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0000reySeeking Advisory Report Address Changes City Delays County Approves Detour
Nurses Committee To Social Security Action On Plan For Highway
/J. S. Army Recruiting
Station in Seattle
today the beginning of
for vitally needed
are unlimited for
three-year diploma
degree school of
the Army Nurse Corps.
offers a number of
all guaranteed before
¢Ommittment. The Army
e( choice of hospital
both in the United
I OVerseas. Opportunities
for completion of
POSt graduate work, in
to professional
in a clinical
Meets Nov. 6
The Shelton School Advisory
Committee will have a meeting at
8 p.m. Nov. 6 in the Evergreen
School Library.
Ran Ring, chairman of the
committee, stated that the
meeting would be for advisory
committee members and is not a
public meeting.
Ring said that there had been
some misunderstanding expressed
that the meeting would be
another public session to discuss
the drug use problem in Shelton.
He stated that while the
committee might discuss what
further action it wants to take in
connection with the drug
details may be obtained
local Army recruiter or
problem, that the meeting Nov. 6
Nurse Recruiter in is not for that specific purpose.
COllect _ 206-583-4303.
tlto-a,;,--- Winiecki
,u,, :,,ay- 2 Co,,e pups, 4 By Masons
J. one male, one The Supreme Council of the
lone 426-3410. M10/30 Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish
tl L| Rite Freemasonry, at it's biennial
t i RED potatoes $4.00--
#€ ilroadAve. HlO/30 session now being held in
llt$, Washington D.C. today elected
!LE hand split and resawn Bernhard T. Winiecki of Shelton
:/30 nak Phone 426-4726.
"If you're one of the about
3,000 social security beneficiaries
in Mason County, you want to get
that monthly check right on time
each month. To assure prompt
delivery of your social security
check, you must report certain
events to us, "C. A. Skinner,
manager of the Olympia social
security office cautioned.
Month after month
beneficiaries call to ask why they
haven't received their social
security checks. All too
frequently, Skinner reports,
questioning brings out the fact
that the inquirer has moved but
has neglected to tell the social
security office about it.
"Our office is now tied in by
teletype directly with the master
computer records so that we can
offer much faster service on
changes of address than was
formerly the case," Skinner said
in urging beneficiaries to report
such changes directly to his
office, rather than to the office
which mails out the checks.
Legion Approves
Their annual $50 contribution
D ; ,-.
Other changes that effect the
00,ezon,n00 W.e Mason County
benefit payments, such as the Commission, at its meeting
starting or stopping of work, the The Shelton City Commission Monday, approved agreements
marriage or death of a voted Tuesday night to delay with the State Highway
beneficiary, or the termination of action on a recom,nendation from Department for the use of county
school attendance by the student the planning commission for roads as detours during the
beneficiary should also be approval of a change in zoning of constructior, of a new bridge
reported to the Olympia social a 20-acre tract in the plat of across Weaver Creek on Highway
security office, 1007 South Firland Terrace from R 1 toMHR. 101 in the Skokomish ValLey
Washington. "And some of these The request had been made area.
events can be reported to us by by Mrs. Ruth Boysen and Fred
telephone - 943-7200" Skinner Boysen for 37 acres in the plat.
concluded. The planning commission had
voted to reduce the amount to 20 First Half Taxes
The city commission agreed Are Due Friday,
11/11 Club
Is Nov. 6
The only and annual meeting
of the 11/11 Club will be Nov. 11
at the Memorial Hall.
• The gathering for a breakfast
served about 11 a.m. by members
of the VFW and American Legion
Auxiliaries, is the Veterans Day
observance in Shelton.
The activities start about 9:30
a.m. with a social hour.
A wreath is placed on the
Veterans Memorial in front of the
Title Insurance Building as a part
of the program.
to request the property owners to
provide a drawing showing which
20 acres of the 37 would be
included in the zone change
before taking final action•
The commission approved a
contract for providing fire alarm
and dispatch service to the
Arcadia Fire District for two
City Engineer Howard Godat
reported that he had sent requests
to the City of Olympia to include
Shelton in its bid for chlorine and
to the county commission to
include the city in its bid for
petroleum products.
Kiwanis Hears
iI to the rank of Knight Commander to the ladies auxiliary fund for Officers of the club are Ken
Slim .... Christmas gifts for hospitalized Walden, president, Fritz Neau, Key Club Boys
• s IltL"'"- of the Court of Honour.
;t -IIzAV,E blacklights at Others in this area awarded war veterans at American Lake vice-president, and Don Hurlburt, Jack Stentz, Joel Zehe and
honors wer:Helmuth F. Klein of was authorized by Fred B. Wivell secretary-treasurer.
ae t°P; ens of Shelton, First
,.,dlllR " Streets. Shelton Olympia, ha was elected to Post 31 Legionnaires at a joint Walden stressed that all James the SheltonC°nn°lly'HighJr"schoolmembers°fKey
11'.,. -'" • . 10/30 receive the 33rd degree of the session with the auxiliary unit last veterans, whether they are
illd Order, and Ernest H. Sm ith of week. members of a veterans Club, presented the program at
tcP Olympia, who also was elected to The Legion members were organization or not, are welcome the Kiwanis meeting at noon
aurYt,°nri.m_s 7:00 x 13520 receive the rank of Knight entertained by two reels of to attend the l lilt Club Tuesday.
