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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 30, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 30, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Cards of Thanks )F APPRECIATION and sympathy and friends in our will always remain as a precious memory. re thanks and gratitude forting acts. Y. I1001 Publications OF HEARING SED PLATS of BROOKGOLF ESTATES 12 plat is located )n of Section 4, North, Range 3 in Mason County, now staked on the )lete metes and is shown on a proposed plat on file Estate Real Estate 'TER and PAINTER :)r yourself (if you or dress it ay there's made on this one! )ut the house is big, sits on. Better call $10,500 -- owner |UY IT is right on this home on and you can mortgage after equity for $2,250 gwe you some YOU CAN HELP US "s problem. She bedroom home acres with creek in Valley but works in Wants to trade for bedroom home on ,ew Hers is valued at nterested? Give us a SETTING e for anyone who ; own redecorating. Angleside Own personal touch Soon turn it into a AND you can an extra lot worth This is good -- full 0,600 and a low can be assumed of only $70 per with privacy Spacious, custom 3 bedrooms, and carpeted living kitchen is a dream with many Odles of storage, it adjoins both a a family room Attached 2 car ]ely finished. We you all the nearly new now for an see it. $27,500. lADE faro ly home on 'iew. The interior blends quality colors with use of space. the family of since it includes a care family room bath and utility carpeted fireplace, large area with all the ces and a double Owner will Ig into 2-3 bedroom Shelton. ILEAL ESTATE anytime Call Legal Publications in the County Planning Director's Office, in the Courthouse at Shelton, Washington. BEARD'S COVE NO. 1 Said proposed plat is located in a portion of the Sl/z, SEI/4 of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 2 West, W.M., in Mason County, Washington, now staked on the ground. Complete metes and bounds description is shown on a copy of the proposed plat on file in the County Planning Director's Office, in the Courthouse at Shelton, Washington. BEARD'S COVE NO. 2 Said proposed plat is located in a portion of the NW1/4, SE% of Section 31, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, W.M., lying Northwesterly of State Highway No. 21-C and Southeasterly of County Dump Road, in Mason County, Washington, now staked on the ground. Complete metes and bounds description iS shown on a copy of the proposed plat on file in the County Planning Director's Office, in the Courthouse at Shelton, Washington. BEARD'S COVE NO. 3 Said proposed plat is located in a portion of the HIz, SE% of Real Estate ANGLE AGENCY 3 BEDROOMS, CLOSE TO TOWN Here is a well cared for home located a short distance West of town. Many convenient features for the growing family. Price. $12,750. with $500 down on FHA terms. WANT TO PARK A TRAILER HOME??? 3.7 acres of land located about 12 miles East on good road. View of Pickering Pass and water and power close. Tidelands can be used. Priced at $4,750.00 terms with 81/z% interest on balance. HAMMERSLEY INLET SPECIAL *GOOD INVESTMENT* 2 -- low bank waterfront lots located close-in on the bay including tidelands. These lots are in sheltered cove and finest left on this bay. Priced at $190.00 per ft. So get a friend or two and snap up this property while it is available. Terms are 20°10 down at 7112% interest. CAN YOU USE 5 bedrooms? NICE LARGE YARD 5-bedroom home with 2% baths, full basement, recreation room, 3 car garage, hotwater heat, large fireplace, basket ball court, fruit trees and everything to make it a very livable family home. Selling price $30,000. Please contact this office for terms and interest rate. 4 BEDROOM HOME -- HILLCREST This home is located on 2 lots which are zoned commercial. Home is in process of being remodeled however very livable. Price $11,000 with $1,500 down and balance at 71/2%. RECREATIONAL PROPERTIES Lake Limerick lots available for your year round enjoyment. Waterfront, golf course and upland with terms available on many. Inquire today. ANGLESIDE TRACT SPECIAL 9TH & MAY STREET Tract 120x100 with plenty of merchantable trees or wood timber. Priced to sell at $1,625.00. Water & sewer available. Or corner 60 ft. x 100' for $850.00, inside lots for $775.00, 10 years wood supply, see it today! TO CLOSE ESTATE 3orner lot -- Eliinor and Olympic Hiway -- Excellent 4alue PRICED AT $4,950.00. ANGLE AGENCY Since 1890 Real Estate & Insurance HERB ANGLE DICK ANGLE JACK STEWART PAUL WOOD Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426.8272 he most valuable services We offer you negotiate mortgage financing. Both seller benefits from this service. The by our expediency of closing the ,er benefits by obtaining the best nanclng for his home. Himlie Realty 426-2646 Legal Publications Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 1 West, W.M., in Mason County, Washington, now staked on the ground. Complete metes and bounds description is shown on a copy of the proposed plat on file in the County Planning Director's Office, in the Courthouse at Shelton, Washington. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN: That said Hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 12, 1969 (or as soon thereafter as possible), in the office of the County Commissioners, and any person having an interest in the matter may appear at the Hearing to be heard for or against said proposal, after which, the Planning Commission will recommend approval or disapproval of these Plats to the Board of County Commissioners. DATED this 24th day of October, 1969. Mason County Planning Commission JAMES E. CONNOLLY Planning Director 10/30-1t NO. 10166 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. FAIRVIEW ESTATES, INC., a Washington corporation, Plaintiff, -vs- WALTER A. McMILION and BETTY McMILION, his wife, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: WALTER A. McMILION and BETTY McMILION, his wife, Defendants. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO APPEAR within sixty (60) days after the first publication of this Summons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 25th day of September, 1969, and defend the above entitled action in the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Kitsap County aforesaid; and answer the Compalint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned Attorney for plaintiff at his office below stated: and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. The purpose of this action is to forfeit a real estate contract and quiet title in plaintiff to the following described real property situated in Mason County, Washington: Lot 27-C of COLLINS LAKE ADDITION NO. 3, as recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 132, records of Mason County, Washington. /s/GARY A. CUNNINGHAM Attorney for Plaintiff 3421 Kitsap Way, Suite E Bremerton Professional Building Bremerto n, Washington 98310 Telephone ESsex 7-7691 9/25-10/2,9,16,23,30.6t NO. 10190 SUMMONS In thai'Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County BETTY J. FLAIZ, Plaintiff, vs. JAMES F. FLAIZ, Defandant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said JAMES F. FLAIZ, defendent. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60)days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 25th day of September, 1969 and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court and answer the Complaint of plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the plaintiff at his office below stated and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you accordin to the demand of the Complaint which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This matter is an action for a divorce as prescribed by law involving issue of division of property. LAWRENCE E. SORIANO Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address: No. 16, Professional Building Fourth and Pacific Bremerton, Washington 98310 (Kitsap County) .... 9/25.10/2,9,16,23,3U-bt Real Estate JUST OVER THE SHELTON CITY LINE! Immaculate 3 bedroom home. BIgUtility-Shop area, Garage  PLUS a separate lay, rec., or hobby.bldg. xcellent garden area, fenced yard. Owner will sell at F.H.A. appraisal with LOW- LOW Down. $12,750.00 ZONED COMMERCIAL 150' on Hiway 101 (more .available)4 bedroom home. ioem location for combination residence and business. Excellent terms! $11,000.00 180' ON BAYSHORE ROAD. Well. $1,000 down. $95 roD. 7%% int. SOME EXCEPTIONAL acreages available from $375 per acre. TRY US! CALL 426.1141 NOW! Evenlnge G. John Brush, Jr., Broker 426-8858 Albert Windell, Assoc. Broker 426-3681 "Jim" Roush 426-8522 226 N, 1at St., Shelton ii i Legal Publications NOTICE OF HEARING FRANCHISE APPLICATION No. 5108 I n the Matter of the Application of Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain underground telephone cable upon a portion of State Route No. 108, in Mason County, Washington. WHEREAS, the PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, a corporation, has filed with the Washincton State Highway Commission, under the provisions of Chapter 47.44 RCW and amendments thereto, an application for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain underground telephone line upon a portion of State Route No. 108, in Mason County, Washington, for a period of twenty-five (25) years, at the following locations: Beginning from a point approximately fifteen feet (15) to twenty-two (22) feet northerly of the centerline of State Route No. 108 at approximately H.E.S. 43+30. This point being located in the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 19, Township 19 North, Range 4 West, W.M. Thence traversing westerly and fifteen feet to twenty-two (22) feet northerly of the said highway centerline to H.E.S. 3+00 BK=98+00 AHD located in the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 24, Township 19 North, Range 4 West, W.M. thence continues westerly fifteen feet (15) to twenty-two h22) feet northerly of said ighway centerline through Section 25 to H. E. S. 0+50 BK=33+00 AHD, located in the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 4 West, W.M., thence traverses westerly fifteen feet (15) to twenty-two (22) feet northerly of the centerline of SR 108 to H.E.S. 0+33 BK=30+35.7 AHD located in the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 27, Township 19 North, Range 4 West, W.M., thence continues westerly fifteen feet (15) to twenty-two (22) feet northerly of the said highway centerline to a point fifteen feet (15) to twenty two (22) feet northerly of the said highway centerline at approximately H.E.S. 4+00, this point also being the westerly line of Section 27, Township 19 North, Range 4 West, W.M. This franchise also includes two highway crossings. These being located at approx. H.E.S. 92+70 and approx. H.E.S. 88+55 in the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 25, Township 19 North, Range 4 West, W.M. This is all located m Mason County, Washington. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That a hearing will be held on said application by the Washington State Highway Commission at its office in the Highways-Licenses Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 17th day of November, ]969, at 1:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as hearing may be had. DATED at Olympia, Washington, this 12th day of September, 1969. W. M. FOSTER Assistant Director for Highway Development 10/23-30-11/6-3t. NOTICE OF SURFACE WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 21835 State of Washington Department of Water Resources Olympia TAKE NOTICE: That WILLIAM C. and ANNE BATCHELOR of Shelton, Washington on September 24, 1969 filed application for permit to divert the public waters of Mill Creek tributary of Puget Sound, in the amount of 0.04 cubic foot per second, subject to existing rights, from May 1 to September 1 each year for the purpose of irrigation and continuously for stockwater that the approximate point of diversion is located within NWV4NEI/4SEV4 of Section 29, Township 20 N., Range 3W. W.M., in Mason LOunty. Any oojections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Water Resources within thirty (30) days from Oct. 30, 1969. Witness my hand and official seal this 10th day of October, 1969. GLEN H. FIEDLER Assistant Director, Division of Water Management. Department of Water Resources. 10/23-30-2t. Real Estate J legal Publications NO. 10189 SUMMONS In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County ERNEST SPITZ, Plaintiff, vs. JUNE FAYE SPITZ, Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said JUNE FAYE SPITZ, Defendant. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to-wit: within sixty 60) days after the 25th day of eptember, ]969 and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court and answer the Complaint of plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the plaintiff at his office below stated and in case of your failure so to do, judgement will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said court. This matter is an action for a divorce as prescribed by law, involving issue of divismn of property. LAWRENCE E. SORIANO Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address: No. 16, Professional Building Fourth and Pacific Bremerton, Washington 98310 (Kitsap County) 9/25-10/2,9,16,23,30.6t NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 4070 The Superior Court of Washington for Mason County in the Matter of the Estate of GAROLD LaVERNE TAYLOR, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as personal representative of this estate. Persons having claims against the deceased are required to serve the same, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address stated below and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such service within four months after Oct. 23, 1969, or the same will be forever barred. ARLEIGH T. JONES, Trust Officer Seattle-First National Bank Personal Representative JOHN C. RAGAN Attorney for Estate Title Insurance Building 122 Railroad Avenue Shelton, Washington 98584 10/23-30-11/6-3t. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE MATERIAL ON STATE LAND State of Washington Department of Natural Resources Bert L. Cole, Commissioner of Public Lands Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 25th day of November, 1969, commencing at ten ,o!clok in the forenoon of said day, at the Port Orchard District Headquarters, located at Port Orchard, County of Kitsap, State of Washington, by the District Administrator of said District, the timber on the following described state land will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, to wit: MASON COUNTY APPLICATION NO. 33921 Little Tahuya Thinninglocated approximately 8 miles-by road west of Belfair. The sale is composed of all timber marked with blue paint bounded by sale area boundary tags on parts of the following: Sl/2 NEll4, SWI/4, N1/ SE1/4 SWI/4 SE]/4 of Sect on 33, W1/2 NWlA of Section 34, all in Township 23 North, Range 2 West, W.M.; plus all timber bounded by right of way boundary tags on parts of the following: Lot 2 of Section 4, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M.; SE1/4 SWl/4, SWl/4 SE1/4 of Section 33, Township 23 North, Range 2 West, W.M., containing 100 acres, more or less, comprising approximately 280,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir and 10,000 bd. ft. of hemlock and pine, or a total of 290,000 bd. ft. Minimum acceptable bid: $8,360.00. Timber will be sold on a cash or installment plan basis. Timber must be removed prior to December 31, 1971. On or before November 25, 1969, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must make a minimum deposit of $836.00 in the form of cash, money order or certified check. Said deposit