October 30, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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__ • . I-00TI00 Guests Visit
W h a t s ] Meeting Of
!€ o k, n ? Beta Zeta
0 ":" '<"l/J# I Special guests at
t..____------------------------..J moo,,., o,,,,0 .o,.
of Epsilon Sigma Alpha held Oct.
21 at the home of Mrs. Glen
Sowers, were State President Mrs.
Robert Leichhardt of Kelso and
Mrs. Warren Morris, State
Secretary, of Longview. The
purpose of the model meetings is
to acquaint potential members
with the purposes and aims of the
Other guests attending were;
Lucille Latham, Diane Pearson,
Mrs. Ed Campbell and Mrs. Les
Spilseth. Following the business
meeting, refreshments were served
by the hostess and co-hostess,
Mrs. Ken Evans.
Mrs. Floyd Ridoat, and Mrs.
Glen Sowers will attend the
Eastern Regional meeting in
Spokane Saturday and Sunday.
The next function will be the
pledge banquet to be held Nov.
12 at the Falls Terrace in
In keeping with the trend
"Something Different," the
theme for the rush party held
Oct. 7th at the home of Mrs.
Gene White was "Sisty Uglers."
Prizes were given to the "ugliest,"
with each member and guest
appearing in various ugly apparel.
First prize was won by Mrs. Tom
Guests at the social were
Lucille Latham and Mrs. Ed
Campbell. A spaghetti dinner was
SHELLEY ROLFE has made her home In Shelton for only served with plastic spoons by the
two months, but already she is known for a very special hostess and co-hostess Mrs. Floyd
dessert. She is shown with David, Jr. Ridout.
She"ey.o"e'nterested l .... "======i
In Homemaking As Hobby
I By Jan Danford |
Newcomers to Shelton are plans to make a headboard for a -.,,.P,.,,,,,,,
Shelley and I)avid Rolfe and
ten-month-old David junior; and
when Ruby Hopper called in
behalf of the Welcome Wagon, she
was served a dessert so "Yumnlie"
that she promptly reported it to
the Journal•
Although Shelley has been
here only since September, her
husband has been employed as
purchasing agent at the Simpson
Timber C'ompany since June, and
had more or less commuted
between here and Seattle until
Shelley and their young son could
join him.
Sourld in Tacoma. all(t majored it|
Political Science, They met m
school and were married, and
lived in Tacoma until l)avid's
schooling was finished. They
moved to Seattle and then to
Shelley's interest is her home
and family. She is learning to sew,
and she is very interested in
decorating, tier pastime is
selecting magazine articles on
specific projects, and she has
Veterans And
Auxiliary To
Install Officers
The regular meeting of the
Veterans of World War 1 arid
Auxiliary of Barracks 2778 will
be held Sunday, with a pot luck
lunch at 12:30 p.m., after which
new officers will be installed at ,a
joint meeting.
Officers to be installed for the
Barracks by Art Bruner of
Bremerton are ttomer Stewart,
Commander; Robert Deck, first
vice commander; David Cross,
second vice commander; George
Sumner, chaplain; Henry Hubert,
judge advocate; Clarence
Castleman, adjutant and
quarter-master; and ttarry
Niepoth, sergeant at arms.
The installing officer for the
auxiliary will be Ore Afton, pa.st
national president of the national
auxiliary. Installed will be Alice
Squire, president; Marion Deck,
first vice president; Laura Onstad,
second vice president; Alma
Niepoth, treasurer and hopsital
chairman; Lorraine Thompson,
conductress; Emily Fisher,
Assistant conductress and
publicity; Hattie Brooks, guard;
Pearl Stewart, secretary and
historian, and three year trustee;
Nellie Castleman, two year
trustee; and Grace Hunt, one year
trustee, Americanism, and
patriotic instructor; and Cora
Davidson, chaplain. Floor work
and music will be furnished by
bed and an unusual rug crocheted
from jute fiber. She loves to cook
and to ant.errata, and she has a
wealth of fascinating recipes.
