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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 30, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 30, 1969
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Harstine i i i, i Local Woman Has Display At Craft Show By CARMEN YATES ItARTINE .... This coming Saturday evening will wind up a two week Art and Craft Show which is currently taking place at South Sound Center. Harstine's own talented gal, Pat Dunlap is participating in this show. Some of the items she is displaying include several sizes of wood plaque decorated with glazed clay floral designs, and one of the itenls that especially caught this reporter's eye were her angel figurines. It was rny pleasure to spc, nd a couple of hours just the day before the Art Show started watching Pat put together some of her art work she was busily preparing for the show. It was an interesting two hours as Pat worked and answered questions about her work. I f some of you readers are over at the Center during the last two or three days of the Show do look Pat up and say 'lit' and introduce yourself" if you aren't already acquainted. She'll be demonstrating what she would otherwise be doing at home in their new shop overlooking Picketing Passage and Squaxin Island. The shop itself is still under construction, with husband John doing the building himself, but at this point is coming along very nicely, lncidently, that show might be just the place to pick up an unusual and different Christmas gift for that special someone. Islanders don't forget to get out for a breath of fresh air next Tuesday. And while you're out stop by the Hall to vote, John Cook of Agate is running for the position of school director as a write-in candidate opposin Mrs. Ina Auseth for the position now held by Forrest Koch. Serving on tire election board here on the Island will be Donette IIIIIIIII II I I III I II I IIII1[ III I IIIIII I I i Donald J. Smith 426-4679 Allstate INSURANCE Auto & Auto Financing Homeowners - Business Health - Life - Fire All Lines Commercial Specializing in Melvin L. Arnold 426-2729 Family Security & Savings Plans Sears Building, 324 Railroad, Shelton , N OOot t " 426 4440 o o ) m Im Giaser, Annie Yates, Dot Smith and May Brassfield. And as always the polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. A big sigh of relief will probably be audible to the areas surrounding the Island this year as Island residents read this column and learn that they won't be haunted by any ghosts or goblins this year. The small-fry along with their parents have decided it just isn't fair to keep you nice people up so terribly late waiting for them to make the rounds of the whole Island. And believe it or not it really does take from six to eight hours to drive around and stop at each home. But we want you all to know we'll all (kids and morns, too) miss seeing you this year and we wish to thank each and every one of you who have been so generous in past years and helped make llalloween such a memorable occasion for the children. Gals don't forget another whole month has nearly slipped away and a week from today will be Ladies Club. ]'he hostess for November is going to be Orvalmc Olds at her lovely home overlooking Picketing Pass. The main business of the meeting will be the annual jaunt across the water to be guests of the Pickering tlomemakers Club and also committee reports for the Christmas Party in December. Orvaline is combining the Club meeting with a demonstration by Mary Ann Gunsehnan of Bellair. So Club members bring a friend along to this meeting. But if you do plan to bring a guest with you be sure to let the hostess know so she will know how many to plan for. This weekend PI. Wilson is going to be losing a very nice family. Jackie Seamans and her three children, Christine, Brad and Craig wilt be moving to Bremerton where she has located a house, III I IIII II III III II ,,,, ,111 i i ii, i iii i i n i ii i i n . ! Announceng. ur. harry Tok 00os, .... Optometrist, Will be located in his new office at 127 Nc rrn 5th Street across from Seattle First National Bank after November 1, 1969. ,, H ,, , , ,,, ,, ,,,=, , i A dollar might get you hail a pair of socks. That same dollar, or even less, will let you talk station to station to anyone anywhere in the continental United States (except Alaska) for three minutes after seven p.m. and all weekend long. Pacific Northwest Bell age I8- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 30, 1969 We also learned that the an aunt and uncle, the Ernie house, more familiarly known to Byers at Pt, Wilson. Islanders as 'Florence's Small The past week or so the House' has been sold by its most Telephone Company has been recent owner, Bill Griffith. So it busily working away on the Island will be interesting to learn who on the south end and along the the Island's newest residents will low road taking down nliles and be in the near