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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 31, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 31, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE SI-TELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in CtUhAstmastown, U.g.&apos;A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, INC., Publishers Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle Marling Addrem: Box 446, Shelton Phone 426-4412 Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, every Thursday. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington BLBI-PTION RATES$4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance; Outside Mason County, $5.00 Member of National Editorial Association Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association COPY DEADLINES RURAL CORRESPONDENCE AND NOTICES -- Monday 10 a.m. DIPI.Y ADVERTISING -- Tuesday noon SOCIETY NEWS  Tuesday noon PICTURES AND NEWS  Tuesday 5 p.m. WANT ADS -- Wednesday 10 a.m. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER -- William M. Dickie PLANT SUPERINTENDENT -- Jim Shrum OFFICE MANAGER  Lodema Johnson NEWs EDITOR  Alan Ford SOCIETY EDITOR -- Marj Waters OFFICE ASSISTANT -- Mary Kent ADVERTISING MANAGER -- Barbara Nelson PRINTERS  Russ Stuck, Dave Thacher, Asa Pearson, Jerry Stiller, Charles Schwarz. Chemicals Used In Moss Contrd There are always ways of get- ting rid of the unwanted plant life. Overhanging branches which cause shade to fall on mossy spots of .the roof can be removed to aid m moss control, and as much as possible of the moss should be scraped away. Some of the other control meth- ods depend upon rainfall to aid the process and others will not work without dry weather. The wet weather moss controls consist of the use of zinc galvan- ized or copper flashings and ridges over which rainfall will pour as the metal corrodes. Copper or gal- vanized ridges will give fairly good control downward for about 12-15 feet. Or you can get some moss control on the roof by stretching copper wires along the butt ends of the shingles, spacing the wires about 10 feet apart. " The surest way to control moss !on roofs, however, iS with chem- LETTERS EDITOR J I TO H, i i Hu icals of one sort or another, begin- ning with simple salt. No matter what the chemical is that you use, use extreme care in the appli- cation and handling. Even table salt should not, of course, be al- lowed to fall on plants below. Guard against drift of other chem- icals which can "kill wanted plants as easily as the rnss you want to get rid of. You can considerably reduce the drift hazard by using a sprinkler can for applying the solutions you use, instead of a HAIL ON THE STREETA flash hailstorm Friday afternoon covered the streets in Shelton with a coat of the small icy lumps for a short time. The hail quickly melted after coming down quick- ly for a short time. that we have a city dog pound city, but there are packs of them; and dog ctcher. ' especially on Hillcrest. I walk just Now if I am wrong someone a few blcks to teach school every sprayer. please correct me. It is my under- morning and I meet packs and R i H k MR. & MRS. LEAGUE • standing that we have a city oral- single dogs all the way. Not only Also, keep in mind the fact that ||@ nits@@ ||111 A w L are they becoming.a menace to many of the compounds which you IIN|O|||@@ |lU|||| Stock's Grapeview ........ 22 10 drivers, they are a constant haz- may use for this pro'pose are cor-  ]J & J Service .................. 19 13 ....... ard to our child*ren. Besides, it rosive to metal. For this reason, II , .... j.,, " ]Dick Sharer's Diggers .... 