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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 31, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 31, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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31, :[.9(, QHRISTMAS GIFT OPEN HOUSE FOR THE coming annual Christmas Gift Open this year jointly by the Mason County Home- and the Dirt Dobbers' Garden Club are: Mrs. C. H. Clark, Mrs. Roy Snider, Mrs. Darrell her son Richard. They represent the Mason County Association. Pictured in back, from the Dirt Dob- Club are Mrs. Olaf Johnsen and Mrs. AI Goodwin. I be held from 10:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. next Tuesday building. Demonstrators will include Mrs. Russell Christmas card ideas; Mrs. Belle Neilson from ,'eramic gift ideas; and Mrs. Robert Kramer, crushed and bottle candle holders. Other clubs and demon- included. This show is free to the public and is Vent that has traditionally been sponsored solely by nty Homemakers' Assoc. This year the cooperation Garden Club has been added. J HINTS" SHOW DATE SET Orthopedic Guild will again sponsor Doris Bamboo Shop in its annual "Holiday Hints Show" Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the PUD auditorium. Mrs. fall and Christmas home decorating ideas ing. Donations of $1 are being asked with all pro- , Mary Bridge Childrens Hospital of Tacoma. A door prize will be held and coffee and cookies will close of the evening. Tickets may be purchased )r from any guild member. Additional information ned by phoning 426-6574• ST!ELTON IIA0N C01TNV JOURNAL-- Pllltinlled h "CTw,,tmnto,wn, U:Z,A,", helton, Wahlnon Episcopal Women To Hear Speaker Another in the interesting ser- ies of the programs pl'mned for the women of St. I)avid's Epi.sco- pal church iv s(.,hedulcd for I p.m. next \\;Vedn'.,sday. Mrs. Louis Van- Arsdale, the Home Sea'vice chair-. man for the Mason Couily Chap- ter of the American Rod Cross, will be the speaker. All inlerested \\;\rOlTlen €)f tile conlll]urlity aro in- vited 1o attend. , I f Thin year the general subject  is Christian Soeiqt Helaiions. The group has {/.e;ldy heard discus- sions of the new Correctional In- stitulion an,1 ttl(: work of the Dept. of Public Assistance this fidl. i m .... ".'x  .......... Nyd|a Glu Daughters O! The Nile Honors Queen At Dinner • Nydia Club I-)aughters of the Nile met at the Colonial House for its annual dinner to honor Queen Dora \\;Vells of Zora Temple and her officers. The table decorations were large sea shells filled with pink l chrysanthemums arranged by Mu- riel Rhodes, Marion Grisdale and Ndna Auseth. The faw)rs, shell nut cups decorated by Clare Bearden were an added attraction to the tables. A large group of high school students directed by Mr. Havens furnished the musical enlertain- ment for the evening. This was arranged by Gladys Martin. Out-of-town clubs represented were Grays Harbor, of Aberdeen; Selah of Olympia, and Gulieka of Lewis County. The next meeting will be a Christmas party Dec. 11 at the home of Myra Collier, who will be assisted by Dorothy Phillips. Ruby Rebekah Lodge Bazaar To Fea|ure Merchants' Lunch The members of Ruby Rebekah Lodg'c enjoyed a Halloweml party at the last regular meeting. Mrs. Grace Wells and Mrs. Judy Wil- son received prizes for the best costumes. Miss Mary Dobson, Dis- trier Representative, gave her re- port of the District Association meeting held here in Shelton re- cently. A bazaar and noon luncheon will be held at the Memorial Hall this Friday for the public. There will be a booth with hand-made items for sale and also a sale of lame-made candies. A mer- chants hmch will be sold at noon and pie and coffee will be served I all day. The refreshment committee for the next regular nmeting will be Miss Dorothy SchweiterinK, Miss Elizabeth Butlm', and vliss Nellie Nelson. The higher \\;vx are placed, the more humbly should we walk. ---Cicero Your Friends and Save Time NEW ENTERTAINMENT IS ADDED FOR SOLffHSIDE PTO GARNIVAL ATTRACTION THiS YEAR A FINAL CHECK of some of the gifts to be offered this SatUrday at the Southside PTO Car- nival is taken by Mesdames Harold Johnson, Art Bakke and Keith Hurst. The Carnival, an annual A ham dinner and fun for every member of the family can be had at the annual Southside PTO Car- nival this Saturday from 3-9 p.m. Dinner, which will be nerved from 57:30 ]).Ir., 'tll include ham. beans, cole slaw and rolls. Dona- tion for adtflts x4ll be 75 cents. 