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ay, November 1, 2007 121st Year -- Number 44 5 Sections -- 48 Pages Published in Shelton, Washington 75 cents
years later:
,00et t ive om;00
,poraetimes toughness ar-
,dr s Wrapped in a small pack-
i" SOmetimes it really is the
t of the fight in the dog. And
letirnes when recognitiofl fi-
}Y COmes, it's long overdue.
,,rry Godwin, an 85-year-old
ary veteran of World War
rill receive his high-school
, OZna on the morning of Fri-
November 9, during a Vet-
il is'Day assembly at Shelton
s lWin dropped out of school
to work after trying to en-
iln the Army in 1941 months
f re Pearl Harbor was at-
ed and the U.S. was drawn
:(Ph) thelongtimeWar, on area
id, e Shelt -
a __aent weighed a scant 115
rods and was judged to be
! light for the then-peace-
e Army. After that set-
€i k, Godwin chose not to re-
n to school, going to work
i, a dairy farm in the area
ead, then marrying his
theart, Betty Pierce, on
- le 13, 1941.
' Odwin weighed between
and 125 pounds in Septem-
il 1943 when he received his
Ction notice from the Army.
and several buddies decid-
to enlist and the Army took
I all.
)NE OF THOSE friends
"" • " "i
ed 10th Mountain Division.
. Crazy mountain climbers,"
I twin said of the outfit .....
,ittle did the two Sheltoni-
ow of the rugged train-
that awaited them. They
lied at Camp Hale in the
tains near Leadville, Col-
io, and learned to ski while
Ting 90-pound packs and
ARMY VETERAN Larry Godwin shows a photo of him-
self as a young enlistee during World War II. Godwin,
who dropped out of school and later joined the Army,
will receive his high-school diploma November 9 during
a Veterans' Day assembly at Shelton High School.
weapons. "I was packing my own
weight or more. It didn't seem so
bad then. I couldn't do it now,
he said.
Godwin remembers they wore
snowshoes most of the time and
also learned to rock climb us-
ing only the tips of their fin-
gers and toeholds. "At times,
we'd train at over 11,000 feet
in 40-below temperatures,"
(Please turn to page 11.)
00rant Avenue house burns
" downstairs of a residence on
Avenue was destroyed in a morning, but the three
Who were inside managed to
; and were not injured.
residence at 520 Grant Av-
Was occupied by a mother,
t dult son and a renter who
Irl the basement, Dave Sal-
aelton Fire Department as-
ce chief, reported. The fire
ated in the front bedroom,
the homeowner's son stays,
'[aes were visible when the
lI) engine arrived on the
't about 11:33. a.m. Salzer
Lhen he heard that report
-e radio he called for mutual
'ra fire districts 5 and 11.
lton fire crews were able to
Clown the flames in the front
THREE SHELTON residents lost their home, shown above,
in a fire Tuesday morning. They are receiving aid from
Local races fill
long general
election ballot
Next Tuesday's general election
has piqued some interest, with
contested races on the Shelton
City Commission, Shelton School
Board, Port of Shelton Commis-
sion and others.
As of this Tuesday, some 8,100
ballots had been returned to the
Mason County Elections Depart-
ment out of 29,936 sent out earlier
to voters in Mason County.
Mason County Elections Super-
intendent Amber Cervantes said a
"hopeful prediction" on the voter
turnout is a high 68 percent. She
added elections officials would be
very pleased if the actual turnout
reaches that level.
Ballots must be postmarked by
Tuesday, November 6, which in
Shelton means before 5 p.m., when
the post office closes.
Voters may also drop off ballots
at the Mason County Auditor's Of-
rice, 411 North Fifth Street, Shel-
ton, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday; or Moun-
tain View Licensing, 301 East Wal-
lace Kneeland Boulevard, Suite
240, Shelton, from 9:30 a.m. to 6
p.m. Monday through Friday, and
9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday.
In the Belfair area, ballots may
be returned to the North Mason
Chamber of Commerce Licensing
Subagency, 23910 NE State Route
3, Belfair, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday, and 9
a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.
There are also locked drop-
boxes where voters can return
ballots anytime through election
day. Those boxes are located out-
side Mason County Building I at
411 North Fifth Street in Shelton,
at the North Mason Chamber of
Commerce Licensing Subagency
in Belfair and, for the first time,
at the Hood Canal Visitor Infor-
mation Center in Hoodsport. All
ballot-drop locations will be open
until 8 p.m. on election day.
