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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 31, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 31, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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18 SI-IELTON--MASON COUNTY 3OURN/LL- Published in "Chrstmastown, U.g.A.", She]ton, Washington Thursday, To the Housewife The moment you walk through our front door we feel that we have done something that made you choose our store• Possibly it was our advertising, prices or person- nel, but we like to think that it was a composite of all the things you want in a store; quality,price, courtesy and service. When we say you_ are a very important person we mean it; therefore, we treat you as we want to be treated when we shop. LIBBY'S CANNED FOODS SALE! SCOTT PAPER PRODUCTS BUYS! 000 You are our reason for being in business and to that end we can only justify your confidence by being the best and giving the best . . . of everything• Thank you for shopping with us! L..ySandwc. Favor e12oz.n Wa ,or * Co or , Pack I)ORNED BEEF . . ........... 49 ° BATHROOM TISSUE............._.. --.,, L, ibby's, Spiced Just Right, 4-oz. Tin P/Slit Scott, Asst. Colors, Jumbo Pack 41 /qlbl VIENNA SAUSAGE.,..,,,,,.,, I/IL FAMILY HAPKI:HS.,,,.,,,,,., ¢/O:- Ltbby's, For Better Pies, 29-oz. Tins 1 /41iBIl SOLID PAGE PUMPKIN....,... 4[/3- Soft.Weve, A st. co,o , 2-Pack.  /a€ -,bby's, Cr,sp and Oe,,c,ous, ,-oz. T,.s r/$4 BATHROOM TISSUE,....... 4;/qi- GUT GREEN BEANS........... 3/ JL,e-Waed--,,-Ft Ro,, • . Libby's, Golden SweoL 16-oz. Tins 1i$4 WAXED PAPER, • , , . , , ,,,,,, 2 GREAM, STYLE GORN,,,,,,,,,., O/ A True Anatomical Shape, Pkg. of 12's 9.€ !!;ii)ii::::iiiiiii! i;i .... ::::i;i:iiiiY:iiiii ,.....o.o.....,.o.o,. ,...,o. G/=I GONFIDETS . . . , , . ........... GENE WH,TE ': SWEET PEAS,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,... _ I::': I  Nabisco. '1 • ,by's, Perefeot,y B,ende,, ,-o. T,.s  /$4 RITZ CRACKERS -Lb ................................... 39'  ......... FRUITGOGKTAIL,,....,....., --, JL v, BOOTH LIBBY'S Tomato Juice Thick, Red and Extra Refreshing! 44]-oz. Tins .................... EARLY GARDEN F.S. Peaches Sweet, Juicy, Irregular Pieces 29-oz. Tins .................... CAHPBELL'S Tomato Soup America's Favorite, Rich and Delicious Z 101A-oz. Tins ................ ( BEST FOODS Mayonnaise Mayommisc -- Big Buy! 32-oz. Jar ............ SHURFiHE Evap. Milk Pure and Rich, Stock Up Now! 14½-oz. Tins ................ HORTOH Cream Pies Frozen, Assorted, Just Thaw 'N Eat! 14-oz. Size .................... JOHN SCHNEIDER BOB WATSQN RAY RICE DOT SUMMERS LEONA LEE JEAN B Boneless Ham Verifine Fully Cooked "We Guarantee Them" Ib C POTATOES U. S. No. 1 Huskie' Brand J Economical Nutritious C 7 10 LB. PLIO APPLES w::::nu:":::::.o 39" Q, nRoA a G E S G RAPEFIUIT Rich In Pitain8:h;t:' 0 59" U. S. Choice Verifine Lean Cubes " es Beef Stew 73' N°wAvailT'21;ef:sylcri:lbv:'YiT:llgerines' Bonel s Barbecued Back Ribs ea *2 "9 20t e ury HOME OF RED CARPET-sERVIcE "i00ARI) 23 c AD PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. 31, NOV. 1 & 2 LIMITS, PLEASE Fleischmann s Corn Oil, l-Lb. Pkgs. iI HARGARINE...........3 . Friskies, Reg. or Liver, 16-oz. Tins d/'/ DOG FOOD............../I  Jiffy, Asst., Mix or Match! 9*oz, P kgs. IIII II 8/II!/ CAKE HIXES.........., - ![ Jiffy, Asst, Flavors, 7=-oz, Pkgs. " A/S1 ! FROSTING MIXES........./= Hill's Bros. Reg./Drip . ,A  COFFEE.,,... ';i." 59€ T2("°" " * " ute Maid Frozen, G-oz. Tins / 4 HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS .'' l Coppertone Proportioned __ pP. z BURIIASHAVE........ '..!! Eveready (Size D), 2-Pack For  ¢1 BATTERIES..............':] • AK, pT. icL ...| ShLtr.fresh, Plain or Sugar, Baker s Dozen J.! , d': DONUTS............. "1 Boxed Assortment COOKIES 5 oo,. FOI" al 1B I Q == IO di Ik IO II 'x,