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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 31, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 31, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PACE  SHELTON--MAq0N COUITTY JOURNAL--Publlshed in "Ohristmastown, U.R.A.", SheKon, Washington Thm°sday, PROTECT YOUR RESI"S- KEEP MASON COUNTY GREEN NEW MANAGEMENT SHELTON HOTEL Gale & Georgia MIZE Phone 426-4530 :R SETS RENT Don't Miss the Fun and Entertainment of Television TAYLOR RADIO ELECTRIC 4th & Cota 426-6602 , HOOD CANAL SCHOOL NEWS Football And Track Field At Lower Skokomish School Being Cleared Land Clearing 'an extensive intramural program Tle Middle Skolcomish Improve- ment Club has moved a D-8 cat onto the new site of the future football and track field and clear- ing is progressing on the ,qp- proximately four and one half acre new site. Th'tt Extra Effort It was a few years back after an intensive study of a long range developmenial plan for our school district was prodnced ttmt many individuals interested in our chin dren's education voted 3 to 1 in favor of a new Junior high school. To make our school not only good but outstanding, we had to have courage, imagination, the vi- gor, and the will to depart from the past and explore new paths. In 1960 our new Hood Canal junior high was completed and occupied for the first time by all the district's 7th. 8th, and 9th graders and the first phlse of the long-range developmental plan was in operation. I Tfie building was designed to I house the Junior High curricu-I lure equal to standards set forth / by the State Board of Education, t and sufficient flexibility to allow for changing educational concepts. In previous planning the pres- ent heating system and the drain field was made to handle the ad- ditional facilities of a multi-pur- pose gTm. THItEE YEARS of study and planning have elapsed and with some good sound understanding, we in this district could soon vis- ualize a new Multi-Purpose facili- ty that would last this district for 50 years to come. The tlse of this building would facilitate the fol- lowing activities: community use. CHRISTHAS LAY-AWAY Make a Small Deposit Now Hold Your Purchase 'Til Xmas SCHWINN BICYCLES Over 50 Models to Choose From At CLINTOIrS BIKE & FIXIT Schwinn Bikes * Lawn Mowers * Vespa Scooters * Keys * Hobbies 233 West Cota St. Phone 426-8118 could be institnted, the district's music program would be moved out of a classroom to the stage, a physical education area which we are-deficiem in by State Stan- (lards and couht cost us our accre- ditations, athletic program." team and T.V. teaciling. The financing of this neecled proposed structm'e has stymied the district, imwever, if recent cal- culations mature properly we could soon make final plans for a multi-purpose gym. Possibilities of finance are as follows: City of Tacoma capital outlay, Forestry monies $25.000. sale of the Hood Canal am'alas property in Hoods- port $27.500, cash on hand in the building fund $1B,000, sale of Un- ion School property, $3.000. The remainder could be laised by a bond issue of approximately $87.- 000. This bond issue could go on a special election at any time" and would be within the legal lim- it of bonded indebetedness that a school could bond themselves. One would assume that with all this aid from varied sources the community would be willing to fin- ance the rest. Our educational program and schools ean be what we want. on- ly, if you citizens acquire facts and accurate information a h0ut the schools and schools problems, understand these faets and prob- lems. become interested, and then ,intelligently exercise yollr citi- zenship and responsibility for pub- lic education. Has anyone any construe- Has anyone got any construc- triVe help tO get the proposed Multi-Purnose gym off the ground ? Halloween Prtie,q Plans are, made for Halloween parties of various types in the three schools of the district. Most will be held in the last period of the day for the lower grades but the Junior High party will be held Thursday night in the Hoods- port gym. The time is 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and the country theme will be carried out by the deco- rations and by folk dancing. The PTA fund raising movie will be held in the Hoods@err gym Friday night at 7:30 p.m. Admis- sion to the feature film with car- toons is 75 cents for adults and high school pupils, 50 cents for Junior high pupils and 25 cents for those tinder 12. Children nine years and younger must be ac- companied by an older person, Re- freshments will be sold in the hmcn room downstairs. Use Journal Want " : ' : ---:- ....... .... ---iA---: ......... Planning To Buy a Home?? Include a visit to TCF in your plas. You'll be glad you did, because y(m'll soon discover that we specialize in home loans. We pride ourselves in being equipped to help you find a loan that meets your requirements. The amount and term of each TCF loan is tailored to make it as practical as possible for you to buy.., give you ample time to repay. There are three convenient TCF offices to serve you. Free parking, of course. Our Shelfon Branch is open until 5:30 Friday afternoons for your convenience. THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL .v,.