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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 30, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 30, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Wendell G. Young Dies In Georgia Wendell Young Wendell G. Young died Sunday in Hineville, Georgia, at the age of 59 years. He was a resident of Shelton from 1928 to 1959, and was employed at ITT Rayonier Inc. He had resided for the past ten years in Jesup, Georgia, where he was employed as a machine room superintendent by 1TT Rayonier. lie was born on March 15, 1910, in Moreland, Idaho. He is survived by his wife Lottie of the family home; a son, Robert Wendell Young of Auburn, a daughter, Mrs. Louise Priapi of San Jose, Calif.; a brother, Taft Young of Sacramento; two sisters, Mrs. Myron Lund, North Bend, Oregon and Mrs. Earl Meyers, Anchorage, Alaska; a half-brother, George Ferrell of Blackfoot, Idaho; three half-sisters, Mrs. Francelle Hilts of Port Ludlow, Mrs. Rose Campbell, Swan Valley, Idaho, and Mrs. Max;he Kopp of Idaho Falls, Idaho; and six grandchildren. The funeral service will be held today at 11 a.m. in tile Batstone Funeral Home, with the Rev. Itorace Mounts and Wallace Lund officiating. Burial will be in the Slmtton yeoa,l Paul C. Holladay Dies Saturday A memorial service will be held in the United Methodist Church on Friday at I I a.m. for Paul C. ltolladay who died Saturday at the age of 66 years. Officiating will be Dr. Alvin Morris, the Ray. Donald Krug, and the Rev. Horace Mounts. Mr. Holladay was born in Minnesota, and had for more than 25 years been employed by the Massart Plumbing and Heating Company in Seattle. Since his retirement a year and a half ago he had resided near Grapeview, and was a member of the Grapeview (;range and the Salty Sashayers square dance club. He was a member of the Calvin Presbyterian church in Seattle. He is survived by his wife Teresa of the home, a son, Gordon ttolladay; two daughters, Mrs. Zella Bingen and Mrs. Gloria Krug; and 12 grandchildren. Memorial gifts may be sent to the church to be' used for the Community Ilospital, Cebu City, Cehu, P.I. Graveside Rites For Daisy Pinney Former Shelton resident Daisy D. Pinney died on October 21 in Walla Walla at the age of 69. She was born July 23, 1900 in Illinois, and had lived in Walla Walla since 1963. She was a member of the veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary, and belonged to the Navy Mothers Club. Her husband, Albert, preceded her in death in 1968. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Surratt, of Walla Waila. She is also survived by a son, Albert I). Pinney, Jr. of the U. S. Navy; three brothers, Ralph W. Weaver of Yakima, Milton A. Weaver of ltyampom. Calif., and William Kenneth Weaver of Mt. Vernon; six grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Graves;de services will be held Friday at 10 a.m. in the Shelton Memorial Park with the VFW auxiliary officiating. Donations to the cancer and the heart fund are. requested in lieu of flowers. Elsie Fourre Dies In Olympia Graves;de services were held October 18 in the Shelton cemetery for Elsie Rosella Fourre, who died in Olympia, October 16. She was born in Cottonwood, Idaho, June 21, 1897. She lived in Shelton for 37 years, and had resided in Olympia for the past 12 years. She is survived by a son, Everett of Olympia; two sisters, Mrs. Ida McCarty, Pasco, and Mrs. Audrey Rose, Walla Walla, four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. New Arrivals MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Hinchcliff, Rt. 2. Box 198, a boy, October 22. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Jacobs, P. O. Box 134, Matiock, a boy, October 24. IT'S A DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Ted Strozyk, Long Beach, October 24. IT'S A SON Dr. and Mrs. Jim Clifton, Wheaten, Maryland, October 15. Rae C. Martin Dies In Hospital Rae C. Martin died October 28 in the Mason General Hospital at the age of 76 years, lte had lived in Shelton and Mason County for five months. From 1942 to 1969 he had resided in Oakland, Calif., where he was employed as a sheet metal worker for the Todd Shipyards. He was born August 24, 1893 in California. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Rae P. Martin of Sheiton; a daughter, Lillian Chapman, Shelton, and three grandchildren. Pastor Zschoche will officiate at a private luneral in the Batstone Funeral Parlor on Friday. Burial will be in the Shelton Memorial Park. Rides To Polls The ministers of Mason County Ministerial Association voted to provide transportation to any voter on Nov. 4 to the polls. Anyone needing transportation to the polls Nov. 4 can call any of the church offices and someone will pick you up and take you to the polls and bring you back home again. AIRMAN PETER A. Nielsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Nielsen, Shelton, has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been assigned to Keesler AFB, Miss., for training in the communications field. Ariman Nielsen is a graduate of Shelton High School. La007illita.,Bassett in Pecan Finish --Headboard --1 - Night Stand --Door Dresser with Mirror --5-Drawer Chest ,44900 Retail $650.00 ! PL00Tt (;LASS DOOR.tmGm UBOR$..... "lq)- 1 v Weather High Low Precip. October 23 59 45 .01 October 24 58 39 .01 October 25 57 48 0.4 October 26 59 53 - October 27 61 38 .31 October 28 56 45 .33 October 29 59 46 .15 No man is rich whose expenditure exceeds his means; and no one is poor whose Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County auditor's office this week were: La Verne Skalicky, 18, McCleary, and Dixie LaFond, 19, Shelton. Frank Overy, 24, Bremerton, and Paula Hunt, 21, Bremerton. Lester Evritt, 45, Grapeview, and Carolyn Taylor, 40, Bremerton. John Payne, Jr., 37, Bremerton, and Sue Grady, 29, Bremerton. I Shelton Trailer Albert Pete, 33, Bremerton, Olympic Hwy. N. at Airport incomings exceed his outgoings, and Judith LaMent, 27, -Haliburton Bremerton.__L Everyone Is Invited To HAU HOUSE 912 May Street OCTOBER 30-31 2 Horrible Nights- 6 to 9 --- SEE--- HORRORS BEYOND BELIEF IMPORTANT NOTICE If you have a weak heart, PLEASE do not attendl 1 Free Delivery • Open Every Friday 'til 9 p.m. I "This Is Guaranteed to Scare You to ADMISSION ONLY 3S' per person _ • . Sponsored. bY 8helton Jayceee LET'S HAVE A WORKINGMAN FOR "OF COURSE, WE FAVOR A NEW HIGH SCHOOL. WE SHOULD HAVE BUILT IT THREE OR FOUR YEARS AGO. AND THE LONGER WE WAIT, THE MORE IT WILL COST US--" A CHANGI= i i MEET TWO CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR 309 SCHOOL BOARD GALEN WENTZ BURGESS EAGLE Galen, a class A machinist, has a fine young family. With the oldest boy graduating from Shelton High this year, 3 younger boys and a 3 month old daughter complete the roster. Galen has an understanding and vital interest in the community's educational system at all levels. Galen is very concernellutll¢Oper leader- ship in Shelton sCh0Js and believes team effort is a two-way street. He believes "we need to stand for something, not against it." A professional painter, born in Mason County, Wentz is a family man with a real concern for the caliber of education Shelton schools are giving his and your children. Chosen 2 years in a row as President of the Bordeaux PTA, the job gave Wentz an "inside" view of grade school relationships between student, teacher, and parents. "We need to keep communication channels open between students, teachers, parents, Administration and the School Board" Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 30, 1969 1. WHY haven't State Board of Health standards been met for classroom space (up to 40% over capacity), ventilation, lighting (way below minimum) rest rooms (up to 189% over capacity)? The list goes on and on. 2. WHY don't we have operating fire alarm systems in the Junior High and Reed Building? 3. WHY so many violations of State fire and health standards in our schools: 24 violations in the Reed Building 14 violations in the Junior High 6 violations in the Rogers School WE NEED A CHANGE ON OUR SCHOOL BOARD Falling unreplaced rotting door jambS,. unpainted, leaking win.d too much in the long ru,,, Drilling a hole in t placing a funnel under radiator is nO maintenance. 400-450 students Building with no dr Wouldn't you, as a I called a plumber a Ior