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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 30, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 30, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Twelve BIG DEER SEOT By’ I. L. Shelton hunters who _._... l season. Sunday. Wilson was one of a party of took three ~,—-— Ideer out at the Hama Hama. The One of tn? 131%th deer taken 1 rest of the party included Lt. Bill. during the (“Wont huntmg S‘C‘E'L'iWerbcrger, Verne Davidson, Hm! 50“ W39 th“ prize 0f 1- L- “71150” mer Taylor and Dr. B. N. Collier: during the last day of the deer. ,jf . VER WALLPAPER! PER PASTE FORM 98¢ A QUART 1 gallon Kem-Tone paste makes 1y, gallons Kern-Tone finish. Your ready- tovuse cost—only $1.98 per gallon. ..-1 IT ON! Just roll Kem- T one right over your walls quick~ ~1y, easily, with the Kem—T one Roller-Koater. ROILER-KOATER 89¢ See an actual demonstration of Kern-Tone at our store! E n h a n c e t h e beauty of your Kem-Tone-fim ished walls with Kern-Tone Trim! Gummed, ready- to-use. Washable! l For Kitchens, Bathrooms The ideal finish for kitchen and bathroom walls and for wood‘ work throughout your home. Amaz- ingly washable! In many lus- trous Save Money with S! colors .90 a n d per . ’ tints. gal. w h you paint SHERWIN-WILLIAMS save w en — w“,- and long after—with SWP. rmlsu Its remarkable ease of appli' cation saves time and labor. Its Style GuldC! tremendous covering powers save paint. Its well-known durau bility saves your Yours, to borrow—FREE! See hundreds of home from decay, -20 :fiflis'bzixii'; expensive repairs. 5;“;- S true-to-life color! . SHERWIN- SHERWIN- STYLE . 1.1.. can-o HARDWARE ' SHEme-WIL‘LIAMS PAINTS Wm. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ DUll AFFAIR, \Q\\\\\\\\\\\\ \n \ National Distillers Products Corp, N. Y. - 90.4 Proof UP— 010 SUNNY APPROACH/N6! SUEEY BROOK KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY ~gfl/é%{//////.v////////////////////{//lllll/lllllllllllllllllllllllll\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\N\N§«W.WW iUnion School is I 1 Being Remodeled; Union, Oct. 27 —— Men worlth late Saturday and Sunday night, partitioning the large room of1 the school house into two rooms. There are now two teachers to take care of the 46 pupils with prospects of more. The. sixth grade class has been going to l Shelton where they are also over— lcrowded. Mrs. Estelle McGhec,‘ gwho taught the Reservation :school several years ago, had in-l tended to rest from teaching this‘ [year and keep house for her two [boys who are in the Navy Yard but her help was too badly need-; ed. She has a married daughterf living here, Mrs. Earl Munroe. Mr. lMcGhee, who is with a large imusical school of the east, trav-‘ lels through some of the largerl towns of this section, teaching' 1 l l l l this special course for violin and of New York City, who has been berg for some time, was the returned from a hunting trip one day last week, were welcomed with the news that their nine head from their pasture at the ranch and although a search had been made they could not be found. Mr. Howard went in search and soon located them down on the Frank Nosworthy and Douglas Grout spent a few days last week hunting ducks on the Skagit and 'came back with a nice string. IThey “batched” with Andrew Mc- Keon at Mt. Vernon. Mrs. Mc- Keon was here during their ab- l sence with her daughter, Mrs. Nosworthy land stayed on until yesterday when she home. the sick list this past week were Mrs. May Fryberg. Ronnie Mason, George Franz and Mariet- ta Duckworth. All had a touch of the flu. The majority of our good hunt- returned ers were not lucky this season.‘ 'The weather was not right they say for deer to come forth. It is always interesting to note when lhunting season is on we do not {see so many deer along the high- ‘ ways. l Mrs. Frederick Dalby is on a Visit with relatives and friends in Montana. Mrs. Burton Hopper of the Wa- terwheel district has been on a two weeks visit at Okanogan. I Waldo Chase has responded to the call by going over east of the mountains to pick apples. iNews Brevities i From Potlatc Potlatch, Oct. 26—Mr. and Mrs. George Lavender returned Thurs- day afternoon from a. ten days vacation. Their trip included San Francisco, Los Angeles, Holly- iwood, Crater Lake, Klamath Falls [Falls and Portland. I Mr. and Mrs. W. Remple and {Ray were guests of the Readers ion Friday evening. Mrs. Frank Pierce and her son Bob were in Seattle on business I ,during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Starwich of ISeattle, spent the week end' at ‘the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith. Miss Kathryn Wilson and her sister, Mrs. Phillips, spent the week