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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 31, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 31, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Percy  rio 6017 S.E. 86th kve Portland, Ore lllgh Low Precip. 57 .............. 57 .............. 55 54 .............. 50 58 56 O. 44 October 31, 1963 44 1.61 37 .28 35 .31 34 .28 43 1.02 42 .13 P  I "  " &apos;  '  "" u.  "''t J" "'ashlnlto! n 18 ents: . ii[20dy of a Brcmerton man, iil,Ckham,;sl, 44, was recorered 'aaven Lake Tuesday. I.Pparently drowned in the llfile on a fishing trip Oct. east side of the lake, the Mason County Sheriff's office said. THE BODY was removed by sheriff's officers and taken to Bat- stone Funeral Home. . : Coroner Byron McClanahan said Y was discovere(; about the death was due to accidental tl00.esday by a Mrs Fran- 00row00ing Sheriff's officers have been checking the lake every day since JldS TO Wiekham was reported missing Oct. 19. His overturned boat, h=at, cigarets and boat cushion were WO o found floating in the lake. Tank Skin divers from Mason and Kitsap counties put in more than : ' lt=Rat'So!u? tons : , 300 man hours in searching for l¥ickham's body since he was re- ported missing. VVeather hamper- ed search efforts some days. Mr. Wiekham's body will be ta- '( • . ken to Vancouver Funeral Home, irk-off for a recruiting Vancouver, for burial. Ii[0000ag November, will have ,-'t8 tanks on display.-- fl-- * " Of ,vergreen Square parking im Ml'ua,Y from9 a.m. to noon. eClslon ;llay will give young men ::i,xY service age and their . o , ::Il. g chance to 100k over ' and to get information .,ire Ulstrlct i/L tational Guard. ii l<en RoSe,unit administra-b/dly ca D layed II:}Y technician for the un- e :11 a03rd Armoured Batal- ange the is in qt:zr recruits to keep its The Mason County Commission, ]] up to the amount neces- after hearing views from a num- :';L' bet of interested parties, voted to ," PAUL A. KOCH, corn- continue for two weeks a hearing )'r,0f the unit is now at Ft. on the transfer of one section, now ;;Y., attending a course in the Grapeview Fire District to / 0red officers, the Allyn Fire District.  his absence 1st Lt. At a hearing on the request of ,4 qlm=:: uVeensby, Port Orchard, residents of section 29, represen- 'eompans; commander, tatives of the Grapeview Ffre Dis- ,Vclit from the unit, Mich- trct opposed the transfer and sug- ar=-, son of Mr. and Mrs. gested a. compromse wle'by part ,,Lee, Shelton, is taking of the section would be in eaclt 'ms of active duty train- fire district. Representatives of the  Allyn Fire District said they would I: be willing for the entire section to join their district if they so desr- Trip ed. RESIDENTS OF TIlE area, ex- pressing their feelings, said the TO area was closer to the Allyn Fire station than to the Grapeview Fire station and that they believed they would have more adequate Student preCook,on by being attached to the fire station to which they were the closest. ] The county comnussmn asied that .lnring ..the two-veek, contin- uance the commissioners of ..the tW6 fir districts ge togetter.d see if ,they could work out a com- promise which would be agree- able to all. The commission receivcdua letter from Mrs. Pearl Bergeson with- drawing her name from the list of applicants for civil defense direc- tor. A right-of-way grant for the Mission Creek South Camp Road was received from the SLate De- partment of Natural Resources. G_ IA FREEMAN ):00t000reeman Shelton hig!00 was awarded an ..[ trip to San Frsncisco 'ate ".i[ in the 1963 NASA- :;!:lI tth Science Congress at arch Center at Moffatt .::lf., Sunday - Tuesday. '::ernan was Girls' Sweep- er at the Puget Sound ittai r in April and partici- [  1963 National Science  Uquerque, N.h¢. ?ts in the Youth Con- esent abstracts of their  eel and talk with NASA Visit NASA research exchange ideas and With other ctudents. selected from 10 Regonal Confer- trticipate as finalists Youth Science be held in Washing- November. Sought- :00,l;Jf nominees for nt00nt- b the ASC Comity cent- "(etag established" at thc .Ii:LY office, Donald Ra- ;:;'/llall, Agricultural Sta- Conservation Co,u,- 'e, announced today. Ji. 11 include a minimum ;%*mees, from which a :*)le mittee of three regu- 1 ^l's and two alternates I',cted by farmers cligi- | allots in the election. llOlninces nlllSt be Nov. 15. will be held by a voters will be fa|'lu or sharecroppers g part or who