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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 31, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 31, 1963
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October 31, 1963 £IIELTON MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr{st,mtmen, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE- 3 Sees Flowers Hansme%r. presi- Garden Club. to attend the October of the group due to death in Idaho so y, vice pres- The meeting was home of Mrs. Marie T. Connolly was in the program. She mid artificial flow- for indoors and out- baskets. One out- Was of ivy in a barn- for the fireplace. Jeff cry and :Mrs. Were the hostesses honr. Mrs. J. C. a guest of the club. Bridge Club Night Winners winners at the reg- night meeting of the Club were May &apos;aler. a tie between Quimby and Stella and Dor- and Eva Aamodt. winners were Ann Mary Keller Norms and Ed Jongeward and Gar- 15romptly at 7:30 Building. All in- players are wel- Want Ads Social Even ts Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412 David Simmons Wed In Seattle Of il tere.t to friends and rela- tives in Mason County will be the wedding of David F. Simmons son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sim- mons of Eugene. Ore. His bride. Mary Jo, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Myer of Sale Ore. The simple ceremony which was performed Sunday by a justice of the peace m Seattle was attended by the bmdegroom's parents and brother. Jadk. his randparents. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Harrell. Seat- tle. and his great-aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Radtkc Hoodsport. The newlyweds will live in Seat- tle where he is a barber. The bride, a high fashion model, is presently employed with the Hel- en Richert's Apparel establish- ment. Potluck Lunch For WCTU Members The November i meeting of the 'Womems Christian Temperanoe Union will be held in the Faith Lutheran Church at 7th and Franklin with Mrs. Agnes Kangas as hostess. A no-host hmcheon will be served at 1 p.m. Members are reminded that dues arc due and the new mem- bership campaign also starts. All interested women are invited. Re- ports of the recent state conven- tion held in Olympia will be given. Humility leads to strength and not to weakness. John a. McCIoy Claus and Dean are working together yeal;. This year Dean is giving away prints' with every order AND some will be given their complete Order F R E E. ,ER -- for Santa portraits in De- contact Dean NOW! "Scope Of ESA" , Explained At Last Meeting I Members of Beta Zeta Chapter, Epsilon Si'ma Alpna. met on Oct. 23 at the borne of Mrs. Glenn Sowers. for a Model Meeting. "The Scope of ESA." v,as given by Mrs. Dick tIolland, for guests Mrs. Shirley Holman and Mrs. Don Young. Ways & Means Chairman Mrs. Glenn Sowers reported on the re- cent dinner at the Shelton Golf Club. which memoers cater month- ly and also the Punt. Pass and Kick Contest sponsored by Jim Pauley, Inc. The Chapter served coffee, pop and hot dogs for this. Mrs. Miekey Goodwin was asked to be Chairman for a Holiday Dance to be held in December at the Jaycee Hall. A Toy Party to be held in early November will be given by Mrs. Hart Dittman. proceeds to go to the Chapter's philanthropic projects. Welfare Chairman Mrs. Ed Dunbar asked for members .to at- tend the Halloween party for Ro- gers School. as the Chapter will be furnishing refreshments to the children that day. Members are also taking turns monthly, attend- ing the school during the lunch hour duty. Mrs. Bill Kimbel. Chapter Pres- ident, rea'J an invitation from the Yakima Chapter. to attend the Washington State Regional Meet- ing there on November 16-17. Sev- eral members from Beta Zeta Chapter will attend. Mrs. Floyd Ridout is State Ways and Means Chairman. Mrs. tester 2oslin of the Bam- boo Shop, was introduced by Edtl- cational Director, Mrs. Floyd Rid- out and showed lnelnbers hove to fry marbles. Those present made a pmr of earrings. Mrs. Joslin told of many interesting items which could be made from tle finished marble. Mrs. Bill Sehirmer co-hostess, assisted Mrs. Sowers with refresh- ments at the close of the meeting. The next meeting, a special