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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 30, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 30, 1969
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etter Deer__Hun!ing Forecast Th is Weekend : ::: Legal Publi.fionSNoTiCE OF GENERAL--==----------------=Lega&apos; PubIicationsELECTION ii i ii°sii!is!;? !ii'ii Grays Harbor County. Wash,ngtOnTuesday, November 4, ) 969 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, November 4, 1969, a General ElectSon will be held in the above named School District for improved this coming weekend the submission to the qualified electors of the School District No. Legal Publications Legal Publications=____. Legal Publications I OF GENERAL AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That a General Election will be held for all School Districts, County Districts and ediateSchool District No. 113and No. 114, together with aSpecial Bond Election for School District No 309. 11 aid Elections will be held in concert on Tuesday, November 4, 1969, at the Polling Places set out below. Said Polls will at 8:00 A.M. and remain open until 8:00 P.M. of said day (EXCEPT that in the case there are any voters in the Polling |'at the hour of closing, who have not voted, the Polls will remain open after the hours, to enable them to do so.) ELECTIONS HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1969 *S,0000ERAL SCHOOL DISTRICT ELECTIONS School Directors DISTRICT NO. 42 ). I (4 year term) Vote for One Route 3, Box 362-H, Shelton, Washington DISTRICT NO. 54 1 (4 year term) Vote for one q, Bunch, 760 Mason Lake Drive, Grapeview, Washington DISTRICT NO. 309 3 (4 year term) Vote for One K. Larson, Shelton Valley, Shelton, Washington 4 (4 year term) Vote for One nson, 328 Satsop,, Shelton, Washington Avenue, Shelton, Washington 5 (2 rear unexpired term) Vote for One Weston, Route 3, Box 412, Shelton, Washington 1103 Fairmont, Shelton, Washington DISTRICT NO. 311 1 (4 year term) Vote for One Cook, Matlock, Washington. 3 (4 year term) Mote for One 'rimble, Route 1, Box 140, Lima, Washington. DISTRICT NO. 401 1 (4 year term) Vote for One Stoehr, Route 1, Box 196, Shelton, Washington. DISTRICT NO. 402 I year unexpired term) Vote for One ec. Brooks, Route 2, Box 183, Shelton, Washington. 2 (4 year term) .. Vote for One Route 2, Box 631, Shelton, Washington. IL DISTRICT NO. 403 (4 year term) Vote for One Star Route 2, Box 146, Belfair, Washington (4 year term) Vote for One Kronquist, Star Route 1, Box 48, Belfair, Washington. Post Office Box 411 Belfair, Washington. 'L DISTRICT NO. 404 1 (4 year term) Vote for One Red" Edinger, St., Post Office Box 79, Union, Washington 4 (4 year term) Vote for One Box 284, Hoodsport, Washington. Potlatch, Washington. COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION Fire District Commissioners and for the last week of deer season, advise local Game Department personnel. Uncrowded hunting conditions should prevail in the Okanogan region. Ideal camping weather has held for most of the deer season thus far, and with adequate snow in the high country this week, many large bucks will be available for Okanogan deer hunter. Prospects for western Washington deer hunters are excellent for this coming weekend, the last of the season. Although severe winter losses during last year reduced the deer herd, good woods visibility and reduced hunter pressure in many areas will offer hunting prospects at least as good as last year for this closing weekend. Deer hunters statewide should remember that in western Washington and certain portions FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 1 --HOODSPORT of eastern Washington the deer 6 year term Vote for One season ends this coming Sunday, .......................................................................................... November 2. In areas of eastern NOTE: Since no one filed as candidate for this position it will be Washington where elk do not filled by write-in votes. However, candidate must reside occur, the deer season will close within the boundaries of Fire Protection District No. 1. on November 9. FI RE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 2 -- BELFAI R In northwest Washington, best 6 year term Vote for One bets for the lowland deer hunter ................................................................................................................... would be Camano and Whidbey Homer Stewart, Route 2, Box 446, Belfair, Washington. islands. Good populations of deer FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 3 -- GRAPEVIEW 6 year term Vote for One Joe Engen, Grapeview, Washington. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 4 -- ARCADIA 6 year term Vote for One NOTE: Since no one filed as candidate for this position it will be filled by write-in votes. However, write-in candidate must reside within the boundaries of Fire Protection District No. 4. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 5 -- ALLYN are present, with many hunters reporting lots of sign. Visibility in this brushy country is now greatly improved with much low brush completely barren of leaves. It is interesting to note that Skagit valley deer hunters are enjoying a successful season comparable to last year's. Many hunters who normally hunt in north-central Washington stayed closer to home this year. 6 year te.r  ......................................................... __Vote f____or One Weelend prospects in south William E. Morgan, Box 123, Allyn, Washington. Puget Sbund should be better Thomas Brokaw, 1128 Mason Lake Drive, Grapeview, Washington. than any except for the opening. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 6 -- UNION 6 ye_arte[m ........................................................... Vote fo_r One NOTE: Since no one filed as candidate for this position it will be filled by write-in votes. However, write-in candidate must reside within the boundaries of Fire Protection District No. 6. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 8 --TAHUYA 6 year term Vote for One Harold E. Allen, Star Route 2, Box 796, Belfair, Washington. FI RE PROTECTION DISTRICT,NO. 11, --CENTIpAL,:, .... 2, 4 and 6 year terms decided by numler of votes vote for'Three Leonard Cole, No. 13 Hidden Haven Trailer Park, Shelton, Washington. Thomas L. Savage, Star Route 2, Box 189, Shelton, Washington. Carl O Downing, No. 5 Parkwood, Post Office Box 271, Shelton, Wa. Gerald T. Pyle, 1 113 Northcliff Road, Shelton, Wash ington. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 12- MATLOCK 2, 4 and 6 year terms decided by number of votes Vote for Three Ira "lke" Ford, Route 1, Box 118, Lima, Washington. Harold Beerbower, Route 1, Box 152, Lima, Washington. Lawrence Hansen, Star Route 2, Box 158, Shelton, Washington. i i ii Port District Commissioners i PORT OF ALLYN District No. 2 (6 year term) Vote for One Charles Amacher, Post Office Box 46, Allyn, Washington. PORT OF DEWATTO GENERAL INTERMEDIATE District No. 1 (6 year term) Vote for One ICHOOL0000,,00 DISTRICT ELECTIONS R w. King, Star Route 1, Box 476, Bremerton, Washington. PORT OF GRAPEVIEW District No. 2 (6 year term) Vote for One .MCT NO. 113 Ori-nRi -Buckingh-am--0ute 1------, Box 15, Grapeview, Washin;to---n_---- "erm) -- -  ..... _ Vote for One PORT OF HOODSPORT |lt#B 8?a:Nashngto. " ......... District N0.3 (4 year unexpired term) ___VVote for On_.____ee l'x-313'Shelton, Washington Clayton G. Ferrier, Post Office Box 23, Hoodsport, Washington. PORT OF SHELTON _District______NNo.2__ (6 ye__ ar term .... Vote f_ or_OOn_ee James A. Pauley, 425 Henry, Shelton, Washington. PUBLIC HOSPITAL.DISTRICT No. 1 €ommlss,oner District No. 2 (6 year term) Vote for One Robert S. Holt, Star Route 1, Box 240-A, Union, Washington. PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES Airport ............................... F.P.D. No. 11 Fire.Hall Allyn .................................. Allyn Grade School Arcadia .................................. Southside School Belfair No. 1 ................... F.P.D. No. 2 Fire Hall -- Belfair Belfair No. 2 ................... F.P.D. No. 2 Fire Hall -- Belfair Belfair No. 3 ................................. P^'nts Realty Belfair No. 4 ................... F.P.D. No. 2 Fire Hall -- Belfair Capitol Hill ............... Capitol Hill Community Hall (WARC) Cloquallum .......................... Cloquallum Grange Hall Dayton ............................. Dayton Communi[y Hall Eells ....................... Middle Skokomish Community Hall Grapeview .................. F.P.D. No. 3 Fire Hall -- Grapeview Harstine ................................... Harstine School  r] Hoodsport .................. F.P.D. No. 1 Fire Hail -- Hoodsport t YES ................................ Isabella ................................... Bordeaux School Kamilche .............................. Kamilche Granee Hall Kamilche 2 .................... Little Skookum Communi[y Hall Lake ...... ................ F.P.D. No. 5 Fire Hall -- Mason Lake Lilliwaup .......................... Lilliwaup Community Hall Matlock • ............................... Matlock Grange Hall Mill Creel< . .. • ........................... Southside Grange Hall ,v,,ner ................................... Aqate Grange Hall Mt. View .................................. Ilt. View chool Northslde ................................... Pioneer School Pickering Potlatch .......................... Pickering Community Hall ............................... P.U.D. No. 1 Building Satsop ¢;kokomish" .............................. Matlock Granqe Hall .......................... Hood Canal Jr. Hi..chool Tahuya ....................... F.P.D. No. 8 Fire Hall -- Tahuya Union ......................... F.P.D. No. 6 Fire Hall -- Union Westside .......................... Shelton Valley Grange Hall ii i DATED this 24th day of October, 1969. RUTH E. BOYSEN Mason County Auditor IE PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES J&00No 111 No" 1 " 13 i :' • ...................... (Old) Latter Day Church ILO: 0 .......... Capitol Hill Community Hall (WARC) 10. I .............................. Mr. View School .......................... P.U.D. No. 3 Building ............................. .o000..uxsoo i .............................. Mt. View School ........................ (Old) Latter Day Church !'" 