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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 30, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 30, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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chool Issues, Positions To Top Tuesday Ballot sts Iters in three school in Mason County will for positions on boards when they go Polls Tuesday. the Shelton District, bent Thomas Weston, of the National Bank of is opposed in his re-election by Galen machinist for Simpson for the seat now Brewer are Wentz a painter for Simpson Co. and Bruce Jorgenson, net of" Radio Station DOUglas Larson, who is election to the board to which he was after the resignation of Heuston last spring, is North Mason School Kronquist and .................. n are candidates te director district 5 Endicott and John are candidates for the School Board from 4. are two candidates for rrnediate School District Harry R. "Bob" Wiles, and Richard Wortman, The intermediate district takes in aSon County except the District and a part County. fire districts have for positions on their candidates are seeking fire district commission m the North Shelton are Leonard Savage, Carl land Gerald Pyle. and Pyle are commissioners. Tile lmbent, Bill Dickie, is re-election. candidate receiving the aurnber of votes will have term, the candidate with highest number of a four-year term candidate with the third of votes will have fire district commission be filled by write in no candidates filed for They are in the Arcadia and Union .Pauley is unopposed to the Shelton Port and Robert Holt is re-election to the Hospital District re are unopposed for other positions on board, port and Commissions which ;ction this year. e open from 8 a.m. complete list of for precincts in the on page 23. AS AN EXERCISE IN economics and nutrition, members of Mrs. Loanna Day's first grade class at Evergreen School recently made a trip to the grocery store to purchase food and then prepared a breakfast in their room. Here, attending to the toast-making part of the preparation are, left to right, Linda Randleas, Dalena Sweitzer, Aaron Everett, Ruth Munson and Casey Salisbury. • -  q %:, h Possession Of Marijuana Brings Jail Sentence were sentenced to six months were found, Sissons said, in a tape each in the Mason County Jail for a tape deck in the car where after pleading guilty in Mason the informant had told them it County Justice Court Friday would be. Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington. Entered assecond class Thursday, October 30, 1969 matter at the post office at Shelton, Washington 98584, under act of March S, 1879. 83rd Year -- No. 44 Published weekly at 227 West Cota. $5.00 per year in Mason County, $6.00 elsewhere. 10 Cents Per Copy 26 Pages -- 3 Sections Youth Given 5 Month Term Ralph Perez, Jr., 20, Shelton, had his deferred sentence revoked and was given a suspended sentence after he appeared in court before Judge Charles Wright Friday morning. He was also ordered to serve five months in the Mason County Jail. Jaycees Plan Haunted House The Jaycee's Halloween Haunted House will be open tonight and Friday night from 6 to 10 p.m. The house this year is located at 912 May St., just off 10th and Turner on Angieside. Admission will be 35 cents a person. The proceeds from the Haunted House go toward the Jaycee Shooting Education program and other community projects. John Tarrant is chairman of the project for the Jaycees. "ABOR reigned as Shelton High School's Queen last weekend. She is shown here the crowd at Friday night's football game :ort for the evening, Scott Busack. A picture of coming court is on page ten of this week's Perez had been arrested and a parole revocation action had been filed against him. tie appeared in court on the revocation. He was represented by Shelton Attorney Byron McClanahan. He originally had been given a deferred sentence on a charge of grand larceny. Judge Wright sentenced Perez to a maximum of 15 years in a state penal institution, but, suspended the sentence. Donald Loomer, 20, Rt. 1, Box 357, Rochester, charged with grand larceny in connection with the theft of a cigarette machine from the Econo Wash Laundromat, pleaded not guilty to the charge. He is also represented by McClanahan. Eldon E. Hill, 30, charged with sodomy, was committed to Western State Hospital after pleading guilty to the charge. McClanahan was appointed attorney for Gregory Ormiston, 18, 3800 Bay Rod., Ferndalc, who is charged with grand larceny through possession of stolen property. Steve Bean, Olympia Attorney, was appointed to represent Wesley Johnson, 33, Rt. 3, Box 699, Shelton, charged with second degree assault. Judge Wright continued to next week a hearing on a parole r,.vocatton for Ronald Giles. Rabble Roberson, lq, and Richard Coleman, 18, both of Vista, Calif., pleaded guilty to a charge of possession of LSD. Judge Wright delayed sentencing for two weeks in order for the court to obtain more information about the two youths. PUD I Gets Loan For New Lines Mason County PUD was notified Wednesday the Rural Electrification Administration in Washington D.C. had approved a $288,000 loan to the PUD. The funds include $148,500 for the construction of 17 miles of new transmission line to serve 190 new customers. The new service lines will be constructed throughout the area served by PUD !, Les Hein, manager of the PUD, said. Another $66,400 will be used for the construction of a new 2,250 KVA substation in the Skokomish Valley and connecting transmission fines to improve the quality and reliability of the service in that area, Hein said. The