=. = .o.. Home Office  Branch  Branch "--.._:z2zZzZzZzzz2ZZZZ.t. ........ --_._'22222zz ...... 2"- ......................................................... HOSPITAL GOWNSAn unhappy model was Jean Hawkins. 2, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hawkins, Shelton, as she modeled one of the hospital gowns sewn by the Jayettes and presented t) Shelton General Hospital this week. The little girl was a patient in the children's section of the hospital. The three dozen gowns were made by the Jayettes in different sizes and flannel prints. General chairman of the project was Mrs. Gale Feuling, with Mrs. Jim Hartley, Mrs. Dave Look and Mrs. Cas Visminas as co-chairmen. The Jayettes next project wil be a rummage sale in the PUD auditorium Nov. 7-9. Among Your Merchants FORD COURSE COMPLETED BY SHIRLEY HOLMAN Shirley Holman of Jim Pauley, Inc., Ford-Mercury dealership in Shelton, /as recently graduated from the business management course conducted by the San Fran- cisco Ford Mrketing Institute. The Marketing Institute at Bur- lingame, Calif., serves 11 _western states as part of a nation-wide Ford program to offer training in dealership management and sell- ing, and to keep dealers and their personnel abreast of I.oday's rapid- ly changing market. Since the Institute was estab- lished at Burlingame in October, 1961, more khan 5,000 de.Aers and dealership personnel have gradu- ated fronl courses there. Courses arc conducted for dealers, general managers, sales managers, parts managers, service managers. Ilsed car managers salesmen and Ford Motor Com,;any persomel• GARY RITNER BECOMES BACHE & CO. ASSOCIATE Formal announcements have been sent to friends of Gary Rit- ner revealing his association with Bache& Co.. a nationally known investment firm• as a registered represent/tire in Lts Seattle office. Gary is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ritner of Shelton and a grad- uate of Irene S. Reed high school. Bache & Co. was founded in 1879 and is a member of the New ¥'ffr, American and Toz'onto stock ex- changes. MONEY OFFERED FOR NEW MOTEL NAME Mann Real Estate is offering a prize of $10 for a /ew name for the new mote] being constructed at 7th and Raih'oad. Contestants may send in as many entries as they wish as long as they get them to Mann Real Estate by November 15. Entries may be mailed or bronght to the uffice at 121 Raih'oad Avenue. lllllilllllli IIIlillll III IlillllUlllllllllllllllll jllilllll illlll i From The | i Co.untv- City Records ! POLICE COURT car while it was parked in the Only one case was on the dock- parking lot at Mill 2• i et in Shelton Police Court Men- Kenne SO v o" ........ th ence, O1 re_m, was, flay mght that oI on t 'lem unto ured when I , "  • - ' j his ear hit a eon- inK, speeding, $15 fine, $2 penalty and $2".-5,)0 costs. SH ELTON POLICE Mrs. Hazel Green reported food a watch, a hunting knife, ciga- rettes and a pen stolen from her home while she was away. Gene Ayers reported a floor mat stolen from his ear while it was parked in the parking lot at Mill 2. Don Wilson reported wrenches valued at $50-$75 stolen. Frank Lanning reported two transistor radios stolen from his Melhodist Church Slates Teacher Training Glasses Teacher training classes wlll be- gin at the "helton Methodist church at 6:30 p.m. this Sunday, November 3. This .will be the first of the training courses, which will prepare teachers for the new cur- riculum which will be put to use in 1964. Mrs. Horace Mounts will be the instructor and will base the training on the book. "Foun- dations of Christian Teaching". An all-church school UNICEF Halloween party is scheduled for tonight. Children through the third grade will have their party in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 6:3O p.m. These children will bring con- tributions to the UNICEF pro- gram and will have games, re- freshments and a snake dance to highlight their evening. Children and youth from fourth grade up will meet at 7 p.m. to receive in- structions, tags and banks before going into the community for one hour to collect pennies for UNICEF. They