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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!00helton revlewing" 2008 0000udget -ontinued from page 3.) • Sewer Fund, $15,047,054. a projected surplus of $218,337. * Regional Water care insurance for the retirees establish population growth Major projects planned for 2008 * Water Fund, $2,227,059. $718,844. Nearly all, 92 percent to minimize the city's risk. The sholds and as we reachthem, include: Sewer Basin 5 design New projects, programs and cap- ($660,000) of the fund's 2008 estimated cost for that insur- a )are the new taxes with the ice delivery costs -- trying to ace the two," he wrote. : ,tizens have consistently el elected officials they want th to pay for growth and im- 8fees are intended to thifil] expectation, ()'Leary's bud- essage noted A transpor- aJ[ consultant is working on ,lleting a traili', model that l a| ue Used to establish needed i t improvements using the m[ ated development impact Other potential impact tbes €de those fi)r parks and side- e[ e preliminary budget in- |es the folh)wing requested aditures allocated to "the :r city funds" LQ.eneral Fund, $10,545,906. is the city S largest single • r an(1 accounts fi)r most gen- Services and activities of city .'raent It currently has a b- et shortage of $377,059 for and staff recommends us- i:" e excess fund balance from to balance next year s bud- Ii e General Fund supports 73 percent of all employee otthe city Total personnel for next year are estimated $8,634,044, an increase of Ximately 4 percent over ;e costs. and construction, $7,754,943; Goldsborough Creek sewer main replacement, $2,670,000; Sewer Basin 3 design, $300,000. This fund has a projected shortage of $790,219. There is an adequate fund balance from the 2007 bud- get to cover the shortage. • Regional Sewer Fund, $12,460,070. Nearly all (97 per- cent) of the proposed 2008 bud- get for this fund is for capital costs, including construction of a satellite wastewater treatment plant near .the Mason County Fairgrounds, with funding from the Washington Department of Corrections and Washington State Patrol. A federal grant and Public Works Trust Fund loan (the latter to be repaid by Mason County) will support the city's share of construction costs. Next year Shelton will also begin design and land purchase for upgrading the city's existing sewage treatment plant. That project will be funded through grants, loans and bonds. • Capital Improvement, $4,767,349. Major projects to be paid for by this fund in 2008 in- clude: remodeling the city's Pub- lic Safety Building, $3,307,500; the State Route 3 Park and Ride Project, $439,089; and the State Route 3 Corridor Improvement Project, $269,107. The fund has 00ournal I28AN HARVEY, a licensed massage practitioner, has !0red Shelton Massage Therapy to 1635 Olympic Highway 0rth, Suite 101-B, on Mountain View. She operated Shel- Massage Therapy on Cascade Avenue on Hillcrest for 14 rs. (]KY DEAN has completed a certification program that I" ,, . . . • llfies her to oiler expanded financial planning and m- tment management services through the office of Coun-  Trust Bank in Shelton. That s according to Sarah Howe ae firm, which is a division of Country Insurance and taancial Services. ISTIN KIRKENDOLL of Washington Home Center lton has been recognized as a "Champion Certified Hous- rg Consultant." The designation is presented to salespeople ; Ployed by a Champion Home Center retailer who have [Onstrated a commitment to expanding their professional in all aspects of the manufactured housing indus- . The Patriot P22 by Cannon * #1 Service Warranty Security Fire protection i FEDERAL LAW: NO TAX ON GUN SAFES Als0 stocking: ' Fortress. Cannon. Heritage ' American Eagle. American Security RLE'S LLC ital purchases in 2008 include: Angleside Water Tank painting project, $325,000; water system comprehensive plan, $150,000; and a water utility rate study, $15,000. The fund has a project- ed $336,820 shortage, but there is enough fund balance to make up the difference. • Street Fund, $2,026,103. This fund is down by just over $1,890,000 from the 2007 budget level, due primarily to the ex- pected completion of the North- cliff Road Improvement Project late this year. There is a $36,004 shortage in projected revenues, but there is an adequate fund balance to cover it. • SolidWasteFund, $1,962,592. New purchases planned for 2008 include: additional garbage con- tainers, $40,000; additional re- cycling containers, $20,000; a used pickup truck, $10,000. The fund has a projected shortage of $39,047 and there is adequate fund balance to cover it. • 911 Communications Fund, $1,720,375. Beginning on Janu- ary 1, Fire District 5's commu- nications center becomes part of Shelton's 911 Communications Department, which will increase the staff by five employees. The projected budget shortage is $189,159 and there is an ade- quate fund balance to cover it. • Storm Drainage Fund, $1,160,233. The major project for 2008 is the Canyon Creek stormwater project