end in Potlatch. Friday evening they were dinner hostess- es to Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. H. Newmark. The following evening, Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Newmark entertain- ed at dinner Mr. and Mrs. Carl- son, Miss Wilson and Mrs. Phil- lips. Mrs. W. H. Smith and small daughter, Nancy Lee, went to Ta- coma on Wednesday. Mark Hussman and Wilfred Webb of Eldon, went to Seattle Friday evening and saw the Washington Southern California game on Saturday and returned home that evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson spent Monday in Seattle on business. , Slip covers will not protect ifurniture from moth invasion. iThe fact is that slip covers may lfurnish the moths just the pro- ltection they need while doing their damage. This is no argu- ment against slip covers but ,merely a word of caution that they should be removed occasion‘ ally and the furniture underneath gone over thoroughly with a l brush or vacuum cleaner. ..w_ / ; . M .\._ I SEE ////////////////}//)//I// 'illllll // // :friends in Olympia and Centralia . last Sunday. iday. guitar. 5 John Moffett. dancing teacher‘as their guests last week Mrs. ,visiting his sister, Mrs. May Fry—i good I Samaritan Sunday night When he, taught a number of the young’ folks some of the modern dances. Spent The Al Howards, when they Idaughter and son-in-law, Mr. and of blooded stock had broken away l Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomas of Ren- Nalley road. i Friday, October 30, A -srmmonmsgr! Coymzr JOURNAL 7_lir’1.‘., -,,. .. “HM-“v . 1 , ,,1';‘,l:,.. "5:, , * ‘-:::.., Hoodsport News l' NotesfiAre Told By Lois Pierce iloodsport, Oct. 27 Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Lockwood have their guest A. L. Sliallenberger, their son-in—law, who is a war- rant officer in the U. S. Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lunt and- Mrs. Emma Peterson visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Follett of Tacoma visited their parents at the Gateway Inn Thursday and‘ Friday of last week. Mrs. W. A. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter, Mrs. Helen Milo and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vail spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gilbert. The oc- casion was Mrs. Gilbert’s birth- Allle Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Dean had The nights are getting longer and [Dean's sister and brother-in-law, the possibm Kin??? 1K: ' mills? fiifzgogal‘i chllly Autumn days are here at last. llgton‘s first , ‘ _ me years Bilmgharg' Mrs Dave Mathews Keep warm With one of these lovely fitness, itf p i r. an . ’ 3 . a JOIY‘l co last Sunday Wm‘ the” soft blankets. We have a large stock “a” Lesion F “ out. ffie. which v ~_ t1ons from ers. Andy Scott. Mrs. Josie Lassoie spent two .days last week with her parents, from which to choose so come in today and make you choice. ‘1’ gjgcl‘li‘def“. .ton. . I , 001 at 10 Mrs. Fred Seigel and children win g0 dow of Woodsen, Oregon, were dgul‘o/etsts , “Railroad to llast week end of Mr. an rs. ‘ and b SJ. H. Nance. On Sunday eve- é .ng‘ doun ning Mr. and Mrs. Nance and MRI-“h To Mrs. Seigel were guests of Dr. land Mrs. Richter of Potlatch. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woodworth ,were guests Thursday evening of EMr. and Mrs. D. Broderson. The gWoodworths moved to Bremerton i this week. i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill of Island Lake were guests Satur- day and Sunday of Mr. Hill's fa- Marsh. from ElEneral’s offi l)th an in v mthe speaks . at an arm: also be Green — Rust Rose M ivai at tn: 9 ‘ . . 46 2/"% Cotton WHITE SHEET BLANKET ~' 25% Wool lther and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill. g, , l A miscellaneous bridal shower .ererclgwd SSE“ Thursday evening brought to- moinmit m getlier 35 friends of Mrs. M. J. .Van Laanen (Gloria McKiel). ‘Will commc 50% Rayon 20% Rayon Mrs. Van Laanen is at. the A I home of her parents, Mr. and ppmntmj 'Mrs. Joe McKiel while her hus- 1; 111mm St... mmlssioncr i. will m Welcome t. band is serving with the Ameri- ‘ can forces overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Van Laanen were married last April and made their home in Pendleton, Oregon. Games were played and a lunch- eon of whipped gelatin, cake and coffee were served. Red Maple Geno Martii Marshan of ‘allbert as hi march will 8.50 9.95 ent of incl gifts. Among out-of-town guests leaves and fall flowers, with a school b. huge tiered bridal cake (made by We, Washii Mrs. E. Radtke and Mrs. Leslie . Ewe, V.F.W Wyers) topped by a tiny bride . 9 \ AW.AAu)§ilii and room with little fla 5 ar- . . ' uxiiai tie 2%. mch Satm 21/. Inch Satm 70 x90. . . . . . . . 