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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 30, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 30, 1969
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Rotary Student OfT he Month SHELTON SKIERS SIGNUP UNDERWAY Along with the trace of snow in the mountains has come wind that Clinton's Bike Shop will be the Crystal Mountain Ski School headquarters for Shelton skiers. For the past two seasons, Royal Clinton has been instrumental in having a Sunday ski bus start from the Shelton area, enabling students to take part in skiing at the Cascade resort. TWO SEARS EMPLOYEES WIN REGIONAL CHANCE Mrs. Maxine Rhoades, manager of the Sears Catalog store here, announced this week the winners of the in-store hat making contest. They were Mrs. Billie Rose and Mrs. Jennie Whitmore. The hats were made to celebrate the 40th birthday of Kenmore washers and dryers. Picked by Mrs. Lois Samuelson, herself a winner of a floor waxer/polisher, the winners will compete in the regional contest to be held in Seattle• DGE, a Shelton High School Senior described as pleasant, industrious, capable, and sincere, as the Rotary Vocational Student of the le resides with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ernme of Shelton. She is a substitute disc jockey at .and on Saturdays teaches the "Fun Club" at the Olympia. In school she studies advanced clothing, physical education, and civics; and she is a of 9th grade English. DL's CORNER Next Tuesday, is the day you should exercise your right to vote. Many countries would like to have the chance to say yes or no to a given issue . . . In other parts of town, the merchants are really going all out this week to save you money. Just a smattering of them are... At MILLER'S, manager Bud Laudahl is holding an e.o.m, sale with prices so low, they'll really make you want to buy... Rod Olsen, owner of OLSEN FURNITURE, is holding a spectacular sale at his warehouse down on 1st street. Much of this is used furniture, but good clean top quality just the same, and you can save much loot too!... Ken Chapman, owner of EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER, always has lots of good weekend buys and this week is no exception. Ken is also always Tour Mills grade students from enaentary School in toured Simpson ampany's sawmills rning. Led by Dale Print Shop 36 students visited and Four, the Plant and the daughter Janet, 12, 13, the son of Who was Shelton Mr. Safety last aenlbers of this class. instructor i,and Arnold Zweig, s equipment engineer, assisted tour. Zweig's two at the Griffin I I makes a good he makes nothing -Emerson Celebrate Our Anniversary TH With These Specials REG. Sl0* sl00 s 4- s 2" SALE INSTANT INSANITY 66* PLAYBOH 66* SPIROGRAPH s2" YAHTZEE sps FUN FACTORY *149 Prices effective Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mon. HAMLIN'S HOBBY & TOYS 220 Cota St. HION COMFORT WITH A YOUNG OUTLOOK Regular $9.99 s790 ill HAYRIDE When you want to go "light end lively", this is it... not only does it flatter your taste, it pampera your feetl SHOE DEPT. 3rd and Railroad S I N E S S Patrolman Festival Art Beta Sigma Completes Show Planned Phi Meetings C I[ U I[ Course o creative arts group of He!d Here Kitsap County Branch for American Association of • drag good]est he storetoo' ' o Patrolman Fred W. Balisiger University Women will sponsor a • October 20 meeting of :d stop in soonand take apeek of the Shelton Police Department Fourth Annual Festival Art Show the Fpsilon Omicron Chapter of Wanta shoe just forkicks was one of 32 law enforcement and Sale at the Sheridan Park Beta Sigma Phi was held in the officers to graduate from the 67th Community Building in home of Mrs. Larry ltolt. Guests Then stop in to BOB'S SHOE session of the Basic Law Bremerton November 14th and present were Mrs. Joe Lovato, TREE today. Bob Wotton, owner, has just the style for you, or any member of the family for that matter... Need or want a new bedroom suite? B & R SALES has just the one you've been looking for ... and, it's featured on the special of the week too... The 2 9 th annual pre-Christmas jewelry sale will be going full blast this Friday and Saturday at BECKWITH'S JEWELRY. Owner Guy Beckwith has many items on the sale list, so better stop in and take a look, if you want to save a bundle... The fabulous Founder's Day sale is now going into it's final countdown at PENNEY'S. Manager Clint Harrington has many items that