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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 30, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 30, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FIRST STEP in moving the Shelton High School Department's children's Theatre production of Held/ Capitol Theatre in Olympia was to load all of the I, PORTRAYED by Julie Archer, and by Art Nicklaus talk to a of the Capitol Theatre in a after one of the performances the E.17 I ' II'-°. ,o, ,.,o. ] ,.m..... I II "oo,..n. 1 [i Hilh 8©hool Il:ltlk Y, cinnamon rolls, Ih" r Chill con came, |lt lad, peanut butter , ,i, Cherry pie and milk. Ib"$bAY -- Pizza, green I Ite lery sticks, peaches, €tt/i = -,,t crackers, and milk. .ot °o0, on 0o, . Illb-,,, oven baked beans ! i,;, on, seasoned carrots, I I :" ,sp, and milk. Rexall scenery and props on the bus which students there. Here, students wait in equipment is loaded so it will all go in. Shelton High School Drama Department gave of its Children's Theatre production of Held/ there last week. Looking on is the owner of the theatre. I Frequent Car Washing Preven!s.rRUStI The Society of Automotive g" s (SAE) has stated that frequent car washes as well as commercial rust-proofing can fight deterioration and add value to a car at trade-in time. Follow The Experts Advice! oNtY$100 FOR 2 ""°" Washes away Dirt & Grime/ FREE Flit Wash With 12 Wash with Gallons of Gas Lube and Oil Change Bob Kimbel s Richfield on HillCrest Open 10-8 p.m. IlI transported the line while the ONE OF THE BIG attractions of the Shelton High School Drama Department's Children's Theatre production of Held/is the goat "Cougar" owned by the Marvin Sexton family and loaned to the group for the play. Mary M. Knight Students To Take Tests By DENISE AVERY Oct. 31 the Seniors will take their Armed service test. This test is to analyze the skills that each individual has, to help officials decide what kind of jobs they are qualified for if they join or are drafted into any branch of the armed service. Clerical knowledge, mechanics, and electronics are among the skills tested. Mary M. Knight has received its new annuals for 1968-69. The sales campaign has started. The year books sell for $3.50 without student body cards. If a student has a student body card, he may buy an annual for $2.50. A.S.B. cards are now on sale too. If a student buys one of these he gets into all home games free, (he otherwise has to pay $1) he also gets into away games for 50 cents. (Otherwise he has to pay $1) A.S.B. cards sell for $3.75 and you get $1 off on the annual. Friday at 2 p.m. the 1-4 grades will have a Halloween party. All students will dress up in costumes and parade at an assembly. Pre-schoolers are welcome, if accompanied by a parent. Oct. 31 at 7:30 p.m. "Young Peoples' Youth Group" from the Matlock Community Church will have a Halloween Party at the Kenneth Howard residence. I NOW HA LLMthe eAtR K INN Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner For Your Complete Dining Pleasure We Offer A Varied Menu, Expertly Prepared, Pleasantly Served In Modern Comfortable Surroundings efreshments f,,n the Baha Room Your Host: Earl Owens Railroad and First, Downtown Shehon Here, several young fans pet the goat and talk to Held/, portrayed by Karen Cole and Peter, portrayed by Steve Evander after the production was presented at the Capitol Theatre in Olympia last week. Anyone is invited. Oct. 31 the Freshman class will have a bake sale in the hall during noon hour. In the Science department the seventh grade is studying plants. 1"hey will plant and care for many different kinds of plants and use them for studies. The eighth grade math class is studying the Dewey Decimal system. Oct. 23, the faculty had a faculty night. All teachers were present. ]'hey played hockey and Mr. Jurgens accompanied by playing the "Lovers' Concerto." Afterward they all went to the Jorg's home for apple and cherry pie. i Grange Event There will be a card party at the Agate (;range Hall Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. Pinochle and other games will be played. Coffee and cookies will be served. Noise proves nothing. ()ften a lien who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she laid an asteroid. ..... Samuel I,. Clemens IUIIO CALL  I0 426-3272 and ask about our CHRISTMAS PARTY and ½ PRICE SITTING! vergree-n ' Polident Powder Reg. 92, 63 Almond Roca Flash Cubes .ow sio9 Westinghouse S|o9 $1.95 Value. Tooth Paste ""°"r'*,'O0.ow 79 H [rormul,[00 Beads I v|rgretn Evergreen Square 426-3456 Thursdayl October 30, 1969 - Shelton'Mason County Journal - Page'21