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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i/ I " c ! ;t t  The witching hour e RC Flyers of Shelton snapped this shot of Wilda Witch flying over Sanderson Field but would not :$]lliirm suspicions she was held aloft by remote con- .1. She did her flyby during the runup to a Halloween ll some congressional magic in it that gave trick_-or- ,lit eaters an extra hour to stuff themselves and their lags with candy. The 2005 Energy Conservation Act rhed back the "fall-back" time from the last Sunday  0etober to the first Sunday in November. Set your [°. ks back an hour before you go to bed if you want to up on time the morning of November 4. 00armony Hill is hosting l00lk on Webb Hill waste e Mason County Commis- s invite interested citizens Open house tonight to dis- m the results of the Webb Hill ds Facility Hydrogeologic tigation. ested persons will be gath- mpll from 4:30 to 7 p.m. on Thurs- LNOvember 1, in the Great Hall armony Hill, 7362 East State 106 in Union. e first phase of the study recently completed by As- ,UOnsulting on behalf of Wa- ed Resource Inventory Area also known as WRIA 16. The  house will feature represen- Io es of Mason County Public , the PUD 1 Commission, ashington Department of gY, WRIA 16 and Webb Hill rborn closed sewer's crack 0. yCity of Shelton began work to replace a cracked sewer Dearborn Avenue between Siorl Street and Summit'Drive |e ttillcrest area. _, Work is expected to be com- I "t this Friday. The roadway ,,he blocked during working s, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the Urlgs, the roadway will be cov- e, ith steel plates to allow lo- ’tCess . 0r aa " ,: ore inmrmation, call Sew- :'eatraent Plant Operator John ga at 426-6521. mm Biorecycling, the firm that sprays treated septage on Webb Hill. There will be a short presenta- tion explaining the findings in the report, followed by a time for ques- tions and answers. Additionally, representatives will be available to respond to specific individual questions. More about what the report says and plans to respond to the findings in the report will be available at the open house. The report found no evidence that water beyond that under com- pany land has been contaminated by the application of septage to Webb Hill. However, the Depart- ment of Ecology may be persuad- ed to pay for the digging of two more monitoring wells, and local officials plan to take some steps of their own. The Mason County Board of Health has approved a plan to contact people with wells within 3,000 feet downhill from the site "and offer water-quality testing for nitrates and provide in- formation about future testing." Shelton may tap reserve to pay for 2008 spending By JEFF GREEN The City of Shelton's 2008 pre- liminary budget was presented to city commissioners Monday night. Next year's proposed budget totals $54,858,283, an increase of 10.6 percent over the 2007 budget of $49,568,483. A public hearing about the 2008 preliminary budget will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday at the Shel- ton Civic Center, 525 West Cota Street. A final budget public hear- ing is scheduled for Monday, De- cember 3. "This is an ambitious budget," City Administrator Dave O'Leary noted in a message attached to copies of the preliminary budget. "We are proposing to build or re- pair a lot of infrastructure. If vot- ers approve a proposed levy lid lift, we will be able to more than double funding for our residential (streets) chip seal program and more than quadruple it in 2009 and thereafter." City plans also call for a new sewer lift station and a new sat- ellite sewage treatment plant, including associated sewer and reclaimed, or treated, water lines, O'Leary noted. "We are design- ing improvements to our existing sewer plant and making plans to repair sewer lines in two sewer ba- sins. We also plan to build a new fire station," he wrote. O'LEARY ALSO sounded a cau- tionary note that the city has been challenged by what he termed a "disturbing" trend in recent years. "It is becoming ever more difficult to fund tax-supported government services. Recent initiatives have curbed the city's capacity to raise local money," he wrote. "At the same time, there has been no cor- responding reduction in expecta- tions. In fact, unfunded mandates have demanded that we raise cer- tain levels of service, leaving us short in others regardless of local citizen preference." The 2008 budget includes plans for a $650,000 fund balance, which O'Leary believes is the minimum level the city should sustain to pro- vide cash flow for a General Fund amounting to nearly $11 million. "Essentially, we have been drawing down the fund balance and tapping the benefits of a strong economy to maintain ser- vice levels. Excessive fund balance is gone, and without substantial NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT TO KEEP YOUR FUTURE ON TRACK. Now is tlw time to schedule your fl'ee porttblio review. Call or visit today. Member SIPC Jan|s Byrd Financial Advisor 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. 