house in ShefItorli/Iaif’falshgioutrdiiy £03.: tCtALL. .r * ‘ -' ‘ , l ~ A .- High 554 am, 125 ft, inilille? {Cmtn‘t' lg'it'htip Sid; til/Edit? r 10 O'clock in the gforehoon on lowing M2150n County Wagranltse tiff; 1’ BELL; REMSv’secretar-y Inf Skte Pt "the‘State 0i WaShinthn.’ lFriday Low 11:34 3411- 3'8 “- film}? 33,023, €353“ 1942‘ 0,. said 1,542. 83" tho 28th day of November, called for payment at the officeaxgg hereby certify that the above and foregomg contains a full, true and ,Nov. 6 High 5:31 pm. 14.4 ft. xifict gay ($131311: Joint Resoilutiton‘fio: 4, passed by‘ the Legislature é . ,9 e‘ a ingtén ‘at‘ s mighty-seventh seSsion as appears . , ,- ‘trom the‘original of said Joint Resolution cable ,in my office. ' An adult math only 1W?” from Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State f-Washin t n th' 20th I two to four weaks but durmg that , . . . . 0 g 15 time she lays 100 to 300 eggs. day or May 1942. . . , BELLE REEVES The larvae hatch in four to eight §ecretaru of State. days m the summer’ [STATE SEAL] longer in cooler weather. but take . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge)‘ 3 weeks $1.00, 1 week 50c. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 3c per word. 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, 750; original poetry 50¢ per inch; classified display rates on request. 'Advertiseinents accepted over the telephone from phone subscrib- ers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made be- fore the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE 100 ._——————.._—————..———-— va‘ C For Sale “MAA-“AAAA AAAA‘ A“ FOR SALE: Remington portable typewriter. Very good condi- tion, $75 cash. Phone 461-W. Inquire Mrs. S. J. Gilbertson. 10—30—«1t. M...— FOR SALE: Red male Spaniel. Seven mos. old $5.00. 1120 Cota Street. Ray Morkert. 10-30—-1t. FOR SALE: green tie slab $13.50 per load delivered. C. A. Nich— ols, phone 256WX or write gen- eral delivery. Shelton.,10-30~——1t FOR SALE: young New Hamp- shire pullets. E. A. Dahman, 2 miles north of Matlock Store. 10—30--11-6—2t. PLANT PANSY PLANTS NOW for Spring blooming. Mixed col- ors 20c per doz. Peony roots, 4 varieties and other plants. Blue grapes 4c per lb. Bring containers. Evergreen Gardens, Rte. 2, Box 228. L—10—30-—11-6—13——3t. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Flemish Giant buck rabbit. 5 months old. Inquire Dan Emerson, West Franklin. 10-30—-1t. APPLES FOR SALE: you pick. Please bring containers. Mrs. J. E. Jones, Route 2, phone 4F21. On Pickering road near Grant school. 10—3‘0tfn. FOR SALE: 16 inch tie ’mill slab wood $10 cord delivered. Lee Valley, Route 1, Elma or in- quire Journal office. Phone 100. 10-23-30—11—6—3t. FOR SALE: oil burner attach— ment: for heater or range. Good condition. Price $10.00. Write A. Oppelt, Star Route, Box 154. 10-23--11-6—3t. FOR SALE: 1300 pound horse, well broke, single and double. Cheap. See George Dunn, Agate on Sundays. 10-23—30-—11-6~3t. FOR SALE: trailer house ‘8 x 16 ft. or trade for wood range or refrigerator. M. J. Umphen- our, R 1, Box 218B, Shelton. 10-16-23-30—312 FOR SALE FOR $15, hand made quilt top, Dresden Plate pat- tern, ready for quilting. “Suit- able for wedding or Christmas present. Inquire Journal. H—10-16—30—3t. FOR SALE: old newspapers, 5c for seven pound bundle. Jour- nal office. FOR SALE: Island Belle grapes 3c lb. if you pick them. Lyle O’Dell, Shelton Rt. 2, Box 240. 10-23-30-—11-6~»—3t. FOR SALE: young New Hamp- shire pullets. E. A. Dahman, 2 miles north Of Matlock Store. 10-9-16-23-30—4t. m‘vvvvvvv~ vvv—yvvfirv PROFESSIONAL CARDS “I A A‘“ “‘M‘ James E. Lynam Auctioneer Real Estate and Livestock Leave dates at Bank or Matlock Route ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORN EY AT LAW' Title Insurance Building , Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton . INSURANCE . RBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building I ‘ . T ELLIOT B. SPRING Acctwnting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems I 123 4th St. Phone 5‘55 HOME Licensed Embalmcrs ~ W. A. ‘Witsiers,:Prop. “ Phone 180 Shelton, Wash. CHARLES R. LEWIs , ATTORNEY AT Luv suite 1 L. n. Bldg. Shelton, Washington RICHARD F. EDDY Licensed Public Accountant Notary Public 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115