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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 31, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 31, 1963
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October 31 1963 SHELTON--MASON COUNT¥ JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.Z.A.", Shelton. Washington PAGE 5 248 10R LEAGUE W eWe]ry ....... 16 8 ............ 16 8 ............ 14 1U ........ 12 12 ...................... 12 12 Cap ................ 11 13 9 I0 5 19 -- Peg Bloomfield record}. Reid Prepper- Peg Bloomfield )ernau 535• set a new Jun- single game with her 248 fi- Bowl. consistently better as opening at ing up to 191 mid- for a trorrid big game broke by Andrea Bailey Rodgers ). fine pinwork her Logging Com- a shutout verdict to whose Reid Prep all mascu]$ne et- day with a 217 game In addition, the from two absen- Winners had a full shutouts were reg- Jewelry (Joe over unsponsorea s 408), ana Pearson 505 ) (Joe Vonhof 321). SAFECO INSURANCE BAFEC0 Auto Insurance provides the !a0st complete roof of planned protec- ,ti0a at the lowest possible cost. That is Jst one of the reasons why you can relax your car is protected by SAFEC0. fair claim service is another. In facfl 'NOBODY SETTLES CLAIMS FASTER ANDMORE FAIRLYI Check thls SAFECO Vantage SAFECO Insur- rate is "Accident This means ,at your rates will 0t he 'raised because 11 have an accident. NORTH MASON SCHOOL HEWS CLIMBERS PUT UNDEFEATED RE00RD ON LINE Bulldogs, Inspired By Homecoming Theme, IS FRID • Score 1st Victory Of Year, Blank Forks AGAINST BEAReATS AT CHEHAL AY By Demls Shelly It must have been the thought behind Homecoming that last week carried the Bulldogs to their first victory in 14 consecutive football outings. North Mason tallied a 6-0 con- quest over the Forks Spartans in one of the biggest surprises ever recorded by the Bulldogs. This now places NM ahead of Forks in the Olympic League Class A standings and also puts the Bull- dogs on an equal with the Sequim Wolves. The game got under way slowly as the Spartans started a short gain march down the field. The Bulldogs stopped the foe and took over the ball on downs--the first of 23 turnovers in the ball game. There was a total of three in- terceptions and 10 fumbles which accounted for the large munber of turnovers. HIGIILIGHT of the game was a 70-yard pass to end Tim Thomas for the spirited Bulldogs' touch- down, which came late in the first half. The Bulldogs had several other chances for tallies but were unable to take advantage of the oppoYtunities, A Bulldog end mis- sed a pass in the end zone as he shiedaway from a goal post. Then Joslin Insurance (Rocky Robin- son 47-4) took a 3-1 verdict from Hembroff Agency in the other match. All Thls and Savings, {ool We invite you to com. pare SAFECO rates with any other corn- party. What's more, SAFECO now an- nounces new low rates for owners of more than one ear--up to 20% savings! For the finest Roof el Planed Protection...SEE US TODAY2. Hm00oft Agency i16 NO, 2nd gAFIECO 426-3357 INSURANCE. again, a Forks Dllnt was fumbled and the Bulldogs nearly got away for the tally. Tim NM team played one of its best defensive games ever. The Spartans were trying hard but they Iooked tired and slow. perhaps because of their own long losing streak. AFTEII TIlE GAME. both NM coaches were given a free shower, compliments of the victorious Bulldog team. Later. both teams retired to NM Home Ec room where hot dogs and milk were served. Next week the Bulldogs will make a bid against the league- leading Vashon Pirates. Game time is 7:30 Friday, Nov. 1, on the Vashofi gridiron. Seore by Quarters NM .......................... 0 6 0 0 -6 Forks ..................... 0 0 0 0--0 Vollehdo%vns NM- Thomas. 70-yard pass play. ream Statistics NM Forks First Downs .................. 1 D 8 by rushing_ ................. 9 6 by passing .................. 0 2 by penalties ................ i 0 Rushing plays ................ 37 34 Yards gained .......... 109 99 Yards lost .................. 20 5 Net yar-ls gained ...... 89 94 Passes attempted .......... 11 8 Passes completed .......... 