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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 30, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 30, 1969
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ult Recreation Night Set In School Gymnasium II)GBROOKS Irene at 426-1296 or John residents of the Community are Rhodes, John Cook and Rusty Pat Wells, I'ioneer P.T.O. [0NEER ....... Wednesday have been reserved for at the Pioneer of games and fun are by Co-chairmen Irene and John Cook. Hours 7 to 10 p.m. For information, please call 426-6459. The Pioneer P.T.O. executive board meets tonight in the school library at 8 p.m. The regular monthly meeting of Pioneer P.T.O. will be held Nov. 4 in the library at 8 p.m. A representative from the Sheriff's Office will be the guest speaker. Parents and rt Aid Instruction Life Of Boy all of their many friends, for both SPORT - At the household this father knows best, true. Father cut out an n first-aid and placed the a COnspicuous wall to be lUently, so when Matt discovered, by his ', face down and )us, in a nearby fish Winnie immediately OUth to mouth tion. On calling to little Matt, 1 am say he was as busy as his Would allow, doing his Pull himself up and ;E PA RTY lioovan and Nene 'lanned a successful for the soon- at the Alfred Friends and athered at the home of Gifts were opened were played with by Mrs. Andy Scott, Linton and Delores Party was topped off of a very special :orated with the family tree. Mrs. lfield was the baker Or. 'ROM HOSPITAL Laramie has returned a Seven day stay in the al ltospital, where he for a fall which last Monday, while John suffered four ribs. Mr. and Mrs. a big thank you to cards received and offers of assistance. PINOCHLE Club sessions were htild twice last week in the homes of Ruth Johnston and Millie Itovey. Winners wcre Marty Lanning, LeAnn Rischel and Rulh Johnston. Set ate l)epartment of ture has mailed Petitions to initiate Procedures to fill OCcuring on the Fryer Commission on 1, 1969. nbent in District 3, Mason (,ounty, is of Rochester. SOROPTIMIST CLUB Last Wednesday evening, Frances Frint and Marge Furlong were co-hostesses for Soroptimist Club at the Old Mill Cafe. Guest speakers were John Schrieber, Bob Ledbetter and Bob Roninger. DRIVERS BEWARE Out of Nowhere, this time of year, Goblins and Witches, may suddenly appear. Trick or treating so much fun, They pay no heed where they run. Witches or Goblins seldom wear white, So please watch for us, if you're driving this night. urged to attend and take part in the question and answer period following the program. Don't forget to vote Nov. 4. Polls are ()pen from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Of special local interest to voters of the area are the school board positions. Ina Auseth is on the ballot for the four-year term presently held by Forrest Koch. John Cook is seeking the position as a write in candidate. Koch is not sceking re-election. Geraldine Brooks, better known locally as Codg - has filed for the unexpired terms of two years vacated by Ruth Probert. Last Thursday evening some 40 Mothers & Girls met in the Pioneer library to discuss the continuation of the Girl Scout I'rogram in the area. Irene (;oldsby is Junior Leader and in charge of the Girl Scout Program as a whole. Codg Brooks will be the Cadet leader for thc coming year. Peggy Schouviller summed up the Brownie "l'roop Activities but at this writing no one had volunteered to head up this important division of Scouting. It is only with the cooperation of the youngster's parents that the opportunity of the Girl Scout program is available for our area. If there is to be a Brownie Troop . and the 2nd&3rdgrade girls are excitedly hoping so won't a few lnolrls volunteer and make these little gals very happy'? Just lift that phone receiver and dial your little old Girl Scout Leader, Irene (;oldsby 426-1296. Monday evening in the Bordeaux Gym the Cub Scout Troops from Pioneer School reel with other troops from Shelton for their first pack meeting. Dale NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS of TAYLORRADIO ELECTRIC-TV For Service on Your IV Cable System, or Cable Hook-Up, Please Contact LEROY$ TELEVISION SERVICE 2118 Olympic Hwy. No. Phone: 426-3172 Payment of Taylor Radio Electric TV Accts: Mail to : 4th and Cota Sts., Shelton Yates were among the boys from this area who received awards. The Pioneer boys put on a two scene skit to the enjoyment of the Parents attending. Sharon Coleman's Shelton troop made a Spookhouse for all the Cub Scouts and their guests to shiver in. After a costurne judgement one of our boys, John Cook. won second -- the (?uhs enjoyed a few games. Refreshments of cider and donuts were served. Information concerning the (ub Scout Program in our area may be obtained by calling Sally and John Cook 426-6459. The Dens are presently meeting Wednesdays at Pioneer School from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Recreation ('hairman announces there will bc a Cider Pressing Party today at 4 p.m. at the home of Mary Ann and Ron Barnes. Anybody interested in helping press the apples for cider for the annual llalloween party for the school children arc asked to call I'at at 426-2327 or show up at the Barnes at 4 p.m. today. 'l'he youngsters party will he held Friday at the school from 2 to 3:10 p.m. The Room Mothers are m charge of all other details concerning the Ilalloween Parties. A recent guest of Ilelen and Ray Walker of Bay Shore was Ilelen's Mot her, Mrs. Grace 'laylor of Vancouver, B.C. Sunday the Walker's daughter and family, (;loria and Paul Kenworthy and son, ('hristopher, of Bainbridge Island arrived to lake Mrs. Taylor home to the Island for shore visit. From there Mrs. Taylor will return home to Vancouver, B.C. Jim Brooks arrived home Oct. 22 for a weeks leave. Ills ship, the U. S. S. Ogden leaves Nov. I for another tour of duty in Viet Namese waters. Sunday the Brooks had a family dinner for Jim. ltis Grandmothcr, Katherine Brooks of Alderwood Manor, his sister and her family, Molly and Arlen Cuzik with Mike and Dannell, Angle Barber of Lake Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burris of Seattle were among the guests. Both Norm's and Jim's ships are expected back in the States sometime next summer. still time to enter fabulous new china program FREE! THIS BEAUTIFUL 4-PIECE PLACE SETTING WHEN YOU OPEN A NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT OF $25...0R WHEN YOU ADD $25 TO YOUR PRESENT ONE A moment's glance, and you know this exquisite china is among the finest made. Beautifully translucent. It rings like a bell .... and takes to dishwashers like a charm. The traditions of ancient craftsmen, handed down from generation to generation, have made "SPRINGTIME" by International Silver a dinnerware service any homemaker will be proud to have grace her dining room table. Compare it with any other dinnerware. Never before has such quality china been offered at such a low price. Yes, your first place setting is free, then, through our special arrangement with the International China Com- pany, we can offer you each addi- tional place setting for only $2.85 plus tax, whenever you nake a $25 addition to your savings account. You may receive as many place settings as well as salad dishes, fruit dishes and soup dishes as you wish for only $2.85 (a fraction of their real worth). Then when you've com- pleted at least six place settings you can purchase these additional china serving pieces at tremendous savings: Open Vegetable Dish .......... $2.85* Gravy Boat .................. 2.85 Sugar and Creamer Set ......... 2.85 12" Platter .................. 2.85 14" Platter ................... 2.85 *Plus Tax THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION • SHELTON Branch 313 Railroad Avenue Thursday, October 30, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17