will have refresh- ments and games when they re- tuz to the church. ,Vednesday-Nighters will fea- ture as their speaker next Wednes- day, the key. A. C. Wischmeier, district superinterdent of the Ta- coma district of the Methodist church. Rev. Wischmeier will speak on the subject "Two Walls". He has recently visited the wall in Berlin and the wall between the Arabs and the Palestinians. Peo- ple of the community are cord- ially invited to participate in this program. We will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the fireplace room of the Methodist church• Methodist men are making plans for a swiss steak dinner in con- nection with the annual bazaar of the Woman's Society of Christian Service, which is scheduled for November 7 at the Arnory, The dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will continue until 7:30 p.m. A hamburger plat.e will be served to children for 50 eets. crete post at the Dairy Queen. Damage to the vehicle was $175. Lea Shelver of Northwest Ever- green reported meat 'stolen from lockers belonging to Rocky Hem- broff. Mr. Gooley and, Lloyd Mor- gan. Rodger Russell reported a cig- arette machine valued at $250 and $78.50 worth of cigarettes taken from the Union Service Station at First and Kneel,and Streets. The machine was recovered by the Ma- son County Sheriff's office along the Deegan Road. Obituaries Graveside Rites For Mrs. Paulsen A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Shcl- ton Memorial Parle for Freda Paulson. She died in a local nm's- ing home Monday. Rcv. Mason Younghmd officiated at the ser- vice. Mrs. Paulson was born Nov. l(I, 1878 in Germany. She made her home at 805 So. 8th street and had been a resident of Shelton the past 26 years, Surviving arc two sons. Harold and John. both of Shelton: one daughter, I.illian Krogntan. South Dakota: one sister, Maggie Rog- ers, Vyoming; seven grandchil- dren. and five great-g randehil- dren. Former Shelton Woman Succumbs Former Shelton resident, Chris- tina Lehman, died in Tacoma Sun- day. Her address was Rt. i BOx 535, Maple Valley. Mrs. Lehman was born January 28, 1888 in • Russia. She lived in Shelton 26 years prior to moving to Maple Valley. The funeral was held at 1 p.m. yesterday at the Batstone Fnn-I oral Home. Interment was in Sheltor Memorial Park. Survivors include four daugh- ters, Mrs. Paul Dittman, Shelton, Mrs. Russell Battler, Santa Paula, Calif., Mrs. ttarvey Benson. Ta- eoma, and Mrs. Bill Null, Maple Valley; one brother, Chris Fish- er, Davenport. Wash.; one sister, Mrs. Anna Weiser. Spokane: sev- en grandchildren and three great- grandchildren. Funeral Here For Ellensburg Man Marshall W. Kafferlin died Monday at his home in Ellens- burg where he had lived the past three years. He was born in Os- trondo, Wash. May 5, 1906• The funeral will be held at 10:30 a.m. today at the Batstone Fun- eral Home with Father Mark' Weichmann officiating. Interment will be in Holy Cross Cemetery. Survivors incltde his wife, Cath- I erine Allen Kafferlin, Ellensburg; I one brother, Truman Woodland; I one sister, Mrs. Ira Healy, Seattle; I his father, J. C. Kafferlin, Monte- 22. °. ........................... | What00 Oo,'ng ' II 1 Among Our SERVICEMEN ! I Illiillillllllll IIIlll IIIiil II ...:..r:::v..:: t a;: . -. , -, :::@ii:::,!:! • : :..: , Ci!t I George E. Mouley completed the Airborne Course of the United States Army. Infantry school at Fort Benning, Ca. SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARRESTS Oct. 18. He left Monday for Ft. Lee, Va. for Ranger train- Eugene B. Davis. probation rio- ing which will take three mon- lation: Doyle D. Scott, bench war- ths. Attended Shelton schools. rant. Charles W• Mulholland, pa- role violation. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McAuley. • * :(: SHERIFF'S OFFICE David B. Leighton, parachute A coke machine was taken from rigger third class, USN, son of :Mr. the Hoodsport Texaco. and Mrs. Cab Rains, Shelton, was Three cars were reported in the graduated Sept. 26 from the Para- ditch as the result of the hail chute Rigger School at the Naval storm Friday afternoon. Air Technical Training Unit, Lake- Robert C. Smith reported two hurst, N.J. chokers, a gas can. a power saw The 16-week course included in- wrench taken from a log landing struction in packing Paraehttes near his home on Buck's Prairie. and servicing survival equipment. Mrs. Cecil Patterson, Spencer • • • Lake, reported four spools of barb- ed wire. a pump and motor miss- Marine Lance CpI. Willimn t. ing from her home. Ninemire, son of Mr. and Mrs. A Mr. Watson reported a home- George W. Ntnemire, Shelton, re- made generator stolen from Dew ported Sept. 18, for duty With