16 .............................. Mt. View School ..................................... City Hall ................................... Courthouse ................................... Courthouse .............................. Bordeaux School ........................... P.U.D. No. 3 Building ..................................... City Hal ...................... Mt. Olive Lutheran Church ...................... Mt. Olive Lutheran Church The lowland areas of Pierce, Lewis and Thurston counties should all produce deer. Regional game personnel in southwest Washington are anticipating definitely improved chances for the deer hunter this coming weekend. The likelihood of coming upon large bucks is very good, with excellent grouse hunting available, in the upper Tomle river draia ....... Klickitat county is open for deer hunting until November 9. The rolling hills, largely forested with oak, offer outstanding large blacktail deer are steadily 68-79 the following: improving. Westside elk hunters should be prepared for the possibility of connecting with a deer by having a deer tag in their possession. Legal Publications INVITATION FOR BID SERIAL NO. E6-69 Reconstruction of South Shore Circuit A. Invitation Notice is hereby given that the Commission of Public Utility District No. 3 ot Mason County will receive sealed bids for reconstruction of the South Shore Circuit, in the General Office of the District at Third and Cota Streets, Shelton, Washington until the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon Pacific Standard Time on November 10, 1969. At 1:00 o'clock P.M. on November 10, 1969, all bids received will be publicly opened and read for the work described in the contract documents. Such contract documents beinq on file in the District s General (ffice in Shelton, Washington. B. Contract Documents Interested bidders may obtain a copy of the contract documents, including plans and specifications upon request to the Manager of the District at the address set forth herein. The request must be accompanied by a deposit of $25.00, which will be returned if a bid is submitted. C. Location of Job The job is in Mason County. The exact location being shown on the vicinity map under Part Vl. D. General Description of Job and Work Rebuild and reconductor approximately 8 miles of 12,470 volt distribution linp, replacing one and two phases with three phase 556.5 AAC insulated conductor and transferring all existing service to the new circuit, including removal of all poles, fixtures, conductors and equipment not shown as incorporated in the rebuilt line. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept the bid which in their opinion and judgment will under the circumstances best serve the interest of the District. The District reserves the right to waive informalities. Public Utility District No. 3 of Mason County EDWIN W. TAYLOR, President J. A. COLE, Secretary HAROLD W. PARKER, Commissioner Address f Mailing: P, O. Box 490 Shelton, Washington Dated: October 13, 1969 10/16-23-30-3t DIRECTOR - POSITION NO. 1 Four year term Vote for One Major C. Joines DIRECTOR - POSITION NO. 2 Unexpired term Vote for One Raymond Badgett DIRECTOR - POSITION NO. 5 Four year term Vote for One Pat Sibon INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 113 DIRECTOR - DISTRICT NO. 7 $_,_°ur_y_ea r-_-m_____ .............................................................................................................. V ot e f O r O n e Marie Muller Russell Doerge Polling places for the aforesaid election will be the same as the general notice. Said polling places shall be open from 8:00 o'clock a.m. until 8:00 O'CloCk p.m. RUTH E. BOYSEN, County Auditor and Supervisor of Elections for Mason County, Washington. Published: Oct. 30, 1969 -- 1 t. Shelton-Mason County Journal. 10/30-1t NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION ELMA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 68-79 Grays Harbor County, Washington Tuesday, November 4, 1 969 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, November 4, 1969, a Special Election will be held in the above named School District for the submission to the qualified electors of the School District No. 68-79 the following Proposition: PROPOSITION: "School Facilities Improvement Bonds -- $650,000.00 "Shall general obligation serial bonds of Elma Joint School District No. 68/79, Grays Harbor County, Washington, be issued in the amount of $650,000.00 or such maximum lesser amount as can be legally issued under the laws governing the limitation of indebtedness, to mature in from two to twenty years from date of issue to bear interest at an effective rate of not to exceed 8% per annum, and the proceeds thereof used for capital purposes only, which shall not include the replacement of equipment, to pay a part of the cost of constructing and equipping a new elementary school, a shop addition to the existing high school building, a new physical education facility, and a board and administration center, together with the acquisition of such sites as may be required, and otherwise improving and extending school facilities in the District as the Board of Directors may determine to improve and extend, the principal and of the interest on the bonds to be paid by annual tax levies to be made in excess of any statutory or constitutional tax levy limitation, without limitation as to rate or amount, all as more specifically provided in Resolution No. 3--69-70, adopted by the Board of Directors of the School District on September 8, 19697 ' BONDS -- YES ................................ r--! BONDS -- NO ................................ r-l Polling places for the aforesaid election will be the same as the general notice. Said polling places shall be open from.8:00 o'clo(:k a.m. until 8:00 ' r' , RUTH E. BOY , ount Audt ' and Supervisory of Etec|rOlhs for Mason County, Washington Published: Oct. 30, 1969 -- 1 t. Shelton-Mason County Journal. 10/30- It III I I I II I II III IF your phone is gathering dust... NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING could ring the bell Due! off your selling w0rri':$ here in the pages of this newspaper. What- ever your service, you'll sell it best to more users when you advertise here. Let our skilled ad men show you how to put newspaper ad- vertising to work for you. Call for details. DIAL 4 12 Thursday, October 30, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23