50 cents for children. Hot dogs, cupcakes, oyster stew. p0peoru and pie will also be offered. Tick- ets will be on sale at the door. Two new ideas are being offered this year. A fun house and an auc- tion will offer anmsement for both young and old. The usual baseball throw, dart gam e and movies for affair, will be held from 3-9 p.m. at the school. A ham dinner and entertainment for everyone will be offered to the publi¢ along with a gift booth full of Thanksgiving and Christmas articles. the children will also be available. One of the main features of the carnival- wi:l be a gift booth, full of Thanksgiving and Christnms ar- ticles which will be for sale. bake sale will also be held. Carnival co-chairmen are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson. Assist- ing them are: Kitchen• Mrs. May- nard Ness: bake sale. Mrs. Bob Puhn; gift booth. Mrs. Art Bakke and Mrs. Art Mell; cake walk. Mrs. Vernon Bedcll; games, Mrs. Betty V¢olfe: grab-bags, Mrs. Buz Hovind: and movies. Mrs. Chuck 3aekson. NA,rY MOTHERS CLUB Several of the members of the Navy Mothers Club drove out to the home of Mrs. Ocie Dean on Hood Canal to sew on layettes snd have a potluck luncheon Oct. 30. The next regular meeting of the club will be next Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Memorial Hall. PIONEER PTO Pioneer PTO will meet at 8 p.m. next Tuesday at the school. The program for the ew?nmg includes Open House. i i , VFW Auxiliary To Meet Tomorrow The next regular business meet- ing of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars will be held at 8 p.m. Friday in the Me- morial buildng. Refreshments will be served by Emma Grassl. Rev. Kokett, Flo- rence Hamilton and Marie MeKay. The prize will be brought by Vir- gie Cleveland, Members are urged to start working on items for the Bazaar to be held Dec. 6 in the PUP bldg. A cIfive to get 100 percent paid up membership before district meeting is now on. This meeting will be held Dec. 7 in Shelton. resident 3o Sparks, accom- panied by Bernice 3ansson and Foe Robinson, attended a meeting of the Olympia VF}V Auxiliary last Friday evening. DESSERT MEETING SLATED B" BPW The November Business meet- ing of the Shelton Business and Professional Women's Club will be held next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Susie Pauley. DeS- sert will be served at 7:30 larm. Plans for the November 20 din- ner meeting with speaker will be announced later. PAGE 15 ii i i Pharmacy Phaols From Nell Evander It's always a good idea to have bandages around the house, and if you're going on a trip you should always carry ban&ages along with your o t her standard first aid supplies. The word "band- age" is an inter- esting one. Band- ages were prob- ably the first at- tempts made at medication at the dawn of civili. zation. The word, comes from such backgrounds am the Anglo-Saxon word "honda" and the Teutonic "bindan". Our word "bandage" Old not appear until the early :15001=. Please do remember to have bandages and carry them in your car. We have them in all types and sizes for you. Open Dally 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays  9:30,- 6:00 NeWs Pharmacy 4th & Railroad 426-27 SEE YOUR DOCTOR NOW ABOUT FLU VACCINE FOR WINTER PROTECTION. Arthur L yman and his musicians at the Star Room FOR FINER MEATS! PRICES EFFECTIVE OGT. 31 - NOV. I & 2 RIGHT TO LIMIT of the PORK STEAK Blade O IP CODE... T BORE STEAK °' Good Or Choice Bm Tender Aged Beef Ib ACCURACY and SPEED DELIVERY' SIRLOIN STEAK ,95 € 98584 JOHN JONES 1218 S. 10th , WASH. F.S. EPEACHES CAN SUGAR MAYONNAISE COTTAGE CHEESE Early Garden Irregulars 29-oz. Tins C & H Brand From Hawaii 10-Lb. Bag Kraft's Tops 'Era All 24-oz. Jar Shur-Fresh Tops In Quality 16-oz. Cup 5/001 19 c Morck Hotel in Aberdeen Tuesday & Wednesday Nov. 51h & 6111 8:30 p.m. Ill 1:30 a.m. Us Print Your Envelopes For You! $2.50 per person Ado,t oo,yT'°kets Pork Roast 29 c sty ib Sausage \\; BUSINESSMAN-- NESTLE'S QUIK gIab. T,.s ........ 59* BANANAS , , 2"29 he Journal Will Automatically Add ,.o, Sele:ted Quality- € OHOO.OH PS ............................ 6-oz 5/ 1 BROKEN SHRIMP ...o.,.. ,,,/.o.. Tios 3/=1 ZiP CODE HUHBEB To All Your ,,,oo o, er Cereal  , s o.r'.o,,. BABY"Z°z" JarSF "M 1 0/$1 printed Envelopes, Stationery, And PINEAPPLE " ........ ' ' Roo TISSUE Ass, ....................... , .a. 3/ 1 Statements, Fresh Vl,-Brimming withea 39 c WE HAVE ZiP GODE, ,NUMBERS TOHATOES 19 ° FOR ILL MASON GOUNTY TOWNS, AVOCADOS !i)it;:::,avored oa 2/Zg € mE J RITAEE LTON MASON JOURNAL .......... " vo UME 7 Q¢ Also available at Serve U. Tangelos, Tanger  NOW ON SALE IF  • phone 426-4412 JOB PRINTING DEPT. iiles, Cranberries, Apples