The one she shares today is
printed with special pernfission of
the Seattle cook from whom she
obtained it.
Butter pie pan, and pat into it
one package of chocolate wafers,
crushed to crumbs, and 4 Tbsp.
melted butter.
!& lb. [)titter
2 I.sp powdered coffee
,,': tsp. vanilla
1 square melted bitter chocolate
Add one at a time and beat
well after each addition:
5 eggs
Pour mixture over crumb
crust;sprinkle with crushed toffee
or 4 crushed Heath bars, and
Job's Daughters
Plan Activities
Among tire future activities
scheduled for the Job's Daughters
is a rummage sale to be held
tomorrow from 9:30 a.m. until
4:30 p.m. in the PUt) building.
Friendship night will be held
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the
Masonic Temple, and every one is
reminded to bring a present for
her step-in.sister. Elections will be
held at this date, and all dues
nmst be paid before running for
office. The December I meeting
will be the last at which Honor
Queen Patsy Miltenberger will
preside. Jobie Sunday will be
November 16 in the Methodist
Church at the First Service.
Candy is still being sold with
only 23 boxes remaining; the
membership drive will continue
until the end of the year• Those
interested may call Mrs. Wayne
Ciary at 426-1103.
The bethel was visited by past
Grand Guardian Mrs. Marilyn
Viger. The birthday march was
won by Lori James, the Outer
Elegant spectres
And very grand witches
Sipping sweet nectars
And eating sandwiches.
Happy, happy Halloween!
With black and orange jelly bean
And penny candy by the stick
I welcome every little trick
Or treater;
Against no giggling ghost or goblin
Up my lighted pathway hobblin',
Against no winsome witch
or warlock
1, this night of nights, ,
, my door lock; •
'A' greei" .i,
Am 1 thus of Imp and Monster,
Gasping now and then in conster
Nation at the ugliness
Of devil mask and demon dress.
No sweeter
Sound I seek than this
gay laughter
From these little kids;
but after
Their departure, I recall
That most of them were
six feet tall!
A modern witch,
I would presume,
Should ride a fine
Electric broom.
Garbed as dancers,
Dolls, and devils -
Mingling now
In costumed revels -
Has no one felt
The need to ask
The shade of skin
Beyond the mask?
Roses are red;
Violets are blue;
Cyclamate is dangerous
And so are you.
Meet Thursday
A guest at the meeting of the
Toastmasters last Thursday in the
Timbers Restaurant was Tom
GarretS, applying for membership.
Toastmaster Carl Johnson
presented two speakers, Ken
Frank and AI Egg.
District l of the VWWl. The Club meets every
The auxiliary expresses thanks 1]aursday at 6:45 a.m,
substitutea - ...............
for Hattie Brooks, last years '-
president, during her illness, i
NgW, ivlllag to you, REV[AL a new scion.
tire €oIrlrtl¢: Wtll¢.h Wtll 10moveyour wrlnk : i i
temlOrarlly In jUSt . minutes Ind IM, I,, Up to II
hOw ADIF REVEAL es ,erteO Io you
forohead, aroul|t yOUr eyes, an4 nec and
WIICh the yesrS IJlllepllel, as the IInel, croM
ll hAd Pufflnel Q|lappea¢ In ]tilt 3 minutes.
RI,VE L II llol with a Itllct money back
g u¢anteq) I! not Mtlsfled for any reason. JuIt
rmlurn the IMCKIM to your OvUglst, GET
Page 6- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday. October ,
Jan Danford, Women's Editor
Susan Healy And David Reichman Wed
ME. and Mrs. David
Alan Reichman
residing in Portland.