17 15 Imll Im,n= makes our neighborhood look flush the down spouts and gutters I1 [|||V I  UP-U| beautiful, out in advance so that the chemi- Bill VVU||i,][ i Oonn Realty ........ 16' 15' No if h  d ^ o--*n-'rs cal does not stand for any length  ]Eacrett Lumber .............. 16 16 • t,  ui w  I • Bremerton.Tacoma Stages want their dogs why don't they !Of. time. Flush, again after apph-I@kAta| Iml,AA J Griffey Bros. Const ....... 14 18 tie them u * If the don't wat cati°n of the cnemlcal so that all .II||W ||||'-|1_..1_ Allyn Grocery .................. 13 19 at them tied Pup then Ythey should the chemical is removed. To pro- .V||Vww mu|v=vwvv ] Allyn Shell Service .......... 101/ 21 - • -- " ..... tec tne equipmen use add two NEW YORK Clal J d take me consequences o navm . ...... ' .- I (Spe " )- u g-I High games--Shirley Engen179, Tnu unT©| their dog impounded and done ?lesp?nszull:,o°wUSn° am'ling from the rate at whicfi new Don Pogreba 221. Vlgl5 l Ull HUH Lg- away with within the time limits. 1 ..... g . . e or the I businesses have been springing up I High series--Shirley Engen 475, I say, if we can't enforce our ast imsnmg ot water, lin Mason County in the last fowl Joe Engen 529. 'Parcel Freight and city laws why have them at all  Even so, do no( use such equip- years, the spirit of individual on- i Passenger Serv ce Sincerely yours, " ment for spraying flowers and terprise continues to be very much I Stoek's 4 (Joe Engen 529), Shar- • Don Eri'ckson I piants later on. One final, but very l alive locally lefts (Wayne Robinson 399); Donn ___ ......... ]76 YLidg:_o ....... Ra.d !important. point "Keep Such Che- t The countvs' non-farm business 1 Marsh 3 (Bill Saudt 458), Allyn Phone 426-4530 :J Shelton, Wash mmals away from children and an-Iponulation las been raised to a l Shell 1 (Jim Von Osten 417); J | P.S.--Please print this. imals." new high as local residents, with & J 3 (John Hu]et 524), Allyn ................... = ......... : ...... : ...... -- -- ------------ Penta('hh)rophenoh When used an urge to be on their own, have J Grocery 1 (Don Query 439) ; Grif- ........  .. ] as a water solution use the five been embarking on new Ventures [ fey Gros. 3 (Del Stormo 523), ., .,.. :;: .... , | 1Percent solutmn according to the[ Past experience shows that not IEacrett Lumber 1 (Eldon Todd !  ] ] manufacturers.recommendations, l a.ll of them are likely to succeed 493). i i''- JOBS IN TODAY'S WORLD 0F| 'mere ,}s also, ,tne 50-50 mture the first time The mortality .:...,z, ':,'', , .... :,:z  AUTOMATION AND RAPID , .. s cAn.a, nor among new businesses ]s h h. I'REP   CHANGE BELONG TO THE. be used on asphalt roots as t nll [Some of them are under-oa-il-I I'OOTBALL SCORES i:] :>a- EDUCATED AND TRNNED. | I dissolve the asphalt. This chemical I i.od cn vn,.e wth mho, " * [ Ol3mpie League 2, SCH00tDROPOUTS ARE | t used on wood shingle or shake -70 "h:'(,o',',=' ';.£-2[ Shelton 19 North gitsap 6 :(!i]i::.4:;i:  "  [  COUNTEDOUT BYCUTTNG | [[r°°fs will ive lon-tim ]/ ....... v .......... :...1":- ..... ]1 South Kitsa 12 Brenl. 7 :C,'::::::" : ,   . . g g e protec- weather an un rohtable fn'st ear , p , East :. .:::-h: .... ..  "-  SHORT YOUR EDUCATION, Lion from m P ' Y " Port An 0 l os °des 28 Central YOU ARE LITERALLY • Others fail because of insuffic- .. .  ." .., . ^   ' ¢,,,,_  ........ | I Sodium pentaehlorol)henate. Use t ient exnerience because of heavy [ vasnon , amm'loge u ; t'..2  YOUR OWN POCKET. the five percent solution of this competition or for other reasons orth Mason 6, Forks 0 material which you can obtain by Enough of them do succeed how Port Townsend 32, Sequim 19  1 |  mixing two pounds of sodium pen- I ever to warrant the risk ' 1 Central League | |m X | gR'm m|ax=-=xlx Axm =.