shall constitute an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale, the respective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. On the day of sale, the purchaser must pay the balance Real Estate Hood Canal Country "OLYMPIC VISTA" The Canal's finest homesites on the South Shore are ready for building. The power, water and telephone lines are installed, underground to each lot. Call us for our special Winter prices now offered SHUMATE REALTY Hoodsport ,, 877-5576 Illll I III legal Publications between the bid deposit and the full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or may, if the purchaser so elects at the time of sale, pay an additional amount, to bring the total amount of the dePosit, exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of the full bid price based on the cruise estimate, provided that such deposit shall not be less than $2,000.00. This balance may be aid by personal check. urchaser must also furnish within 30 days of date of sale a surety bond of $1,000.00 to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. All checks, money orders, etc. are to be made payable to the Commissioner of Public Lands. ACCESS ROAD REVOLVING FUND: $25.00 to be paid on day of sale. Accessibility: via public and Department of Natural Resources access. Complete contract and specifications may be examined at Port Orchard District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of the Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Port Orchard District Headquarters, on Tuesday, November 25, 1969, at 10 o'clock a.m. APPLICATION NO. 33922 Lone Duck located approximately 18 miles by road west of Belfair. The sale is composed of all timber bounded by sale area boundary tags on part SW1/4 SE1/4 of Sect on 4, part NWI/4 NEll4 of Section 9, all in Township 22 North Range 3 West, W.M., contaning 20 acres, more or less, comprising approximately 70,000 bd. ft. o Douglas fir, 10,000 bd. ft. of hemlock and 5,000 bd. ft. of pine, or a total of 85,000 bd. ft. Minimum acceptable bid: $2,145.00. Timber will be sold on a cash or installment plan basis. Timber must be removed prior to September 30, 1971. On or before November 25, 1969, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must make a minimum deposit of $214.50 in the form of cash, money order or certified check. Said deposit shall constitute an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale, the respective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful Real Estate Legal Publications bidders. On the day of sale, the purchaser must pay the balance between the bid deposit and the full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or may, if the purchaser so elects at the time of sale, pay an additional amount, to bring the total amount of the deposit, exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of the full bid price based on the cruise estimate, provided that such deposit shall not be less than $2,000.00. This balance may be paid by personal check. On the day of sale purchaser must also furnish a cash bond of $300.00 in the form of cash, money order or certified check to guarantee complianc'e with all terms of the bill of sale. All checks, money orders, etc. are to be made ayable to the Commissioner of ublic Lands. Accessibility: via Department of Natural Resources access. Complete contract and specifications may be examined at Port Orchard District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of the Commissiomner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Port Orchard District Headquarters, on Tuesday, November 25, 1969, at 10 o'clock a.m. APPLICATION NO. 33978 Last Chance Thinning located approximately 8 miles by road west of Belfair. The sale is composed of all timber marked with blue paint bounded by sale area boundary tags on part E=/2 SW%, part W1/2 SEI/4 of Section 35, Township 23 North, Range 2 West, W.M., containing 14 acres, more or less, comprisin g approximately 90,000 bd. ft. at Douglas fir and 5,000 bd. ft. of hemlock, or a total of 95,000 bd. ft. Minimum acceptable bid: $3,570.00, Timber will be sold on a cash or installment plan basis. Timber must be removed prior to September 30, 1971. On or before November 25, 1969, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must make a minimum deposit of $357.00 in the form of cash, money order or certified check. Said deposit shall constitute an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale, the respective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. On the day of sale, the lepI Publications purchaser must pay the balance between the bid deposit and the full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or may, if the purchaser so elects at the time of sale, pay an additional amount, to bring the total amount of the deposit, exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of the full bid price based on the cruise estimate, provided that such deposit shall not be less than $2,000.00. This balance may be paid by personal check. On the day of sale purchaser must also furnish a cash bond of $100.00 in the form of cash, money order or certified check to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. All checks, money orders, etc. are to be made ayable to the Commissioner of ublic Lands. Accessibility: via Department of Natural Resources access. Complete contract and specifications may be examined at Port Orchard District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of the Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Port Orchard District Headquarters, on Tuesday, November 25, 1969, at 10 o'clock a.m. Any sale which has been offered, and for which no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has been readvertised. If all sales cannot be offered within the specified time on the advertised date, the sale shall continue on the following day between the hours of ten o'clock a.m. and four o'clock p.m. Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised value, as appraised by the Commissioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by law, a notice of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of Mason County, and District Administrator of said district. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands 10/30-11/6-13-20-4t. %---_---_----__- --- ----_ Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of little children tends toward the formation of character. -Hosea Ballou Real Estate %%%%%%%%%%%% Real Estate MR. REAL Y STATE SAYS: 's No Trick ;:to treat your family to a New Home... Call 426-2646 Spit-and--Span Convenient location on Mt. View. All on one floor. 3 large bedrooms. Carport and shop in rear. Priced at $15,750. Where Else Ha,fine - 10 level acres near middle of island. County road frontage. $6,950 and good terms. Mobile Home Site- 3 1/2 miles out Arcadia road. Partly cleared but still lots of Can you buy a roomy, nice trees. Power. Only$2,900 comfortable 2 (or 3) bedroom on terms. home complete wth range, furnace, basement, curtains, I11 J! ,, 0.honl drapes and a big yard partly mau,nus fenced tar $7,950 with only $1,000 down? Month.y Beach- payments and interest are very easy too! 2 nice wooded lots just waiting for that second home. Close to Country Home- Very new 3 bedroom home for sale for $16,500. Price includes fishing rights year around on a private lake, full of Whopper Only 4 miles from town. |f we tell more, it will be gone before you get here. Hurry!! Brand New A chance you shouldn't let pass with building problems wnat they are. This 3 beoroom ramily-tvoe home is planned to fit the p'e'ople who w'ant just a .m[ more elbow room. /ne tract is bigger but the price is still just $24,850. We can help you -- give us a try!! Spencer Lake A dream of a retirement spot. 2 bedrooms, a nice fireplace, lovely new carpeting, vie,, a nice dock, yes and lots, lots more. It's well cared for, too. Contract terms and full price of just $21,500. Such a deal. 15.17 Acres - Partly cleared, tgeOOd ° county road access, wa r stock. Lots of trees. Near Agate store. Price $11,750. Terms. salt water. Priced to sell fast at just $1,500 each and easy terms. Lots- Lots - Lots Now is the time to get some real buys in recreation lots. We have both waterfront and back lots at most developments in county. New Listingll Hurry to see this immaculate 3 bedroom home on South Hill. Lots of goodies like carpets and drapes, secluded back ard, garage and carport. Our est buy a $11,000 with easy terms. Retired Couple... Practical 2 bedroom home with just enough room for most everything. You'll enjoy the fireplace, formal dining room, worKshOp and well.landscaped yard. $10,500 -- good terms. Color Blind? Then you won't even notice that this attractive 5 year old 3 bedroom Mt. View rambler is green, but come and look at it anyway, because it's top quality -- all the way through. $24,500. Good terms. Cornered? Take a gander at this whopping 2,200 sq. ft. Mt. View rambler just listed. 3 BIG bedrooms, 2 baths, 21' x 22' family room, 2 fireplaces -- and much more. Yours for $24,950. Hurry! Buy Itll The boss is tearing his hair out, wondering why someone doesn't come along with $600 and move into this "like new" 4 bedroom home for $14,500. Don't Pass it up -- DO IT!! Hew- $17,500- Choose your own colors in this brand new 3 bedroom suburban home. Built with today's young family in mind, it has many fine features. $2,300 will move you in. Anglesido 2 Bedroom 1100 sq. ft. in this picturesque home on 1/4 block. House in excellent condition and has new shake roof. Only $15,500. Big Viewl You're on top of the hill. It's the Angleside 3 bedroom home you've dreamed about with den, rumpus room, 2 fireplaces, 1 I/2 bath and a big lot. Best of all are the terms on this $27,750 charmer. Give us a call. Different - This builder dared to be different. Must be seen to be appreciated. 4 large bedrooms on main level, living area up. FHA or contract. Price, $17,750. $3,000,00 That's the full price for this down town fixer-upper. Why not inspect it today.   -- - ---- - -- - -- - ---._-_. --  -- -- -- - .- -----_-_-L--_-_- -_- . --- -- -- - --j..-- -.- -- - DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- "SKIP" NESS 426-3049 DAVE THACHER 426-8635 -- CARL JOHNSON 46-8407 Ceil DICK BOLLING' Cl°$1ng Br°ker 426°8 ' 62 426-2646 See or , • • MINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-6501 HIMLII00 REALTY, Inc. m 1717 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH Thursday, October 30, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25