4 3 Passes intercepted ...... 2 1 Yards gained passing- ..101 40 Total net yards .......... 190 134 Total plays .................. 48 42 Fumbles .......................... 3 9 bail lost ........................ 3 7 Punts .......................... 2/47 1/18 Average .................... 23.5 18 Penalties ...................... 7/50 9/70 FREOFRA00uRES 600 TWICE IN ROW MAJOR LEAGUE Pts. Timber Bowl ............................ 72L) Northwest Evergreen ............ 68 Jim Pauley Ine ....................... 63% Dan's Nite Hawks .................. 60 Olson's B & B Shop .............. 58V2 LaBissoniere Agency .............. 53V.2 High games---Fred Snelgrove 248, 233. High series- Fred Snelgrove 642. For the' second time in as many n.ights of competition, Fred Snel- grove banged into the 600 circle. In Major league play Friday he did it with two big finishing games of 248 and 233 following his 161 opener for a 642 total. He got little support from his teammates, however, ]lone of whom even carried into the 500 figures, so his Jim Pauley Inc. quartet picked up only 6, points for the night. Dan's Nite Hawks (Chub Nutt 582, had the top total at 12 points, followed by Northwest Evergreen 9 (Harry Peterson 576, Olson's Barber & Beauty Shop 8 [Lloyd Clark 559. Timber Bowl 71. (Bill Besch 595 J. and LaBissoniere Ag- ency 4 (Ed Hurd 558t. ROBE:RTSONi TODb BAG SIMPSON 600s SIMPSON MEN'S LEAGUE 'W L Mill 2 .................................. 25 7 Railroad ............................ 20 12 Loggers ......... : .................. 18 14 Mill 1 ................................ 17 1. Loaders .............................. 16 16 Engineers ........................ 14 18 Shops ................................ 9 23 Insulating Board ............ 9 23 High games -- Glen Robertson and Bud Cole each 224. High series Glen Robertson 632, Eldon Todd 613. Eldon Todd was more consis- tent in accumulating his 613 ser- ies but Glen Robertson had the big "kick" to get the higher count at 632 in Simpson men's league bowling play last week. Todd hit 202-211-200 as he led pace-setting Mill 2 to a shut- out victory over Insulating Board (Les Spilseth 427), while Robert- son had a string of 224-194-214 which gained the Engineers a 3-1 victory over Shops (Fred Rope 491). The other matches brought whitewash victories to the Loggers (Ken O'Dell 520l over Railroad (alan Ahlquist 582), and Mill 1 (Bill Goodburn 515) over the Loaders (Jim Simmons 509). The Winter Collection Of Costume Jewelry [+. End Of Line Begins At 2:00 O'clock BLAZERS WIND UP TODAY JUNIOR HIGII L:A(Uli] IV L T pf 1}a Hoquiam .............. 4 0 1 105 20 SHELTON .......... 3 1 1 59 20 Miller _ ................. 3 1 1 77 32 \\;Vashington ........ 3 1 1 62 25 Jefferson .............. 2 3 0 39 74 Hopkins .............. i 5 0 21 138 Centralia .............. 0 5 0 12 66 L'4st Week Miller 7. \\;Vashington 7 Hopkins 7 Centralia 0 Hoquiam 34. Jefferson- 34 TMs Week Washington at Shelton Hoquiam at Miller Jefferson at Centralia Junior high fo0tball winds tlp its 1963 play this week with a tnree- way title tie. ill which the Shel- ton Blazers can be a shareholder. possible under the right circum- stances. The Blazersmust hang a de- 'feat on Washington when the Bull- dogs visit Loop Field this after- noon (Thursday), and Miller nmst upset undefeated Hoquiam. Those are large order all around. The four teams involved in these two gaines have ties on their records, Shelton with Hoquiam, Washington with Miller. Washing- ton's only loss has been to Ho- qmam. tVHller's only loss to Shel- ton. J, rhile Shelton was idle last week. Hoquiam blasted Jefferson. Hopkins won its first of the sea- son from winless Contrails Miller and Washington played to a 7-7 stalemate. The Blazers .ll enter today's finale against \\;Vashington in bet- ter spirits and better condition than was the prospect last week. Their 229-pound tackle ae, Dave Gunter. suffered a severely bruised shin (at first believed bro- ken) during a physical education class early in the week and was on crutches for a while, but now it seems certain he will be able to play, althoug'h heavily ban- daged and protected. The tight title race, with four teams as possibles for the three- way tie. could also find the Blaz- ers in undisputed possession of second place if they and Hoquiam both win. RETARDED BOWLING TEAM 1 Carl Bloomfield 69- 91 Bobby Niemire 84-49, Terry Stidd 53-44. Randy Chapman 64- 70, Jimmy" Smith 92-82. TEAM 2---Bobby Kimbel 64-72. Joan Ba- shaw 21-28. Tom Kunkle 93-118, David Castle 11-26. 