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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00ealth department 00ournal of Y00ecord meth possesszon w= ,,,,,o, ictlon leads to case report ofa tisheries violation uear Tot- just outside the Sbelten city limits A burglary at a residence on East ten Shores. At 10:S1 p.m. an alleged h 41-year-old woman who the property, requested the assistance of police of- Woodland Drive near Shelton was re- assault was repml, ed at the casino. ed she tbund a small baggie "OFFICER VALLEY had ricers, ported. A vehide prowl at the park-and- she thought was empty was )f[LCied of possession of meth- he Lan une afer a two-day trial slaSon County Superior Court. ary L. Balaski, of 270 NE ){|deau Mountain Road, Belfair, ;cheduled for sentencing on [eraber 5. She was arrested on tll at 1210 Deerview Circle on ,F :ine Island on property which ! ,en condemned by Mason ty Public Health. ,|ae jury was seated October 18 |testimony began with Steve FeY, an officer of the Washing- | D@srtment of Correctibns specializes in fugitive appre- 1. He said he accompanied :ire Robert Noyes, Detec- ett Rutherlbrd and Deputy Baty of the Mason County fi s Office to the property. ll went there because the ; department had an order 0 occupancy and we went "h' make sure it was vacated," dd, adding that a trailer was ed rilht inside the entrance .Property and he contacted and her boyfriend, Steven iS. IEy WERE both there at the er and when I asked Mary she ! Was hers and Steven's. As I l there was a small reffiger- 'aad on it was a small plastic ,e with white residue inside," eY continued. "I inibrmed De- &;e Noyes and handed it over ra for further investigation." .salbstance was consistent with haaphetamine he said but e,d: "I'm not trained on that so ts Why I turned it over.' der cross-examination by de- -i- attorney Ronalcl Sergi, Val- id not go to prop- he did the .[)o apprehend Balaski as a fu- e, I,ut was in a role supportive e sheriffs office. le. state's next witness was Chve Noyes, who said he is ,ed Dart time to narcotics tigat{ons. He testified that eSted a very small portion of SUbStance in the baggie with cOtics field test kit "and it e: t Positive" for methamphet- |,e. He said he has experience Ltraining in recognizing sus- [e narcotics and the manner eir packaging. [.°Yes said Rutherford had t ed information fro [n department that the prop- [ was posted on June 20 as "un- r 118e" i t but that there might be ie living in various trailers on aMMore/ |laine & Unda Fladager MOST VERSATILE )C RING MATERIAL )Osing a flooring material for )ms is a particular challenge be- : must be durable, waterproof, For most people, Only one logical choice for ] these criteria. Ceramic tile is Ous to water and easy to main- it comes in a nearly infinite 'of colors and patterns. Adding 'ers:tili embossed tiles, accent edc es and contrasting-colo ed all be mixed and matched. : trim pieces and decorative cal also be used to create in- effects and even to mimic at- detailing. Ask about the slip ce rating for any tile that you i Considering for the bathroom nglazed tiles are thick, dense, Ily durable, and slip-proof. Imic, quarry, marble, or vinyl Is many applications that you )t h ave considered. It can go ars as well as walls, it can re- fireplace ant1 hearth, it can Stunning countertop or ta- 1 it can be used as an accent room in your home. Use tile • ss yourself, and use SHEL- .o( R COVERING to help you best way to do this. The ait is your imagination when )rk with us at 1306 Olympic a. You can reach us at 360- Some unglazed tiles are but most require pc- brought Ms. Balaski and her boy- friend over and we talked maybe five or 10 minutes after arriving on the property. It was before Of- ricer Valley recovered the baggie. I was standing outside and Ms. Bal- aski and her boyfriend were out- side the trailer." Noyes identified the small bag- gie he received from Valley with crystalline residue inside it and said it was consistent with how narcotics are packaged. He said just a "grain" would be sufficient fbr a field test. Noyes then testified that he told Balaski "it looked like we had sus- pected methamphetamine" and that "she indicated she would take full responsibility for it and after that I informed her of her Miran- da rights." Those rights concern a person's constitutional right to consult an attorney before making a statement to police. Noyes said Balaski then "mentioned that she found it on the property and she was holding it because she did not want kids to get a hold of it." Noyes said he sent the suspect- ed meth and the bag it was in for analysis at the Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory in Taco- ma and described the procedures for handling evidence collected by the sheriffs office. DEPUTY PROSECUTOR Mike Dorcy presented the state's case and Judge Toni Sheldon read "stipulated