future, miles of 'bird perches'. Since the And while we are in the Pt. phone wire has been buried Wilson area we hear that some of underground during the past year the residents in that neck of ttle the overhead wires are no longer woods have been doing a bit of needed and the removal of those traveling, overhead wires is currently taking Jim and Naomi Lohrer place. recently flew down to Reno, Nev. Also we would like to correct to enjoy a bit of that city's fun an error in last week's ltarstine and entertainment. They met two column. In the story concerning other couples, close friends from the Island's serviceman, Dave Olympia, the Bachmans and Waile it was erroneously stated Shefflers. Together the six friends that Gary Cameron (I)ave's close spent an en.ioyable few days friend) was fortunate enough to seeing the city's famous have been sent honw after only a attractions, brief tour of duty in Vietnam. And this past Sunday evening However, Gary's folks told us that Hi and Jean Butch returned from he wasn't sent back to the States, but rather was just relocated and a hunting trip to Utah. They were accompanied by their daughter, is still serving m Vietnam, too. My Janel Hranac and her husband, apologies to Gary and his fanfily. Tom and tile young couple's Stan and Annie Yates last 14-month-old son. This is an Thursday drove up to Sea-Tac to annual affair for the Burches each meet Stan's sister, Ruby Birely of fall. While they are hunting for Livernlore, Calif. who had flown deer in the Bear Lake area near up to visit a sister and brother, (;arden City they are the guests of both o1 whom had been recently close friends, the Max Thornburgs. hospitalized. From the airport the Altogether the hunting party had three drove on up to Snoqualmie good hick and wound up with six to see Stan and Ruby's sister, deer to divide among the group, for Lena ('of f man. She's been their two-week efforts, released from the hospital and Other news from the Burchcs was recuperating at a Rest llome. is that they have a boat shop Saturday eveningthcy returned to constructed and presently tearing tile Island and arose early Sunday down the okl log house on their morning to drive to Ollala to have property in preparation for breakfast with Stan and Ruby's buildings permanent home. They brother, Faust, who also had received their phone two or three recently been released from a weeks prior to their Utah hunting Tacoma hospital, l.atcr Sunday trip, also and tlLcir number is afternoon Ruby boarded a plane 426-6850. to fly back home. Monroe (Mike) Michaelis has John and Alice Budd enjoyed been busy the past few weeks having their close friends, the AI drilling a number of wells for Pt. Schenks of Camp Hoko come for Wilson residents. The John a weekend visit this past weekend, Niemis, lit Burches, Ray as it had been a number of Thornburg and the Kramers all months since to the two couples have been recipients of new wells, had seen each other. Joined by The words'l just hit water' came the Glenn Yates, Saturday at just slightly over 60 feet for evening, the three couples both John Niemi and tti Burch. enjoyed an evening of fun and Incidently, Ray Thornburg of dancing at the Moose tlalloween Oregon is a brother of Max Party. Thornburg, the Burches' Utah q'he Chuck Bridges fanfily, friends, accompanied by Mioa's sister, And here's two or three items Lorna Saeger spent an enjoyable that had to be deleted from last weekend with their close friends, due to lack of space, the Hiram Humphreys of Dr. A. B. Carson and a friend, Raymond. The two families have William Crim flew up from one common interest which binds California to spend this past them together very closely, weekend on the doctor's horses. property, namely McMicken And last but not least Paul Island, located just northeast of and Edna Lansky of Taconm were Ballow. on the Island this past weekend to Bob and Vonnie Stamorski inspect the progress taking place and their two youngsters were on on their new development at the the Island weekend before last. it south end of ltarstine. It was their had been a number of months first trip to the Island since since the young family had been Edna's surgery last month. She is down to visit Bob's folks, the getting along very well and Andy Stamborkis. They also gradually recovering her strength. called on the Bud Glaser family at Also down were Edna's aunt Ballow. Other guests at the and uncle Clay and Bethina Stamborski home that same Keeler and the couple's pet dog. weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Their camper provided both DuPont of Seattle. restaurant and rest service for And down at the Dunlaps themselves and the Lanksys. The besides Pat's brother, Russ, who latter especially appreciated by nonchalantly dropped in, -= afoot, Edna. as reported last week, they were Next week we'll have the equally as delighted to have story of the Lansky's John's sister drop-in for a surprise