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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 1, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 1, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Now serving Baked Oysters & Steamed Clams from 11:00 to 3:00 Come up for LUNCH! HAMA HAMA 13 miles North E s t. i 9 2 2 of Hoodsport By GORDC gordon@mas~J 877-5811 Residents ~~~] to comment ~g~ of Shelton'= $56-million 2013 at the sion's busines Buy & Sell! 6p.m. Monda' The prelim is $17 million city's 2012 bu~ ily due to the the financing water treatm¢ grade project budget. Vendor Space Available Open 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. 7 Days A Week 831 West Golden Pheasant Rd. • (360) 791-0448 • (360) 915-463; After Mond nary budget ing, residents chance to spes budget public p.m. Dec. 3. adopt its 201 • Work Injuries m NP.wmnn Fnmllv o Car Accidents ~li.lm~llt'~"~" ": ........... "'i • Wellness Care ChJropractlc Accepting Medicare Sarah Newman, DC and most Insurances OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 2211 Shelton WA 98584 HOODSPORT FAMILY CLINIC MARGENE FIELDS, ARNP MARY A. DOLAN, ARNP Full-time health-care providers ~ ¥ Walk-ins welcome Accepting new Family care, from patients newborns to VExperienced in adult geriatrics treating patients of all ages MaryA, Dolan Call (360) 877-0372 .... 24261 N. US Highway 10 I, Hoodsport Hargene Fields, Jl Saturday, November 3 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Faith Lutheran Church 1212 Connection St., Shelton 360-426-8611 Authc N WEEKS are invited • • SS $ the end of the year. The city states in its budget overview that chal- lenges it faced creating the 2013 budget include the on the City loss of $72,000 in federal ; proposed grants for 2013, the loss of budget for an estimated $20,000 in li- .'ity commis- quor sales tax revenues, an s meeting atEMS levy loss of $52,000 r at city hall. due to re-assessment of nary budget property values, and the less than the pressure of wage increases tget, primar- with no cost-of-living ad- :ompletion of justment since 2009. of the wasteThe preliminary budget nt plant up-calls for an almost identi- in the 2012 cal amount of city staff, with a net reduction of a .5 ay's prelimi- full-time equivalent (FTE) public hear-employee. It also includes have anothera salary to hire a combined k at the final public works/communi- hearing at 6ty development director. he city mustEmployee costs, includ- budget by ing salaries, account for e e~ • 73 percent of the proposed The Capital Improve- budget, ment Fund includes $4.7 "No one was laid off," million in expenditures. said Cathy Beierle, the Proposed capital projects city's finance director, and improvements include The good news for city $83,195 in street overlays: employees is that their on Franklin Street between costs for the health insur- 10th and 12th streets; 10th ance are rising only 2 per- and llth streets between cent, after years of annual Franklin Street and Rail- premium increases of al- road Avenue; G Street most 10 percent, Beierle between Sherwood and said. King streets; King Street The preliminary sewer between G and H streets; fund calls for expenditures the intersection of F and of $16,633,471 and project- Jefferson streets; and H ed revenues of $16,005,039, Street from King to Laurel leaving an estimated streets. shortfall of $628,432. This The proposed budget means sewer rates for cus- also includes $255,000 for tomers will be going up, a dump truck, $352,000 for in an amount to be deter- a new garbage truck that mined.soon, Beierle said. can be used for both trash "We knew it was com- and recycling collection, ing," she said. "It's not a and $112,676 for a new fi- surprise." nancial system. r seeks tales of Mason County health care Do you have nemories, let- ters or photos ~o share about hospitals and l~ealth care in Mason County.~ Lter Carolyn lp'fling a his- General Hos- ede~essors in be published aext spring in the comple- ,ear building ) wants on about ~1 health care- ral remedies, ,spital proce- .~d to attend a house from esday at the ~Iuseum. Lcludes a dis- :al photos by ctor Justin Lhe museum cookies will share anec- anation from The book is released in Ormer news- and editor he managing helton-Mason She teaches at Olympic Shelton wr Maddux is cot tory of Mason pital and its p] the county, to by the hospital conjunction wit tion of its two- project. Anyone wh share informat aspects of local including natu politics and hq dures - is invib forum and ope 2-4 p.m. on Tt Mason County: The event h play of histori, museum dire Cowling and staff. Coffee an be served. Maddux wi[ dotes and into her research. scheduled to b May. Maddux is a paper reportel who served as1 editor of The S The best Scandinavian bazaar in Mason County area Call 426-4412 to subscribe to the Journal and Belfair Herald County Journa~ ks of poetry nbering Wa- mteering on ,~els." She re- with Shelton ~ariekman on okbook/mem- 1 her health ll go back to ms residents tlers. Mason Coun- creative writini College Shelton Maddux's bc include "Reme ter" and "Vol a Fright of Anl cently worked resident Nita t Bariekman's c( oir. Maddux sai, care history v~ the First Nati, and the first set Maddux said i!!iiiiiiiiiil Courtesy photos Above, mothers pose with 80 of the 120 babies born in Shelton General Hospital in 1936. Shelton author Carolyn Maddux is collecting stories and photos for a book about the history of health care in Mason County. Below, Shelton General Hospital, with the nurses' cottage (left) and Dr. Collier's office in 1938. ty's first hospitals were built in hotel rooms, she said. son General, which opened in by the logging companies to The history will include 1968. treat their injured workers. Shelton Hospital, built in To share your stories with Before that, doctors tended to 1920; Collier Clinic Hospital, Maddux, call her at 426-2268 patients at their homes and constructed in 1946; and Ma- or email Michael's Farm Fresh Meats & Seafood "BUTCHER" TRUST IN US All Packages Freezer Ready, No Time Spent Re-Wrapping, Locker Packs Available, Locally Owned, Family-Run Meat Shop Now Accepting EBT PRICES EFFECTIVE 10-31 to 11-6 Grain-Fed New York • Steak Fresh Boneless Chicken Breast 99 Lb, .................................................................................................... or !:69 !b: by the 40 lb. case (67:60) .... Michael's Homemade Breakfast Sausage Bacon Regular or Pepper .... iii ~i By the lOlb. box ': 199° !13t) dayljght s. qwng Don't forget to "Fall Back" this coming Sunday at 2:00 a.m. Most computers and cell phones will automatically reset themselves to the correct time, however, most clocks, microwave ovens and other appliances do not. Shelton-Mason CounW County Commissioner District 2 Straight Talk Prudent Budgq Management Exceptional Leadership Vote for im Sheld( 1729 OLYMPIC HWY. N.SHELTON ° (360) 426-165! Mort-Sat 9-7, Sun 9-{ Paid for by People for Sheldon, PO Box G, Hoodsport, WA 98548, D Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal-Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012 )n