==m== | tachlorophenate powder m fwe I TITEFIGURES onnewhnsineJ Tumwaer 20, Montesano 0 I i00M00UI HV||LM I I t ............ ! I I&lllk,,,, ,s is safe forlformatio.s j00st r00leased, are con- I e, o ! n rtn L W IIL vKllllIlill /! I | lWllNII! I ! ]   - ]tained in a Census Bureau report, 1. , :y ona '4 ;lma ,, I m . m im m Ig vu niln/-- I Illlli ! I i ' / • t'm'eoared with the assistane of / vwnmek 43, Rochester 0 $  | ] '' || =i'm. I|A-----I-- t the Department of Health, Eduea-] Eatonville 19, White Pass 7 ] 1'||| IlO ,lip .II,IIIP ,r/Ne  | / ,fU Ii=11[= |U Ul,=ll|y ] LoiOnLand Zelfare. They are based [ 5T Thu;'Lm: t L:ua I I Hb lb" I Ht I; u||- !' . tl ." | ] FOT. RNT --- TWO l)edroom duplex / r .ports :ubmitted during, ' . - __., on 14 [ *= a# =, aill$  ''@'W  " . | | apartment, one mile south city lhn-lthe Dast year [ umner 32, l, lfe 14 | r I#xn A = --  U/ ,, • I | LS Phone 426-2232. M 10/24 I Tl{e'" show "that the numbe- ^€ I Peninsula 6 Bethel 0 ! llF YllOliH II|||AY ",!i:: I1i -/ ]FOR SLE--Day bed. Aso on stove, lnew firms established ',- r. .... / Cu, t,s t3 qute R,ver 0 vi • v | || | V|===   :,||]|  i | Both perfect condition reasonably / ................ I  -, * - '  . !J, i | priced Call 426-3526 ' P 10f31 tl'n I County since 1959 when the prey- I ^. om,,wes ..eague o vet 6 lit  IYEAIFIHG:AHHIONOG$$212,000 :2? / [ FOR'GS@-o- L'E -1942 ForlkP.11Cl ] thrliler:2: ena°cnhfathbusmess [ L'ont eg227s Evergreen 6 F , u mine employees nl o erahon m |t;, HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE,, $247,000 "]Jl[/ / t O  RENT -- One bedroom house. ] " '" • , P " I L COLLEGE GRADUA-- - * ] ' 'Q | ] Downtown. Call evenings 426-3134. ]1962, the report shows. I employed, 43 with from four to [h wmt auuAt ...... $41L0O0 ' | ]__: .......... i ..........  H .10/31 tfn I It represented a 4.1 percent in-I seven employees and 30 with eight  r" • FOR SALE -- Ninety acres mostly r " ,':':,':=,",-,,:, %.'El.i I I , . . _ :, . , . / c ease ovet the 1959 total of 316. / to 19. , ............... ..:.::.,:.;:%.::::..:?':::::':::!;:2'@ ,,, ,arefl, some UDIDeF, Dewly Iellcefl. | | Three bedroom llouae, two b'm'ns Cwo [ BY COMIARISON, the United[ As of last year, they provided :..i_//f | | wells and outbuildings. Call ' 426- I States as a whole had a gain of ] gainful employment for 2,654 wor- THE CHOICE IS YOURS... SECURE YOUR < ,€-;). ] ] 3827, R 1. Bdx 241 Ehna (Matlock) / only 1 3 nercent The State of i kers the fi tires FUTURE THROUGH EDUCATION AND TRAINING ; " ,I l 1 mile wet oi scnool S 10/31  - . . . ,. , . g show. At the th ! " I .. ] |and to the Washington State Patrol [fh.o----'- ...... --, g ... Y l in~s of '-' to the latest find- U ILUUL LZl. COUZltr smallslZe   e . d:': i [for their kindnesses and eonuiderations /.'"'  . y, [ . Office of Business Ec- i'[ [ Wt,':s!eD!eY;'ei /lsicses predominate in Mason[OnCe, isleS, about 437,000 new bus- ... U.S. DEPhTMEHT OF durtn aarSn firms are established per T e bzeakdown lists 236 of then Y • ] l,rs, irances Sushak aid family] ..... ' ' [ ," in the United States and .... : ................. l " " "vl[n Irorn one i 10/31 to three people nearly 400,000 are discontinued. FRATERNAL LEAGUE W L Fuller Construction ........ 22 10 Moose Antlers .................... 21 11 Kiwanis Club .................... 19 13 Eagles Aerie .................... 18 14 Bull Moose ........................ 16 16 Lions Club ........................ 13 19 Shelton Hardware ............ 10 22 Rotary Club ........................ 