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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Important Issues fi_tor, The Journal: me to laugh so hard it brought Charles,,Gay of my eyes. It took me 20 I _a, ss°ciat.ed Press" ( Ban minutes co gain my composure. I ab.ble, " October-i8-)--was an It is evident that the school r itc,asemet O board has much more serious NER 'O SAtEI ']. ...... discussions and decisions than |ly auraor. Christian groups meeting in the |Last week's letter to the edi- school.  , .... , , , ,,L I ! r ("Just change Christian club William Baumgart e') by Marni Parker caused Pickering SCRATCH HIGHLAND I HIGHLAND 00ostly proposal i "t°r, The Journal: spoken to.' Even more shocking 1|Are citizens of North Mason to me was the fact that no other Rlnty aware that there is a pro- committee member ever tried to being formulated few stop her. by a rP!e to build a $13-mllh" "o'n A1- If the Allyn committee opens Aquatic and Wellness Cen- their door to the public, then per- | Jr? haps they need to use some man- eY are proposing to form a politan park district (MPD)  taxing the people in the area OmPassing the Grapeview and "Ltair School districts in order to aace the operational costs of new center, which they esti- [d to be approximately $1.5 lOn.per year. They would be o levy a tax of 75 cents per 00 of valuation without a t e of the people each year. (The lding bond would be an addi- :al amount.) .t L- Would recommend those in- ted to look up Revised Code  ashington 35.61 to discover ]taxing power, the power of "tent domain and annexation Jers that an MPD isgiven. the Mason-Benson Communi- |Club invited he All A atlc a" t yn qu " rd to share their thoughts for lr Proposed center with the 1 members. I cannot say that lr idea went over well with [: embers, as it appears we [L°nly in their taxing area for [reason _ our tax dollars. .IT°day, a few of the homeown- Went to the Allyn Aquatic rd meeting as we had had eto read their proposal and SOme comments and ques- :: as I was stunned that any dor committee would ever to people in the audience the that one of our members was ners and listen to the comments. From the exchange I heard to- day, the Allyn committee does not care to listen to any of the comments, nor did they hear any concerns. This committee sent out a questionnaire in the North Bay Review last year to the 5,000 peo- ple who receive the paper. Out of the 5,000 sent out, the committee received only 115 responses. Per- haps they would have had many more responses if they had used a bigger paper in Mason County, or perhaps their intent was only to get responses from the people who shop and live in Belfair or Allyn. I would strongly suggest that the homeowners from Hood Ca- nal, Tahuya, Dewatto, Belfair, Benson Lake, Mason Lake and the county homeowners in the Grapeview School District start attending the meetings and hear what is planned for you. I might also suggest you obtain a copy of information on the proposed cen- ter and determine for yourself if the proposed taxes are worth the investment for a losing proposi- tion, such as the gym and aquatic center that cannot and will not support itself except through continued taxation. Ellie Nevers Mason Lake them be kids tor,  have ¢.ident ghtened The Journal: Washington's schoolchil- it made, or what? Has Bush turned part of the Rabbit" segment of otuntry into a Gestapo state? ed some parents who have n in our schools if they had . Ollowing conditions in schools .,'  hey said no. Ve just returned from see- I TY daughter and grandsons eanessee. I was appalled at S.Ystem's depersonalization of lcadividual child's needs. My l  dsons in elementary school v. ao recess! They are penalized l],alking in the lunchroom! If a I. " aakes trouble, the vctim is enalized! Y are loaded down with ework even an adult could Wade through in an hour, let e a slow learner or a dyslexic q' They have bars across the tWays, "entry foyers" in which ae entering the building must id: be admitted by someone in- 'and then buzzed on through ]h. 'e interior of the prison, and ]."s OUtside saying, "You are late" • .. etc., etc." witnessed 5-year-old football It rs. being screamed at, yanked ., Jerked up from the ground, ,lliated and otherwise abused  COaches,, (grown men 250-300 L Worked in Shelton's prison.  COnvicts have it much easier  Tennessee's schoolchildren. ,.Y grandsons in Tennessee :t also wear name tags and are ,qtlZed if they appear in school F°ut them. No personal pencils, r or school materials are al- ; all are purchased according list the school demands and hen dumped into the commu- lol. --'rents must then pay for every : nd of fee, supplies, sports Pent, field trips, etc., that OWers That Be demand. ay should taxpayers foot the r Gestapo school prisons in t, Students are not allowed to idividuals or have anything of l.