The election features contests
between Shelton mayoral can-
didates John Tarrant and Gary
Cronce and city commissioner
candidates Mike Byrne and Chase
Gallagher as well as a Shelton
Port Commission race between
Jay Hupp and Rahn Redman.
Sue McCausland and Steve De-
Miero square off in one Shelton
School Board contest and Gene
Crater and Martin Best in the
The City of Shelton proposes a
property-tax measure to fix streets,
the county bids for a sales-tax hike
to fund 911 system improvements
and North Mason residents will
vote on establising a new hospital
There are two hotly contested
races for the Hood Canal School
Board and three for the North Ma-
son School Board.
The ballot also includes six state
Fund-ra]" s,er has
a certain ring to it
After a four-year respite, the bricks are sold. On-site etching of
Shelton Clock Tower committee the bricks will occur in the spring
has regrouped in order to corn- of 2008.
plete the project with the addition The committee urges people to
of chimes and carillon music, act now and not miss an opportu-
The Verdin clock factory can nity to immortalize family, friends
retrofit the existing clock to create or even themselves. The clock is
a pleasing sound for Railroad Av- ticking and the chimes are waiting
enue. To make it a reality, $9,000 to be pealed. Pavers can be Christ-
must be raised. To accomplish mas, anniversary and birthday
that goal, the committee is selling gifts. Note cards and 8-by-11-inch
another 300 personalized etched prints of the clock tower by artist
bricks to be added at the base of Xiaogang Zhu will also be avail-
the tower, able.
For those who missed the ini- The realization of the clock
tial sale of bricks, this will be the tower was the result of a vast corn-
last opportunity to have person- munity effort to create an archi-
alized bricks at the tower. The tectural focal point in downtown
brick pavers cost $50, and order Shelton. In addition to financial
forms are available at the Shel- support from local businesses and
ton Civic Center, 525 West Cota individuals, the successful sale of
Street; Lynch Creek Floral, 331 more than 1,000 bricks to individ-
West Railroad Avenue; Sage Book uals and families culminated with
Store, 116 West Railroad Avenue; the dedication of the tower in Sep-
and in an advertisement on page tember 2003.
16 of this week's Journal. At some Committee members include
point the order form may also Aady Hunter, Mary Penney, Bill
be available on the City of Shel- Sloane and Mark Ziegler. They
ton's Web site, www.ei,shelton, believe the addition of chimes will, prove to be the finishing touch. For
'a. There were small exten- the Red Cross. Orders for the personalized more information, call Peg Stock
of the fire in the attic and to bricks will be taken until all the at 490-1894.
qacent building which were
Rished. He said the main
f the house was destroyed. ('
o 00ro. SHS 1982 Anne Heisey Young
Lt Rainier Chapter is pro-
eergency assistance for
eaSe turn to page ll.) plays a part in l:ilake Sh0000lt :,n video
}n the inside heirony. I
Anne Young's youthful features The song's title is deceiving, a
he piano-laden, honkytonk tune
are paying off on screen. Now in actually describes a man who is[
,, la her early 40s, this perky mother zell aware of his problem with al
• ................................. of four boys hasn't had much luck :ohol and prefers drinking regular]
tfleds ........................... 35 auditioning for roles as a "soc- Cokes in the bar, in spite of how]
attity Calendar ....... 26 but she is appearing on
,eWord ........................... 39 CountryCer room"Music Television as "the people tease him for it. /
lqinment, Dining ..... 34 hot blond in the red shirt."
Journal ... .............. 18 She is the principal extra in zille, Tennessee, Young graduated
u al of Record ............. 28 Blake Shelton's hit video, "The From Shelton High School in 1982.
ties ..................... 10, 11 More I Drink." This song by Shel- Her maiden name was Heisey.
/_tsOs, Letters ................. 4 ton, a country music star, has Her mother, Norma Vincent, still
_ • .................................. 21 been ranked among Billboard's lives in Mason County.
' ..................................... 32 top 40 country albums for several Though Young had dabbled in
ather .................................. 2 weeks, peaking at number two on acting and modeling during and
the charts. Shelton performed lo- after high school, she didn't re-
IIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlUlIIIlUlIIIIIIIIII I cally at Little Creek Casino a few ally become serious about it until
IIl!i00llllilillllilal[lilll years ago. about two years ago. That's when
"One of the thnniest things is she pursued getting an agent, took
the only people that recognized me head shots and met all of the nec-
for sure were people from church!" essary requirements to be able to
232630011 Young told The Journal, noting Anne Young, now Anne Heisey, 1982 ..... (Please turn to Dae 9.)
ay, November 1, 2007 121st Year -- Number 44 5 Sections -- 48 Pages Published in Shelton, Washington 75 cents
years later:
,00et t ive om;00
,poraetimes toughness ar-
,dr s Wrapped in a small pack-
i" SOmetimes it really is the
t of the fight in the dog. And
letirnes when recognitiofl fi-
}Y COmes, it's long overdue.