edu- cational, will be on Oct. 30. at the home of Mrs. Floyd Ridout. Zonta Club Hears Conference Report Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson, as del- egate. Mrs. Susie Pauley, as al- ternate, and Mrs. Esther Morgan of the local Zonta Club attend- ed the fall conference of the club in Walla "Walls during the past wee,k. Zonta Club is a classified group of business and professional worn- en and covers membership in the continental United StaLes• Alaska. Hawaii. Canada. Europe a n d Asia, and has a membership of over 17.000 women. The theme of the conference was Expanding Dimensions and was ably and skillfully directed by the District Governor. Miss Jessie L. P. Church of Calgary, Alberta. SMORGASBORD Harstine Island Grange will sponsor a smorgasbord this Sat- urday from 6 - 8:30 p.m. at the community hall. The public is in- vited. Price is $1.35 for adults. 75 cents for teen-agers, 50 cents for grade school age and free for pre-schoolers. SHI)E DEPT. Christensei's For Shoes, Bremerton ItOMARC Our newest town shoe walks on a straight and lower heel...14.99 A real discovery.., the superbly tailored shoe wlth the modern touches of the important, on.the-way silhouette. From the contemporary precision of its slightly lowered straight-line heel to the ease of its softly-collared llp throat, it's wonderfully new. Try it. You'll enjoy the fashion adventure of this forward-looking Red Cross Shoe that fits as though made for your foot alone. no connection whatever with The Americe National Red Cros4 Republican Women Have fieport On Western Conference Twenty-four members attended ihe meeting of the Mason County Women's Republican Club Wed- nesday of last week at Shelton Memorial Hall Jluh president, Mrs. George G. Shackleford. an- nmmced the resignation of Mrs. Guy Norris as secretary and a new member. Mrs. Gordon Ben- nett. was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy, It was voted to hold a sale of Republican-motif / costume Jewel- ry at the November meeting. Speaker of the day. Mrs. Harold C. St;cling, gave an entertaining and humorous account of the re- cent Western Republican Confer- enee m Eugene, Oregon. In her capacity as state campaign chair- man, Mr,. Stirling has been a member of a panel on Campaign Technique at the conference. Selden W. VanderWegen. chair- man of the Republican Committee for Mason County, spoke briefly urging club members to organize their forces for the 1964 election. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Bert Robbins. Mrs. Ralph Horton and Mrs. Herbert Vonhof. At the tea hour following, Mrs. Travis Fisk. Mrs. Warren arl and Mrs. Lucy Edmiston served from a ta- ble Centered with a handsome ar- rangement of yellow and russet ehrysanthenmms. The next meeting is scheduled for Nov. 20 at 1:30 p.m. in the Memorial Hall with Dan Evans candlda}:e for goDe:nor, as speak- er.. Refreshment chairtnan will be Mrs. Ralph Herren: Door prizes will be furnished by Mines. Robert Puhn. Herbert V0nhof and Beth Johnson. OIL PAINTING TO BE BOOR PRIZE AT MT. VIEW PTA CARNIVAL TO BE HELD THIS SATURDAY NIGHT Cook Book00 At Library Have Leather refereres e New Ideas Does fall weather turn your mind to tempting food, perhaps planning for the coming holiday season? Come to the Library for some new ideas. An outstanding new cook book in the Library is the New York qli.mes Cook Book. It ,contains nearly 1500 recipes, selected from more than 10,000 that have ap- neared in the New York Times. It is illustrated with many photo- graphs, both color and black-and- wrote, and handsomely printed. Recipes from 20 different coun- tries are included. "Economy gastronomy", by Syl- via Vaughn Thompson, is "a gour- In.t collection for the budget- minded". Her descriptions are enough to make your mouth wa- ter. This is a cookbook for an ad- venturous mood. The most unusual cookbook ad- ded to the collection recently is "Stalking the Wild Asparagus", by Euell Gibuons. It tells how to ga- ther and use all kinds of wild food. Such exotic ingredients as acorns, burdock, groundnuts, milk- weed. and Japanese knotweed aI,e there, as well as crab apples, blackberries, huckleberries, wild mushrooms, wild cranberries and raspberries. A .mller part of the book is devoted to wild