°wa or think for themselves, "" 111 W " hs* hch struggling parents .' n [ Q.Pay for everything anyway? ild -''drear, do mischievous things. f en laugh. They play. They tease. They need breaks to rest. In Tennessee they are not al- lowed these things in school. Even prisoners get breaks. Even work- ing adults get breaks. No child should have to be a slave all day long and then be a slave to home- work until he goes to bed. I am for kids - I am not for to- day's school policies. Washington is one of the most overregulated states of any I've been to or lived in. How refresh- ing it was to go through Montana, Wyoming, Missouri, etc., and not see: "We will make you do this, that, or the other thing ..." such as the bully ads issued from the Washington State Patrol. And have any of these "Do it or else!" tactics made our state a better place to live? No, because criminal minds pay no attention to rules and regulations, right and wrong. They do what they want to do, and in the meantime break the backs of citizens who try to do the right thing. "Doing the right thing ' is quite obviously not in tune with this world's mind-set. Neither is hav- ing a mind of your own or being able to voice your opinion without being accused of hating the other guy! (Why is it okay for Washing- toffs homosexuals to make a grand display of their perversion and get applauded by the media and not okay for Idaho's politicians? Dou- ble talk, double standard.) I in no way believe the claptrap about Idaho's senator, any more than I believe my longtime friend in Alaskan politics is guilty of what he is accused. Knowing what I have studied about the end times, they have been set up in prepara- tion for one-man control of the world government and religion. And if you don't believe honorable men can be set up and ousted from important positions by evil men of power who want their jobs, you are living in a different world than the one I know. Keep up the trend of giving the power-grabbers their own way, and you will end up with schools like those in Tennessee, and no- body decent being allowed to do anything. Norma A. Vincent Star Lake 496050 LIVESTOCK BLEND CRACKED CORN STRAW Ask about our special contractor's prices 1002 6.99 LAYER CRUMBLES OR PELLETS ........ 50-lb. bag. 1015680, 281350 Your Choice I I I I ROLLED RATION With molasses. 50-lb. bag. 104497 | il |II I I I II I _ __ " ..... _' - IIIU III - | DOG FOOD PEDIGREE 50-lb. Bonus bag 8073736 Complete nutrition for adult dogs • ,i), ALFALFA 2 ND CUTTING 1001 /,% BUY 20 at 11.94 HOG Hi 1 protein ( h g feed. [,, 50-lb. bog. 01031710 UBBIT RATION CAT FOOD CAT CHOW 18-lb. bag. 8139412 f 11 /4 oz. I 80795 WATER RED-OUT WATER SOFTENING SALT SOFTENING SALT 40 Ibs. solar pellets 40 Ibs. pellets with rust inhibitor 7036692 4.99 5.99 OIL SUNFLOWER SEED 50 lb. 81122 -d IIIIlfl IIIII Hardware f 22-LB. BIRD SEED First & Mill, Shelton 426-4373 or 426-2411 Monday-Saturday 7:30-6:00 Sunday 8:30-5:30 I Thursday, November 1,2007 - SheRon-Mason County Journal - Page 5 BRAND Wild bird food attracts many species of birds. Pay for three 20-1b bags Get 6 Ibs. free! 81995 3/$13 . Important Issues fi_tor, The Journal: me to laugh so hard it brought Charles,,Gay of my eyes. It took me 20 I _a, ss°ciat.ed Press" ( Ban minutes co gain my composure. I ab.ble, " October-i8-)--was an It is evident that the school r itc,asemet O board has much more serious NER 'O SAtEI ']. ...... discussions and decisions than |ly auraor. Christian groups meeting in the |Last week's letter to the edi- school.  , .... , , , ,,L I ! r ("Just change Christian club William Baumgart e') by Marni Parker caused Pickering SCRATCH HIGHLAND I HIGHLAND 00ostly proposal i "t°r, The Journal: spoken to.' Even more shocking 1|Are citizens of North Mason to me was the fact that no other Rlnty aware that there is a pro- committee member ever tried to being formulated few stop her. by a rP!e to build a $13-mllh" "o'n A1- If the Allyn committee opens Aquatic and Wellness Cen- their door to the public, then per- | Jr? haps they need to use some man- eY are proposing to form a politan park district (MPD)  taxing the people in the area OmPassing the Grapeview and "Ltair School districts in order to aace the operational costs of new center, which they esti- [d to be approximately $1.5 lOn.per year. They would be o levy a tax of 75 cents per 00 of valuation without a t e of the people each year. (The lding bond would be an addi- :al amount.) .t L- Would recommend those in- ted to look up Revised Code  ashington 35.61 to discover ]taxing power, the power of "tent domain and annexation Jers that an MPD isgiven. the Mason-Benson Communi- |Club invited he All A atlc a" t yn qu " rd to share their thoughts for lr Proposed center with the 1 members. I cannot say that lr idea went over well with [: embers, as it appears we [L°nly in their taxing area for [reason _ our tax dollars. .IT°day, a few of the homeown- Went to the Allyn Aquatic rd meeting as we had had eto read their proposal and SOme comments and ques- :: as I was stunned that any dor committee would ever to people in the audience the that one of our members was ners and listen to the comments. From the exchange I heard to- day, the Allyn committee does not care to listen to any of the comments, nor did they hear any concerns. This committee sent out a questionnaire in the North Bay Review last year to the 5,000 peo- ple who receive the paper. Out of the 5,000 sent out, the committee received only 115 responses. Per- haps they would have had many more responses if they had used a bigger paper in Mason County, or perhaps their intent was only to get responses from the people who shop and live in Belfair or Allyn. I would