3ffmiliRmllffilllTnmfllllflfl ! i i . . - 1iifi1fmiimiTiimmNm1i1fg111g11tmTmipinm1mggiiD OUTDOORS IR MASON COUNTY IllnlIIIlUUlIIlUll IUlUlUIIIUlUlIInlIIIIIIIIlUlInlmIlUnIUIIIIIIlU IIIlumllBluu]lmnlllUmull ISBllllmllBInllllllllmlll$UI DEER KILL MOVES UP Coming of rain and crispness ot temperatures put the deer kill count on thee uptake in Mason FORESIGHT--Connie Franklin included a rifle with her gear when she and two other ladies went mushroom hunting Mon- day in the Lake Cushman region. The 155-1b. 2-point buck pic- tured above was the result of that foresight. GOT IT!  Chris Gallagher downed the 114-1b. 2-point buck shown above in the Satsop area Tuesday. County last week, After an extremely slow first 10 days, the past week has seen a much-quickened tempo in the number of bucks taken. Every section of the county has yielded to the deer seeker, as you will readily see from the kill sites listed under the numerous pic- tures on this and page even (all furnished by courtesy of Wing- ard's Sport Shop). Top kill of the week. among those rported, was the 4-poiut 175-1b. buck killed by Ted Han- son. University of W'ashington student and former Shelton high athlete, in the Denny Ahl Look- out area. (Pictured on page 7). Another 4-point. at 150 lbs.. was killed by Don Devaney in the Camp Govey area. Three-points were killed by Larry Burfiend (130 lbs. near Mr, ,Rose. John Pinckney Jr. ( 150 lbs.) near Trask Lake. Norm Disney (weight'not listed) on the Pole Line. Vrayne Coleman 155 lbs.) in the Black Hills, Bill Kellogg ,162 lbs.) near Kamilche. Marsh McGuire ( 160 lbs./ near M:atlock. and Ray Bol- duc (weight and site unlisted). Two-point bucks were killed by Connie Franklin /155 lbs.) near Lake Cushman, Iat Fisk (150 lbs.) in Wrebb Hill area. Chris Gallagher (114 lbs.) in Satsop ar- ea, Bill Looney with son Stuart in the Cabin Creek area, and Chet Woodworth. a mottled albino at 80 lbs. near the airport (see pie- ture on page 1). Jerry Morris bagged a 95-1b. spike near Lake Nahwatzel, Arnie Schrieber a ll0-1b, spike near Matlock. and Lee Burfiend a spike in the Mt. OSe region. The regular deer season ends this Sunday with an either-sex el- igibility for the closing. Elk hunt- hg starts Nov. 9. FISHING NEGLECTED With deer hunting taking the stage, fishing has been virtually neglected by sportsmen. ]Eight salmon were reported by five anglers, topped by Frank Burr's ll-tb, silver off Harstine Island Sunday. He also had a 4- lb. King. In the same area the same day, Dr. A. B. Carson of California, a visitor to MeM2cken Island, which he owns. caughL a 2-1h. silver ano a 4-1b. King while fishing with Dick Glaser. In Hood Canal. in the Hoodsport area, R. E. Munson boated a 10- lb. silver while the father-son team of George Belmont Sr. and Jr. came up with three. Dad got a pair of silvers at 9-0 and 5-8, son a 5-10 silver. RECREATION REPORT Shelton Ranger District--The 1005 Road just beyond Spider Lake that was closed due to large slide has been opened. A few roads washed out due to heavy rains and some secondary logging spin" roads are closed due to blow- down. Deer, hunting has improvea sonmwhat on othe district and pro- spects for elk season look very good Snow has fallen from 2500 ft. elevation up, as freezing level drops. SALMON CARDS VOTED Has Arrived Sport salmon anglers in Wash- ington will be carrying salmon punch cards next year. A regula- tion requiring use of a free. non- al Beckwith Jewelry 4-POINT--Art Palmer of Mat- lock got his buck not far from home Saturday morning, the 4-point shown here dressing, out at 138 Ibs, (Photo by Tupper's Resort, Lake Nahwatzel). 129 Railroad OLYMPIC LEAGUE IV L T pf pa SHELTON ......... 4 0 0 77 25 Port Angeles ...... 