evidence," which she told the jury to treat as testimony as if the person came in and tes- tiffed. The evidence she read into the record concerned a report from Tami Kee, a forensic scientist employed by the crime lab who reported receiving evidence from the Mason County Sheriffs Of- rice, which was identified by a case number, and testing "very little" of the white residue and finding it positive for the presence ofmeth. Balaski testified in her own de- fense, saying last summer she was residing in a travel trailer on prop- erty on Deerview Circle with her boyfriend, Banks. "We were getting ready to va- (Please turn to page 32.) Items were reported stolen from - a residence about 15 miles out West Cloquallum Road. Squaxin Island tribal officers re- ceived a threats complaint from a caller on SE "FPeeksin Lane. Wednesday, October 24 Fire District 2 responded at 9:38 a.m. to the report of an illegal burn reported at 17262 East State Route 3, Belfair, and at 6:16 p.m. to a request for a burn investigation at 631 NE Larson Lake Road, Belfair. A burglary at an apartment on NE State Route 300, Belfair, was report- ed. A caller from NE Tahuya-Black- smith Road reported receiving threats. A caller from North Mason High School said someone threatened to vandalize the school. An alleged rape was reported. A caller from East Frontier Road, Grapeview, reported an ongoing prob- lem with paint-baU players trespass- flag on the caller's property. Vandalism at the Belfair Commu- nity Baptist Church was reported. A nine-foot Livingston boat was reported stolen from a place just over eight miles out East Mason Lake Road. Detectives received a report of al- leged gang activity. Thursday, October A caller from East Cranberry Road reported harassment and threats and Skokomish officers received a re- port of a fisheries violation. Vandalism on East Annas Court near Shelton was reported. Friday, October 26 Skokomish officers reirred a residential burglary investigation to deputies. A fisheries violation was re- ported on the Skokomish River. A lawnmower, tools and other items were reported stolen from a shed about 17 miles out East State Route 106, Belfair, and a burglary at a residence about 22 miles out NE North Shore Road, Tahuya, was re- ported. A caller from West Denning Road said the neighbors' dogs killed seven of the caller's mother's chickens. A caller reported the theft of a check from the mailbox on West Car- men Road South and said it had been cashed. A vehicle prowl in a parking lot on NE State Route, 3, Belfair, was re- ported. An attempted break-in at a resi- dence on East Sullivan Street, Allyn, was reported. Saturday, October 27 Skokomish officers investigating the recovery of a stolen vehicle with five people inside it requested the as- sistance of deputies and Squaxin Is- land officers. A caller from North Sal- ish Court reported the theft of a gun and ammunition. Trespassing at a market on East ,  W,,Jlro-T.  '-.E'i;  ride lot at the intersection of SE State Route 3 and Cole Road near Sheltou was rep(nq,ed. At 5:21 p.m. a caller said a bull in the roadway on West State Route 108 chased the caller onto a logging road. Sunday, October 28 Fire District 2 responded at 12:34 p.m. to a report of an illegal burn on NE Larson Boulevard, Bel[air. A break-in at a travel trailer near Milepost :146 of NoVh Highway 101, Lilliwaup, was reported. The calh,r also reported the theR of a 1985 Jeep. Vandalism at a residence on East Spruce Place near Shelton was re- poed. A caller fl'om SE Mason Street near Shelton complained about motorcycles racing up and down the road. Squaxin Island officers receive(| a report of suspected drugs being tbund at Little (:reek (',asino. An alleged theft was repo%ed by a patron at the casino. A vehicle prowl at Schafbr Slate Park was reported. Monday, October 29 Fire District 2 responded at 12:10 a.m. to a request fin" a smoke investi- gation on NE Allison Lane, Belthir. Skokomish officers investigated a report of illegal substances being fi)und. Burglaries at residences just over seven miles out West Shelton-Math)ck Road and near Milepost, 18 of East State Route 3. Allyn, were reported. We deliver EATING IL COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES! We carry kerosene, tocaled a! Sanderson  Induslrial Park 427-8084 • Are you tired of paying more taxes? • Can you agree we must have more jobs? Do you want better roads, water and sewer systems? Do you think public property should be used just those for the benefit of all the public and not with airplanes and boats? Isn't it time you had a that will stand up for voice on the Port of Shelton what is right? • Do you believe we need more activities for our youth? • Should we encourage tourism and put millions of tax dollars to work for us? If you're tired of the "good o1" boys club" telling you what you need... T For Our Future Paid for by Campaign To Elect