development. Harstme's most visit. Patty Calvert of Rochester, recent one; and how the Lanskys Minn. traveled to Portland acquired their first ten acres here recently to a medical convention, just eight years ago while residing as she is a Lab Technician at the in Boston. And also how and Mayo Clinic. Since it had been 12 when this reporter became years since she'd last seen her acquainted with this delightful brother and his wife she took couple. advantage of being so close and This item just came this traveled the few extra miles to say morning. Island friends of 'Hello' even though it did have to Dorothy Barnett will be saddened be a rather brief visit, to learn that she was rushed to the One of Harstine's former Hospital in early hours of this teachers, Evelyn Osborne was on Tuesday morning. The definite t h e l sland recently, nature of the illness wasn't Accompanying her was her son available for this week's column, and daughter. They visited the sincere get-well wishes from Bud Glaser family at Ballow and everyone here, Dorothy. You Belong at VILLA CAPRI now renting one & two bedroom apartments $129 to $149 .featuring. • DISHWASHERS ,DISPOSALS .DRAPES • THICK WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING • FREE CABLE TV .SAUNA Enjoy Clubhouse Facilities TV monitored heated swimming pool Putting green, table tennis, pool table Complete FUN CENTER Villa Capri oo Black Lake Blvd. Olympia - 352.0483 Your Hosts: Bill & Ruth Kurtz 'Southside Open House Is Slated At School For Nov. 4 By MRS. RAY KRATCHA Open House at Southside School will be Nov. 3, following the P.T.O. meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Multi-purpose room. The Student Council is selling candy to raise nloney for school activities. The candy is sold one day a week, on Wednesday. The sixth and seventh grade girls arc discovering muscles they didn't know they had, according to Mrs. Annette McGee, P.E. instructor, who really gives the girls a workout. Southside youngsters are enjoying the new Tether Ball set put up recently. Southside football team won over I)ioneer 18 to 12 recenlty. M e tllbers of tile Southside t e,t 111 a r c l )aul James, Roger Arndt, John Wilson, Carl Brown, Perry Ilouston, Ted Brewer, Gregg (Took, Mark Wilson, Mike Taylor, Joe llills, Bob York, David Wllitcncr, Danny Eveleth, Steve Ilawlcy, David Ilerrick, Glen Thanure, [)ale Olson, Bill Neal and Joe Lester. l'he seventh grade students ::ire studying narcotics as their science unit and have invited the Teen Alert group from the Washington Correction (?enter to discuss problenls of narcotics. The Live Wires 4-11 club held a nleeting Oct. 20 at the Southside School. Susie Ilallberg led the flag salute and 4-11 pledge. Those present at the meeting were Kathy Bailey, Susie tiallbcrg, Sharon Johnson, Lori Goldsby, Jane Cleveland, Debbie Goldsby, Cheryl Bedell, Lori Rains, Nancy Eveleth and leaders Mrs. Betty Wolf and Mrs. Edith Bedell. Elected for this years officers were president, Lori Goldsby; vice-president, Susie Hallberg; treasurer, Kathy Bailey; secretary, Debbie Goldsby and reporter, Sharon Johnson. Lori Rains made the motion ttre nleeting be closed and Cheryl Bedell seconded it, reported Nancy Eveleth. Guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Archer was Mrs. Archer's sister Gertrude Talbot of Broken Bow, Neb. who left Monday after spending one and one half weeks here visiting. Five menlbers, of the Southside Homemakers visited the Olympic Brewery Oct. 21, and ate lunch at tile 'Whuck Wagon" in Lacey. Silver Stars next meeting will be Nov. 12, and will have election of officers. Poster Contest Winners Feted Winners of the poster contest held to advertise the North Mason School spaghetti dinner were Bruce Jollnson, Anna Blacefield and Darcia Cearley. Each received a $5 prize. Three second prizes of tickets to the dinner were given in each of the three age groups. Winners of these prizes were Terri Brunner, Dehbie Wolle and Rene Vorliss, kindergarten through third grade; Chert Anderson, Richard Meek and Terri Anderson, fourth through sixth grades, and (;all Rogers Susan Schalz and Lisa Kronquist, seventh and eighth grades. The posters were on display at the dinner in the cafetorium. Decorations and center pieces were done by the 4-H club under the direction of Ruth Nelson and lteather Marsh. Pat Mediros was chairman of the dinner. (;uests of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. SAEG|R Wetmore on the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sloan of ___ LIOp Porthmd, Ore. and Mrs. t.aura MOTOK =" Hadley of San Diego, Calif. ta, ,,,-  ¢T 4 6 .qal" OF ,., WEEKI Weighs only 8 ',/.' IbS./e I attachments, yet tm=, packed, easy-handling sa * rees up to four feet thi k. Power Tip (optional) incre  ting speed by as much s See this great s aaW i Portable Heater Radiant Fan-forced NOW ONLY s229 B&R I] Paid Political Adv. by Citizens Advisory Committee. Ron Ring, Chairman'