honey, fish. crayfish, frog, turtles and tet;rapin. Still a standard cooking encyc- lopedia is Rombauer's "New Joy of Cooking", one of the most re- liable cookbooks in print. TwO specialized books you might enjoy and "From an English Oven", by Dorothy Spicer, containing "cakes, buns and breads of county tradi- tion", and "Cooking for Christ- mas", by Charlotte Turgeon. It's A Date Tody, Thursday, Oct. 31 Rotary Club hmche0n, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Junior high football, Shel.ton vs. Washington of O15hnpia, 2:00 p.m., Loop Field. final game. Friday, Nov. I Southsil"anggt)otluck meet- ing, 6:30 p.m., Grange Hall. " VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.n.o Memor- ial. Hall. High school football, Shelton vs. Cbehalia, 8:00 p.m., tt Chehalis, non-league. Sturday, Nov. 2 Drivers' License examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., police station. Southside IP;I'O Cmivai, 3-9 p.m., at the school. :Mr. View PTA Carnival, 5:30 to 9 p.m., at the school. Sunday, :Nov. $ Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Monday, Nov, 4 SRA Pinochle Club, 8 p.m., Me- morial Hall. County commission's meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse. Junior varsity football, Shelton vs. Tumwater," 4:00 p.m., Loop Field, final game. Tuesday, Nov. 5 Welcome Chapter OES Social HOSPITAL TOUR IMPRESSES GUILD In place of the regular October 18 meeting the Rachel Knott Or- thopedic Guild members drove to Seattle to be taken on a tour of the hospital. A luncheon was held at the Edgewater Inn on the wa- terfront prior to the tour. A volunteer worker, Mrs. Vad- man of Seattle, took the guild through the hospital. The mem- bers were not only impressed by the facilities of the hospital, but by " its beautiful setting with landscaped grounds high on a knoll 0verlookifig theUniversity of Wa- shington and the district beyond. There is a large classroom with two Seattle public school 'teach- ers in 'Charge, another Where vol- unteers teach the children crafts, a large laundry, a sewing om wllel;e garments are made and mending is continually carried on. Each child-confined in the hos- pital has his or her patchwork quilt; not for Warmth, but as a Spa:earl for the bed. These are made by t!e Par;otis guild§. ' 'There is a beautiful non-sectar- ian c hspel on the lower floor where servpes ny be held. ." CalLs;de, betwe¢ n two wings, is a l:rge patio" where the Shrine Circfi pei:fmmers or other en- tertainers may be watched by the chitdren from the windows, or on wa÷m"[tayS: they nlay gather out- side. Ater the: tour, ..members felt their continued efforts "over many years 'to ,aise funds to support the lmspital have all been very worthwhile: STUDENTS OF MRS. RIFFEY'S third year class at Mr. View school pose with their teacher and the oil painting to be given as a door prize this Sat- urday at the Mr. View PTA Carnival. The painting of Mr. Rainier has been a joint project of Mrs. Riffey and all of the students with each taking his turn at the easel, brush in hand. Tickets will be on sale at the Carnival which will be held from 5:30 - 9 p.m. this Saturday at the school. A large variety of games and prizes for al! ges will make for an interestihg evening Of fun. Ais0 featured will be the cake wheel, earto0ns,  a make-uP booth and a bean uessing  contest. °H<n. -me" ca',dy w II be for sale. A cafetFria style ha diDner wilt be served for 75'cents ; plate' which Will Inolude home-made pie anti coffee or milk. Hot dogs, P0- taro salad and baked beans will sis0 be" on the menu. 4.H NEWS Shelton Valley Clovers  Shelton Valley Clovers 4-H Club met Oct. 17 at the Miltenberger home in Shelton Valley. This was the first meeting of the new club year. There are five new mem- bers: Jimmy Einarsson, Randy Howard, Frank Brown, Gary and Scotty Miltenberger. New leaders assisting Mrs. Evers are Mrs. Joe C. Brown and Doyle Howard. Da- vid Miltenberger and Joe Brown home. Also a bake sale is planned for the near future, Project meetings will be held for Home Ec projects at Mrs. Ev- er's hdme and "AG" projects at Mr. Howard's home. The dates for these meetings may be learned from these leaders. The next club meeting will be Nov. 7 at Judy Partlow's home. .