have been discounted just for this occasion so you better hurry in today... George Valley, owner of EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER, says there are no tricks, but lots of treats when you buy a Hotpoint washer and dryer. One of them is savings, so stop in soon and see George... Ernest Hamlin, owner of HAMLIN'S HOBBY & TOY STORE, is now celebrating thc 5th birthday of the store. While he is, you can save on many items this weekend... Enforcement Training School at Olympic College, Bremerton, Oct. 24. Balisiger, received 15 college credits and a certificate from the Washington Law Enforcement Officers Training Commission. The state-wide program is designed to improve the quality of law enforcement. It attempts to increase the knowledge of the currently employed policeman so that he will be able to perform his duties with a higher degree of skill, assurance and professionalism. The session was conducted over a period of six continuous weeks (300 hours) and the officers attended school ten hours a day, five days a week. Trainees were housed at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and received their course work at the college. Instructors for the program are drawn from the FB1, the Washington State Attorney General's Office, the Washington State Patrol and other law enforcement agencies. Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave. Attributed to Lord Brougham 15thfrom 10a.m. -8 p.m. T h e e v e n t t his year will include an award art show and the festival's art and craft sale. The award show will be open to professionals and non-professionals, artists for oil paintings, water-colors, acrylics, sculpture, graphics and drawings. The festival's art and craft sale will include all media of art. For further information, artists interested in entries may call Essex 3-0049 or Essex 7-6736. Bridge Winners Named By Club At the Shelton l)uplicate Bridge Club meeting Monday night in the PUD building, winners for North-South were Lenora Dudley and Louise Umphenour; Bob Quimby and Gordon Bennett; Eva Cole and Ron Zeidaks. East-West winners were Vic King and Norman Hulbert; Dorothy Quartier and Gusti Goldschmid; Bill Batchelor and Mary Keller. The Shelton Bridge Club meets every Monday at 7 : 15 p.m. in the PUD building, and all bridge players are invited to attend. Mrs. Terry Mullane, Mrs. AI Egg, and Mrs. Gary Greenwood. Mrs. John Makoviney was chosen Chapter Sweetheart and will represent the chapter in the Valentine contest, winners of which will be announced in the February issue of the national club publication of Torch. It was reported that All-City Rituals will be held in Olympia Tuesday. Beta Sigma Phi casserole cookbooks have been ordered and will be on sale soon. On Monday, a Progressive Dinner was held to honor guests. Visiting were: Mrs. Bob Anderson, Mrs. Fred Balsiger, Mrs. A1 Egg, Mrsl Joe Lovato, and Mrs. Terry Mullane. The various courses were served in four homes. The dinner began with hors d'oeuvres at Mrs. Larry Holt's home. Mrs. Mike Ogden served salads. Ham dinner was given in the home of Mrs. Ward Fourer and the evening ended with dessert in the home of Mrs. [)avid Dunnington. A burlap party will be given November 11 at Mrs. Larry Knutzen's home. Do you wish men to speak well of you? Then never speak well of yourself ..... Pascal Main Office Shelton 426-8234 You are invited to help us celeb-ate our FIFTH ANNIVERSARY with FREE CID and DOUGHNUTS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 \\; Branch Office Belfair CR 5.2816 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. MEMBER F.D.I.C. Your Home-Owned Full Service Bank I DAISY DOG BANKS The Daisy Dog Bank pictured above is for sale and it and many more are on display in the NBMC foyer. IIII I I VOTE "YES" FOR YOUR HEW HIGH SCHOOL NOV. 4 I II I SHOP SAVE NOW! '69 DEMOS from $ 2795 New '69 Cars New '69 Pickups Darrel Andrews Wally Dundas 8 Art Nicklaus Art Mell 50 USED CARS, PICKUPS, TRUCKS at Month-End Prices! '65 Mercury Monterey Hardtop Cpe. One local owner ........ $1295 '64 Ford Galaxie 500 4-Dr., V-8, Cruis-o.matlc, P. Steering, Radio .............. $895 '63 Nova 4.Dr. 6-Cyl., P. Glide ............ $795 '63 Ford A-Ton Pickup V-8, 4-speed ........ $795 "62 Chev 4-Door.. $595 '62 Ford Galaxie 2-Dr, $595 Quick Parts & Service Mon. thr. Sat. CHEV-OLD$ M.I.C. Ins. Rental Cars Since 192 7 II I I I I _ I III I I I AI LII L _ Thursday, October 30, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9