,,rry Godwin, an 85-year-old
ary veteran of World War
rill receive his high-school
, OZna on the morning of Fri-
November 9, during a Vet-
il is'Day assembly at Shelton
s lWin dropped out of school
to work after trying to en-
iln the Army in 1941 months
f re Pearl Harbor was at-
ed and the U.S. was drawn
:(Ph) thelongtimeWar, on area
id, e Shelt -
a __aent weighed a scant 115
rods and was judged to be
! light for the then-peace-
e Army. After that set-
€i k, Godwin chose not to re-
n to school, going to work
i, a dairy farm in the area
ead, then marrying his
theart, Betty Pierce, on
- le 13, 1941.
' Odwin weighed between
and 125 pounds in Septem-
il 1943 when he received his
Ction notice from the Army.
and several buddies decid-
to enlist and the Army took
I all.
)NE OF THOSE friends
"" • " "i
ed 10th Mountain Division.
. Crazy mountain climbers,"
I twin said of the outfit .....
,ittle did the two Sheltoni-
ow of the rugged train-
that awaited them. They
lied at Camp Hale in the
tains near Leadville, Col-
io, and learned to ski while
Ting 90-pound packs and
ARMY VETERAN Larry Godwin shows a photo of him-
self as a young enlistee during World War II. Godwin,
who dropped out of school and later joined the Army,
will receive his high-school diploma November 9 during
a Veterans' Day assembly at Shelton High School.
weapons. "I was packing my own
weight or more. It didn't seem so
bad then. I couldn't do it now,
he said.
Godwin remembers they wore
snowshoes most of the time and
also learned to rock climb us-
ing only the tips of their fin-
gers and toeholds. "At times,
we'd train at over 11,000 feet
in 40-below temperatures,"
(Please turn to page 11.)
00rant Avenue house burns
" downstairs of a residence on
Avenue was destroyed in a morning, but the three
Who were inside managed to
; and were not injured.
residence at 520 Grant Av-
Was occupied by a mother,
t dult son and a renter who
Irl the basement, Dave Sal-
aelton Fire Department as-
ce chief, reported. The fire
ated in the front bedroom,
the homeowner's son stays,
'[aes were visible when the
lI) engine arrived on the
't about 11:33. a.m. Salzer
Lhen he heard that report
-e radio he called for mutual
'ra fire districts 5 and 11.
lton fire crews were able to
Clown the flames in the front
THREE SHELTON residents lost their home, shown above,
in a fire Tuesday morning. They are receiving aid from
Local races fill
long general
election ballot
Next Tuesday's general election
has piqued some interest, with
contested races on the Shelton
City Commission, Shelton School
Board, Port of Shelton Commis-
sion and others.
As of this Tuesday, some 8,100
ballots had been returned to the
Mason County Elections Depart-
ment out of 29,936 sent out earlier
to voters in Mason County.
Mason County Elections Super-
intendent Amber Cervantes said a
"hopeful prediction" on the voter
turnout is a high 68 percent. She
added elections officials would be
very pleased if the actual turnout
reaches that level.
Ballots must be postmarked by
Tuesday, November 6, which in
Shelton means before 5 p.m., when
the post office closes.
Voters may also drop off ballots
at the Mason County Auditor's Of-
rice, 411 North Fifth Street, Shel-
ton, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday; or Moun-
tain View Licensing, 301 East Wal-
lace Kneeland Boulevard, Suite
240, Shelton, from 9:30 a.m. to 6
p.m. Monday through Friday, and
9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday.
In the Belfair area, ballots may
be returned to the North Mason
Chamber of Commerce Licensing
Subagency, 23910 NE State Route
3, Belfair, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday, and 9
a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.
There are also locked drop-
boxes where voters can return
ballots anytime through election
day. Those boxes are located out-
side Mason County Building I at
411 North Fifth Street in Shelton,
at the North Mason Chamber of
Commerce Licensing Subagency
in Belfair and, for the first time,
at the Hood Canal Visitor Infor-
mation Center in Hoodsport. All
ballot-drop locations will be open
until 8 p.m. on election day.