design, bud- geted at $690,000. The fund has a projected shortage of $56,703, with adequate fund balance to cover it. • Equipment Rental and Main- tenance Fund, $784,854. There is one capital purchase request for 2008, a new street sweeper to replace the current one at an estimated cost of $205,000. The fund has a projected shortage of $11,948, with enough fund bal- ance from this year to cover it. budget is for design of Phase 2 of the regional project, the Knee- land Water Expansion. That phase of the regional project involves water system expan- sion tbr Sanderson Field, the Washington Corrections Center, Washington State Patrol Acad- emy and growth and expansion of the city in the area northwest of the current city limits. • Firemen's Pension Fund, $412,875. Medical and insurance costs continue to increase for for- mer fire department employees covered under this fund. In 2006, the city began buying long-term ance next year is $33,873. The fund has a projected shortage of $30,167, with adequate fund bal- ance to Cover it. • Tourism Fund, $117,109. Established in 1997 for collect- ing hotel-motel tax monies and allocating them to organizations that encourage tourism to the city, this fund has a projected modest surplus of $650 for 2008. Other city funds include: Pay- roll Benefits Fund, $375,251; Bond Fund, $352,785; aihrary Endowment Fund, $104,381; and Local Improvement District Guaranty Fund, $75,443. i U Four IIII Forks lllllhe Olympian 4r 4rtr 4r Four Stars The News Tribune Call for Parties, Meetings, Receptions & Special Occasion Lunches FRESH SHELLFISH DALLY A Wide Vanety of Seafood & Other Meat Dishes with Chef XJnh T. Dwelle/s Asian Twist (360) 427-8709 * O?en for Supper Tuesday-Saturday Downtown Shelton Corner of 3rd and West Railroad i. m 11/2 HOUR MASSAGE s50 [ Gift Certificates Available] DIVA NELSON BROWN, LMP L}c #MA00023[77 BEAUJEAS GIFT SHOP v.,,o..,,,, a'ailab and Styling Salon 113 SOUTH SECOND * SUITE I01 New Hours - 8684 W .......... t,t aH ,, Wed-Fri q a,n7 pm 427- ..... a sat 9 am-5 LUMBERMENS HAS THE RAILING PRODUCTS FOR YOUR PROJECTS. CREATIVE IAILING SYSTEMS Creative Railing Systems manufactures an industry leading range of exterior & interior railing systems, components & accessories. Today's consumer is looking for innovative designs, simplicity of installation & the flexibility to personalize their living space. Creative Railing Systems provides the solution. Lumbermens PRNUild I II i III I SHELTON 114 E Cedar St. 360-426-2611 Thursday, November 1,2007 -Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7 !00helton revlewing" 2008 0000udget -ontinued from page 3.) • Sewer Fund, $15,047,054. a projected surplus of $218,337. * Regional Water care insurance for the retirees establish population growth Major projects planned for 2008 * Water Fund, $2,227,059. $718,844. Nearly all, 92 percent to minimize the city's risk. The sholds and as we reachthem, include: Sewer Basin 5 design New projects, programs and cap- ($660,000) of the fund's 2008 estimated cost for that insur- a )are the new taxes with the ice delivery costs -- trying to ace the two," he wrote. : ,tizens have consistently el elected officials they want th to pay for growth and im- 8fees are intended to thifil] expectation, ()'Leary's bud- essage noted A transpor- aJ[ consultant is working on ,lleting a traili', model that l a| ue Used to establish needed i t improvements using the m[ ated development impact Other potential impact tbes €de those fi)r parks and side- e[ e preliminary budget in- |es the folh)wing requested aditures allocated to "the :r city funds" LQ.eneral Fund, $10,545,906. is the city S largest single • r an(1 accounts fi)r most gen- Services and activities of city .'raent It currently has a b- et shortage of $377,059 for and staff recommends us- i:" e excess fund balance from to balance next year s bud- Ii e General Fund supports 73 percent of all employee otthe city Total personnel for next year are estimated $8,634,044, an increase of Ximately 4 percent over ;e costs. and construction, $7,754,943; Goldsborough Creek sewer main replacement, $2,670,000; Sewer Basin 3 design, $300,000. This fund has a projected shortage of $790,219. There is an adequate fund balance from the 2007 bud- get to cover the shortage. • Regional Sewer Fund, $12,460,070. Nearly all (97 per- cent) of the proposed 2008 bud- get for this fund is for capital costs, including construction of a satellite wastewater treatment plant near .the Mason County Fairgrounds, with funding from the Washington Department of Corrections and Washington State Patrol. A federal grant and Public Works Trust Fund loan (the latter to be repaid by Mason County) will support the city's share of construction costs. Next year Shelton will also begin design and land purchase for upgrading the city's existing sewage treatment plant. That project will be funded through grants, loans and bonds. • Capital Improvement, $4,767,349. Major projects to be paid for by this fund in 2008 in- clude: remodeling the city's