9 23 High game -- Chuck White 222. High series -- Lionel Leman 574. Antlers 3 (Lloyd Clark 566), Kiwanis 1 (Laurie Carlson 489); Hardware 3 (Jerry Knutson 500), Eagles 1 (Lionel Leman 574); Fuller 3 (Don Johnson 554), Lions 1 (Chuck White 544); Bull Moose 3 (Russ Morken 553), Rotary 1 (Am Fox 506). MERCHANTS LEAGUE W L Prepp's Rexall Store .......... 22 10 Miller's ................................... 20 12 Bill's Shell Service .............. 19 13 Olympic Plywood .............. 16 16 Ralph's Serve-U .................. 15 17 Kimbel & Whitey's .......... 14 18 Old Mill Tavern .................. 13 19 Stewart's Foodliner .......... 9 23 High game--Dave Harris 255, Hap Smith 224. High series---Dave Hrris 572. Prepp's 4 (Dave Harris 572), Bill's Shell 0 (Hank Burchill 492); Ralph's 4 (Dck Johnson o--2I), Stewart's 0 (Bill Fredson 1); Kimbel & Whitey's 3 (Jerry Chris- ty 562), Old Mill 1 (Non Strick- land 528); Miller's 3 (Hap Smith 568), Plywood 1 6Jim Simmons 472). SIMPSON WOMEN W L Accounting .......................... 23 9 Olympic Plywood .............. 22 10 Insulating Board .................. 17 15 Research ................................ 15 17 Lumber .................................. 14 18 Purchasing ............................ 14 18 Loggers .................................. 12 30 Engineering ........................ 11 21 High game--Phyl Ziegler 198. High series--Phyl Ziegler 548. IBP 4 (Phyl Ziegler 548), Re- search 0 (Mandy Halbert 452); Phywood 4 (Jeanne Peterson 480), Loggers 0 (Lorraine Ross 406); Accounting 3 (Jane White 518), Engineering 1 (3can Hoffman 420); Purchasing 3 (Darlene Wil- son 482), Lumber 1 (Joan Sowers 520). WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL W L Richfield Oil ............... 25 11 Gott's Oilerettes ............ 22 14 Bill's Shell Service ........ 21V.z 14/, Kelly Furnicture ............ 20 15/ Allyn Shell Service .... 17 19 Eells & Valley .............. 14 22 Ming Tree Cafe ............ 13 23 Darigold .......................... 11 25 High game -- Margaret Tobler 206. High series -- Tip Franklin 534. Richfield 4 (Phyt Ziegler 514), Bill's Shell 0 (Helen Ogden 438); Gott's 4 (Tip Franklin 534), Ming Tree 0 (Shirley Vasbinder 399); Darigold 3 (Ginny Failer 477), Kelly Furniture 1 (Jean Ream 477); Allyn Shell 3 (Ann Cole 514), Lolls & Valley 1 CAndy Dodgers 421). RECREATION LEAGUE W L RiLner's Pink Ladies 20 8 Olsen Furniture ............ 17 11 Lemke's Service ............ 16 12 Shelton Recreation .... 15 13 Rainier Beer .................. 14% 13% Boysen Construction .... 12% 15 Northwest Evergreen 9 19 Lucky Lager .................. 8 20 High game  Shirley Stiles 189. High series -- Donna Coleman 482. WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE W L Sunbeam Bread ............ 19 9 Morgan Transfer ........ 19 9 Shelton Hotel ................ 16 12 McConkey Drug Center 15 U_, 12 , Polka Dot ...................... 14 14 Lumbermen's Merc .... 14 14 Millo's Dincr .................. 8 20 Hoodsport Lumber ........ 6, 21, High game --- Vi McGee 198. High series --- Millie Daniels 513. Split picks .... Helen Burnett 3-9-10, Betty Robertson and Dot Summers 5-10, Louise St|nor and Edith Huisingh 5-7. Shelton Hotel 4 (Dot Ruther- ford 454), Hoodsport Lumber u (Helen Spaulding 376); Morgan Transfer 4 (Vi McGee 475), Polka Dot 0 (Fran Fischer 377); Drug Centcr 3 (Bobble Barnett 472), L.1VL 1 (Florence Knutzcn 418); Sunbeam Bread 3 (Millie Daniels 513), Millo's Diner 1 (Mary Alice Crossan 418). JUNIOR LEAGUE V L Shelton Journal .............. 14 4 Cook's Plant Farm .......... 11 7 Timber Bowl .................. 10% 7 hay-Birds .......................... I0 " Willour Insurance .......... 9 9 V.F.W. Auxiliary ............ 6 8 Wilson Mill ...................... 6 / Lions Club ...................... 5 ]3 High series--Connie Fuller 212, Curtis Stracke 272.  