The bride's gown of white
peau de sole with panels and train
of over-lay Chantilly lace was
designed by her sister. Her
bouffant veil was held by a rose
An afternoon ceremony on
September 13th at Holy Trinity
Church in Portland united in
marriage Susan Catherine Healy
and David Alan Reichman. Daniel
Healy of Redway, California and
honor• Bridesmaids were Miss
Kerry Fertig, Miss Maureen Healy
and Miss Karen Pearson of
Garberville, California. Wearing
floor length gowns of pink peau
de sole trimmed in avocado velvet
ribbon and their head-dresses of
tulle fastened with a rose, each of
the attendants carried a single
pink rose. Gerald Plasker, nephew
of the bride, was ringbearer. Mrs.
Healy, mother of the bride, wore
a rose silk afternoon suit with
matching flowered hat. Mrs.
Reichman wore Sahara-sand silk
with accessories of Autumn green.
Kappa Sigma fraternity
brothers were groomsmen with
Frederick de Neffe serving as best
man. Ushering were Jerry Kruger,
Portland and James Hopper and
Craig Killam of Tacoma,
The bride is a graduate of
Marycrest School, attended
Portland State University and was
recently employed at the
University of Oregon Medical
School. The groom attended
Shelton schools graduating from
the American School, Manila, P.I.
He attended the University of the
Philippines, University of Puget
Sound, Tacoma and Portland
State University.
Following a reception and
buffet dinner dance, the couple
left for a short honeymoon, after
which they will reside in Ft. Sill,
Oklahoma where Mr. Reichman is
enrolled in classes for special
training in lteavy Field Artillery.
Motoring from Shelton for
the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs.
Sharon Turner
High School Spotlight
office worker. She work .;-
summer for the grade s, !
A very busy girl indeed is
Sharon Turner. She is the
chairman of the Pep Club's
money raising project, popcorn
sales at the football games.
First, she must order the
supplies - popcorn, oil, and bags
- each of which are purchased in
a different city; she takes charge
of the shipments upon arrival; she
prepares the popcorn, bags it, and
sells it; she is responsible for the
money received; in fact, she is
r • ,",-
typing library mat orit¢ sd'ft an
Although her avd0€! ,.Ii, "
is drama,
c°ntemplat;o be a b esuti¢--'*'t e
• n pll
She hopes 00adua,,o
after her _ .uWSCnt, Iis
attend either a be= - .......
business school. ,nd t',ll
She likes dogs -'-:hold °t'][,tM
horses, and the taou
foster parents includes rl.J 1"
with 1' c
BsY ik'. r0r
Mrs. Mary Healy Beaverton, fashioned of seed pearls. She Herbert G. Angle, Mr. and Mrs. responsible for the whole project, each. Her home is
Oregon, are parents of the bride, carried a cascade of pink rose Oliver Ashford and Mr. and Mrs. She worked alone during the first Mrs. Orville Moran on t" /le,
David Reichman is the son of buds and stephanotis. John Jefferey. Mr. Mick Wagener, two games, but she now recruits Roa he likes to swim,. r
former Shelton residents, Mr. and Mrs. William Plasker, sister of a former resident, attended from all the help she can.
Mrs. Everett Reichman, now the bride, attended as matron of Olympia. Sharon enrolled in the accomplished in se'ob'by.,f r
Shelton High school last year as a she considers her . o €ee17 ra
• . . junior. She was born in Indiana, makes her own clotltua-a ]/11,
Beta S,gma Pk,, Sorority-What Is It? but had attended Tacoma schools herc°stumesf°rdranly'a'b'recen
since the second grade. She is She has _ _t01tt(n
studying civics, -bookkeeping, attendance at the .IJap i'% t,
Beta Sigma Phi Sorority is a
familiar name around Mason
County, but many people rato
have only a vague idea of what it
is. It is an organization for women
who want to keep interested in
what's going on around them and
in the community, and who wish
to continue to improve
themselves. It is geared for
women of all ages and all
interests, whether homemakers or
working girls.
There are four levels of BSP.
