October 30, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Voiunteer Firemen's Association Elects Officers
MATLOCK - Mary M. Knight
Volunteer Firemen's Association
elected three trustees, each for a
three-year term. Elected were
Herbert Brehmeyer, Jr., Clifford
Reeve and Robert Trenckmann.
The election was held at the
annual meeting and pot luck
supper last Friday evening. About
100 people attended at the
Matlock Grange Hall.
Pinochle Club met at the
grange hall last Saturday night
with Mr. and Mrs. David Valley
host and hostess with High score
going to Bill Barnes and Rachel
Valley. Pinochle to Jim Booth
Shelton ' High Schoo !
Homecoming Activities
tlomecoming is now over and
it was a fun filled and successful
week for SHS students.
Homecoming started Oct. 20
with an assembly at which the
faculty presented a skit. The three
girls making up the Homecoming
royalty were also selected during
the assembly; they were Karen
Cole, Wendy Bolender and Mary
Tabor, The queen was chosen
from these girls and announced at
the second assembly on Friday.
The first clue for the queens
crown was also given it was "it's
on a hill". Then the first clue for
the football hero was given it was
"He's got dark hair and broad
shoulders." Dick Wentz, the
junior class advisor announced the
junior class aclivities for the
week; the class presidents were
dressed up as ugly as they could
and a contest was being sponsored
to see which class president was
the Ugly Man. Voting was held by
money. A penny equalled one
vote. "rhe money went toward the
new school if the bond passes.
Also on Monday the seniors held
a jello slurp and opened the jail.
The seniors won the jello slurp.
Tuesday was the junior day
and they sponsored a grease pole
climb which the senior boys and
junior girls won. At noon the
juniors held a peanut push in
which you push a peanut with
your nose. Larry Olli won this fo"
the junior class.
Wednesday the sophomore
class held a Stomp the Vicking
day and held a Tricycle race
during noon which they won. The
seniors came in second and the
juniors last because their tricycle
had been forgotten.
Thursday the bonfire was held
on Loop Field and the Music
department held a music show in
the Junior tligh Auditorium.
l:riday was the big day for the
me and many
as crowning the queen
place al the pep asse/ly at 9:00
a.m. This year's queen was Mary
Tabor;. her court included Karen
Cole and Wendy Bolender. The
girl's escorts were Don Cox, Curt
Stracke and Brad Bransford. The
football hero was announced and
the person who guessed who he
was received a prize. The hero was
Curt Stracke and Jim Connolly
was the first to guess who it was.
Mr. Irrisistible was also
announced and he was the
member of the team who received
the most dots from girls Tuesday.
The winner was Jack Stark the
coach. The game was held at 8
pro. on Loop Field. There the
winners of the Ugly Man contest
were announced. The juniors won
with more than 100 votes and all
together the students raised more
than $2.00 towards the school
bond. After the game which the
Vikings won 14 to 0, the Girls
Club sponsored the Homecoming
dance for which the Axis Drive
played. The Axis Drive is a group
from Seattle.
Saturday is the AFS workday.
Students will be available for
work all day at the Angle
building. They will be fullfilling
their Halloween insurance and
will be available for other work.
Members of AFS also passed
out papers on the bond at the
game Friday night.
The pep club sold popcorn at
the game Friday night and the last
home game.
At the Oct. 22 Senate meeting
the senate decided on two major
issues. One was the senior
privilege cards which entitles the
seniors to leave their study hall
and go to a senior lounge where
they will be able to talk and carry
out what ever they must do. To
be eligible for this the student
must have a 2. average, must take
a letter home to his parents and
must have all his teachers sign it.
This card can be revoked if the
student missuses his privileges.
The other issue discussed was
setting up a court for the students
who disobey school rules during
the school This court would
Ille was also
discussed becadse thpictures will
cost more this year and the
students will have to raise the
money or pay more for the
The date for the senior ball
has been set for Nov. 15 a
and Ralph Killough and low prize
to Vera Goidy and Max Cash.
Next meeting is Nov. 8 with Mr.
and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier host and
Matlock ladies club is
post-poned until Nov. 12 with
Mrs. Sadie Dawson hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jacobs are
the parents of a son born Oct. 24
at Mason General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shaw left
Friday morning by plane for
Lackland Air Force Base in Texas
to see their son Jerry Shaw
graduate as a Pilot.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rossmaier
and three sons and James
Rossmaier of Olympia were
weekend guests at the Lud
Rossmaier home. Saturday Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Rossmaier and
family of Olympia and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Goodburn and family of
Shelton were guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
spent Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Ator of McCleary.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scales of
Auburn were weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Wells Mayer.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gwinnett
spent the weekend in Portland
with relatives.
