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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 30, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 30, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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..... uNIcEF II ti Pl nned! Army Has ...... Co e¢ on o ' The annual Trick or Treat for Shelton churches are wcl¢0met° q vrogram UNICF, I; has been scheduled for participate. F l m the collection for Friday night between 7 p.m. and olow" g .,,  I mt ""Ill  For Nurses s:30 p.m. Children from fourth UNICEF there w .u.II Halloween party in the Souzn" 'l .......... grade through the youth of Junior for all Jumor High youth wn. High and ttigh School will meet at v IS U Ii1 an effort to relieve tile the Methodist Church at 7 p.m. participate. Another_..uo,P.":',',,, urgent need for Army nurses, lhe where they will be assigned to an being arranged in Centr,,-N US Army has two exceptional area of Shelton. all the High School yv,.---j hi financial aid programs for Groups will go out with adult artici ate The seventh .F_ lit P P " , ;n a noun- i studenls now enrolled in schools supervision for the collection, will hold their pa y ..a tile It 1 of nursing, Sgt. Ken Ellingson, They will be well marked with the 1 n formation rega.rU'ol et local Army recruiter, announced regular UNICEF banks and UNICEF." party .... can t, eaist Cht here today, information. The ttigh School b calling the Metnu,, . on Y " ^ -nd jz "Now is the {inlc for college  youth of the Methodist Church office between  a..,,A h students or those enrolled in are making all arrangements. Friday morning. 426"4Jm" ; hospital schools of IIUlsiDg to Children and youth from all the apply," Sgt, Ellingson said zk lie explained that nursing students who have COmDleted the firsl two years are eligible to apply. They must bc unn,arricd (=) and be between the ages of 18 may he Tnarricd. 9 ,schools of nursing leldJng to ; diploma will receive m()nlhly salaries until gradualion, : The shoe that's blunt (a little), that's bold(a il,i alh)wanccs for board and room, ....  dash), that tells it like it is (slightly feminine). frcc me(Ileal and dental care, 30 days' paid vacalion and military SO what else is new? Like color, like fit, sh,)pping p,ivilcges. After like great! $11.99 gradtlaliOll and Sl:ltt' liccnsure, i i'! r S S they arc co lllllliSsi()ilC(I Stud()/Id lieutenants llld St.'FVC Z| [WO-ycitl '"*'*'""*"' vvo0000derfu1 Sttalcnls studying a! collcgi;dc schools of nursing leading to a Bachelor of Science degree may apply h, up to 24 mtmths' fJnam:hl as.,;ishmcc, |n ad(liion to the linancial aid received by h o s p i i a I n u r sin g s t u d c ii ! s, collegiate sludenls have their I ' tuilion, b()oks anti incidental fees : paid by Ihc Army. if they receive ..... ..... over 12 months" financial aid. .................... : . ..... .... they serve three years active duty Shoe1463 club ,: :, :: after graudation;and, if tinder |2 :: .... ':,:,!;;,r;::. months Ihey serve two years. Members They too, are commissioned :: ....... second lieulcnants, but art; BOY SCOUTS are one of the participating one Explorer Post in Mason County. Here, LIZ ALLISON of Harstine Island thinks big when it comes to cornmissimcd six months before growing vegetables. This 3%-pouncl tornato, plus a 3-pound graduation and are paid in that agencies of UGH, which is conducting its Cub Scouts work at one of their annual rank while completing their annual fund drive this month. There are five projects, the distribution and collection of Miss Wonderful Sample Shoe zucchini and a dry onior, also gown in her garder, made schooling. Cub Scout Packs, Six Boy SCOLIt Troops and Goodwill bags. Have Arrived enough vegetable casserole to serve i0 persons at ,, recent " " " T--.