-Joe Brown, reporter Chuck Wagon Raiders will assist as Jr. tin}tiers. ' " New officers were elected at Election of officers for {he nw ;he October meeting of the Chuck 5'ear was held. David Miltenberger Wagon Raiders 4-H group. KathIe was re-elected president; Patsy Riedle was elected president; San- Mfltenberger, re-elected secretary. ]dy &,hnson, vice president; Patty txew OtZlcers are" rconnie rewer, • . . . • . • . RamPs, semetary, Douglas RamPs, vine premdent; Susan Bloomfield, treasurer: Sharon Davis, reporter; treasurer; and Joe Brown, report- [ Susan Collier, commmfity service er. ! ehairnmn; Connie Sidwaski, pro- Plans were made for the Hallow- gram chairman; Linda Grcatera, Pen party to be held Oct. 26 from health and safety, and Judy Grit- 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Howard's fith, recreation and songs. BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED MR. AND MRS. RUEL A. PIERCE of Lilliwaup are this week announcing the engagement pf their daughter, Janice Eleanor, to Jack F. Dover, Tacoma. Miss Pierce graduated from Shelton high school and is at present attending Tacoma General School of Nurs- ing. Her fiance attended Lincoln high school in Tacoma. No date has been set for the wedding. Antique Dealers Set Show In Olympia Sixteen. antique dealers from Eastern and Western Washington and from Oregon will display their wai'es in Olympia Nov. 6 and 7, at rthe 12th annual antique show add sale to be sponsored by Wo- men's Council of St. John's Epis- copal church. The show will be held in Olympia Community .Cen- ter, 1314 Fourth .ye. East, from noon until 10 o'clock in the eve- ning, each day. Mrs. Jonas Ehrtich and Mrs. Frank-Abbott are gen- eral chairmen• Luncheon and dinner will be served in" :the- Iobby!*''4tle" ,cr on both days, under the direction of the various guilds of the church. Tickets may be obtained at the door. DONNIE J. GUILD The November meeting of'the Donnie J. Orthopedi Guild will be held at 8 p.m. next Wednes- day at tle home of Mrs. Ray err. The business meeting will be fol- lowed by a card party. GLASSFYRE Complete line of chimney packages Fire sets, grates etc. Screens from $13.95 Carlson's Tile Fireplace Shop on Mt. View i WIN qO" WE'RE LOOKING FOR A NAME - FOR THE NEW MOTEL presently being constructed at - 7th & ilroad You may sepd in as malay entries as.. you wish, Contest doses Nov. 15, 1963. or bripg yoqr e.y to Mann #ca! Es!ate. 121 Railroad Ave. Shelton, Wash. 11 I SNOPPER SPECIAL------------------] LaneCedar Chests ! Mr. =d Mrs. Claude Ricka'd , e 20% 1005girl,Mr.Franklin,octoberand Mrs.23"twins' a bOYwilliam Morgan,anda I.. "' Y:e:; h ; a;;; Star RL. 2, Box 224, a boy, October Ion Club luncheon, 12:30 p.m. home 23. i aw of Mrs. Magruder. Mr. and Mrs. Rune Langeland, AH Ruor Sab;p[es ...... Rduced 20 °//°, How ]s 319 Roosevelt, a boy, October 24.  Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Manke. 309 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Memorial Hall. Shelton Jaycee dinner meeting, West "G", 6:30/at 'the AfrporL Clubhouse:. a boy, October 26. Fred ]. Wivell Post 31, Ameri- can Legion, 8 p.m., lemorial Hall. Wednesday, Nov. 6 BPW Chib, 7:30 p.m., home of l¢rs. Susie Pauley. Drivers' license examiner. 10 a.m. -5 p.m., police station. Donnie J. Orthopedic Guild, 8 p.m., home of Mrs. Ray err. Shel-Toa GUild Holiday Hints Show, 8 p.m.. PUD auditorium. Thursday, Nov. 7 Shelton Yacht Club rummage sale, next to library. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Nay,, Mot'- ....... , ners Club, 7:30 p.m., Memorml . /i: ...... Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steensen, 126 East "E" St., a boy, October 27. Mr. and Mrs, Pete Peterson, SLat" RL. 1 Box 171, a boy, Octo- ber 29. IT'S A GIRL Word was received Monday by Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Frank that their son Dr. Peter Frank, and his wife were parents of a baby girl born that morning in Iowa City, Iowa. Lucinda Lynn Frame weighed in at 7 lb. 6 oz. Her fath- er is a graduate of Shelton high school and is now interning at the Iowa City University hospital. The Time To Lay-Away A Lane Chest For Christmas. Sl Down Holds Till Christmas. Try Our Convenient Low Cost Terms Open 8:30 to 5:30 Mon.-Sat. s, OLSEH FURNITURE CO.