5helton,WA 98584 360-432-8965 m m n mm. m m m m mmmm m m m m m m ! I Vith paid comprehensive exam, X rays and cleaning. $300 value! With coupon through November 30, 2007. Not valid with other offers, cash value 1/20€. m The office of Richard C. Downing, D.D.S. Shelton. NEW PATIENT OFFER! The most advanced dental technology is now available in Shelton. 1626 Olympic Highway North * Families welcome * Digital X-rays comprehensive family dentistry m * Smile enhancement with a friendly personal touch [ frksShelton's ""dont, B,." Call for appointment today! 426-4712 II m m m mm m m m m m m m m m improvement in the economy, the year 2008 will be the final year that we can maintain this ap- proach," he noted. Property taxes are not keep- ing up with inflation, he told the commissioners Monday. The econ- omy is flat and fund balances are shrinking. "Frankly, we need a strong economy to maintain our level of services," he added. Significant residential growth is on the horizon and Shelton's population could nearly double in the next 10 years. However, the tax structure will remain the same and state mandates will still come, O'Leary said. NEW-GROWTH is not a pana- cea for the city, he warned. "New growth especially residential, will come with new demands for ser- vice. The service expectations, unfunded mandates and limited taxes have impacted all cities re- gardless ot" their size," he wrote. "Eventually, service levels will have to fit into the shrinking tax |)ase." In early 2008, the city intends to create a growth plan. "The idea (Please turn to page 7.) n't Spend Too Much To WINTERIZE See the PROFESSIONALS at VERLE'S- with over 100 yec of combined technical experience servicing all your boating needs s00nce 1948. BOAT MAINTENANCE --- 101 -- • " rine engine I I I ,rvicing and Winterizing • OMC • MerCruiser" Volvo • Suzuki • Yamaha • Johnson • Evinrude • Mercury • Sport Jet • Mariner • Also other brands R See store for details *00RLE 'S LLC 741 W. Golden Pheasant Rd.. Shelton, WA * (360) 426-0933 Thursday, November 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 i/ I " c ! ;t t  The witching hour e RC Flyers of Shelton snapped this shot of Wilda Witch flying over Sanderson Field but would not :$]lliirm suspicions she was held aloft by remote con- .1. She did her flyby during the runup to a Halloween ll some congressional magic in it that gave trick_-or- ,lit eaters an extra hour to stuff themselves and their lags with candy. The 2005 Energy Conservation Act rhed back the "fall-back" time from the last Sunday  0etober to the first Sunday in November. Set your [°. ks back an hour before you go to bed if you want to up on time the morning of November 4. 00armony Hill is hosting l00lk on Webb Hill waste e Mason County Commis- s invite interested citizens Open house tonight to dis- m the results of the Webb Hill ds Facility Hydrogeologic tigation. ested persons will be gath- mpll from 4:30 to 7 p.m. on Thurs- LNOvember 1, in the Great Hall armony Hill, 7362 East State 106 in Union. e first phase of the study recently completed by As- ,UOnsulting on behalf of Wa- ed Resource Inventory Area also known as WRIA 16. The  house will feature represen- Io es of Mason County Public , the PUD 1 Commission, ashington Department of gY, WRIA 16 and Webb Hill rborn closed sewer's crack 0. yCity of Shelton began work to replace a cracked sewer Dearborn Avenue between Siorl Street and Summit'Drive |e ttillcrest area. _, Work is expected to be com- I "t this Friday. The roadway ,,he blocked during working s, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the Urlgs, the roadway will be cov- e, ith steel plates to allow lo- ’tCess . 0r aa " ,: ore inmrmation, call Sew- :'eatraent Plant Operator John ga at 426-6521. mm Biorecycling, the firm that sprays treated septage on Webb Hill. There will be a short presenta- tion explaining the findings in the report, followed by a time for ques- tions and answers. Additionally, representatives will be available to respond to specific individual questions. More about what the report says and plans to respond to the findings in the report will be available at the open house. The report found no evidence that water beyond that under com- pany land has been contaminated by the application of septage to Webb Hill. However, the Depart- ment of Ecology may be persuad- ed to pay for the digging of two more monitoring wells, and local officials