exact location of the new substation has not yet been determined, Hein said, but, it will be located in the Skokomish Valley. Another $73,100 will be used to add to the present electrical system to increase the capacity of the system to serve existing customers. The loan carries an interest rate of two per cent and will be repaid over a 35-year period, Hein said. afternoon to a charge of possession of marijuana. Sentenced were Rabble Roberson, 19, 175 Sunset l)r., Vista, Calif., and Richard Coleman, 18, I 117 Amador Ave., Vista, Calif. The sentences were passed by Judge Glenn Correa who heard the two youths plead guilty to the charge. Deputy Sheriff James Sissons told the court the Sheriff's Office had received a tip from a reliable informant that the vehicle the two youths were in had marijuana and other drugs in it. Acting on this information, Sissons said, a search warrant was obtained and the vehicle was Judge Correa gave the two youths the maximum sentence for the charge which is permissable in his court. The last session of the State Legislature reduced the crime of possession of marijuana from a felony to a misdemeanor. Prosecutions for misdemeanors can be brought in Justice Court. 3"he two youths also face a Superior Court charge of possession of L, SD. They appeared in Superior Court Friday morning before Judge Charles Wright and pleaded guilty to the charge. Judge Wright delayed sentencing for two weeks. !llllH High School Bond Issue On Ballot Voters in the Shelton Se-hooi District will decide a $3.1 million bond issue for the construction of a new high school when they go to the polls Tuesday. The bonds would provide funds for the construction of a new four-year school on the 40-acre site the district owm off Spring Road. Also included in the building proposal is $240,000 for the construction of a new building to replace the present Rogers School, which is used for the handicapped program. Total cost of the two proposal projects is $4.6 million, with $1.5 million in state matching funds anticipated for the project if the bond issue is approved. The proposed new building would house students from the ninth through the twelveth grades. The present junior high school would be phased out and the seventh and eighth graders housed in the Angle building which is now used by the high school with some rooms used for junior high and some facilities shared by the junior and senior high schools. The Reed Building, which now houses some high school classes, would be remodeled into district and special service office space and storage. The central cafeteria would remain in the Reed Building. The Shelton School District would most likely not have to sell the entire $3.1 million in bonds since after the bond issue Is approved by the Shelton District voters, non-high school districts which send students to Shelton would be asked to make contributions to the new building. The non-high districts which Shelton serves have total assessed valuations larger than Shelton. This would mean that if the non-high constrictions were on the basis of assessed valuation, and all of the non-high districts participated, the Shelton District would only have to sell about half of the bond issue which is being asked. Contributions from the non-high districts would be determined by the County Committee on School District (Please turn to Page Two) Freeway Bypass Hearing Nov. 24 A design public hearing on the freeway bypass around Shelton has been scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 24 in the Evergreen School Auditorium, it was announced this week by the State Highway Department. The meeting is open to the public and those who attend will be given an opportunity to be heard and to discuss the proposed improvement. Also to be discussed at the meeting will be relocation assistance programs and tentative ._ scheduled for rights of way acquisition and construction. Maps, drawings and other information developed by the State Highway Department will along with written views received from other interested agencies, officials, groups and persons will be on display during the hearing. Representatives of the , Highway Department will be on hand from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. the same day in the Memorial Hall to informally answer questions or explain the operation of the plan to interested or affected parties. The proposed improvement "P will consist of a four-lane road with three interchanges and ten bridges to start where the present freeway ends at Cole Road, go around Shelton on the south and west and come out on Highway (: lot north of the city between the city limits and Sanderson Field. Written statements and other exhibits in addition to oral statements at the hearing can become part of the official hearing record, the Highway Department said. They should be submitted to the district engineer within I0 days after the hearing date. • HHHfIlM! Youths Found Guilty Of Assault M.P. 545.77 ! ^ux "'4 .STA. 86( , 1/11 I i Two young men were found guilty of third degree assault when they appeared in Mason County Justice Court Friday. Jim Dailey, St. Rt. 1, Box 106, Shelton, and John Gregory, Hoodsport, were charged with assaulting two 15-year-old Seattle SHELTON 31 1 Shore -L I boys at Lake Cushman State Park last summer. Judge Glenn Correa, who heard the case, found the boys guilty and sentenced each of them to 30 days in the County Jail, suspended on condition of good behavior for one year. HillHi 0 O O . % J THIS MAP SHOWS the location of the proposed Shelton State Highway Department Nov. 24 in Evergreen Freeway Bypass on which a hearing will be held by the Auditorium.