3 1 0 66 21 Central ................ 1 2 0 22 41 East ...................... 1 2 0 28 25 North ................. 1 3 0 30 55 South .................... 1 3 0 12 68 La.t Week Shelton 19. North 6 South 12, East 7 Angeles 28. Central 0 This Friday Shelton at Chehalis (nl) Bainbridge at North (nl) Central at East Port Townsend at South (nl) Sequim at Port Angeles (rill Though it can have no affect on their red-hot title chances in the Olympic League. the High- climbers have a burning desire to make the Chehalis Beareats their seventh straight victim of the 1963 football season Friday night when the two clubs tangle in Chehalis. M'ainly, of course, the Climber= want that undefeated season they are just two games away from, but secondarily, Chehalis is a ball club the Cilmbers dearly love to whip because the Bearcats have a tendency at times to shade the rules of good sportsmanship. This the Climbers have learned through numerous years of competition while both teams are members while both teams were members ot the Central league. CHEHALIS STILL belongs to the Central circuit, currently is in second place behind Tumwater in thc western division standings with a 3-2-0 record and can tie for the title if Tumwater loses its final game. The Bearcats will outweigh the Highclimbers in both line ana backfield but not by much in eith- er case. Superior Highclimber speed should be able to offset it. Chehalis puts its offensive em- phasis this year on the power ot 195-pound fullback Tom Katy- ryniuk and a strong passing at- tack. In the Bearcats' 19-0 victory over St. Martins last Friday, Katyryniuk scored all three touch- downs after passes had positioned the ball near paydirt. Chehalis rol- led up 110 yards on six comple- tions in nine pass efforts by two quarterbacks, John Severns ana Jim Chartrey, the latter a prom- ising sophomore. JUST WHAT TYPE of offense Chehalis will use against Shelton is something Coach Boh Sund wishes he could forecast, hut the Bearcats have used a variety ot styles this year ranging from Here's Homecoming Duty For Former Climber Lettermen Calling all former Highclimbcr varsity letter winners! Next week is homecoming for Shelton alums and a gala one it is to be. you, as legter winners, can con- tribute to one of the little nice- ties planned by the homecoming program committee. Here's what the committee would bike you to do--wear your letter sweater (if it still fits) to the homecoming game (that's with East Bremerton for the Olympic League championship) and line up at the tennis court gate at half-time in two lines be- tween which the Highclimbers can run as they eturn to the field for the second half. Let's see you all out there, Friday night of next week! liiniting card vgas adopted at a public hearing h Olympia today (londay, October 28) by the De- partment of Fisherics following another public hearing last Fri- day ,October 25). The tmch card regulation re- quires that each sport salmon ang- ler shall have a card, relnove cite punch on catching a salmon and that cards shall be returned to the Departmcnt of Fisheries by Jamuary 31 of the following year. Regulation takes effect January 1. 19114 Cards will be a, vailalle at Department of Fisheries offices and at sport and tackle stores and boathouses. There will be no charge for the card or it.s issu, ance and they will not be trans- ferable. -- i , i ! i HH standard T to single and double ler slot with Bill Batstone and wing combinations.  Brian Snyder at tackles. Steve Ar- Sund will probably start the cher at center, and Ron Orr at the same backfield as he did last week. holding Don Clary on the sidelines for spot assignments. This is because Clary still isn't 100 percent recovered from the elbow boils which bothered him last week. That means Bob Walker will operate at right half again oppo- site Tom Lwe. with Kelly Hurst at full and Brian Brickert at quar- ter. A change or two is due up front, too, Mike Brickert has a twisted ankle t acquired in a non- football activity) so will ,ield his starting end aignment to Bo Kieburtz, and Steve Anstey has worked his way back into a start- ing guard call allead of Jim Rich- , ards. Bob Jeffery goes at the oth- I LEFTY JOE WHAOKS 640 GITY SERIES MEN'S CITY LEAGUE W L Beckwith Jewelry ........ 