are part in one or Programs which t]e helps admiuister. be tabulated puh- County Commit- t the ASCS County . ,aih'oad Ave. ,r.lllan explained that led by six or mnre 1 's nolninating persons !lip oil, i.hc County  il be received aL the office any time be- ' ne names of per- hated will be included of nominees if ttey ad eligiblc to serve. Jury Session Starts Monday Jurors will roper; at 10 a.m. Monday for the first of the o.aes slated for the Superior Court Jury session for this {all. The first case, slated to take one day, is that of Janet Dyer and Lila Becket against Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fatlin and their daugh- ter, Iolet, and Duane Ward. The case is for damages for injuries received by the girls while they were passengers in a cat" dri- ven by Iolet Fattin which coilded with one dfiiven by Ward. Slated to start Tuesday morn- ing is the case of Carroll B. Mor- row, hwin Nestell, Alfred Diereck and Arden Pierce against Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rice. This also is a personal injury suit. Scout Fund Campaign Workers Encouraged By Public Response With more than $2200 reported collected or pledged by about half he work force, hopes of reach- ing the $4500 goal of the annual Boy Scout fund campaigm fanned to a high temperature yesterday. Thc drive was kicked off Tues- day mornmg at a breakfast ses- sion in the Sitelton Hotel attended by 87 campaigm workers directed b'rsgeneral chairman. . Bill Batstone, and general solicmmons chairman Bud Lyon. District Finance ChaiTaan War- ren Moo reported the response giv- eu by the general public to the campaign wor]cers was highly en- couraging for a final wrap-up of the drive by lonigM. Boating Safety Classes Are Planned WATCH OUT FOR GOBLINSGhosts, witches, black cats and other assorted evil spirits will be out in force tonight so be careful. Depicting the traditions of Halloween her9 are Gary Nelson. left, and Bonnie Pitts, right, as they display the cosumes The Spooks Will Be Out Tonight 70000btmas Tree ('.ui'Eng About 5el To Start they will be wearing, standing along side a large pumpkin which would rrmke an excellent jack-o- lantern. The little trick-or-treaters will be knocking on doors tonight collecting candy cookies and other goodies. The first stirring of activity a Mason County Christmas Tree MH'ds thin.week heralds the start of the cutting season which starts next month. I!hnployccs were busy at some of the yards getting equipment in ,shape for the start of cutting. The weather hasn't been to co- operative so far this fall---it's been too warm. A couple of good freezes are needed to set the needles on the trees before cutting, one pro- ducer said this week. Cutting should start within tim next 10 days to two weeks, with the first in the higher elevations where the temperatures have been lower, and, where it is necessary Youth Club Priscilla Smith Here To Be Remanded To Discussed A committee was formed this week interested in getting a,Youth Club for Shelton. Tlie group has set a public nmet 2 ing for 7:30 p,m. Nov. 14 in the court room of the Com-t House to get the program started. Speaker at tim meeting will be Harold Nickerson, director of the Olympia YMCA. The meeting is open to all interested persons, adults and young l;ople. Nicker- son will speak on the youth acti- vities conducted by the YiCA. THE IMMEDIATE GOAL of the group is the establishment of a youth club in Shelton, Dick IVinne, chairman of the committee said. Other members of the commit- tee are Duane Torsak, Under- sheriff %ratly Anderson, Juvenile Probation Officer Marvin Chris- tensen, Sgt. V. J. Santamaria of the Shelton Police Department, B. to get the trees out before theY IR.l get snowed in. Caskin and William Merrifield. t Pointing out the rising nmnber FERRY RECEIPTS of incidents of juveuile delinquency Receipts from the Harstinc in Shelton and MasonCounty, the Island Ferry were $301.50 for the committee said ,thai: - youtl club week ending Oct..26, the Mason was badly needed to give the County Engineer's office reported., young people something to do. Adult Court Prosecuting Attorney Byron Mc- Clanahan said this week he is pre- parmg the necessary papers to remand action against Pricilla Smith, 18, Shelton, to Superior Court for disposition as an adult. Miss Smith has admitted firing a rifle, the bhllet from which killed Mrs. Emily Fruichantie, 41, Shelton, last August. McClanahan said after the case is remanded to Superior Court, he will determine what action wiU be taken. A coroner's jury in September ruled that Mrs. Fruichantie's death was tl:e result of negligence on Miss Smith's .art. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the Mason County Commission Monday were to R. W. Welch, re- model and addition to residence $4,000; William L. Cooper, patio, $150; Robert C. Bayne, wood root for trailer house. $150; Robert E. Deck, wood residence, $7,500 ann Allen Hickson. move and add to residence. '$900. Spotted Deer Shot/n County A series of boatinff safety clas- ses. sponsored by the Olynlpia Power Squadron and the Shclton Yacht Clnb. will start at 7:30 p,m, Nov. 13 in the PUD 3 Audi- toriuni. The course is offered frec by the two groups. EYE-POPPER Most hunters Those interested arc asked Lo would rub their eyes in dis- register before the class Further belief if they saw the hide you inforntation can be obtained from ,see above running around in J. S. Elmhmd at 426-8097 betweeu =the woods on four legs. Not 5-10 p.m: in the evening. Chet Woodworth. Twice before, The classes will be held on Wed- I in his long hunting life, he'd ncsday evcnings, [ shot albino deer which looked somewhat like the 2-point he downed north of the Shelton airport Friday morning., The buck was Within 50 feet of Woodworth so he could see- plainly it wasn't a calf or goat, as one WOuld suspect if unable to =ee the head, The animal dressed out at 80 pounds. Woodworth, a retired logger, shot his two other albinos during the days when he worked for the old Phoenix Logging Comp- any around Lake Cushman. See pages 5 and 11 for additional dccr pictures, City Hears Protests Against (:losing Foot Path Down Hill The Shelton City Commission said Tuesday night they would have a decision next week on what action they would take in the pro- posed vacation of unopened por- tions of Magnolia and Bich Streets on Capitol Hill. Mayor Frank Travis Jr. told the standing room only crowd the commission would, have a decision at its meeting next Tuesday. The crowd which filled the city commission room to capacity ap- peared to be almos unammouslv in favor of keeping the footpath down what would be Magnolia Street open for publ:c use If pos- sible. THE COMMISSION was presen-. ted witl a petition with 118 sig- natures from Capitol Hill residents opposing the vacation. The peti-, tion stated that the foot path should be kept open since cltsing it would force pedestrians to walk up the hill on Becket Road, which already had sharp, dangerous cur- ves and was so narrow there was barely room for two cars to meet. In contrast, the petition to va- cate the street, was signed by only three persons. Appearing in support of the va- Eduration Lack Big Faaor In Crime: Timpani "Lack of education is the larg- est single factor contributing to crime and juvenile delinquency," declared Ernest Timpani, superin- tendent of the Washington Correc- tions Center, as he spoke at the October meeting of the Mr. View PTA Monday night. Timpani, who until last July, was superintendent of the state reformatory a.t Monroe, said that practically the entire inmate pop- ulati0n at that institution is from the ranks of the school drop-outs, He cited other problems that contribute to the crime pattern and included narcotics, teenage drinking, lack of religious train- hg, lack of constructive work as- signed to the youngster at home, and of paramount importance, a lack of the type of discipline that instills a sense o£ respect in a child for his parents, authority and himself. He described the program at the Washington Corrections Cen- ter that will be geared to ttesa ckuses and will see the bulk of th inmates enrolled in ac&demiC and vocational school classes. Through this training and constructive work projects the personnel at the institution will work towara chan- ging the /nmates attitude and re- store him to a useful life. The greatest asset we have in controlling juvenile delinquency, said Timpani, is the 95 percent of the good kids. In t}e business meeting that proceeded Timpani's talk the pro- posed budget was submitted. Crit- icism of several items resulted in the budget being rejecte d and returned to the fance and bud- get committee to be reviewed and balanced. There was discussion of the pro- posed standing rules for the as- sociation and these were tabled until the next scheduled business meeting in January. Final reports were given on the candval to be held this Saturday night at