---- Bayshore Golf Club potluck SUl:)per. The super-size t()mato A lplications should be submillcd four Io six In()n|hs .. .o. es c n n r -------------------- Brotche Through '"','.,,'..,,,..,o,,..' th.. " NCO School :, details co,,ccrning US 1(¢)4, of Shclton today Ihal minorily undermining lhc Witcraft concluded. "that if we "The Faro Kamilche Grange Hall s'rtc'.,n Allan I. Brolchc, 20 Army Studenl Nurse Programs all citizens speak out in supporl bargaining, position of our fail o speak out now, the vocal ' can bc (,blaincd from Ihc Arn)y of the President of tile United I)rcsidcnl 'and in st) doing minority in this cotmtry will most C. s()n ill Mr. and MIs. ('harlc.s A. Nurse Team at 909 J"irsl Ave., States alld the efforts of tilt' cndangcrillg the lives of otlr Men certainly take over all that is toe Every First & Third I  )l chc J i., Shellon, was starlit. The Nurse Team may be United States governmcnl to stem on the fighting front. It is my meaningful in this land of ours. yJ',.Iuatt!d [r()lH lilt! Sixth |1. S. c o n tatted by l'hone a t the flow of (?ommunism m South belief lhal the lilne hzls come No one seeks peace more urgently SATURDAY ArmYAcadcmyNOnc(,I,lulissi,nCdscpt. 13 at l"l. Officerl,cwis, accepted.206-583-4303' collect calls will be Vietnam. when Ihe much talked about Wars,than butthe wcVeteranSwill not°fseekF°reignpeace Wash. ' Speaking on bclmlt of Post silent majmily should speak out. 107 S. Music by the Tune Toppers s,a. Brolche crvtered the Army No. 1694, Commander (;cargo We must let the men on the at any price W'hich i What the t ,rl ()cl,,hc, 10€,7. c,)mphqcd h:,sic Gary Cameron wi,,:,:,l, said .... Ihc dclcgatc.s baltlefichl know that they have vocal minority is ing for AdllliSSiOll $1 tl;Hnlltg ;l l:t. l,cwis, Wash., and -- attending the V.l:.W. National the support of the people al home today." I,sl stationed in Vict Nam. In Vietnam ,,,,,,v,, ,, , ion in Augusl in and wc must let Ilanoi know that ' 1 W£1 1)hiladelphia, Pa., unanimously the President has the sttpport of h; ....................................................................... Marine PF('.Gary A. Cameron, urged that our government the people in this country. 1 st C08NINI WELCOMES YOU s,,, of Mr. and Mrs. Ja,nes R. continue to seek viclory in "it ismy hope that lhepeoplc ;' I', ('a,,,eron, Sl,elton, is serving with Victnarn and ,hal all of our of thisarcawillspcakoutonthis Abounds ,.'- ' TO SERVING IN THE 7O's ,:,.., ,:,,v,.,,,. ',., in Vietnam. "'Frankly, wc are sick and wilh us in this crusade. ! am Will Multi Use : I - Managed 000¥EMIlI,! 1 ] WHITE SAI, E Lands SPF, CIAL°0000 \\;" i Hunting was one of the recreati ; opportunities that drew over 134"  i 7"99 I ] /d visitors to Shelton C, 6/iji v Sustained Yield Unit Lands "and it looks like 1969 is going to  1" ) ,.. even more. n t@ " Reg. $g.g5 • SAVE $1.g6 "" The openJng of ELK.sIIi!! :i • . l LIMITED TIME OFFER returning to their favorite b | 4,/  Saturday will bring manY hunters into the area; of many years, others will I ! , NOV. 3--NOV. 29, 1969 area for the first time. o stric We urge you all t 0 J: observe all safety ruleS. IKnO ti I1| area, ive 0, i: roads and your hunting_ n0sd.ti0 | ' safe gun handling, De. ,,oeO00| your target. During Iogg mg'tJcld !1 ing  ! • hours be alert for Iogff ....4_ . . the road. Good Hunting' I  • IMPSOI'I I ,' S il GRIIDALIr TIMBER k m ELMA McCLEARY  n ABERDEEN  Company Founded In I,. Shelton In 1890 .',te ii .................................................................... ............................. Paid Political Adv. by Citizens Advisory Committee. Ran Ring, Chairman. Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 30, 1969