Mrs. Augusta Portman and
Carl Portman spent Wednesday
and Thursday at the L. D.
Portman home in Tacoma.
Some of our customers
really think that all we
)rharmacists do is remove pills
om one bottle and count
them into another. It wouldn't
take five years of college to
learn how to do that.
We have to know all there
is to know about pills-- many
pills -- in fact, thousands of
different kinds. We must
remember the actions, uses,
dosage, proper storage, and
dozens of other facts about
every pill we dispense.
You go to the best doctor
-- no reason why you shouldn't
have the best medicine -- and
the best medicine §drtainly
tnvolves more than counting.
Nell's Pharmacy
ergency Ph, 426-2165
Fifth & Franklin St. -- 426-3327
Open Dally 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays- 9:30 - 6:00
When we say" "Use electricity for the things it
does best - and heating is not one of them," our
logic is backed by the fact that more American
households are heated with gas than are heated
by all other forms of energy combined! We
couldn't ask for a stronger testimonial.
Flameless energy can't match the speed of the in-
tense blue flame of natural gas. There's no wait-
ing when you turn your gas heat thermostat up
-or turn it down. Action is instant. But the same
exercise with flameless heat is a long-drawn-out
process. While you wait for an electric tempera-
ture to come up-or go down-to the desired level,
you're paying.., sometimes 'til it hurts.
There are many wonderful uses for electricity.
Home heating is not one of them, take it from
33,000,000 American households.
It's the FLAME That Counts!
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 30, 1969
Mrs. Amy Backstrom of Yelm
and Mrs. Cora Shzer of Roy spent
Saturday afternoon wilh Mrs.
Augusta Portman.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Bennett
were visiting at Deer Lodge,
Mont. with relatives the past
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker
spent the weekend in Seattle with
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Walker and met
Sandy Calkins who returned from
visiting her folks at San Diego,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cash and
daughters Holly and Sylvia of
Everett were weekend guests at
the Max Cash home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley,
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and
Mr. and Mrs. EIvin Hearing
celebrated Mrs. Romaier's Mr.
Valley's and Mr. tlearing's
birthdays by having dinner at
Ted's Steak House near Shelton.
They then all drove to Harstine
Island. Later in the evening they
enjoyed birthday cake and Ice
cream at the Hearing's home.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry
• accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Rowe and Harold ttopkins
of Shelton were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Hopkins of
Tacoma Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper and
Susan visited the Bird House at
Woodland Park in Seattle
Saturday. They then visited the
Bill Chrisman family in Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Scrogham
of Shelton were Sunday drop-in
callers at the Dick Tupper home.
Ira Brehmeyer spent the
weekend with his grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford.
Visitors at the Herbert
Brehmeyer, Sr., home were Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Brehmeyer and son
of Grisdale, Thursday night, Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Case and Shelly
Friday night and Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Brehmeyer and son
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland May and
children of Seattle and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Richert of Hoquiam
were Sunday dinner guests at the
Kenneth Howard home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith and
daughter are spending this week
with their folks the Archie
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry
spent Saturday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Olsen of Belfair.
SAT., NOV. I, 12:30
Located ,7 NwflJ of Bm m Lost Lake Road nc ll
South of Slnitoa m Lost l.dte Rood. Watch for dl is.
Model 530 Case tractor with plow, Diesel Power
Ford Tractor, good shape
1955 Ford Flatbed, 2-speed axle, good condition
11)9 Loader, good condition
Irrigation System, complete with 5 hp motor, 26
sprinklers, 4-inch main
10 kilowatt Electric Light Plant, good condition
Surge 4-unit Pipeline Milker, glass and stainlsss
and Valvco 217-gallon milk tank
AC Raid Chopper 2 Grain Seeclen
1930 Model A Dump Truck Side Delivery Rake
Drill Press Cider Press
Radial Saw Stock Horse and Soddb
and a bt of good tools too numer0vs to amd
MARGARET 0LMSTEAD, Owner, Phone 482.2882
GARY LEAVITT, Auctioneer, 765-35N
We At Lumbermen's of Shelton
Urge You to Vote
by Voting on the "
Our Community The Best
Educational and Recreational Facilities for Its
Children, That h Can Afford.
Our Children R V E The Fines t
Environmental Educational Opportunities
We Can Give Them.
-- The Need Is Urgent --
Good Schools Help Attract Good Teachers and Build
a Better Community!
Tues., November 4th
Mason County"