Rahn Redman • 31 ! W. Story Road • Shelton, WA 98584 00ealth department 00ournal of Y00ecord meth possesszon w= ,,,,,o, ictlon leads to case report ofa tisheries violation uear Tot- just outside the Sbelten city limits A burglary at a residence on East ten Shores. At 10:S1 p.m. an alleged h 41-year-old woman who the property, requested the assistance of police of- Woodland Drive near Shelton was re- assault was repml, ed at the casino. ed she tbund a small baggie "OFFICER VALLEY had ricers, ported. A vehide prowl at the park-and- she thought was empty was )f[LCied of possession of meth- he Lan une afer a two-day trial slaSon County Superior Court. ary L. Balaski, of 270 NE ){|deau Mountain Road, Belfair, ;cheduled for sentencing on [eraber 5. She was arrested on tll at 1210 Deerview Circle on ,F :ine Island on property which ! ,en condemned by Mason ty Public Health. ,|ae jury was seated October 18 |testimony began with Steve FeY, an officer of the Washing- | D@srtment of Correctibns specializes in fugitive appre- 1. He said he accompanied :ire Robert Noyes, Detec- ett Rutherlbrd and Deputy Baty of the Mason County fi s Office to the property. ll went there because the ; department had an order 0 occupancy and we went "h' make sure it was vacated," dd, adding that a trailer was ed rilht inside the entrance .Property and he contacted and her boyfriend, Steven iS. IEy WERE both there at the er and when I asked Mary she ! Was hers and Steven's. As I l there was a small reffiger- 'aad on it was a small plastic ,e with white residue inside," eY continued. "I inibrmed De- &;e Noyes and handed it over ra for further investigation." .salbstance was consistent with haaphetamine he said but e,d: "I'm not trained on that so ts Why I turned it over.' der cross-examination by de- -i- attorney Ronalcl Sergi, Val- id not go to prop- he did the .[)o apprehend Balaski as a fu- e, I,ut was in a role supportive e sheriffs office. le. state's next witness was Chve Noyes, who said he is ,ed Dart time to narcotics tigat{ons. He testified that eSted a very small portion of SUbStance in the baggie with cOtics field test kit "and it e: t Positive" for methamphet- |,e. He said he has experience Ltraining in recognizing sus- [e narcotics and the manner eir packaging. [.°Yes said Rutherford had t ed information fro [n department that the prop- [ was posted on June 20 as "un- r 118e" i t but that there might be ie living in various trailers on aMMore/ |laine & Unda Fladager MOST VERSATILE )C RING MATERIAL )Osing a flooring material for )ms is a particular challenge be- : must be durable, waterproof, For most people, Only one logical choice for ] these criteria. Ceramic tile is Ous to water and easy to main- it comes in a nearly infinite 'of colors and patterns. Adding 'ers:tili embossed tiles, accent edc es and contrasting-colo ed all be mixed and matched. : trim pieces and decorative cal also be used to create in- effects and even to mimic at- detailing. Ask about the slip ce rating for any tile that you i Considering for the bathroom nglazed tiles are thick, dense, Ily durable, and slip-proof. Imic, quarry, marble, or vinyl Is many applications that you )t h ave considered. It can go ars as well as walls, it can re- fireplace ant1 hearth, it can Stunning countertop or ta- 1 it can be used as an accent room in your home. Use tile • ss yourself, and use SHEL- .o( R COVERING to help you best way to do this. The ait is your imagination when )rk with us at 1306 Olympic a. You can reach us at 360- Some unglazed tiles are but most require pc- brought Ms. Balaski and her boy- friend over and we talked maybe five or 10 minutes after arriving on the property. It was before Of- ricer Valley recovered the baggie. I was standing outside and Ms. Bal- aski and her boyfriend were out- side the trailer." Noyes identified the small bag- gie he received from Valley with crystalline residue inside it and said it was consistent with how narcotics are packaged. He said just a "grain" would be sufficient fbr a field test. Noyes then testified that he told Balaski "it looked like we had sus- pected methamphetamine" and that "she indicated she would take full responsibility for it and after that I informed her of her Miran- da rights." Those rights concern a person's constitutional right to consult an attorney before making a statement to police. Noyes said Balaski then "mentioned that she found it on the property and she was holding it because she did not want kids to get a hold of it." Noyes said he sent the suspect- ed meth and the bag it was in for analysis at the Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory in Taco- ma and described the procedures for handling evidence collected by the sheriffs office. DEPUTY PROSECUTOR Mike Dorcy presented the state's case and Judge Toni Sheldon read "stipulated evidence," which she told the jury to treat as testimony as