the school. This is the PTA's annual fund raising project and begins with & ham dinner at 5:30 p.m. Plea h Not Guilty A plea of not guilty to first degree murder charges was en- tered in Mason County Superior Cour befot Judge Charles T. Wright by Robert L. Booth, 41, Shelton, Friday. Jan. 6 has been e.t for his trial on charges stemming fro the death of his ex-wife, Novella (Sally) Booth, from a single bullet from a .22 caliber rifle in the early morning hours Sept. 24. Booth was represented in court Friday morning by his two court° appointed attorneys, John Ragan and Robert Snyder. The charges against him were filed in Superior 1 Court Sept. 27 by Prosecuting Attorney Byron McClanahan. Booth is being held in Uason County jail without bail pending trial. Drug Discounts Are Offered To Elderly The Mason County Steering Conmtittce for the Aged has again moved forward in obtahfing an- 6ther service from our commun- ity for our comnmnity and for our aging population. All persons 62 years or age and over whose physician has pre- scrihed medication and who lists their age as 62 years or older on the presc_'iption blank will, a,s of Dec. 1. receive a 10 pepcent re- duction in the cost of their drags at Sells' Pharmacy, Pcpps' fox- all Store and Roy McConkey's Drug Center. In order to receive this discount dmgs must be paid for in cash at the tim of pm:clmo, cation at the hearing Tuesday night were Mrs. Bernice Stewart, who started the action for the closure, her attorney, Marion Gar- land, Bremerton, and Engineer ] Fred Snelgrove, who has made lo- cation studies for here. Most frequently stressed by those who spoke in support of keeping the foot path open was the safety for both pedestrian and vehicle traffic in having someplace other than the road for child- ren going to school and adults go- ing downtown. Another point was the neces- sity of a sewer system on Capitol Hill in the near future and the probability of Maglmlia Street be- ing the best location for a sewer line to reach the area. IT WAS POINTED out that the area wan platted in 1897 and the foot path had been used for 60 years or more and had never been closed off before. It was remarked that at one time there was a road up through there, and, that lumber for two of the earliest homes on Capitol Hill was hauled up by that route. Garland stated that an unpolic- ed foot path such as this would be a natural spot for some bent on grime, and, that the city could not afford to police it properly so it would be a liability to the city. He said that the city has never opened the street in the 75 years since it was platted. In answer to Garland's com- ments about policing the path, a high school student who said he ted that he would much rather take his chances on someone with criminal intent along the path than on getting hit by a ear walk* ing on the narrow Becker Road. City Attorney John Ragan told the crowd that any rights the pub- lic had to use the unopened street were acquired between 1900 and 1907, and, even though the path , had been used eouthmousiy smce that time, it did not give the pub- lic adverse possession. The problem hinges, ne said, ell whether or not the street was oa- rs.ted under the "non-user law" in effect from 1900 to 1907 as a mat- ter of law. or whether the street was still platted as a sreet even though it had not been opened. TIIE LACK OF IECORDS of the city during that period and the disparity between those which are availab'ie makes the matter more complicated. Mrs. Stewart, while petitioning for the city commission to close the street, maintains that it was vacated as a matter of law by the "non-user law". A vacation by the city now would clear the problem and would Kive the property to the owners of the property bordering the disputed streets without ques- tion. The commission will have to de- cide between now and next Tues- day if there is sufficient evidence that they still have jurisdiction over the street and, if so, if they- want to keep it open for use by the public as a foot path and for utility easements. Conclusion Of Buildin, Perm|t Case Set Friday The conclusion of arguments by final arguments by attorneys star- attorneys in the'action of W. A. ted, Norris, Shetton, to force the Ma- son County Commission to approve a building permit for him will be heard in Superior Court Friday. Judge Raymond Clifford set that date for hearing the conclusion of the case after a full day of hearing testimony and arguments by