High games--Connie Fuller 114, Don Donaldson and Curt Stracke 143. MIXED FOURSOMES Twisters ........................ 19 12 Timber Ducks ............ 19 12 Odd Balz ........................ 17V2 14 Knock Outs ................ 17 15 Strippers ........................ 15 16b What's Next ................ 14 18 Pin Busters .................. 13% 18% High games -- Iva Cook 180, Henry Cook Jr. 202. High series -- Iva Cook 459, Gayle Wentz 528. Knock Outs 4 . (Dean Smith 484:), Board Busters 0 (ChucR Thompson 460); Pin Busters 3 CA1 Luhm 466), What's Next 1 (Hank Boysen 476); Strippers 3 (Henry Cook Jr. 476), Timbre Ducks 1 (Clyde Landsaw 509) Twisters 2% (Don Imdson 471), Odd Balz 1, (Gayle Wentz 528). GRANGE LEAGUE Shelton Valley .................. 24,, 11 Matlock .............................. 22 14 Agate .................................. 20 16 Skokomish ........................ 1 16z Patrons  ............................ 18/ 17. Pomona .............................. 14 22 Cloquallum ...................... 13 22% Southside .......................... 12 24 High games--Jim Rossmaier 226, Lad Simpson 225, Ina Kim- bel 177. High series--Tom Olson 5617int Kimbel 47i. Shelton Valley 4 (Lad Simpson 513), Southside 0 (Henry Boysen 466) ; Agate 4 (Henry Warnes 484), CIoquallum 0 (Jim Sauer 474); Matlcck 4 (Jim Rossmaier 539), Skokomish 0 (Frank Minor 462); Patrons 3 Tom Olson 500) Pomona 1 (Henry Cook Jr. 456). t / .... WOMEN'S 12:30 LEAGUE W I Shelton Union Oil .............. 19 13 Cota Grill .............................. 16 16 John's Richfield .................. 15 17 Nell's T?harmacy ................. :]-4 18 High game--Connie Cronquist 193. High series--Connie Cronquist 497. g: * :it John's Richfield 4 (Myra Weeks 414), C0ta Grill 0 (Vi McGee 408); Shelton Union Oil 3\\;(Connie Cron- quist 497), NeWs Pharmacy 1 (Betty Frecto 464). GOL ANOTHER BIG T FOR MIXED Twenty-six more who came food and fellowship last Sunday's some at the Prize winners in werc: 1st ]nw an Gary Nicloy; Barbara Pauley ton ; lOVe Glen Ferguson; Gert Batstone high gross--Jean Price. * :I:  $ FEMS FINISH SE • Final organized rent season \\;ras the ladies division ton Golf Club. Winners were: t-Ieuston, high "Wuench, tow Dot Hillior, low net: Sue Daniels. RAYONIER Silva Foxes Rayonettes .............. .,,''i Maintenance Water Boys Wood Birds Acetate Aces Pin Curlers Fourfowlers: ............... High games 174, Bob Eliot High series --- Gerry Hart 518. HOL ShelLon Marine Hood Canal Ronnie's .............. -.' Shelton Union Moll Chew'clot Jim Pauley Inc. B & W Marina High game 190. High series 502. . ....... Jim 2°auley 4 496), B & W 0 Shelton Marine 3 Sylvia Fonzo ea, Service 1 (Glady Ronnie's 3 (GinnY Mell 1 (Pat Nore 2 (Vera Bishop rina 2 (Katy Niles TIDES 6F Computed for HC Oakland 50 min. later lridy, High ............... Low .............. 10:18 High .............. 4:02 Low ........ ...... 10:48 Saturda,y, High ............. 5:2( Low . ............ 11:0 High .............. 4:3 Low .............. 11:3 ' Sunday, High ............. 6: Low .............. 11:5 High .............. 5:1 Ionday, Lw .. 0 : High .............. 7:: Low .............. 12 :i High ............. Tuesday Low . ............. 1 :' High .............. Low .............. High .............. 6 :' Wednesd Iz,)w .............. 1 : High .............. 9:: Low .............. 3:1 High .............. 7:: Low .............. 2: High Low .......... (...  : High 8 :' i, i ii ii i HO . L__.. R _ i T 0 H ThenRemember... ' t Journal Classified Ads Will Help You TURN UNWANTED ITEMS INTO CASH 15 WORDS or less $2500000 one i:sue three tssues PHONE HA 6.4412 To Place Your C/assified Ad In The q