The election features contests
between Shelton mayoral can-
didates John Tarrant and Gary
Cronce and city commissioner
candidates Mike Byrne and Chase
Gallagher as well as a Shelton
Port Commission race between
Jay Hupp and Rahn Redman.
Sue McCausland and Steve De-
Miero square off in one Shelton
School Board contest and Gene
Crater and Martin Best in the
The City of Shelton proposes a
property-tax measure to fix streets,
the county bids for a sales-tax hike
to fund 911 system improvements
and North Mason residents will
vote on establising a new hospital
There are two hotly contested
races for the Hood Canal School
Board and three for the North Ma-
son School Board.
The ballot also includes six state
Fund-ra]" s,er has
a certain ring to it
After a four-year respite, the bricks are sold. On-site etching of
Shelton Clock Tower committee the bricks will occur in the spring
has regrouped in order to corn- of 2008.
plete the project with the addition The committee urges people to
of chimes and carillon music, act now and not miss an opportu-
The Verdin clock factory can nity to immortalize family, friends
retrofit the existing clock to create or even themselves. The clock is
a pleasing sound for Railroad Av- ticking and the chimes are waiting
enue. To make it a reality, $9,000 to be pealed. Pavers can be Christ-
must be raised. To accomplish mas, anniversary and birthday
that goal, the committee is selling gifts. Note cards and 8-by-11-inch
another 300 personalized etched prints of the clock tower by artist
bricks to be added at the base of Xiaogang Zhu will also be avail-
the tower, able.
For those who missed the ini- The realization of the clock
tial sale of bricks, this will be the tower was the result of a vast corn-
last opportunity to have person- munity effort to create an archi-
alized bricks at the tower. The tectural focal point in downtown
brick pavers cost $50, and order Shelton. In addition to financial
forms are available at the Shel- support from local businesses and
ton Civic Center, 525 West Cota individuals, the successful sale of
Street; Lynch Creek Floral, 331 more than 1,000 bricks to individ-
West Railroad Avenue; Sage Book uals and families culminated with
Store, 116 West Railroad Avenue; the dedication of the tower in Sep-
and in an advertisement on page tember 2003.
16 of this week's Journal. At some Committee members include
point the order form may also Aady Hunter, Mary Penney, Bill
be available on the City of Shel- Sloane and Mark Ziegler. They
ton's Web site, www.ei,shelton, believe the addition of chimes will, prove to be the finishing touch. For
'a. There were small exten- the Red Cross. Orders for the personalized more information, call Peg Stock
of the fire in the attic and to bricks will be taken until all the at 490-1894.
qacent building which were
Rished. He said the main
f the house was destroyed. ('
o 00ro. SHS 1982 Anne Heisey Young
Lt Rainier Chapter is pro-
eergency assistance for
eaSe turn to page ll.) plays a part in l:ilake Sh0000lt :,n video
}n the inside heirony. I
Anne Young's youthful features The song's title is deceiving, a
he piano-laden, honkytonk tune
are paying off on screen. Now in actually describes a man who is[
,, la her early 40s, this perky mother zell aware of his problem with al
• ................................. of four boys hasn't had much luck :ohol and prefers drinking regular]
tfleds ........................... 35 auditioning for roles as a "soc- Cokes in the bar, in spite of how]
attity Calendar ....... 26 but she is appearing on
,eWord ........................... 39 CountryCer room"Music Television as "the people tease him for it. /
lqinment, Dining ..... 34 hot blond in the red shirt."
Journal ... .............. 18 She is the principal extra in zille, Tennessee, Young graduated
u al of Record ............. 28 Blake Shelton's hit video, "The From Shelton High School in 1982.
ties ..................... 10, 11 More I Drink." This song by Shel- Her maiden name was Heisey.
/_tsOs, Letters ................. 4 ton, a country music star, has Her mother, Norma Vincent, still
_ • .................................. 21 been ranked among Billboard's lives in Mason County.
' ..................................... 32 top 40 country albums for several Though Young had dabbled in
ather .................................. 2 weeks, peaking at number two on acting and modeling during and
the charts. Shelton performed lo- after high school, she didn't re-
IIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlUlIIIlUlIIIIIIIIII I cally at Little Creek Casino a few ally become serious about it until
IIl!i00llllilillllilal[lilll years ago. about two years ago. That's when
"One of the thnniest things is she pursued getting an agent, took
the only people that recognized me head shots and met all of the nec-
for sure were people from church!" essary requirements to be able to
232630011 Young told The Journal, noting Anne Young, now Anne Heisey, 1982 ..... (Please turn to Dae 9.)