if the person came in and tes- tiffed. The evidence she read into the record concerned a report from Tami Kee, a forensic scientist employed by the crime lab who reported receiving evidence from the Mason County Sheriffs Of- rice, which was identified by a case number, and testing "very little" of the white residue and finding it positive for the presence ofmeth. Balaski testified in her own de- fense, saying last summer she was residing in a travel trailer on prop- erty on Deerview Circle with her boyfriend, Banks. "We were getting ready to va- (Please turn to page 32.) Items were reported stolen from - a residence about 15 miles out West Cloquallum Road. Squaxin Island tribal officers re- ceived a threats complaint from a caller on SE "FPeeksin Lane. Wednesday, October 24 Fire District 2 responded at 9:38 a.m. to the report of an illegal burn reported at 17262 East State Route 3, Belfair, and at 6:16 p.m. to a request for a burn investigation at 631 NE Larson Lake Road, Belfair. A burglary at an apartment on NE State Route 300, Belfair, was report- ed. A caller from NE Tahuya-Black- smith Road reported receiving threats. A caller from North Mason High School said someone threatened to vandalize the school. An alleged rape was reported. A caller from East Frontier Road, Grapeview, reported an ongoing prob- lem with paint-baU players trespass- flag on the caller's property. Vandalism at the Belfair Commu- nity Baptist Church was reported. A nine-foot Livingston boat was reported stolen from a place just over eight miles out East Mason Lake Road. Detectives received a report of al- leged gang activity. Thursday, October A caller from East Cranberry Road reported harassment and threats and Skokomish officers received a re- port of a fisheries violation. Vandalism on East Annas Court near Shelton was reported. Friday, October 26 Skokomish officers reirred a residential burglary investigation to deputies. A fisheries violation was re- ported on the Skokomish River. A lawnmower, tools and other items were reported stolen from a shed about 17 miles out East State Route 106, Belfair, and a burglary at a residence about 22 miles out NE North Shore Road, Tahuya, was re- ported. A caller from West Denning Road said the neighbors' dogs killed seven of the caller's mother's chickens. A caller reported the theft of a check from the mailbox on West Car- men Road South and said it had been cashed. A vehicle prowl in a parking lot on NE State Route, 3, Belfair, was re- ported. An attempted break-in at a resi- dence on East Sullivan Street, Allyn, was reported. Saturday, October 27 Skokomish officers investigating the recovery of a stolen vehicle with five people inside it requested the as- sistance of deputies and Squaxin Is- land officers. A caller from North Sal- ish Court reported the theft of a gun and ammunition. Trespassing at a market on East ,  W,,Jlro-T.  '-.E'i;  ride lot at the intersection of SE State Route 3 and Cole Road near Sheltou was rep(nq,ed. At 5:21 p.m. a caller said a bull in the roadway on West State Route 108 chased the caller onto a logging road. Sunday, October 28 Fire District 2 responded at 12:34 p.m. to a report of an illegal burn on NE Larson Boulevard, Bel[air. A break-in at a travel trailer near Milepost :146 of NoVh Highway 101, Lilliwaup, was reported. The calh,r also reported the theR of a 1985 Jeep. Vandalism at a residence on East Spruce Place near Shelton was re- poed. A caller fl'om SE Mason Street near Shelton complained about motorcycles racing up and down the road. Squaxin Island officers receive(| a report of suspected drugs being tbund at Little (:reek (',asino. An alleged theft was repo%ed by a patron at the casino. A vehicle prowl at Schafbr Slate Park was reported. Monday, October 29 Fire District 2 responded at 12:10 a.m. to a request fin" a smoke investi- gation on NE Allison Lane, Belthir. Skokomish officers investigated a report of illegal substances being fi)und. Burglaries at residences just over seven miles out West Shelton-Math)ck Road and near Milepost, 18 of East State Route 3. Allyn, were reported. We deliver EATING IL COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES! We carry kerosene, tocaled a! Sanderson  Induslrial Park 427-8084 • Are you tired of paying more taxes? • Can you agree we must have more jobs? Do you want better roads, water and sewer systems? Do you think public property should be used just those for the benefit of all the public and not with airplanes and boats? Isn't it time you had a that will stand up for voice on the Port of Shelton what is right? • Do you believe we need more activities for our youth? • Should we encourage tourism and put millions of tax dollars to work for us? If you're tired of the "good o1" boys club" telling you what you need... T For Our Future Paid for by Campaign To Elect Rahn Redman • 31 ! W. Story Road • Shelton, WA 98584