Mountain. Overhaul and Repair Squadron at A /fir. Creasey reported a 10- the Marine Corps Air Station, horsepower motor stolen. Cherry Point, N.C. Ninemire en- Margaret Miller reported a 14- tered the service Novembei  1961. foot boat missing. Delores Nichols reported a car deliberately hit a dog and narrow- ly missed some children on the Matlock Road. SUPERIOR COURT New cases filed with the Ma- son County Superior Court Clerk this week were: Shelton Auto Loans against Mr. and Mrs. Evar D. Nelson for the repossession of a 1953 pickup. Betty Martin against Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson, for pay- ments due on a real estate con- tract. CHEF GEORGE ADAMS is back at SHELTON HOTEL Phone 426-4530 FOR BANQUETS RESTAURANT IS NOW OPEN 24 HRS. EACH DAY Deer Hunting Picks Up in The Lake Nahwatzel Area Over By Joann Tul)per I LAKE NAHWATZEL - Ant- lered dcer season closes today, with "eiiher sex' seaso.h opening Saturday, Nov. 2. Those who have- n't gotten their deer yet will have an opportunity Saturday or Sun- day. Mrs. Dick Tupper got a nice 2-point buck last Thursday morn- ing, and Art Palmer of Matlock got a 4-point buck Saturday af- ternoon There have been numer- ous hunters in the area this past weelc with more buries being down- ed, many 3-points and 4-points have been shot this seasom Mrs. Frank Cooper returned home last Wednesday after spend- ing two weeks in Europe visiting her children and sister and friends ,who live in Gerntany and Holland. She lmdn't seen her three children since she left Germauy in 1947. She was overjoyed at seeing her grandchildren. Spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelley was their nephew. Ierry Stone ()f Seattle. Saturday they drove up to Kuhnle ranch and visited with Albert Kuhnle. and then drove up the Wynooche Valley to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blair Thompson and visited with them. Mr. and IVIrs. Hector Barbour were dinner guests last Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Bar- boar's brothe/" and family, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Petcrman of West- port. Sunday they were dinner guesth at the Lake home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sellers. VINITING Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper over the weekend was Frank Cooper, Jr.. of Pauae Field at Everett. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Hansen received an addition to their pets. They bought a beau- tiful 14-month-old registered pal- amino horse named Rainier Lamp. Dick Watson of Seattle brought the horse to the Hansens from the Studebaker Ranch at Enum- claw. He is a permanent register- ed stud out of Boots-Smokey and Fluffy- Snod. Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs, Lee Dawson were Mr. The best sermon is preached by the minister who has a sermon to preach and not by the man who has to preach a sermon. William Feather and Mrs. L. H. land. Ore. and Mr. Roy Smith and guests were Bcllingham and Bill Shelton. "Weeken.3 guests was Ralplt Pigg Dinner guests of Clifford Reeve last Mr. Cap Waho of the SUNDAY Reeve home were "William Sisson and Seattle. John Tapper. son Mrs. AI Tupper the weekend from at Bremerton. Mrs. Richard risen Hospital at a few days morning. Dinner guests at tast Sunda,! evening Mrs. Art Palmer of NEW BLUE FRI.- SAT. Open 6:45 - starts ROMANCE I p,w,i v,$ov i t Et/ocOto/ CO-HIT THE IS COMING TIME THE RING OF THUNDER All on one prOg ADULTS ATTI ENDS NATURES INTE Coming Wed.- Nov. 6-7 Or In FabulOUS THE NUD|ST P-A-F HI VALUE USED TRUCKS 4 WHEEL DRIVE 1961 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT 80 Long Top - Hubs - Heater - H. D. Rear Bumper" Big Mirrors - Lots of Extras - Real Clean 1961 CHEVROLET ½ TON PICKUP Hubs - Heater - Wood Canopy - 700 x 15, 6 ply 1.9,000 Miles 1955 WILLYS JEEP Factory Metal Cab - New Paint Engi,ne Rebuilt - Excellent Condition PICKUPS 1955 DODGE ½ TON Heater - 3 Speed 6 ply Rubber 195 INTERNATIONAL i/ TON Long Wheelbase - 3 Speed - Heavy Duty Rear • & Tires 1952 STUDEBAKER ½ TON 3 Speed - Overdrive 1947 FORD  TON 4 Speed - V8 Engine PANELS. CARRYALLS 1960 GMC CARRYALL 3 Speed - V6 Engine - Radio - Heater - Clean 1960 INTERNATIONAL  TON P AI 3 Speed - Locking Rear Axle 1955 INTERNATIONAL TRAVELAIfl 4 Speed - 6 Cyl. Engine ATTENTION XMAS TREE HAULEBS 1951 INTERNATIONAL 1 TON Hydraulic Dump - Locking Rear End 4 Speed Trans. - 6 ply Nylon Traction Tires Ready To Work KIMBEL HOTORS 707 S. First St. "i'm back on the job after being closed for says Wilfred "Whitey" White of White y Auto Body offering exped Radiator Repair • Glass Installation • Painting • Body"Repair Located Behind Kimbei Motors Open Mon. - Fri. Free