1.3 Local 1 ble decorations. Following lunch- . . 5’ Scouts, l eon the bride opened her many Blndlng Binding —-——w——l——-/ ' the 6th gre were Mr. VanLaanen‘s mother, .mittee ann Mrs. E. A. VanLaanen and a. sis- r _will be . ter Agnes. of Vaughn. ‘uildmg be Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pierce. and D. H. Pierce were guests of Joe :Almaden at Sequim Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Collins of .Tacoma were guests over the. iweek end at the Morris Kane ‘home. Mr. Collins owns and oper- ates the Junior Line Furniture :Co. of Tacoma. Mrs. Ralph Hill entertained on Tuesday evening after school, in honor of her daughter Orpha’s tenth birthday. Games followed and 14 ounces. Mrs. Woods taught the fifth and sixth grades at the Hoodsport school last year. Clarence Clements of Yakima and Emery Finch of Tacoma, are visitors at Mr. Finch’s sister, Mrs. Hazel Bleecker for a few days i by a birthday dinner was enjoy- ‘for the 0 ed by the guests: Hettie Pierce, .sbesk befox Nancy Lockwood, Martha Lee v Shelton ai Palmer, Joyce Lockwood, Dorothy tesday eve Lockwood and Carol Soule. Orpha V . I Chief was the recipient of a number »---~ ' .ounced yes of pretty and useful gifts. ‘ ‘ l get undc Mr. and Mrs. Theron (Pete) Hale, formerly of Hoodsport, are . ‘39 of the receiving congratulations on the with the p birth of a son, Joseph Theron on 'ught out October 20th. all wari Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bartels have v, ,' returned to their home at Hoods- 5' Stores. fa port. t T M , m other Announcemen s were received - ‘ , ply With at Hoodsport Saturday announc- peach Blossom’ With Glass Utmty Dmh P A B L L . orders (1 ing the arrival of a son, John °. 12) has Harold, at Chehalis, to Mr. and I BABY CEREAL of many! Mrs. Claude Woods on October 21. in! long v The baby weighed seven pounds ‘0 inspect. ‘ ' Defense P'CAKE FLOUR 10-“). 59c Sperry"s MARSHM’LOWS 24!». 25c .-eut guid the order: 10-oz .............. .. We 0ch $1,,” VANILLA? duck hunting this week. h have a Mrs. M. E. Wadsworth enter- " Ia ' ‘ t! turn it ltained Thursday afternoon at White, Fluffy OLD ENGLISH IMITAT " ind OK'd, lcards. After the game a delicious i “mm Store luncheon was served to Mrs. Will ed On Pag Lunt, Mrs. Emma Peterson and Mrs. Fred Bechtold. The young peopl eof the high school group have organized and call themselves the Home Guards. BABY FOOD Libby’s Homogenized ’12 calls 79c ______________ "1° They meet at the 0. K. Linscott n Gin er Sna S 2 “ , 2;)!er at the Lake Monday eve- giégsliazogfiu__27¢ Ovengpresh 2.335. I ’ A community Hallowe’en party Wheat Germ Bake POWder iiebzgfoo¥lafiiolfisd t; tbedheld at Fisher's 20-01 pkg. K. C. 25-02 ............. .. e as ur a eve- ning. Everyone is invitedyBring 33- 1 SYRUP 24'0z‘ . sandwiches to supplement the with 4-oz. Pepper... Hercmes 1m. Maple witches' broth. Dean Gilbert will COCOA 2 for CAKE MIX ' ' ' " ' ‘ 39¢ be in charge of the games for the young people. A good program is planned, stunts and games. The Junior Church preparatory, class is receiving a hearty re- sponse from the children. They meet each Tuesday afternoon fol- lowing school. Mrs. H. E. Dickin- son conducts the class. Fruit Mix %—lb jar 35¢ l)ch SPUDS 100—1bs. 3.50 SQUASH ...... .. lb. 41¢ Hershey 1b. pkg ..... .. Shoulder Lamb . . . . lb. 28¢ Lamb Steak Shld... lb. 32¢ Brisket Beef Boil ........ .. 2-lbs. 25¢ U. S. No. 1 Hubbard Don Soule returned Monday £01 a visit with his family after sev- . Lamb Chops ...................... .. lb. 4 en months in Kodiak, Alaska. 25"le~ Rolled and Boned Mrs. M. J. Kilby entertained - A 0- use: *2”:- anhpirkzar iii: sruns 50-le 1 29 CIDER ------ -- gal- 60¢ “mess 1"“ Stew ---------- '- ‘b- 35¢ week end. Other guests of Mrs. U. S. No.5 Local’ 10¢ boétle return FreSh Ground Hamburger Ib- Kilby were Mr. and Mrs. Olis Fancy, Extra ancy &. C 7. lb 2r¢ Bartlett of Puyallup. GRAPES 2-1bs_ 25¢ APPLES”, box 2,25 Large “iencrs .................. .. . a Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wolcott . ' ' —~10-1b . came down from their lookout Emperor’ long keepmg Dehclous S 50¢ MOCk Chloken Legs ------ -- 8 for n w n - 9 , . . 8.32%.. 1.133.. .22? égfilgfisciugégof 00 God as. Bucks .......... .. 2.“... 69¢ over 6 wee en 1'. an rs. Tommy Rea of Tacoma, and Mr. CARROTS 6_1bs_ 25¢ APPLES“. box 1.85 Salt Herring, .................. .. 4 for 39¢ and Mrs. Mickey Froman and son Jimmy of Harper. Mrs. Frank Ahl was a guest of her mother and father Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ahl over the week end. Neil Mathews is confined to his home by illness. ’ Jane Talbott and children Sara Jean and Tommy, of Belfair, call-‘ ed at the J. H. Nance home Sat- urday. Bulk Romes—lO-lbs. 50¢