plan to take some steps of their own. The Mason County Board of Health has approved a plan to contact people with wells within 3,000 feet downhill from the site "and offer water-quality testing for nitrates and provide in- formation about future testing." Shelton may tap reserve to pay for 2008 spending By JEFF GREEN The City of Shelton's 2008 pre- liminary budget was presented to city commissioners Monday night. Next year's proposed budget totals $54,858,283, an increase of 10.6 percent over the 2007 budget of $49,568,483. A public hearing about the 2008 preliminary budget will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday at the Shel- ton Civic Center, 525 West Cota Street. A final budget public hear- ing is scheduled for Monday, De- cember 3. "This is an ambitious budget," City Administrator Dave O'Leary noted in a message attached to copies of the preliminary budget. "We are proposing to build or re- pair a lot of infrastructure. If vot- ers approve a proposed levy lid lift, we will be able to more than double funding for our residential (streets) chip seal program and more than quadruple it in 2009 and thereafter." City plans also call for a new sewer lift station and a new sat- ellite sewage treatment plant, including associated sewer and reclaimed, or treated, water lines, O'Leary noted. "We are design- ing improvements to our existing sewer plant and making plans to repair sewer lines in two sewer ba- sins. We also plan to build a new fire station," he wrote. O'LEARY ALSO sounded a cau- tionary note that the city has been challenged by what he termed a "disturbing" trend in recent years. "It is becoming ever more difficult to fund tax-supported government services. Recent initiatives have curbed the city's capacity to raise local money," he wrote. "At the same time, there has been no cor- responding reduction in expecta- tions. In fact, unfunded mandates have demanded that we raise cer- tain levels of service, leaving us short in others regardless of local citizen preference." The 2008 budget includes plans for a $650,000 fund balance, which O'Leary believes is the minimum level the city should sustain to pro- vide cash flow for a General Fund amounting to nearly $11 million. "Essentially, we have been drawing down the fund balance and tapping the benefits of a strong economy to maintain ser- vice levels. Excessive fund balance is gone, and without substantial NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT TO KEEP YOUR FUTURE ON TRACK. Now is tlw time to schedule your fl'ee porttblio review. Call or visit today. Member SIPC Jan|s Byrd Financial Advisor 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. 5helton,WA 98584 360-432-8965 m m n mm. m m m m mmmm m m m m m m ! I Vith paid comprehensive exam, X rays and cleaning. $300 value! With coupon through November 30, 2007. Not valid with other offers, cash value 1/20€. m The office of Richard C. Downing, D.D.S. Shelton. NEW PATIENT OFFER! The most advanced dental technology is now available in Shelton. 1626 Olympic Highway North * Families welcome * Digital X-rays comprehensive family dentistry m * Smile enhancement with a friendly personal touch [ frksShelton's ""dont, B,." Call for appointment today! 426-4712 II m m m mm m m m m m m m m m improvement in the economy, the year 2008 will be the final year that we can maintain this ap- proach," he noted. Property taxes are not keep- ing up with inflation, he told the commissioners Monday. The econ- omy is flat and fund balances are shrinking. "Frankly, we need a strong economy to maintain our level of services," he added. Significant residential growth is on the horizon and Shelton's population could nearly double in the next 10 years. However, the tax structure will remain the same and state mandates will still come, O'Leary said. NEW-GROWTH is not a pana- cea for the city, he warned. "New growth especially residential, will come with new demands for ser- vice. The service expectations, unfunded mandates and limited taxes have impacted all cities re- gardless ot" their size," he wrote. "Eventually, service levels will have to fit into the shrinking tax |)ase." In early 2008, the city intends to create a growth plan. "The idea (Please turn to page 7.) n't Spend Too Much To WINTERIZE See the PROFESSIONALS at VERLE'S- with over 100 yec of combined technical experience servicing all your boating needs s00nce 1948. BOAT MAINTENANCE --- 101 -- • " rine engine I I I ,rvicing and Winterizing • OMC • MerCruiser" Volvo • Suzuki • Yamaha • Johnson • Evinrude • Mercury • Sport Jet • Mariner • Also other brands R See store for details *00RLE 'S LLC 741 W. Golden Pheasant Rd.. Shelton, WA * (360) 426-0933 Thursday, November 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3