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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 30, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 30, 1969
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Caretakers Attend Girl )N -- Mr. and Mrs. were guests at tile Girl Scout Convention in )ast week. They ring in all the sessions proved most ng. They met many leaders and campers known at Camp :1. They stayed at the camp director director, while in Most particularly they with the enthusiasm from many states rticipated in the and who expressed in finding Seattle and clean" city. "arcy said the main convention centered InVolving all girls in always the policy of luts, but being brought enaPhatically. Especially to the inner city where the girls had no other son David managed the camp. Jerry Smith, from tloodsport stayed with him. The boys took advantage of the opportunity to get in some practice sessions with the "Sun Company", and at times the place was really jumping. Since their return home late Wednesday nite, the Farcys have entertained many visitors ...... delegates from Conneticutt, Colorado, Ohio, Maryland and Virginia. These guests, some of whom had had the opportunity to visit other local camps, all were most impressed with the wonderful facilities available at the Girl Scout camps, and especially Camp Robbinswold with its waterfront activities. HAYES ATTEND Mr. and Mrs. tlarry ltayes, and family, who operate the Lilliwaup Motel and store, spent the past weekend in Portland at the home of his parents. The occasion was the senior tlarry Hayes&apos; golden wedding there in the near future. Meanwhile all their friends are glad to have them back home and feeling better. CANAL COUNTRY America The Beautiful could this be IIood Canal. Water pollution being much m the news of late, we worry and wonder about the state of this beautiful body of water. Of late years, walking along the beach, one finds more and more debris. Broken bottles, wrappers from herring packaging, paper plates and cups, watermelon rinds, slashings of brush, and always and ever, beer cans. This is progress? Does progress plus people have to equal pollution. Some years ago a biology professor visiting the canal took testing samples of the water. He professed amazed unbelief at its purity. What would he find now, some ten years later'? More people, more homes, buildings, bulkheadings, boats. for camping and anniversary. The elder Hayes are What about the boats, how many crafts. She also said they well known in the community of them are dumping raw sewage ased that uniforms were here as they frequently help out into the canal? What about the at the store when Bud and his people, how many of them Ig the Farcy's absence, family are away on vacations, unwittingly toss out a tissue, Mrs. Stan Chinery, of Ayock scraps of food "the birds will eat Beach, minded the store during it', an empty can "it'll sink". their absence. ?lOs HOME FROM HOSPITAL ON HUNTING TRIP Ateena_. _ Lillian Runge returned home Allie Robinson, accompanied last week after several days in the by his son, Clarence, of Seattle, left Friday for a few days hunting hospital in Olympia. While there p she was in traction for a spinal in Idaho. During his absence, condition. She is feeling much Madge had as a weekend guest, red registered nurses improved since her return. Both her granddaughter, Robin Erhart. the state are she and Mr. Runge have had quite Robin is attending college in Workshop for teams a seige of illness and Tacoma. istrative nursing hospitalization of late. Herman DONNELLYSMOVING at Alderbrook Inn, was in the hospital not too long Mr. and Mrs. Ed Donnelly of ago and expects to have to return Triton Cove are presently engaged "ses from Shelton are  .... e Workshop. They are en Radcliffe and Mrs [er. sion which is being .6-30, is the last in a three workshops by the Washington rses Association under a U.S. Department of :dueation and Welfare I. Fine, Ph.D. Assistant "dresser of Psychiatry at rsity of Oregon Medical faculty for this third The conferences were .ted by Mrs. Doris I of Seattle, assistant in'dt the University of ,, , School of Nursing. of the workshops is nurses to realistically It recently published !andards for organized le sessions are seen as a improving nursing / 4rJIIIIl SHELTON -- First & Railroad, 426-8211 the quality of care / "qlr" Home Offlce: Olympia Olympia -- Montesano -- Vancouver -- Shelton ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT OUR ENVIRONMENT? We're Urging ALL Mason County Organizations and Individuals TO BECOME INVOLVED WITH ACTION NATURAL CLEAN ENVlIIONMENT FOR A We ask Service Clubs, Granges, Parent-Teacher COmmunity, Sportsmen's and Garden Groups To Unite with LANCE And Send Delegates LANCE is a council dedicated to study and take lotion on all problems of our environment. ' WATER AND AIR QUALITY ' COMPREHENSIVE COUNTY PLANNING TOWARD ZONING ' DISPOSAL OF SOLID AND LIQUID WASTE qnd other health problems for the *Preservation of this aroa's unique mqtural environment. Affiliated with the Washington State Environmental Council eets 2nd Monday 7:30 p.m. Junior High School Information: 244 (evenings) k COUPON TO: We Are Concerned I I I I Name ..................................... [ I Address .................................... I Phone ..................................... I 98592 Scout Convention in moving inlo their new home. 'rhough they have been sleeping in the new house since Saturday, they arc now officially 'fin". Said Mrs. I)onnelly, "I'm starling at the altic of the old hot, so, and working my way down." Said movillg in is more work than fun, but lhc, y will really enjoy the lovely new home, right on the walL'r. Margot l.arsen, of Seattle, hough lhe presenl home, and plans as of n()w to use it as a vacation home. Once they .cl settled, the I)onnellys will he able to think in more positive lerrns of taking advanlagc of Ihe llawaiian trip they won '(!ltle time ago from I,umhermen's in Shelton. BUD KNUTZEN has a 1968 DODGE 440 HARDTOP COUPE V-8, Radio, Heater, Torque, P. Steering, Balance of Warranty Transferred. 16,000 One Owner Miles. SALE PRICE $2395 now at Kimbel Motors AUTHORIZED DEALER CIwysler - Plymouth - International 707 S. 1st Days 426-3433, Eves. 426-4780 Sl{ll00tE$S VtlEfiE100$ R G006rade 44 doe at this Price) PEACHES FRUIT COCKTAIL Standby Hi-C All Brand Flavors FRUIT DRINKS 303 46 Tins Til CARROTS ONIONS 1 lb. Cello Bag Sweet Smoothie Yellow eu. Applesauce ,a,.dbv .aven..,o Tomatoes st0.dby Small Whole Tomatoes ,andby Stowed 3 Sieve Peas tandv Sliced Beets ,andoy Standby 3 Wax Beans s,0v0 c,,, Green Beans st.ndby Sieve Cut Green Beans Standby French .Sliced Corn Standby Cream Style or Whole Kernel Leaf Spinach s,a°dpy Diced Beets Standby I I I III II 6 BARTLETT PEARS st.ndby.a,ve.o,n MUSHROOMS .'"ndbYo. ,° .re°,. • .,ecos PRESERVES ,a,,doy P,°eap°lo-.p.lot.t,w,y. Peach, & Grape 4 ozJar 303 Tins For 303 Tins For 4/98 < 4/98' 88' SYRUP o c.o,n 68' 24 oz btl. FOIL 2,Weareverft Roll 12" 22' CAT FOOD &KItty" Fish, Meat. Chicken.Liver 15 oz Tin 8/$1 CREAM HONEY SPRAY STARCH COTTAGE CHEESE SIIverbow 20 oz jar Faultless 22 oz size Ditrlqold 49' 58' 34' WAREHOUSE DIRECT PRICES • WHY PAY MORE! * LIMIT RIGHTs RESERVED STORE HOURS Men, thru Thurs.: .... 1 1 a.m. - 6 p.m, Friday: ...................... 9 a.m.. 7 p.m. Saturday: ................... 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday, October 30, 1969- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page lfi