attorneys last Wednesday. All of the testimony from wit- nesses was concluded Friday and TESTIFYING at the afternoon session were County Comnlissiori- er lohn Bariekman. who said that he voted against approval of the building permit because it was not good for the county, that the area. Mill Creek Road and High- way 101 Intersection) was a res- idential area.. Einer Olsoe, who operates the Mill Creek IV[otel which adjoins the property on which ,Nois wants to establish the wrecking yard. said he was one of the group of residents of the area who cir- culated a petition in opposition -Joe }L. He said the.wrecking yard would be an attractive nuisance to children, would possibly at- an 1KERV INGABD Merv Wingard has been appoint- ed cbairman ot the Mason County Chapter Of the American Cancer Society. Wingard accepted the post last week, filling the spot vacated by A. S. Vigor who has moved to British Columbia. Aside from his duties as credit manager of the five Lumbermen's Mercantile stores, Wingard is ac- tNe in the Shelton First Methodist Church, the Boy Scouts in Mason County, is past president of Ki- wanis, past president of tle Cham- ber of Commerce. Other committee chaiTnen and ,10card anembers of the ounty chapter are Laurie Carlson, treas- urer; Mrs. V: T. Connolly, mem- orial chairman; Mrs. Ed Faubert, service chainman; Mrs, Henry Hanmneier, secretary; Mrs. Gee. Shackleford, Mrs, Gee. Cropper, Mrs. Corrine AHem Dr, Wayne Carte is the medical advisor fez the association. 1 Toaslmaslers Hear Three Speakers Clive Troy, spealdng on "Should We Sell Wheat to Russia?" was awarded honors for the best speech at the Shelton Toastntastcrs Club nteeting Thursday morning. Other speakers were Gale Feuling and George Nichols, Table topics, directed by Arn Chency, was on the subject "Would You Change Places With Your Wife ?" Pmfl Gillie was chief evaluator assisted by Don l¥crmlinger, Jim Barrom and Bob Ost, mnan. Guests were Roger Anderson and Jolm ] lorek, Speakers at this morning's meeting were Don Brown, Elroy Nelson and Harold Van DeRiet, all giving their "Icc Breaker" speech- es. Toastmaster was Jim Barrom, evaluator, Dave Thacher, table topics, San Clark. and "the wiz- ard o£ ah's", K Frmlc, Roy Kembel, acffhoJ" of J:he prote'sting property Ownm's, said he had .ne wrecking yard ad- joining him, and, he did not want another one across the road. He said he did not believe a seven- foot fence, such as proposed by Norris. would hide the wrecking yard operation from vmw fronl the highway. COUNTY ENGINEER J. . Bridger estified that the area in question was located in an area designated as suburban resident- ial in the comprehensive land use map adopted by the county sev- eral years ago. John Ragan, attorney for Nor- ris, told tim court in his closing argmment, that the county build- ing permit ordinance, under which the commi,sion denied the permit, was a taxiing ordinance, and, that the commission had nÙ power to deny Norris a permit, as long as he had met all the requiements for getting a permit. The county has no zoning ord- inance under which it would be possible for the use to which a person puts his property, Ragan said. PROSECUTING Attorney Byro McClanahan, zepresenting " the county, and Glen Cortes, repre- senting a group of residents of the area who were allowed by the court to join in the action, told the court that tim e0unty build* ing permit ordinance given the commission powei- to reject a buil- ding permit if they thought that it would be detrimental to, the county. The emnmission rejected Normis' permit, they said, because It did not fit in the suburban resident, ial classification of the area In the county's land use plan adopg- ed as a first step in setting up connty zoning ordinance. Local Couple Win Trip To Miami Meeting Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Johnsom, Skokomish Valley dairy farmers, have been awarded a trip to the National Milk Producers Fedcra tion convention in Mianfi, Fla,, December 8-12. They are one of two young dait2 farming couples selected to make the trip by the United Dair.nen'a Association aL a meeting i{ Scat- tle Oct. 10-11. Tley were sponsored in the contest by the Kitsap,Maso Dairymen's Association. of which Lhcy are members. About 35 couples from XYash* ington, Oregon, Idaho and Mon- tana attended rite Seattle meet- inf. Eact submitted a writte essay on their dairy operations and were interviewed by a panel o1: three judges who selected the WillllCro