.pal t'5 afer service aspect of the Key Club,
,.- 110/3 b- -,=o-o,€oo a,ter a Commander of the Court of absorbing motion film in color breakfast. The boys emphasized the
Honour. produced for the Washington which is sponsored by Kiwanis.
Oil, Sat The announcement was made State Department of Game
"THE OF--I'--'----- The boys act as ticket takers,
IltT range:refrigera=tor, by V.G. Francis of Olympia, a depicting wildlife throughout this IBIFNI:...|I ENEMIES! ushers, sell tickets to the Oueens's
i,'/rr''" I z bedroom d u plex
p,stat125 7erences. Mann member of the Supreme Council, state. .1 !!i I'
re. 426-6592. 10/30 who is attending the session in Lacey Legionnaire Dick Van / 7€11 Banquet, and beginning this year
:2K/ : - i- ,. will serve oi, Kiwanis service
li 3 Washington D.C. Schoick, chairman of the Legion's committees.
i90. state civil defense committee,
O [K,'%t3;ICKUP $190. The program next week will
urged American Legion members
be reports on the Kiwanis District
bl o FIRES COSTEVERYONE to take more active interest in '"" :- Convention by Chuck Adams,
n to Olympia Yearly fire losses in the United civil defense and to maintain a
Fvs."'l. Ran Pannel, Jud Holloway and
rq?.'ldkdays. Phone States average out to about $6 for close laiason with the county civil
l '" vl0/30 every man, woman and child, defense office. Whle.b one of these will it be? Torger Lee, who were delegates
from the local club.
f I
Used Hidebed Sofa
cushions, 100%
Maple Bedroom Group
Used Oakland Wood Heater
Used Early American Sofa
Used 5pc. Chrome Dinette
Lane Cedar Chest
a.m. 'til 5:30 p.m. at 1ST AND GROVE Streets (across from Mell Chevrolet)
Used Early American
Sofa & Chair
Used Recliner Chairs
Used 7pc. Dinette
1 tan, 1 brown, new price
$119.95 & $149.95.
Warehouse Price ..... *19°°
Latex cushions. Good condition.
New Price $399.00. $85= =
Warehouse Price .....
Most items "One-of-a-kind." Be firstl Buy good used furniture
for as little as 10% of the original price. Some new discontinued items tool
PIII.= ] Twin or Full Beds | (
| footboard $100 /
)'Headboard, - and
| & rails IlqJ Grove
The second half real'estate
and personal property taxes are
due Friday, County "Ireasurer
John Cole reminded taxpayers in
the county this week,.
Cole said checks which arrive
the first part of next week will be
accepted without interest on the
last half taxes.
The Skokomish Road and the i l
Bourgault Road will be used as ,
detours for cars and the Purdy
Cutoff Road as a truck detour
during the construction period,
according to the agreements.
The commission set 2:30 p.m.
Nov. 17 for a hearing on
establishing the roads in the plats
of Timberlakes 8 through 13 as
county roads.
The final order of vacation for
Front St. in the plat of the town
of Kamilche was approved.
The commission voted to
lease land at the Hoodsport cump
to Bud Hayes of Lilliwaup for
Christmas trees at the rate of
$1.10 a bale with a minimum
rental of $125 a year.
The" commission, on the
recommendation of the county
engineer, released road bonds on
plats in Timberlakes, Ripplewood
Tractand Fawn Lake.
Ends this
Founders Days Sale!
boys' and girls' winter warm-up
COTTON CORDUROY PARKA lined with nylon/polyester, Pile lined, zip
off hood with drawstring. Sizes 6-14. Reg. 13.98 NOW I 1.75
WIDE WALl: COTTON CORDUROY jacket, fully lined with warm Orlon"
acrylic pile/100o/o polyester back. Button front. Sizes 14-18. Reg. 16.98.
NOW 14.25
REVERSIBLE SKI JACKET, nylon taffeta quilted to polyester, 7-16. Reg $12
NOW *10
OXFORD NYLON TOW COAT insulated with polyester. 7-16. Reg. $13
NOW $ ! 1
for women in nylon tri-
cot and lace. Smart
shape makers are
quick dry; have pretty,
for misses in stretch
nylon. Stock up nowl
Hurry in for dozens of
these sleek fitting
Bonded suiting that
needs no lining. Ver.
satile Toslan' ace-
tate / nylon bonded
with acetate to hold
its shape, fight
wrinkles. Get yards
nylon lace trims and panty hose in the best and yards at this thrifty
c " • blue • • '
pine ,n wh,te, , f s , r,ce Assorted olors
s ash'°nhort color. Sacs P . ; •
p'nk,, yellow. 32 36, , average, 19ng, Hurry for first choice.
A, B, C ,.,,,., 3.99 extra long. 2 for 1.99 44/45" wide
2.66 yd.
Shop Dally 9:30/5:30 -- Frldayi til 6 p.m.!
II III II I Illlll II Illlll I I Ill Illl I I I IIIllll I • Ill I I
Thursday, October 30, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5