15 9 40 & 8 ............................ 13 11 Prepp's Rexall tore 12.2 11. Shaub-Ellison .............. 12 11/2 t John's Richfield ............ 12 12 Wilson Company ............ Ii 13 Frisken Oil .................... 11 13 Simpson Timber ............ 9 15 High games --- Joe Anderson 238, Nell Seljestad 225. High series -- Joe Anderson 640. It's about time the southpaws were heard from! Joe Anderson spoke up for the lefties Monday night with a loud shout---640 pins toppled as he banged off games of 200-238-202. But you know what! His league- leading Beckwith Jewelry team still lost the odd game to Shaub- Ellison, mostly because Neil SeN jestad was counteracting Joe's best work with parallel games of 200 and 225. with help from Stan Ahlquist and Roy Longacres which Joe's teammates didn't give him. In other action, lowly Frisken Oil ,Jess Daniels 527) plunged Simpson Timber George Fuller 467) into the basement with a 3-0 verdict, while 40 & 8 (Fred Snelgrove 576/ md John's Rich- field {Vic Zabroski 5331 were 2-1 victors respectively over Prepp's (Ed White 535) and Wilson Comp- any Allie Robinson 5391. Traveling Pin-Kids Blank Gen|raliMs RAINBELT JUNIORS W L Elms ...................................... 7 1 Aberdeen .............................. 6 2 SH]ELTON ..................... , ...... 5 3 Olympia (Wests;[de) :....;;:. 5 -- Chehalis .: ............ _...: ...... :...'.'_-.:73" Hoquiam ................................ 2 6 Lacey .................................... 2 ti Centralia ................................ 2 6 Peg Bloomfield. Cladue Cook and Len Robinson slammed the critical pins as helton's entry m the Rainbelt junior traveling league smeared a goose-egg over Contrails at the Timber Bowl Sunday. Peg's 199 was top single game the Shelton kids with Len's 578 high series. Claude came in with a 531 helping hand. Leading Elma won over Ho- quiam, 4-0, whiIe splits resulted in the other two matches, Larry and Chehalis, Aberdeen and Olym- pia. other end. Game time is 8:00 o'clock. I,EAGUE SCORING td pat pts DON CLARY S .......... 4 0 24 Carlson NK .................. 4 0 24. RON ORR S .................. 3 1 19 Harrison PA .................. 3 0 18 Hunt PA ........................ 2 5 17 KELLY HURST S ........ 2 0 12 Patterson PA ............... 2 0 12 Brodigan E ...................... 2 0 12 Williams E .................. 2 0 12 Enos PA ........................ 2 0 12 Turner CK ...................... I 1 7 BOB \\;VALKER S .......... 1 0 6 FRED LAMONT S ........ 1 0 6 DAN OLSON S .............. I 0 6 Holtine SK .................. 1 0 6 Sadowski SI( .................. 1 0 6 Kerr PA .......................... 1 0 6 Witt CK ..................... I 0 6 Klein NK 1 0 6 Conn CK ..................... 1 0 6 TOM LOWE S .............. 0 2 2 Mount E ...............  .......... 0 2 2 B. BRICKERT S .......... 0 1 1 LARRY PC\\;YELL S .... 0 1 1 Wisbey CK .................. 0 1 1 Netterfield E .................. 0 1 1 Bell PA ....... ,, ................. 0 1 1 Walker E ........................ 0 1 1 Totals .......................... 35 17 227 USED CARS '61 FALCON 4 dr. Wagon '60 RAMBLER Wgn. 2 dr. O.D, '56 FORD Wagon 9 Pass, '55 CHEV 4 dr. sedan '55 PONTIAC 15 Other Used Cars TRUCKS '55 FORD $495 30 pass, crew bus good for .big camper '54 GMC $295 1 ton panel good for small camper '44 GI 4x 4 $395 steel flatbed will go anywhere Jim Pauhy, Inc. 5th & Railroad Phone 426-8231 Therds only one place you can discover Fm@s new total performance ...the driver00 seat...and your Ford e Dealer invites you to put er ther today ! t's tatal performance?It's the result of knowledge gained in open competition.., new ride, ruggedness, response bred into every '64 Ford. But words alone can't tell you how much Fords have changed; You have to test-drive the oars themselves. The seat of your pants may not be very scion- tific.., but you'll get the rnessage l g,D,A,F, A¥ YOUR' e =F#Y-[O[AL PERFORMAWffE,00-0000FORD DIalERS JIM PAULEY, INt., 50t lCaHroad Ave.