Pub- lic Safety Building, $3,307,500; the State Route 3 Park and Ride Project, $439,089; and the State Route 3 Corridor Improvement Project, $269,107. The fund has 00ournal I28AN HARVEY, a licensed massage practitioner, has !0red Shelton Massage Therapy to 1635 Olympic Highway 0rth, Suite 101-B, on Mountain View. She operated Shel- Massage Therapy on Cascade Avenue on Hillcrest for 14 rs. (]KY DEAN has completed a certification program that I" ,, . . . • llfies her to oiler expanded financial planning and m- tment management services through the office of Coun-  Trust Bank in Shelton. That s according to Sarah Howe ae firm, which is a division of Country Insurance and taancial Services. ISTIN KIRKENDOLL of Washington Home Center lton has been recognized as a "Champion Certified Hous- rg Consultant." The designation is presented to salespeople ; Ployed by a Champion Home Center retailer who have [Onstrated a commitment to expanding their professional in all aspects of the manufactured housing indus- . The Patriot P22 by Cannon * #1 Service Warranty Security Fire protection i FEDERAL LAW: NO TAX ON GUN SAFES Als0 stocking: ' Fortress. Cannon. Heritage ' American Eagle. American Security RLE'S LLC ital purchases in 2008 include: Angleside Water Tank painting project, $325,000; water system comprehensive plan, $150,000; and a water utility rate study, $15,000. The fund has a project- ed $336,820 shortage, but there is enough fund balance to make up the difference. • Street Fund, $2,026,103. This fund is down by just over $1,890,000 from the 2007 budget level, due primarily to the ex- pected completion of the North- cliff Road Improvement Project late this year. There is a $36,004 shortage in projected revenues, but there is an adequate fund balance to cover it. • SolidWasteFund, $1,962,592. New purchases planned for 2008 include: additional garbage con- tainers, $40,000; additional re- cycling containers, $20,000; a used pickup truck, $10,000. The fund has a projected shortage of $39,047 and there is adequate fund balance to cover it. • 911 Communications Fund, $1,720,375. Beginning on Janu- ary 1, Fire District 5's commu- nications center becomes part of Shelton's 911 Communications Department, which will increase the staff by five employees. The projected budget shortage is $189,159 and there is an ade- quate fund balance to cover it. • Storm Drainage Fund, $1,160,233. The major project for 2008 is the Canyon Creek stormwater project design, bud- geted at $690,000. The fund has a projected shortage of $56,703, with adequate fund balance to cover it. • Equipment Rental and Main- tenance Fund, $784,854. There is one capital purchase request for 2008, a new street sweeper to replace the current one at an estimated cost of $205,000. The fund has a projected shortage of $11,948, with enough fund bal- ance from this year to cover it. budget is for design of Phase 2 of the regional project, the Knee- land Water Expansion. That phase of the regional project involves water system expan- sion tbr Sanderson Field, the Washington Corrections Center, Washington State Patrol Acad- emy and growth and expansion of the city in the area northwest of the current city limits. • Firemen's Pension Fund, $412,875. Medical and insurance costs continue to increase for for- mer fire department employees covered under this fund. In 2006, the city began buying long-term ance next year is $33,873. The fund has a projected shortage of $30,167, with adequate fund bal- ance to Cover it. • Tourism Fund, $117,109. Established in 1997 for collect- ing hotel-motel tax monies and allocating them to organizations that encourage tourism to the city, this fund has a projected modest surplus of $650 for 2008. Other city funds include: Pay- roll Benefits Fund, $375,251; Bond Fund, $352,785; aihrary Endowment Fund, $104,381; and Local Improvement District Guaranty Fund, $75,443. i U Four IIII Forks lllllhe Olympian 4r 4rtr 4r Four Stars The News Tribune Call for Parties, Meetings, Receptions & Special Occasion Lunches FRESH SHELLFISH DALLY A Wide Vanety of Seafood & Other Meat Dishes with Chef XJnh T. Dwelle/s Asian Twist (360) 427-8709 * O?en for Supper Tuesday-Saturday Downtown Shelton Corner of 3rd and West Railroad i. m 11/2 HOUR MASSAGE s50 [ Gift Certificates Available] DIVA NELSON BROWN, LMP L}c #MA00023[77 BEAUJEAS GIFT SHOP v.,,o..,,,, a'ailab and Styling Salon 113 SOUTH SECOND * SUITE I01 New Hours - 8684 W .......... t,t aH ,, Wed-Fri q a,n7 pm 427- ..... a sat 9 am-5 LUMBERMENS HAS THE RAILING PRODUCTS FOR YOUR PROJECTS. CREATIVE IAILING SYSTEMS Creative Railing Systems manufactures an industry leading range of exterior & interior railing systems, components & accessories. Today's consumer is looking for innovative designs, simplicity of installation & the flexibility to personalize their living space. Creative Railing Systems provides the solution. Lumbermens PRNUild I II i III I SHELTON 114 E Cedar St. 360-426-2611 Thursday, November 1,2007 -Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7