strongly suggest that the homeowners from Hood Ca- nal, Tahuya, Dewatto, Belfair, Benson Lake, Mason Lake and the county homeowners in the Grapeview School District start attending the meetings and hear what is planned for you. I might also suggest you obtain a copy of information on the proposed cen- ter and determine for yourself if the proposed taxes are worth the investment for a losing proposi- tion, such as the gym and aquatic center that cannot and will not support itself except through continued taxation. Ellie Nevers Mason Lake them be kids tor,  have ¢.ident ghtened The Journal: Washington's schoolchil- it made, or what? Has Bush turned part of the Rabbit" segment of otuntry into a Gestapo state? ed some parents who have n in our schools if they had . Ollowing conditions in schools .,'  hey said no. Ve just returned from see- I TY daughter and grandsons eanessee. I was appalled at S.Ystem's depersonalization of lcadividual child's needs. My l  dsons in elementary school v. ao recess! They are penalized l],alking in the lunchroom! If a I. " aakes trouble, the vctim is enalized! Y are loaded down with ework even an adult could Wade through in an hour, let e a slow learner or a dyslexic q' They have bars across the tWays, "entry foyers" in which ae entering the building must id: be admitted by someone in- 'and then buzzed on through ]h. 'e interior of the prison, and ]."s OUtside saying, "You are late" • .. etc., etc." witnessed 5-year-old football It rs. being screamed at, yanked ., Jerked up from the ground, ,lliated and otherwise abused  COaches,, (grown men 250-300 L Worked in Shelton's prison.  COnvicts have it much easier  Tennessee's schoolchildren. ,.Y grandsons in Tennessee :t also wear name tags and are ,qtlZed if they appear in school F°ut them. No personal pencils, r or school materials are al- ; all are purchased according list the school demands and hen dumped into the commu- lol. --'rents must then pay for every : nd of fee, supplies, sports Pent, field trips, etc., that OWers That Be demand. ay should taxpayers foot the r Gestapo school prisons in t, Students are not allowed to idividuals or have anything of l.°wa or think for themselves, "" 111 W " hs* hch struggling parents .' n [ Q.Pay for everything anyway? ild -''drear, do mischievous things. f en laugh. They play. They tease. They need breaks to rest. In Tennessee they are not al- lowed these things in school. Even prisoners get breaks. Even work- ing adults get breaks. No child should have to be a slave all day long and then be a slave to home- work until he goes to bed. I am for kids - I am not for to- day's school policies. Washington is one of the most overregulated states of any I've been to or lived in. How refresh- ing it was to go through Montana, Wyoming, Missouri, etc., and not see: "We will make you do this, that, or the other thing ..." such as the bully ads issued from the Washington State Patrol. And have any of these "Do it or else!" tactics made our state a better place to live? No, because criminal minds pay no attention to rules and regulations, right and wrong. They do what they want to do, and in the meantime break the backs of citizens who try to do the right thing. "Doing the right thing ' is quite obviously not in tune with this world's mind-set. Neither is hav- ing a mind of your own or being able to voice your opinion without being accused of hating the other guy! (Why is it okay for Washing- toffs homosexuals to make a grand display of their perversion and get applauded by the media and not okay for Idaho's politicians? Dou- ble talk, double standard.) I in no way believe the claptrap about Idaho's senator, any more than I believe my longtime friend in Alaskan politics is guilty of what he is accused. Knowing what I have studied about the end times, they have been set up in prepara- tion for one-man control of the world government and religion. And if you don't believe honorable men can be set up and ousted from important positions by evil men of power who want their jobs, you are living in a different world than the one I know. Keep up the trend of giving the power-grabbers their own way, and you will end up with schools like those in Tennessee, and no- body decent being allowed to do anything. Norma A. Vincent Star Lake 496050 LIVESTOCK BLEND CRACKED CORN STRAW Ask about our special contractor's prices 1002 6.99 LAYER CRUMBLES OR PELLETS ........ 50-lb. bag. 1015680, 281350 Your Choice I I I I ROLLED RATION With molasses. 50-lb. bag. 104497 | il |II I I I II I _ __ " ..... _' - IIIU III - | DOG FOOD PEDIGREE 50-lb. Bonus bag 8073736 Complete nutrition for adult dogs • ,i), ALFALFA 2 ND CUTTING 1001 /,% BUY 20 at 11.94 HOG Hi 1 protein ( h g feed. [,, 50-lb. bog. 01031710 UBBIT RATION CAT FOOD CAT CHOW 18-lb. bag. 8139412 f 11 /4 oz. I 80795 WATER RED-OUT WATER SOFTENING SALT SOFTENING SALT 40 Ibs. solar pellets 40 Ibs. pellets with rust inhibitor 7036692 4.99 5.99 OIL SUNFLOWER SEED 50 lb. 81122 -d IIIIlfl IIIII Hardware f 22-LB. BIRD SEED First & Mill, Shelton 426-4373 or 426-2411 Monday-Saturday 7:30-6:00 Sunday 8:30-5:30 I Thursday, November 1,2007 - SheRon-Mason County Journal - Page 5 BRAND Wild bird food attracts many species of birds. Pay for three 20-1b bags Get 6 Ibs. free! 81995 3/$13 .