Nu Phi Mu is the first. It is for the
girl out of higl school who is not
going to college, but whose
friends may be doing so and who
finds herself with a lack of social
activities. Sometimes there are
young marrieds in the group also.
The next step is Ritual of
Jewels Chapters. Those draw
women who are a little older.
They remain in Ritual of Jewels
chapters about four years before
advancing to Exemplar chapters.
They may remain longer if they
prefer, but usually members are
ready to advance. It's a new
environment and a new challenge.
Women must spend six years in
the Exemplar chapter to become
eligible for Percepter chapter, the
final progression.
There are 200,000 members
and 8,000 chapters in 14 different
countries around the world.
Sorority is an excellent way to get
acquainted, for you have ready
made friends where ever you may
be. Transfer privileges are
available any place in the world
where there are chapter activities.
Beta Sigma Phi was founded in
Abiline. Kansas by Walter W. Ross
in 1931. It was created for
women in search of cultural and
social activity. The National
Headquarters is located in Kansas
City, Mo.
Because it is a sorority, new
members must be invited. They
attend get-acquainted parties, and
acceptance is subject to vote. It is
not connected with college
sororities in any way.
Chapters meet twice monthly
for regular business and programs
given on subjects such as art,
beauty, social graces, home
decorating, fashion, and many
other varied subjects. In addition,
each chapter usually holds several
social events during the year, in
some of which husbands are
Each chapter is responsible
for its own service projects and
for earning the means to carry out
its projects.
Fall meetings have begun and
rush parties for new members are
in progress for the Shelton
chapter. Inactive or out of town
members who would like more
information, please call the
President, Mrs. Mike Ogden,
The things taught in schools
and colleges are not an education,
but the means of education.
.... Emerson
drama, and choir, and she is an ,, 1!1
Amaranth T
Carnival Planned ...... 00au,00l Cou,00 No. :
The Women's Priscilla Ciub of Amaranth will hold a
Cloqualium will hold a Halloween meeting on WednesdsY l? U(]
carnival at the Cloquallum hall on ;,nrn" yo: tn AMalal: 'Sdrt:ili
Lost Lake Road at 8 p.m. g i
Saturday. invited to • . 0t%tlt' iP
Children are asked to wear bring a hand made apru,[¢ , 01
costumes or masks. Prizes will be articles suitable fo.t _' lla
club's money rnakm "
given for best costumes, and , ,-'-meatS" will ?t, ttE 1
doughnuts and cider will be zr. : |
lneSS m--
served, following the bus' " l'%ur
Stop In
Soon and
Joan Rye
To Care For $70 0
The Summer Abuse
4; •
Ronnie's Coiffures
We Feature Loreal Cosmetics
Open Evenings
103 Railroad by ap-Iointment 426-4783
i969' .... ' .......
Q. M eyes tend to look
puffy and Is some
tired, there
way of concealing this
A. Yes. You can conceal
the puffy areas below your
eyes by covering them with a
foundation that is darker than
the foundation you use on the
rest of your face ... and you
can conceal the puffy areas
above your lids by covering
them with a orown or taupe
eye shadow.
H Q. My skin is very oily.
ow should I care tor my skin,
and what kind of makeup base
should I use?
A, Excess oils can clog
our pores and thus cause.
lackheads and blemishes to
form. Frequent cleansing is,
therefore, the most important
treatment for your skin.
Use medicated scrub pads
or a mildly antiseptic,
nongreasy cleanser on your
face several times a day.
Follow this up with an
astringent freshener. Use a light
daytime moisturizer as a night
• Yi
Ne,ls Pharmac
't i I
00mor00ncy "ili
] Fifth & Frank n St. -- 426-38271
t Open Dally 9:30 to 7:30 iii
, Saturday -- 9:30 to 6:00 I
Paid Political Adv. by Citizens Advisory Committee. Ron Ring, Chairman'